".This is the basic Heart of Darkness meditation."

Like the apprentices, the hunchbacked old man sat cross-legged with his five hearts in the sky and taught them meditation techniques step by step.

"Meditation is important, it is indeed essential, and the more the better. But no two people are exactly the same in the world, and the meditation method created by your predecessor may not be the most suitable for you.

Therefore, when you meditate, you don’t have to copy it exactly. You can make appropriate adjustments according to your own feelings.

Generally speaking, meditation has three basic functions - to make you more concentrated, to enhance your control over your body, and to develop your blood potential.

It cannot impart magical properties.

If we want to draw the power of the origin of darkness, we need to remember the name, shape, and sound of darkness in our mind in addition to meditation. The more you understand, the more complete the image of the giant beast in your heart, the darkness. The more pure the power. "

At this point, the hunchbacked old man suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Look at my eyes!"

Harley looked subconsciously. The next moment, the surrounding light and shadow began to spiral and twist, as if being attracted by an invisible black hole, and her soul also followed the light and fell into it.

Huge black.

Cold, dark, deep, pure, silent, chaotic.

It has no specific form, it is like a Mount Everest standing in front of the ants.

In fact, Harley felt that she was worse than an ant.

This is a giant beast!

Something dawned on her.

"Crash!" Time, space, images, and thoughts were like a mirror that suddenly shattered, and Harley returned to the dim cathedral.

"Uh!" Someone groaned and covered his forehead.

"Ah, ah, no!" Someone was bleeding from all the orifices and howling miserably.

"Plop——" Many people fainted directly.

The hunchbacked old man and the old man in a suit glanced at the apprentices, and finally looked at Harry in surprise.

"Aren't you afraid?" The tall old man in a suit couldn't help but ask.

"Afraid?" Harley was stunned, "I only feel that I am very humble and I don't feel fear."

"No fear?" the hunchbacked old man asked eagerly: "What negative emotions do you have when facing it?"

"I just feel that it is great and I am very small. I have no other emotions." Harley said honestly.

The hunchbacked old man looked at her deeply and asked the pale Rebecca, "What is your strongest feeling?"

"Evil, the ultimate evil. Oh my god, how can such evil exist in the world?" Wu Huo cried out in fear.

The hunchbacked old man remained calm and continued to ask other people.

Basically, they are horror, evil, depravity, cruelty, etc., which can represent the ultimate image of the devil.

Harry frowned and said, "Are we touching the elephant in the blind and seeing its different parts?"

The hunchbacked old man shook his head gently, "Including me, everyone in the wizarding group has the most essential and extreme negative emotions when facing the supreme darkness."

"Could it be that what I saw was an illusion?" Harley asked strangely.

"No, at that moment, I pulled a ray of your spirit into the lightless sea. There will never be an illusion. It is very possible that what you saw is its essence," the old man said uncertainly.

Shaking his head, he glanced at the priest serving beside him.

The priest took a stack of parchment and distributed it to the apprentices one by one.

"Black witchcraft, Avanti!" Seeing the dismembered baby body on the parchment and marked with detailed runes, Harry immediately knew that tonight's main course was being served.

She became more vigilant.

"Meditating is too boring, too boring, and too inefficient. It is not the way of practice that we dark wizards advocate."

The hunchbacked old man pointed at Harley, "Just like the witch Harley, how could she enter her first deathbed transformation so quickly? Does she meditate every day?

Of course not, she doesn't even have a drop of magic power.

When a black mage performs black magic or experiments with black magic, the soul will naturally deeply touch the dark elements and then complete the process of immersion.

That is to say, even if a person does not understand meditation, as long as he often performs black magic without losing his life, one day the contamination will be completed and he will be born with magic power. "

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched. The key is not to lose his life in the backlash of black magic, right?

"Could it be that making Avanti can help us convert magic power?" An experienced older apprentice asked excitedly.

"That's right," the hunchbacked old man nodded proudly, "Look carefully at the ritual instructions on the parchment. The whole process requires multiple fusions of blood and magic.

Avanti is a peerless ferocious baby.

But to us, it is more obedient than a domestic dog.

