I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1265: Preventing the Fight

"Sadars, don't talk nonsense. I have heard about President Abao, but he disappeared on the planet Lann, in the capital of your Lann people.

You are the only one who has the means to make him disappear without leaving any obvious evidence.

You guys are shouting to catch the thief, and the Senagon people can’t even get close——”

Before the leader could finish his words, he was slapped in the face by a video from Lann's chief scientist.

Sadasi refuted his words with practical actions. He opened a video in silence. Judging from the angle in the picture, it seemed to come from a camera. In the lens, Abao and Lame Peng were about to enter the elevator. Suddenly, there was a flash of silver light, and the two of them People disappear.

After slowing down 200 times, they saw that the silver light came from a pair of metal wings, the N-metal eagle wings of the Senagan people.

A Senagan kidnapped two Earth representatives.

"What does this mean?" The commander's expression remained unchanged, "Not to mention whether he is a real Senagan Eagle warrior, even if he is, he must belong to Senagan's side?

Due to the property of N metal that allows souls to retain memories and be reincarnated, any civilization has given birth to hawks who retain memories, such as the hawks and hawks on earth.

And Hawkman and Hawkgirl fully identify with their identities as heroes of Earth.

If you think about it with your brain, you can understand that if our soldiers could enter and leave your foreign hotel at will, Senagon would not be in the situation it is today. "

Adam Qixia's wife Alena immediately said: "What did Agent Vakai say? She sneaked directly into the more tightly guarded laboratory.

As you said, you Senagans can retain your memories and be reincarnated into any civilization. If you want to plant spies, who can guarantee 100% prevention? "

"You still have the nerve to Tiwakai. She stole the omega rays because you set her up!" The commander yelled angrily, then waved his hands and said coldly: "Our two families will never be able to solve the problem through talking.

And I know you Rann people quietly made a deal with the Ocala people.

Their 'Invincible Fleet' has been assembled, and the coordinates of the hyperspace jump have been set as the North Star, and they may come at any time.

You have not abided by the sincerity of your oath at all, and there is no point in continuing the discussion. "

"We intercepted a subspace communication." Alaina's eyes were sharp. "You have reached a secret agreement with certain armed groups to invade the Rann planet. The Senagon fleet on the outer reaches of the star system is the vanguard."

The commander did not look at her, but turned to Harley and said in a deep voice: "Admiral Galaxy, please give us justice regarding the persecution of Senagon refugees. This is the mediator's responsibility."

"Yes, I will personally investigate this matter, and before the results come out, I will do my best to ensure that the two planets of Rann and Senagan and the people of both races are not harmed." Harley promised readily.

"I don't think either family is sincere in resolving the conflict peacefully."

After the tripartite talks ended, Dinah rubbed her forehead and sighed: "There is also the matter of the riots. As the parties involved and the local gangsters, they can't give a convincing result to everyone. What can we, who are unfamiliar with the place, investigate?

This time, the mediator mission is probably going to go wrong. "

"Just do your best and obey fate." Harley said calmly.

The situation she faced at this time was very similar to the problem Hal encountered when Lann's main galaxy was destroyed.

Before the destruction of Rann's main system, Rann and Senagon signed a peace agreement under the guarantee of Green Lantern legend Hal Jordan.

If one party breaks the contract, the Green Lantern Corps will unite with the other party to punish it.

When Rann Prime was destroyed, Rann targeted Senagon and asked the Green Lantern Corps to perform the role of mediator. But the Senagonians also said that they were innocent and had no knowledge at all, and turned around and asked the Green Lantern Corps to punish the Ranns who broke their oath and attacked them.

If there is definite evidence that Senagon took action against Rann Prime, or that the destruction of Rann Prime System had nothing to do with Senagon, the Green Lantern Corps can promptly and resolutely fulfill its obligation as mediator.

Just like today, if Harley can be 100% sure who is responsible for the refugee riots, she can punish it promptly and firmly.

The problem is that Lann-Senagon's bad thing is too complicated. Neither of them is a good thing, and they are not clean behind the scenes.

The Seven Demons of Senagang must have incited the refugees to riot, and the same Rann people must also want to force them to riot, and then take the opportunity to eliminate Senagang's active forces.

Both sides are bastards. There is no pure black and pure white, so naturally it is impossible to "punish the black and protect the white".

"What if we fail and they end up fighting?" Dinah asked worriedly.

"Even if we successfully investigate the truth, they will not admit it and continue to fight. They are competing for the hegemony of the galaxy. In order to achieve this goal, they must defeat their competitors. Peace is nonsense." Harley said sarcastically.

"Since there will be a fight no matter what, what's the point of us coming here? We can't really get benefits as Mr. President said, right? Those benefits can help him become the greatest president of the United States in history and enable him to be re-elected successfully. It’s important, but what’s the use to you?” Dinah frowned.

