I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1253 Fallen heroes, fallen watchtowers, strong faith

"Diana left." Harley called Dachao.


"Just 'huh'?"

Da Chao sighed: "It's okay to leave, but now it's not suitable for her to appear in public again."

"Are you talking humanly? Who did she kill Maxwell Loud for?"

"I will always love her like a brother and sister, and no matter what happens, whether she kills Loud or not, that will never change.

But I really can't agree with her behavior.

Whether to you or to her, I can't lie, this is my truth. " Dachao said bitterly.

"Diana left." Harley called Bateman again.

"It's okay to leave. If she doesn't leave, I will suggest her to leave." Bateman said lightly.

"Are you speaking human words? Who is the culprit of the Omac crisis?"

"Yes, I have no right to criticize anyone, and I admit that I made a big mistake and should be held responsible for this incident, but I can't change the fact that the people cannot stand a murderous hero.

I suggested that she leave, but I just didn’t want her to be criticized and abused by public opinion again - this was unfair to her and she shouldn’t have to suffer this. "

"Diana left." Harley called Aquaman.

"Well, I will also make a statement tomorrow about leaving the Justice League." Aquaman sighed.

"Why? I think what you should really do is support Diana, stand by her side, and speak for her." Harley said.

"Support Diana" Neptune's voice was bitter, "How can I, a fellow sinner and hero, be qualified?"

Then he said in a complicated tone: "It's pointless and meaningless to stay. The reason why I joined the Justice League was because Batman found me and proved to me that the world needs me.

Now it turns out that the world no longer needs me, and I can't be a hero who satisfies the people.

If there is no parting today, yesterday's gathering will be meaningless.

In the days to come, I will focus more on my family and the people of Atlantis. They need me more. Mela is pregnant again. I can tell that she is a daughter. Come and be her godmother. how? "

The next day, Aquaman actually announced his decision to the media.

More formally than Wonder Woman, he first apologized to the public for lying at the Heroes Convention.

Not only did he know what the "Six" were doing, but like Cyborg, he also secretly helped them strengthen their forgotten magic - without revealing the secret of the life force connection, he only said that he used magic to strengthen Zatanna's magic.

This shocked the media and made the people angry: not only did they collude with the six others, but they also lied at the sacred and solemn heroes meeting!

Well, actually, seven heroes were involved in the Dr. Light incident and the incident of twisting the villain's will.

But Atom Ray Palmer retired early and is currently hiding in some corner, grieving over Jane Rowling's bad things. Because of this, no one mentioned him at the Heroes Conference.

Harley only asked the heroes at the scene to make a self-examination. The Atom was not at the scene, so he naturally did not publicly "confess". The media did not know that he had also committed a crime, so they always used "the six" (the six superheroes) instead. Oliver et al.

"I crossed the bottom line of a hero and violated the law and ethics. For the sake of my own reputation, I dare not tell the truth. I think I am no longer qualified to stay in the Justice League."

His expression and tone were serious and solemn, and he didn't mean to say anything mean in anger.

Finally, he promised the citizens of Ci'en Port with complicated eyes around him: "Although I quit the Justice League, I will never stop providing you with the help I can. Aquaman is still your Aquoman!"

"Bah, you no longer deserve to be called 'Aquaman', you are a criminal." someone shouted.

Neptune was stunned for a while, then he didn't know what he thought of, smiled with relief, waved to everyone, and Meng Zazi jumped into the ocean and disappeared from everyone's sight.

In the days that followed, he fulfilled his promise. No matter how the public and the news media commented on him, he would arrive in time whenever a marine disaster occurred. But he rarely enters the city. At most, he walks around the Cien Port dock area and goes to a bar to drink two beers.

It's different from Diana who drifted away and few people knew about her.

The news that Neptune lied and withdrew from the alliance was on the front page of the world for several days, and people all over the world knew about it.

Everyone was shocked by the departure of the Zhenglian giant, and the voices scolding him were less than before.