Because the mage exchanged blood and magic power with it.

Your blood and magic nourish it, and when it grows into Avanti, it will feed back the power of the deepest darkness.

Theoretically, when you become an archmage, you can use Avanti as a medium to introduce the supreme magic power of the giant beast and completely distort the magic power in your body.

In this way, you will achieve the goal that I said before, that the magic power belongs only to you and the giant beast, and no demon can take away your power. "

Harley wanted to complain. What's the difference between giving up your magic power to a giant beast and having your magic power taken away by the gods behind the scenes?

Of course, she also understood that in the hearts of the wizarding group, the giant ferocious beast was more like a cosmic rule and the origin of the universe. It had no emotions or thoughts and would not rob believers of their magic power.

"Do we have to kill innocent babies? Can we replace them with other animal cubs?" Rebecca hesitated.

"What if I say no? Do you want to quit?" The hunchbacked old man's voice was calm, and the atmosphere suddenly became chilly and cold.

"I -" Rebecca lowered her head, clenched her fists, her expression twisted, the flames on her shoulders rose three feet high, and half of her body was bathed in orange flames.

"Don't be stupid, you are a dark wizard. Killing someone is like eating and drinking, and going to hell is like going to the supermarket." Harley pinched her thigh hard.

Rebecca's eyes were red and she glared at her fiercely, but she did not get angry.

The hunchbacked old man looked at Harley and said indifferently: "You shouldn't be so meddlesome. I'm missing a beautiful female corpse. Her brain is weak, but her magic power is so powerful that it only happens once in a hundred years."

The soul of a genius mage can be exchanged for a large amount of money on the magic market. "

Rebecca's face was as white as paper, her whole body was shaking, and she finally shed tears.

Regardless of past suspicions, Harry stretched out his hand, held Rebecca's cold left hand, and said with a chuckle: "Witch fire talent only comes once in a century. If you cultivate it well, you will have a bright future. It is much more useful than corpse puppets and money."

"Hmph!" The hunchbacked old man stood up suddenly, turned to the cross, and with his hands like tearing cloth, he tore open a "yurt" in the air - a transparent barrier with light blue light in the shape of a yurt.

"Wow wow wow" the baby's cry and the faint fragrance of milk filled the space in an instant.

"Harry, I don't want to, I can't do it." Rebecca's voice was as weak as a newborn cat, with a cry: "How about we fight him?"

"Beast, I'll fight you!" A thunderous shout fell from the sky.

"Boom!" The mosaic stained glass window behind the statue of Jesus exploded, and a terrifying figure like a demon roared in.

"Damn it, they're from the Shadow Bureau!"

This was not said by a dark wizard, but by a magician wearing a magician's suit and tall hat.

"Frankenstein, you are too reckless."

No one noticed when he appeared, but he appeared so suddenly above the heads of the apprentices, half floating.

Next to him was a beautiful woman in black stockings, in her early twenties, with a long black ponytail, a black leather camisole, black leather briefs, black fishnet stockings that went down to the thighs, and knee-high black leather boots.

Plump and tall, with an iconic appearance, fair skin, slightly plump lips, and naturally pouty lips, almost 1.75 meters tall.

What a pair of long and round "chicken thighs".

"! Come by your side, I will always have something to offer."

yelled the mustachioed magician.

Not a magic spell, just English.

Everyday language, just said backwards.

"Whoa!" Dozens of babies in the barrier teleported around the magician.

At this moment, the green-skinned man who jumped in through the window has not yet landed.

"Zatanna, you cooperate with Frankenstein to arrest everyone here."

After leaving this sentence, the magician shouted again: "! This is leaving!"

He teleported away with the baby.

"Irony magic, it's Zatara!" The hunchbacked old man reacted belatedly.

"Fu Lun, activate the magic circle and keep the Shadow Bureau and Zatara here."

The old man in a suit smiled coldly, the golden rune lit up on his right hand, and he pressed it down suddenly.

"Ouch--" A giant magic circle with black runes appeared in the sky and the ground at the same time, covering the entire church. Countless ghosts rushed out of the magic circle, biting the living people in the space crazily.

