I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1263 The Black Canary that evolves into Marvel’s Black Bolt

Garden in a bottle.

"Hallelujah!" Dinah yelled, and there was no lightning similar to Thunder Shazam - the lightning when Diana used "Hallelujah" for the first time in public came from the sky, it was Harley Use merit points to exchange for "special effects", spend money to show off, and then there won't be any lightning or thunder.

However, Dinah was not without strange phenomena. A golden statue of Valkyrie descended on her.

It is only three meters tall, and its face is still blurry. The body structure is rough in details, as if it is covered with a layer of monkey version of Susanoo.

Master Harley frowned when he saw it and criticized: "The image of the defensive golden body is too simple and rough. I am right in front of you. Is it difficult to visualize my appearance in the sea of ​​consciousness?"

The Golden Valkyrie is the magic modification of the defensive golden film. Harley hopes that Dinah will regard herself as a god and visualize it in her heart.

"I can't keep visualizing you. The Golden Body of the God of War only adds a layer of defensive gold film. I still have to save a lot of energy to observe the enemy and control the bird's roar skill."

Dinah seemed to be holding her breath, her face was red, and there were drops of sweat on her forehead, which showed that she was really not lazy.

Harley said seriously: "The more complete the details of the golden body, the stronger the defense. The stronger the outer defensive golden body, the more comfortable the output environment you will have.

If you keep using this low-quality product, a powerful enemy may break it with just one move. When the fist hits your mouth, throat, face, or knocks you away, how can you still yell? "

Dinah needs a stable output environment on the field, and the defensive golden body can greatly enhance her resistance to interruptions and defense, allowing her to withstand the enemy's attacks and launch sonic attacks.

"Wonder Woman and Aquaman don't have golden bodies, they just have a translucent body-hugging gold film." Dinah wondered.

"You are different from them. Although they have my divine power, they have no debt to me and are not considered favored by God in the traditional sense.

I give them power as a gift, not as a loan.

You have to pay the price for the ‘God of War’ power in your body.

All miraculous power comes with a price.

The process of visualizing the golden body of the God of War will continuously strengthen the concept of "you are my God's favored one" in your mind. "

"What's the use of this concept?" Dinah asked confused.

"It will make you respect me, fear me, obey me, and accept my ideas more easily."

"Is it just a hint of brainwashing?" Dinah's expression was distorted, and she was still very unhappy.

Harry said: "I am neither your mother, nor do I owe you money. If you don't respect me, don't fear me, disobey me in every way, and make me uncomfortable, why should I put in so much effort to choose you as my divine companion?" By?"

Dinah still felt uncomfortable, but she couldn't refute it at all.

Harley noticed that her face with the golden body of the God of War was slowly becoming clearer, and she had more of the characteristics of the "King of the God of War".

This shows that Dinah is very aware of current affairs and was persuaded by her to start visualizing the "Martial God King" without any resistance.

"You should be happy that I influence you in this way." Harley softened her tone slightly.

Dinah said dullly: "Although what you said makes sense, I can't be happy."

Harley said: "You are ignorant now, so you are unhappy. In five minutes, I guarantee that you will be happy and extremely happy."

"Can you change my mind in five minutes?" Dinah looked disapproving.

Harry raised three fingers and said: "I will only tell you three things. First, other gods can hardly imagine the image of gods, and they don't even know the true face of gods.

But don’t think that they are willing to give without asking for anything in return. They just look down on the nominal benefits of being ‘worshipped’. They ask for more, and their methods are more efficient and direct. "

Dinah shrank her neck, "Infused with divine power, distorted thoughts?"

"The influence of divine power can be considered mild. How greedy the gods are and how cunning their methods are. You can't imagine that you are the one favored by the gods now. Please pay more attention to other favored ones in the future.

I promise you, the more you know, the more grateful you will be to me in the future.

My grace towards you is almost as good as your mother giving birth to you, which is a rebirth of grace. "

Dinah's expression was distorted. Since you are "kind to my mother" to me, should I call you my mother?

