Another day has passed, and it’s still a bottle garden.

"Ah ah ah ah~~~" Dinah opened her mouth, but there was no sound that could be heard by human ears. She could only see circles of dark ink ripples spreading from her lips, like a wave wheel space blade, any sound could be heard. When a large object hits it, it first vibrates slightly, and then explodes violently with a "bang bang", exploding into smoke-like dust.

In front of her, the golden film on Harley's body finally reacted, no longer motionless, but rippling gently like water waves.

"Huhuhu" After a while, Dinah gasped and stopped, "How is it?"

Harley nodded slightly, "It has a little taste, it's a qualitative change."

"Hahaha!" Dinah laughed excitedly, and then said doubtfully: "Now I can freely adjust the vibration frequency, but I still can't find the vibration frequency of your defensive gold film."

Harley said: "This is exactly what we have to do next, let the vibration change from physical matter to energy and law. You can't use sound waves to tear my defensive gold film, because the intensity of the sound waves has not reached the limit of defense.

And your sound waves can easily shatter the bottle garden into a bottle desert. It's not that the intensity of the sound waves is higher than the toughness of the material. You used clever skills to find the key to the material - the vibration frequency.

Therefore, if you want to break through the energy defense shield and five-dimensional divine body of superpowers or gods, the best way is not to increase the attack intensity, but to find a way to resonate with energy and evolve your sonic powers into 'vibration waves' '. "

A few days ago, Dinah would have thought it was a fantasy after hearing what Halle said.

Now she still doesn't know what to do, but her "sudden" improvement in strength under Harley's guidance in a short period of time has made her full of confidence and expectations for the future of the "vibration wave" she described.

"Where to start? Or, can you activate another magical special effect for me?"

"Let's start with the laws of space and time. Facing the vacuum cosmic environment, space is the most direct and effective 'medium' for vibration waves. Even in the five-dimensional divine realm, the laws of space are only one step higher and will not disappear like air."

Another day passed.

Arctic outer space.

A Zeta light wave shot out from the Rann star and appeared next to the Archimedes airship like a leap, revealing Adam's Heroes dressed in a space suit and a rocket backpack.

His uniform is very similar to a space suit, especially the glass-covered helmet, but it is not as bulky as the Earth's space suit. Instead, it is very close-fitting and very delicate.

The rocket backpack helps him fly "short distances" in outer space and inside planets.

The so-called short distance is only a relatively astronomical number of "light years". With the technology of the Lann people, a rocket backpack that can be charged once can allow Adam Strange to fly directly back to the earth at sub-light speed.

"Harley--" As soon as he shouted, the Archimedes airship in front of him buzzed and vibrated a few times, jumped into the super-light space, and disappeared before his eyes.

Ran? Harley knows what happened on Lann, and is she going to let it go and run away?

Adam Qixia was in shock and confusion when he saw water ripples in the space in front of him, a colorful gap opened, and the Archimedes airship jumped out on the spot.

"This" Adam Qixia became even more confused, "Harley, are you——"

"Ahhhhh~~~" He couldn't hear the sound, but he felt in his soul that there was a sound coming from the crack in the super-light space.

It was not an illusion. The cracks that had healed quickly turned out to be extremely unstable, rippling violently like boiling water.

"What?" Adam Qixia soon discovered in shock that unstable space fluctuations quickly spread to his side, and the space around him also began to become unstable. Tiny space cracks appeared visible to the naked eye.

He quickly retreated a few kilometers, used a communicator to connect to the Archimedes airship, and shouted: "Harley, it's me, what is this?"

"Boo!" came the response from the airship, and a "bubble" suddenly popped up in the space in front of it. The bubble burst, and a "skinned man" with disheveled hair, ragged clothes, and blood dripping from his body fell out.

"Hahahaha, I succeeded, I finally felt the frequency of space, hahahaha!" The skinned man let out a "piercing and deafening" laugh.

"Uh ah ah~~"

Adam Qixia covered his ears, feeling that his eardrums seemed to have been punctured, and his head was buzzing with pain.

"Dina? Is that you? Why are you crazy?"

From the wild laughter he recognized the identity of the Skinned Man, the former Black Canary.

After shouting, Adam Qixia suddenly realized: now they are in outer space, but he can directly hear her voice, and how did she appear just now?

"Adam, why are you here?" Dinah laughed for a while and found Adam.

"Something happened to my planet Lann. I'll inform Harley."

"Come in, everyone." Harley shouted from inside the airship.

Entering the hatch, Adam Qixia was still wondering about Dinah's abnormality, "Are you okay?"

Dinah was like a skinned person just now, but now the blood on her body has fallen off automatically, as if the dust on her clothes has been shaken off. Only small cuts can be seen on her skin, and the wound is about to heal.

Only the clothes were still in tatters and the beauty was shining brightly. Adam had to work very hard to move his eyes away from the two white balls.

"I'm fine." Dinah took the cloak from Harley and said excitedly: "I have now completed my second transformation and become an S-class interstellar superpower.

I can survive in the cosmic environment and can emit——I probably need to practice for a while, but I have found the trick, that feeling——"

She looked at Harley, "It's exactly what you said. As long as I catch that feeling once, it will be engraved in my body and mind forever."

"What does it feel like?" Adam Qixia was completely confused.

"The feeling of resonating with space! Find the frequency of the space dimension, resonate with it first, and then use my vibration wave power to drive it to resonate. Harley's training method is very effective, Adam, can you believe it, it only took me one day Just touch the laws of space." Dinah said excitedly.

"How did you train? I saw you came out of the super-light space before?" Adam Qixia asked doubtfully.