Of course, he avoided the apprentices of the wizards and the dark priests who were lying around.

"Didier, Foran, you are under arrest, surrender honestly!"

Frankenstein stood in a piece of broken glass, ignoring the gnawing ghosts surrounding him, raised the door panel and his sword, and shouted loudly.

"Evandi!" The hunchbacked old man pointed at the green-skinned stitch monster.

"Hi!" The space rippled like water, and a boy with a ferocious smile appeared behind Frankenstein.

Its head is twisted 180 degrees, facing its back. Its right hand is clasping its chest and its palm is sewn into its left waist. Its right hand is like a hot knife inserted into butter, penetrating the back of the Shadow Bureau agent's heart and even exposing a palm on its chest.

This is Avanti, who can freely shuttle between the shadow world and the human world, and can freely switch between illusion and reality.

"Ouch!" Frankenstein roared, his body didn't slow down at all, he turned around and struck.


Cut the air.

"Tsk!" The little boy Avanti stabbed the green-skinned monster through the abdomen with one arm, and even pulled out its intestines.

But Frankenstein himself is a monster, so it’s no big deal, so he continues. Well, this time he was smarter and stopped attacking Avanti and rushed towards the hunchback wizard.

"!Hand Stone"

Zatanna, a beauty in black silk stockings, was not idle either. She was covered in golden light and resisted the ghost. She shouted loudly, and stone palms immediately rose up from the marble patterned floor, pinching the lower bodies of all the apprentices and dark wizards present.

It's like being trapped in a stone prison.

"This is real magic!" Harley stood there not wanting to move, but couldn't move either.

"No!" Rebecca was so excited by the sudden change at the scene that she shouted hysterically.

"Boom!" It was like an incendiary bomb exploded with her as the center.

Harley was the one closest to her and received the biggest impact. The rocks beneath her were as crisp as biscuits, and her body was involuntarily sent flying more than ten meters away.

"! Punishment thunder falls from the sky"

Zatanna only uttered two words, and the cathedral immediately exploded with lightning and thunder. Silver-blue lightning chains were almost as dense as a forest, forming a sea of ​​thunder.

"Ahhh!" There was a lot of wailing.

Harley's face was so blackened by the electricity, her hair stood on end, she looked at the beautiful girl in silk stockings and floated into the air after looking at the gods. She bent over and ran like a snake, avoiding the thunder and lightning while walking around behind her.

Finally, when the lightning stopped, she took out a string of six grenades from her waist, pulled out the fuses, and threw them violently.

After estimating the time, it happened to be close to the back of Zatanna's head and exploded before it came into contact with the protective shield.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ahhh——" Zatanna screamed, rolling and falling to the ground like a bird with broken wings.

Harry's heart skipped a beat, could he have killed someone? This second-generation devil has an awesome father!

Feeling a little panicked, she rushed towards the side door of the auditorium without looking back.

The magic circle of the wizard group has no effect on her, or in other words, the magic circle ambushed by the wizard group is only effective on the enemy.

"! Thunderstorm"

Zatanna wasn't dead, but she was angry.

"Boom!" The silver-white thunder and lightning lake rolled up huge waves, attacking indiscriminately.

"Ah ah ah -" Faced with a life and death crisis, Rebecca's magic power was completely out of control. A sea of ​​magma also formed, filling the entire church, and attacked indiscriminately.

The apprentices closest to her were burned to a crisp without any resistance.


Zatanna shouted.

Rain, thunder and lightning, flames, wailing, roaring, roaring

Just like a classic scene in a gunfight movie, Harley ran quickly through the passage, with fireworks rolling behind her like a tsunami.

"Some people practice hard and think that magic power is a legend. Some people have never practiced at all, and their magic power is like a vast ocean, inexhaustible. The gap in talent among mages is really huge."

Harley felt very uncomfortable.

(ps: Rebecca and Zatanna are both bad guys. Rebecca has one-fifth of the soul of the goddess of magic, and is almost one of the people with the strongest magic power in the universe. Zatanna’s magic power is probably only stronger than that of Rui Beca is the first level, but her talent for irony magic is so strong that she can almost follow her words.)

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