"Secondly, all miraculous power has a price. When I ask you to visualize me and provide me with respect and obedience, I am asking for a price from you.

The price is so light that it’s almost nothing. Shouldn’t you be cheering? "

Dinah was only a little relieved, not ecstatic, because she was not a mage and had no deep feelings about the horror of "power debt".

“Finally, visualize me, believe in me, and when you enter the ‘Hallelujah’ state, your connection with me will be closer.

Neither you nor Wonder Woman nor Aquaman have my full power at this time.

Like now"

Harley picked up a stone and flicked it towards the maple forest nearby. The stone was as fast as a bullet and disappeared from Dinah's field of vision with a "whoosh".

“How many leaves did it go through?”

Dinah was stunned, "It's so fast, how can I see clearly?"

Harley didn't seem to do anything. She bent down silently and picked up another stone, popping it out as before.


Dinah let out an exclamation, and the sound fell in her own ears, but it seemed to be infinitely stretched.

Her voice and speaking speed haven't changed. It's time?

She felt that time suddenly slowed down countless times. She saw the stones flying slowly in the air. The picture was extremely clear frame by frame. It passed through one leaf and another leaf.

"I can see clearly, 18 leaves!" She shook her head, and the perception of time slowing down disappeared. "What just happened? Time seems to have slowed down?"

"Time has not changed, it has become your perception. Your dynamic perspective suddenly increases tens of millions of times, and your thinking has not adapted yet."

Dinah thought thoughtfully, "Is this a characteristic of thick-skinned divine power? Did you just add it to me?"

Harley nodded, "Strengthening your connection with me will help you use your divine power more smoothly. It will also allow me to understand your status more clearly and decide whether to provide you with additional help based on your status."

"Why don't you give us all the power characteristics?" Dinah asked doubtfully.

Harley didn't say anything, just looked at her like she was an idiot.

Dinah muttered: "Well, you're right, now five minutes later, I am indeed a lot happier."

After spending a day to untie her knot, Dinah finally condensed a lifelike statue of a majestic armored warrior with a single ponytail on her body.

Almost anyone with eyes can recognize it as Harley, and the advantage is that the golden body's defense exceeds 80 points.

Well, not everyone who uses Harley's divine power can have their defense gold film reach the full level of 103 points (Harley's defense value at this time).

How high its strength is is determined by three aspects: 1. How much divine power Harley gives; 2. How closely it matches Harley’s divine power. Among Dinah, Diana, and Aquaman, how compatible is Wonder Woman? The highest, you can almost get more than 90% of the "buff"; 3. The more devoted you are to Harley, the wider and more stable the belief channel between the God's Favored One and her, the less the loss and the more efficient the energy transmitted by Shazam's Law. high.

It's like a pipeline connecting the God's Favored One and Harley. The more pious, the thicker the pipeline.

Therefore, Hallie's decision to ask Dinah to believe in her by imagining her "great image" was not all just for show.

The benefits of worshiping Harley to Dinah are far greater than the pleasure of Harley's pretentiousness.


Dinah opened her mouth, and circles of gray-white air waves flew out of her throat. The space seemed to be rippled layer by layer. Wherever it passed, the bricks, soil, tree trunks, flowers and plants were all turned into powder, and the earth A 1,500-meter deep trapezoidal trench was plowed.

The further away from Dinah, the wider the chasm becomes, and at its end at 1,500 meters it is almost the same 1,500 meters wide.

With just one move, almost all the buildings in the bottle garden were destroyed.

This is the result of Harley's special training day.

This result is also the reason why Dinah gradually fears Harley like a god.

And her heartfelt awe and admiration for her became the driving force for the improvement of the body-protecting golden body.

It can be said to form a virtuous circle.

"Wow, I only used less than 30% of my strength to have this effect. If I let go of my hands and feet," Dinah jumped excitedly and said happily: "Harry, you are right, I really With the potential to destroy a city."

Harley did not stand beside her, but floated two meters above the ground directly opposite her, facing her "Phoenix Cry".

"I didn't even move a step." She shook her head and frowned, "It seems that simply increasing the vibration intensity of your vocal cords will not make a qualitative difference in your strength."