Harley glanced at her and asked, "Did you notice any disharmony when you resonated with the universe?"

"This is the first time I have successfully resonated with space. What can I detect? Moreover, what does the disharmony of the universe have to do with the Lann-Senagon war?" Dinah asked strangely.

"You try to sense the frequency of the universe, then remember it, and record it every once in a while to see if the frequency is the same every time." Harley said meaningfully.

Although Dinah didn't know why, she still sat cross-legged on the Archimedes airship and tried to use her own vibration waves to resonate with the universe for the second time.

If resonance is formed, then the frequency of the vibration wave is the frequency of the universe at that time.

Theoretically, this frequency will not change because the universe has not changed.

"Stop, don't fight anymore!" As soon as the Archimedes airship arrived at the Senagan Refugee Camp on Lann Planet, they encountered a crowd fight. On Earth, it should be a city-destroying "superpower" war".

More than 400 "Hawks" fought with thousands of "Adam's Strangers".

Well, those Senagan warriors also have wings and N-metal weapons, and wear an eagle-beaked helmet like Hawkman. Their equipment and fighting methods are almost exactly the same.

Regardless of the protagonist's halo, there is probably no essential difference in strength.

The Rann warriors have the same weapons as Adam's Rangers. In other words, Adam's Rangers' rocket pack, aviation suit, and phaser gun are the standard equipment of Rann's Space Assault Troopers.

The only difference is that the Lann warrior only has an ordinary energy gun and energy grenade hanging on his waist, while the Adam Knight has a Zeta ray launcher the size of a pencil case on his waist.

Hundreds of Hawkman and a thousand Adam's Heroes let go and fought to the death. This was the scene Harley faced at this time.

She yelled and kicked the unsuspecting Dinah off the spaceship.

"We are mediators, don't use any offensive abilities."

Dinah flailed her limbs wildly and screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." She fell from a thousand meters altitude to the center of the battlefield. She was hit by more than a dozen energy rays while she was still in mid-air.

It wasn't that they were deliberately targeting her.

At this time, a real rain of bullets was taking place on the battlefield, and the energy beam almost turned the sky into a weird orange-red color.

The battle was so fierce that even a stray bullet was enough to shoot any unsuspecting person into a sieve.

"Chichichi~~" The defensive golden body was not opened, and the energy ray directly hit Dinah's body. Although it did not penetrate, it burned holes of various sizes on the skin, and there was also a burnt green smell from the barbecue. The smoke is a bit miserable.

"Gudong, Gudong." But Dinah activated "Hallelujah", and any malicious attack that landed on her would bring Harley a lot of experience points.

"Stop, don't fight anymore." Harley was not alone, following closely behind, floating down.

But she turned on the defensive golden film, and even if the beams of light flooded the sky like rain, they couldn't make her clothes sway a few times.

"Gudong, Gudong." Even though he was not injured, the experience jar was still bubbling.

The defensive gold film does not completely block attacks from the body. It is an extension of Harley's will and divine power. After being hit, it will bring pain and pressure to her soul, equivalent to a part of her body, so the defensive gold film can withstand The attack is still experienced.

Earth, Daily Planet headquarters, Harley's first day away.

"As expected of the Galaxy Admiral, she successfully mediated the conflict between Lann and Senagan within an hour of arriving in the Arctic System.

Now, Lann's humanitarian rescue for Senagan has begun. Countless refugees have been rescued because of the intercession of the Galactic Admiral, and the galaxy will usher in peace because of her.

It's a pity that the Milky Way does not have a "Nobel Peace Prize", otherwise she would definitely win the prize this year. "

The black editor-in-chief held a 12-inch tablet of Paradise Mountain and shouted to the reporters in the office who were looking curiously: "Editors of the current affairs and entertainment sections, please prepare. Tonight's prime time TV news and tomorrow morning's newspaper headlines will all use ' The galactic admiral defuses Star Wars' theme."

"We don't know what happened, how can we prepare?" Jimmy Olsen wondered.

He is a photojournalist in the current affairs section.

"You don't know about the Lann-Senagon conflict? They invited Admiral Galactic to be the mediator, and now she succeeded. Admiral Galactic has become famous in the galaxy, and Earthlings have participated in interstellar politics for the first time. It's all a breaking point!" Perry said excitedly .

"Where did you hear the news?" Clark Kent adjusted his glasses and asked curiously.

Perry clapped the tablet in his hand and said with a smile: "The information shared with me by the Saruman reporter, the "Cluu Times", the live news broadcast two hours ago.