However, there was still no voice of regret or regret.

No superhero came out to speak for him or told him to stay.

President Tesla, on the other hand, mocked him a few times on the puppy video forum.

Two days later, Zatanna found Chao and once again proposed to leave the Justice League.

This was not the first time that after the Jane Rowling incident ended, she wanted to leave.

This time Dachao did not try to persuade him to stay. In fact, he could no longer bear the pressure of public opinion.

The next day, he accepted an interview with the famous cosmic reporter Louise and announced that he would be relieved of his positions as "Leader of the Zhenglian" and "Leader of the Superhero Alliance".

From this day on, he is just an ordinary superhero, only responsible for metropolitan security affairs.

If the Justice League needs it, he will be there at any time, but he will completely give up his leadership of the Justice League.

After that, Hawkman, Flash, and Green Lantern Hal Jordan successively left their positions as "the giants of the positive alliance".

The Justice League, which defeated the anti-surveillance king and solved the invasion of Apokolips, failed to survive this "little storm" originating from itself, and completely fell apart in just half a month.

"As the culprit, why didn't you respond?" Harley called the Batcave and asked in confusion.

"I have been busy with two things these days: tracking the Brother Eyes and looking for the leader of the secret society." Bateman said in a tired voice.

"That's not the reaction."

"Then what do you mean?"

"In recent days, everyone has withdrawn from the alliance and resigned. Of the eight giants of the former Zhenglian, you are the only one left." Harley said strangely.

Hawkman, The Flash, Hal Jordan, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter all learned from Super, only giving up their "veteran" status in the Justice League and still willing to serve everyone as soldiers.

Well, although Hawkman is not the founder of Zhenglian, he is among the first batch of heroes recruited by the Seven Giants.

The first batch of recruits was even smaller than the number of the Seven, only six.

"I read the news bulletins, but I didn't have time to pay attention to the criticism of me by the people and other heroes."

After a pause, he said more directly: "I will not leave the Justice League! In other words, whether I am a 'giant hero' in the Justice League or not, it will not affect my past, present and future work.

When I need help from other heroes, I still give them advice and convince them as before. "

"You don't care at all what they think?" Harley asked in surprise.

"I try not to care. Now I should take responsibility for the Brother Eye incident and I can't waste any time or energy on other people's opinions.

Their opinions and criticisms are of no use to the actual crisis.

If we do nothing and only care about public criticism, the crisis will not be resolved automatically, but will only become worse. Bateman sighed.

"You should say these words carefully to your companions." Harley said.

"The only thing I ask of my teammates is not to cross the line. Other than that, I respect any decision they make." Bateman said.

"I will not quit the Justice League because the Justice League needs me. When this Omac crisis and the secret society crisis pass, I may try to live a new life with Dinah, but not now."

When Harley asked how Oliver was doing, he spoke firmly.

Not only did he stick to his position in the Justice League, but his lover Black Canary also did not react to external public opinion.

"The recent news is very unfavorable to superheroes. The government and social elites have frequently exerted force. The President of the United States has even transformed into the 'Twitter God of War' to ride the battlefield of public opinion. Why don't you have any reaction?" This time Harley approached the Justice Society.

The performance of those "heroic sinners" made her deeply moved.

She wanted to do something to help them improve their situation. After all, they were friends with her.

And her idea is simple: find other hero organizations other than Zhenglian and persuade them to stand up and say a few words of justice to the giants of Zhenglian.

It's not that she can't say it.

Whether at a hero convention or in an exclusive interview with Lana Lang, she made it clear that although the actions of the Six and Wonder Woman violated the "hero rules of the past," the rules of the past are not suitable for the current heroic era.

But it's no use what she said, even the superheroes don't support her.

The old Flash said: "What do you want us to do?"

"What really forced Wonder Woman to leave was not the pressure of public opinion, but the indifference you gave her when she needed understanding and support."

