I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1254 The Second Luther

"Jon was in the watchtower control room when the accident happened, and now he has disappeared without a body.

If it was an accident, there shouldn't be a body. Jon wouldn't be killed, injured, or missing.

So, someone attacked the watchtower and kidnapped Jon! "Quin Manor, Bruce in uniform said in a deep voice.

"Such a big thing happened, why are you the only one here?"

"As you said, I am the only 'big man' left, and ordinary members of Zhenglian are not qualified to participate in talks of this level." Bruce said dullly.

Harley glanced at him and asked, "Are there any survivors? What happened in the sky?"

"During this period, superheroes have been withdrawing from the Justice League, not just the giants. In fact, none of the former giants have quit. It is the grassroots backbone who have really left the team.

So much so that the watchtower, which was once always full, now has only a handful of people left.

This evening, when the watchtower came down, there were only Martian Manhunter and two new heroes from abroad, the Australian hero Flash Blast and the neon hero Jin Yang.

Jon disappeared, and their bodies were found by Aquaman in the Atlantic Ocean.

However, Superman has handed me the broken black box and given me a few days, I should be able to repair it. "

"Have the autopsy reports of Flash Boom and Jin Yang been released?"

"I gave the body to the Midnight Doctor of the Justice Society, and he didn't refuse." Bateman sighed with a complicated expression. "According to my preliminary judgment, they should have died in a big explosion."

"The secret society has started to attack Zhenglian? You have to be careful." Selina said with concern.

The fall of the watchtower had an impact on ordinary people and the American government even more than the superheroes.

Superheroes have gone through many hardships, and a surprise attack on their headquarters is not a big deal.

At least compared to the recent storm of public opinion about "heroic crimes", it's nothing like that.

Isn’t it a hero’s daily routine to have his home stolen by a villain?

It's just that there were many heroes stationed in the watchtower before, and the villains didn't succeed. Now there are only a few people on the watchtower, so it's normal for them to be shot down.

But the people and the government are a little panicked.

The god of war Abao on Twitter quickly connected with Harley via video, "What do the Justice League do? If they can't even defend the watchtower, how can they protect the earth, the metropolis, the White House, and us?"

Abao is always so frank and directly points out the root of the problem: they need Zhenglian to protect their own safety, but now it seems that Zhenglian is not working anymore and has been ruined by them.

"I'm not a Zhenglian hero, what do you want from me?" Harley asked angrily.

"I looked for it, but couldn't find it."

"How can you not find it? Even if the watchtower explodes, there is still the Hall of Justice." Harley asked strangely.

"The person in charge can't be found!" Abao said excitedly: "Didn't you read my Twitter? As soon as the accident happened, I @Justice League, but no one responded to me."

Harley's mouth twitched, "Not everyone likes to play on social networks, especially superheroes.

For the sake of information security, their Twitter accounts are all managed by their agents, and they use the Guardian Dog chat group to communicate on a daily basis. "

Abao sighed: "I even called the Hall of Justice, and the operator was just a third-rate B-level hero - Black Canary.

She bluntly said that the Zhenglian Alliance is now leaderless, and she is just an ordinary member. She does not know the details or the alliance's next plans, so she cannot answer my questions. "

"How about you continue to scold and scold them on Twitter, calling them names one by one," Harley suggested.

"Still scolding?" Abao shouted, "Just because I reprimanded them on Twitter and led the public against them, they pretended to be dead to protest against me."

Harley was speechless: "The headquarters of the Justice League was bombed, not the White House. How can we pretend to be dead in protest?"

Abao said: "Although it was a watchtower that was blown up, my lips and teeth are so cold!

Without the Justice League standing in front of us, when the next deadly threat comes, won't the biggest target be us?

I think they want to take advantage of the bandit's self-respect.

Deliberate inaction has allowed supervillains to demonstrate their indispensability by wreaking havoc across America, threatening government rule and the personal safety of those of us who criticize them.

You see, the number of comments criticizing them in the media and on the Internet has suddenly decreased by 70%!

People began to worry about their safety.

After all, if the watchtower were to fall down, the most likely to die would be ordinary people without superpowers. "

Harry was sure that those former Zhenglian giants definitely did not have the dark thoughts that Abao said.

In fact, Bateman, Ripman, Hal Jordan, Cyborg, and Aquaman are all silently investigating this accident, involving the safety of Martian Manhunter, and they dare not slack off at all.

It's just that their solitary, silent, and dull approach has indeed caused misunderstandings among many "smart people".

The originally noisy and boiling criticism has been reduced a lot.

But the atmosphere in society has not become relaxed, but has become more depressed.

The public opinion was just suppressed and kept in the heart.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon on the third day after the watchtower fell.

Metropolis, Stryker Island Prison, Luther's exclusive prison.