Please check your mailboxes, I just sent a copy to each of you. "

Louise walked out of her office door and said seriously: "Last night, super prisons were released across the United States. Social unrest, public panic, and the United States fell into unprecedented chaos. Isn't this news more important than an alien war?"

Perry frowned and said: "The release of prisons and the release of villains are indeed very important news, but this news has already been known to the whole world. If we give it more ink, it will not help much in solving the unrest.

Only superheroes can deal with supervillains.

But even if the Galactic Admiral is still on Earth, the Secret Society is still the responsibility of heroic organizations such as the Justice League and the Justice Society. According to her past habits, there is a high probability that she will not care about it, and there is nothing we can do about it. "

"So we have to use news to awaken the heroes' fighting spirit and cheer them up again." Louise said.

Perry glanced at the serious Clark from the corner of his eyes and sighed: "If heroes have to rely on news reports to boost their morale in such a critical moment, they will not be worthy of the name of heroes."

“If it weren’t for the major mainstream media to guide public opinion and criticize the crimes of Zhenglian giants, causing Zhenglian to fall apart, people’s hearts to lose, and superheroes to fall silent across the United States, how would the villains have a chance to rise?

As the world's most influential news organization, we have a responsibility to make things right. " Louise said seriously.

"OK, the evening news will be about the Galactic War, and tomorrow morning's headlines will be written by Louise." Perry compromised.

It’s still the Daily Planet headquarters, a few days later.

"Something big has happened. The editors of the current affairs and entertainment sections have taken notice. Today's news topic is 'Lann-Senagon War'.

Falk, some experts are really right. Admiral Galaxy can only ease the contradiction, but cannot solve the contradiction at its root. "Editor-in-chief Perry once again took the tablet and stood at the door of the office and shouted to his subordinates.

Clark Kent lowered his head and yawned, braced himself, and asked: "Didn't you say a few days ago that the Galaxy Admiral had resolved the conflict and that the galaxy was completely at peace?"

He was in a very bad state at the moment, with sallow skin, bloodshot eyes, chapped lips, and thick eye shadow. Fatigue and listlessness were almost written on his forehead.

"Watch it for yourselves." Perry connected the tablet to the TV wall and turned on the video in front of everyone.

"Stop! Stop fighting!"

The first information received by the reporters was Admiral Galaxy's cry.

Then came the interstellar battlefield where energy beams were as dense as rain and thousands of soldiers strangled together.

The fierce fire almost burned the earth and sky into a blazing hell.

Screams, screams, roars, the buzz of energy guns, the scream of the spaceship whizzing by, the "hiss" of the energy cannon burning the air, the explosion of the spacecraft being hit, all kinds of chaotic but deafening The sound gives the viewer an immersive sense of oppression.

"Stop, stop everyone!" It was Admiral Galaxy's voice again.

——Her voice is so loud, it can be heard throughout the entire battlefield on such a cruel battlefield.

Many reporters muttered in their hearts.

Then they saw her.

She screamed so urgently and angrily that they thought she was furious and had a ferocious expression at the moment, but they didn't expect that she was just walking around in the place where the battle was most intense, wearing a nearly transparent protective gold film?

Well, she wasn't really doing nothing. Although her expression and movements gave people a sense of leisure, she was really working hard: she tried to open her arms and use her small body to withstand the fiercest artillery fire from both sides.

As the video continued to play, they saw more clearly and understood that Admiral Galaxy was only "fighting for his own safety" - using his body to block any attacks directed at the warring parties.

Whether it was the Lann people or the Senagan people, she tried her best to rescue them without taking sides.

She won't even knock down their weapons, or disable the warriors who are attacking with their weapons.

She only stands out.

But she is not alone.

The camera turned, and on the other side of the battlefield, Black Canary was doing the same thing as her.

The only difference between the two is the volume and level of embarrassment.

Admiral Galaxy's voice was already loud - although loud, it was not broken. Black Canary's voice even surpassed the sounds of battles on the battlefield.

"Stop, all of you, stop fighting."

When the voice came out of her mouth, the ripples of the sound waves could be seen!

It's not an hallucination, it's just circles of milky white sound waves vibrating and spreading on the battlefield.

A reporter from the Daily Planet even suspected that the radio was right next to the mouth of the black canary when this video was taken, because the sound was not only loud, but also sounded like it was ringing in the ears, not the kind of "coming from afar."

Through lens analysis, the camera is obviously far away from Black Canary.

Although Black Canary has a louder voice, she is nowhere near as calm as the Galaxy Admiral.

Admiral Galaxy is calm and well-dressed, and even when he sacrifices his body to block gunfire, there is a sense of elegance.

Black Canary was often shot away by powerful energy guns. Although she did not die, she was scarred and disgraced. She even rolled around on the dirt battlefield a few times before getting up, vomiting blood, and continuing to break up the fight.

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