"But we can't lie. There is no need for her to break Laude's neck. Her behavior crossed the line." Old Green Lantern said solemnly.

Harley asked curiously: "You are from Earth 2 and have been superheroes for half a century. Have you never encountered similar incidents?"

"Like the Justice League, we adhere to the bottom line of not killing people, not breaking the law, and not trampling on ethics. For decades, we and the Justice League of our universe have never crossed the bottom line." The two old heroes said with pride.

"Has any supervillain discovered your family's identity?"

Old Green Lantern first said: "Both of my wives and I are superheroes. My daughter and son also have superpowers. We can all protect ourselves."

Harry frowned and said, "The identity of your family has not been discovered, which is not the same thing as whether you can protect yourself."

Old Green Lantern thought for a while, shook his head and said, "We attach great importance to protecting our identity."

Harley said calmly: "Alan, have you noticed that I repeated a question three times, and you avoided answering directly every time."

"Isn't this an answer? We're asking ourselves—"

Harley raised her hand to interrupt his argument, "All the analyzes of the reasons why you haven't encountered an identity crisis are of little significance.

Because what you can do, now the Justice League can only do better than you can. "

"You think we are not as good as Zhenglian? I don't agree with that." Old Green Lantern said angrily.

"Answer me first, are there any super villains who discovered your true identity and threatened your family, yes or no."

"I said, we are to ourselves"

Harley didn't stop him this time, and kept listening to him talk about the Justice Society's methods of concealing his identity.

"That means not." When he stopped, she asked again.

"We-" Old Green Lantern began to repeat their caution and low-key.

This time, Harley still didn't stop him. She just turned her head and asked the old Flash: "Your family is not a superhero. Has your identity been exposed? Yes or no."

The old Flash glanced at the ugly-looking old man awkwardly, shook his head and said, "No."

Harley looked at Old Green Lantern again, "We don't talk about strength, only experience and needs.

You have never experienced an identity crisis and have no strong sense of urgency to protect your identity.

The Justice League has gone through it many times. The Seven are even responsible for handling this matter, and the giants of Zhenglian are also aware of it.

So, who of you takes the identity issue more seriously and takes better protective measures for your family? "

Zheng Lian is definitely stronger than Zheng Xie.

Zheng Lian is also very experienced in identity crises and attaches more importance to identity protection - this can also be seen from the extremely complex and extremely advanced alien security system in their home.

Therefore, Zheng Lian’s protection of identity must be far stronger than Zheng Xie’s.

However, Zheng Xie has never experienced an identity crisis. Why?

"Don't the current facts explain everything?" Old Green Lantern said.

"The fact is that your Earth 2 is far less dangerous than this world! You are standing and talking now without pain in your back."

After an exchange with Zheng Xie ended on bad terms, Harley did not look for other heroes.

She couldn't even convince a few old guys from the Justice Society. Others had a more general relationship with her, but their influence in society was far less than that of the Justice Society.

In the days after the release, as the Zhenglian giants "fallen" one after another, the direction of public opinion not only did not change, but instead showed a kind of fanaticism and joy, as if they had defeated the invincible Justice League.

And this wave of condemnation of the crimes of Zhenglian heroes continued until the fall of the watchtower.


In the clear sky of the metropolis, there was a dull roar, and a huge flaming meteor fell from the sky.

The citizens on the ground stared blankly at the sky, not knowing why.

"What happened?"

"Alien invasion?"

"This is a crisis, where is the Justice League?"

"Tear Man, help!"


Before the cry for help ended, the familiar red lightning streaked across the sky and came under the bolide.

It's Superman.

Although he is just an 'ordinary soldier' ​​in Zhenglian, he has not been passive in his work recently. He still appears where he is needed in a timely manner as usual.

"Omaika, it's a watchtower!"

When the fireball was caught by Superhero, its speed gradually slowed down, and everyone saw half of a familiar building - the superhero's main hall.

It was so damaged that only half of it was left, so it was called "half a building".

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