Dinah said with a smile: "Yes, it is the super-light speed space, and the training method is also very simple. The Archimedes airship carried me to start the super-light speed flight. When I entered the super-light speed space, Harley opened the door and let me jump out. "

"My dear, jump into the super-light space, are you crazy?" Adam Qixia said in shock.

"A day ago, I would have thought that this kind of behavior was seeking death, but the power of the God of War is too strong."

Speaking of this, Dinah couldn't help but cast an admiring look at Harry, "The turbulence of time and space cannot hurt me, nor will it make me lose my direction. I just swim in the turbulence of time and space.

Time and time again, I broke free from the turbulence and let the Archimedes airship send me in, just like a fish adapting to the water. This whole day and night, I did not rest, but I was not very tired. I tried hundreds or thousands of times. , finally succeeded. "

"But you were dripping with blood before." Adam said.

"That's just a skin injury. In order to more truly experience the power of space, I didn't activate the defensive golden body."

"What's the point of all this trouble?" Adam frowned.

"Of course it makes sense, this is a kind of special training." Dinah was not sure, "Harry, how far can I do it now?"

"Don't be too ambitious. You have just touched the space fluctuations, and now you are just a baby that has just learned to walk." Harley said calmly.

After hearing this, Dinah calmed down obediently, "Yes, I have only been training for three days, and there is still a long way to go."

"Adam, what happened on Lann's planet that made you so angry?" Harley asked.

"Lan. Yes, something big happened to Lann!" Adam Qixia said urgently: "There was a large-scale riot in the Senagan refugee camp, and some Lann people also participated.

Now, conflicts occur every moment at the junction of the refugee camp and Rann city, and people are injured and even killed every moment.

The entire Lan En Star is in chaos, and even President Abao is suspected of being kidnapped by thugs.

Lann and Senagan are both waiting for you to handle this matter. If you don't handle it well, they will probably fight. "

"Why did a riot suddenly occur? Didn't the two parties have an agreement?" Dinah asked in confusion.

"Oh, it's not sudden." Adam Qixia sighed and explained with a wrinkled face: "Our rescue operations have not stopped in the past few days, and so far, the rescue has not been completely completed.

As Senagan gets closer to the star, the temperature on the planet's surface gets higher and higher.

Now, even the atmosphere is burning, and the whole world is like a coal ball stuffed into a furnace.

The sea was evaporated, the forest was burning, and the beautiful home was reduced to ruins in the flames. The Senagon people who were still on the planet cried, and they began to blame the Rann people for all disasters.

When they were rescued by us, their resentment was also taken to the refugee camp.

If this were the only way, the riots would not happen, at least not so quickly.

But the Senagan refugee camp is also mixed with cultists who believe in the Seven Demons. They are similar to our earthly priests. They fan the flames among the crowd, collude with each other, and form secret societies. Then the riots suddenly and uncontrollably broke out. "

"Bullshit! Both Lann and Lann's son-in-law from Earth are lying." When Harley connected Lann's chief scientist Sardas and Commander Senagon via video link, and repeated Adam Strange's words in front of everyone, the man with the face painted The commander with the tattoo of the Seven Demons was angry.

"Senagun believes in the great god Onyma, and he is not an evil god! Our priests are public servants serving the people, not cultists.

The most important thing is that the people who broke the oath and broke the Rann-Senagon refugee resettlement agreement were not us, but the Rann people!

The death cult that the Lann people believe in organizes people to protest outside the refugee camp every day, holding 'death' banners.

There are also a large number of ultra-nationalists who sneaked into the camp and slaughtered our people wantonly.

That's why Senagonians were angered. They knew they were hostages and were in an absolutely disadvantageous environment, but they were still forced to resist. "

"Admiral Galaxy, if you think about it carefully, at least on Lann planet, we are for fish and meat, and Lann is for knives and soldiers. We are crazy and are rioting for no reason." The commander shouted emotionally.

He also took out a set of videos and played them to Harley. Sure enough, it was the Lan people who were cursing and swearing in all kinds of obscenities outside the refugee camp.

He scolded the Senagon people for polluting this land, and also ridiculed the Senagon star for burning into a big fireball. The Senagon people deserved to be homeless.

"What do you say?" Harley looked at the Lan people.

The son-in-law of the Lann people from Earth said awkwardly: “Even the United States, which is favored by the glory of God, has cult organizations of all sizes, and Lann Planet is no exception.

Demonstrations against oil companies are even more common in the United States. Lan Enxing is more democratic and open, and of course it will not ban people's activities.

But these demonstrators are only a very small part of the Rann people. They do not trust aliens and are afraid that the purity of the race will be polluted. They are not targeting the Senagan people. They are opposed to all aliens. I am also scolded by them every day.

This is not surprising in a free country with a highly developed civilization. There are still people in the United States who are opposed to Superman. "

"Huh, a small group of people? The Death Church is a mainstream sect officially recognized by Lann civilization, and its influence has even spread to several nearby galaxies.

Moreover, no matter how you argue, you cannot deny the fact that Senagaon refugees are harassed, discriminated against, and have their lives threatened. "

The commander sneered coldly, then turned to Harley and said in a deep voice: "Admiral Galaxy, now that you understand the specific situation, are you willing to abide by your promise and help us seek justice?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sadas said unhurriedly: "Your Excellency, General Galaxy, Brother Abao, who is also the mediator, was kidnapped by the Senagan mob.

If they were not guilty, why did they kidnap the impartial and neutral Abao?

Therefore, I ask you to uphold justice for us Lann people. "

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