In the past, Dinah could only break a wall with one breath. This was because the toughness and strength of her vocal cords could only generate ultrasonic waves that could break a wall at most.

If she forcibly increases the amplitude of her vocal cords, her voice will be broken, her throat will be torn, and her supernatural powers will come back.

Now that she has gained Harley's divine power, her defense is definitely not as good as Harley's own, but compared to her original strength, it is definitely improved countless times.

Harley's divine power circulated in Dinah's vocal cords, causing her strength to jump from mortal level to "Man of Steel" level.

Of course, in order to drive such strong vocal cords, the "power source" (sonic power) must also increase in power.

To put it simply, there is a "small speaker" in Black Canary's throat, which can be driven by a power bank; now that she has transformed into Black Phoenix, the small speaker in her throat has become a super steel speaker, and the rated power must also be increased accordingly.

Harley's solution is the number one food defense feat!

Through the Food Defense Specialty, a large amount of energy can be extracted from food and powers - yes, the Food Defense Specialty can even digest the sonic powers in Dinah's body, making it purer and more under her control.

Previously, the sonic power was like a small river flowing into Dinah's body. The width of the river was equal to the high level of her talent. As much water as there is in the river, she can use as many powers as she wants.

Now she can roll the river into a straw, absorb the energy of the mysterious dimension, and enhance her supernatural talents in disguise.

Even if one day the energy of the mysterious dimension is sucked out, or Dinah goes outside the universe and cannot use DC's powers, she can still obtain the energy to vibrate her vocal cords through food digestion.

Therefore, after a day of training by Harley, the Black Canary evolved into the "Dark Phoenix" in Harley's mind, at most a large black eagle.

"Isn't this a qualitative change? I'm much stronger than before." Dinah said in disbelief.

"It's just a quantitative change, and the quantitative change has reached its limit. Sound wave attacks using air as a medium can only have this effect against the sky.

Your true potential cannot be fully realized during sonic attacks. " Harley said.

Dinah looked forward to it: "How do I push my limits?"

"At least get rid of the air medium first. When your bird's roar arrives in outer space, it will immediately lose all its power. This is not good. We are facing an interstellar war."

"Outer space is a vacuum environment, and no sound can be transmitted." Dinah said.

"If the vacuum is empty, will there be Limbo space? Outside of Limbo, there is an even emptier place." Harley mused: "Vibration requires a medium, and air as a medium is too restrictive. It is best to find a way to There are only two media that can be easily accessed at any time and anywhere.”

"Which two?"

"Energy and Law."

"Sound waves use energy and laws as the medium? It's so mysterious that I can't even understand it." Dinah said with a bitter smile.

"Don't say 'sound wave' again from now on, your abilities are not limited to sound waves."

"But now I can only control ultrasound."

Harley asked: "Do you know the definitions of ultrasound and infrasound?"

Dana immediately said: "Of course, the frequency of ultrasonic waves is higher than 20,000 Hz, and the frequency of infrasound waves is lower than 20 Hz."

Harley nodded and said: "The next step is to freely control the frequency of sound waves, from infrasonic waves to ultrasonic waves, and convert the frequency at will.

In the four-dimensional universe, any physical substance has a vibration frequency. Adjust your own sound wave frequency to find it, so that you can shatter any four-dimensional substance - even a planet.

Then we explore energy and law resonance beyond four dimensions. "

"How to do it? I have tried before to send out infrasound waves, but never succeeded." Dana said.

"It's different now. You have a golden voice blessed by God."

Harry silently opened the ninth vitality defense specialty for her, level five: 100% control over the organs and tissues containing her own genes.

Well, she only has level 5 expertise. After lending it to Dana, she will only have level 3 or 4 at most, which is far less effective.

"Did you do something to me again? I feel a little different, it seems..." Dana looked confused, her blond hair seemed to come to life, turning into a tentacle, doing whatever she wanted.

Harley shouted: "Speak quietly, put all your attention on your throat, sense the process of stimulating the vibration wave power bit by bit, and then try to control the frequency."

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