"Luthor, how are you feeling lately?" General Minos, the chairman of the Military Committee, asked with a smile.

Luther was wearing an orange prison uniform, sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor, with his eyes slightly closed and his five hearts raised to the sky, as if in meditation.

"It seems I will be released from prison soon. What do you want from me?"

General Minos touched his nose and said with twinkling eyes: "Actually, I have no prejudice against you. Your sister, Miss Lina, gave me an offer - to retire from the government in three years and work as a security guard at Luther Electronic Technology Company. Ministry Advisor—I’ve accepted.”

——So, we are in the same group.

Luther glanced at him and sneered in his heart: Lena increased her salary three times in a row, from the "market price" annual salary of 2.5 million U.S. dollars to 6.48 million after tax, to impress this greedy old thing.

“It’s just that you have offended Mr. President, and your pardon order can only come from the president, so your matter has been delayed until now.

What President Abao means is that you must swear in the name of ‘Harley Quinn’ that you will not retaliate against him and his family in any way after you are released from prison. "

"I understand that he has nothing to do with my imprisonment. It is Bateman who is messing with me." Luther nodded.

"Right, that is it."

——You are too wise to think so!

General Minos smiled more gently, "Your enemy is the Justice League, and they are the ones who put you in prison. They have nothing to do with President Abao or us.

We are friends and allies!

But, you still have to go through the process, that oath."

——You still have to say it, who calls you a super villain? If it were Tear Man, as long as he nodded, we would definitely believe him.

"What does it mean to swear by Harley Quinn? Let her bear witness?" Luther asked doubtfully.

General Minos shook his head and said: "It is similar to the Styx Oath in the magical world. It is guaranteed by a kind of power and communicates the rules of the contract.

If you break your oath, you will be punished by the power of Harley's 'thick-skin law' and the rules of the contract. "

"Well, she broke the oath many times but was not punished by the contract rules. A certain mage developed the contract magic of 'Harley's Oath' based on this characteristic."

"Her power is useful for breaking oaths, why is it used for keeping oaths?" Luther asked confused.

"The world's most powerful hacker has applied for the position of network security director at your company. Do you agree or not?" General Minos asked.

"Well, she is good at breaking oaths, so she uses her power to protect the contract and prevent other contractors from breaking their oaths." Luther praised: "The mage who invented this magic is really a genius."

Minos nodded in agreement: "It is said that he is the first contemporary mage and has studied a whole set of magic related to Harley Quinn.

This 'Harley's Oath' is one of the series of magics. Its structure and techniques are very mature and stable, and it is absolutely safe and has no side effects. how do you feel? "

Luther frowned and said, "Is it so troublesome? How about asking Harley to be my guarantor?"

"Letting her get involved will cause trouble." General Minos said meaningfully.

"Okay, I agree. I have never wanted to take revenge on the honorable and lovely President." Luther said sincerely.

General Minos smiled and said: "This is only the first condition. The second condition is that you need to donate two technologies to the Ministry of Defense, Limbo Satellite and Omac."

"Why is there still Omac?" Luther asked in surprise.

He could understand that the military wanted to use his Limbo satellite for free.

They have been coveting this technology for more than a day or two.

Ever since he was imprisoned, the gangsters in the Pentagon have used various threats and inducements, hoping that the Luther Group will launch another Limbo satellite (PS) and completely hand over control to the military.

"You haven't watched the news recently, don't you know Omack?"

"I know, that's why I'm surprised. Even Bateman failed. How can you be so brave and dare to mess with something that is both evil and has no future?" Luther asked doubtfully.

"Omac has no future? Do you understand its technology?" Minos asked doubtfully.

Luther said disapprovingly: "Isn't it just nanoparticles loading the soul genes of superpowers? I gave up on this research a long time ago. If you want it, I can give it to you."

"Why do you say it has no future? The Justice League has yet to find any trace of Brother Eyes." Minos said with a serious expression.

"Brother's Eye should also be a Limbo satellite. It's not surprising that he can't find it." Luther said with a complex expression: "I have to admit, I underestimated Bateman before. That guy can at least compete for the second smartest person in the world."

Minos frowned and repeated, "Why is there no future for Omac?"

"A complete person is composed of two parts: body and soul. Omax's spirit is just a digital simulation. It can only copy and paste other people's data genes, but this kind of chaos is very problematic.

If not, why would Omac possess a living person?

Secondly, when life has evolved to a certain level, genetic information has changed from three-dimensional matter to four-dimensional matter, and it is almost impossible for nanoparticles to break through to the fourth dimension.

Both soul and body have huge flaws. How much potential can the combined Omic have? "

"But they are really strong." General Minos hesitated.

"Did you tear Manqiang apart?" Luther asked.

Minos shook his head, "Unless they are equipped with kryptonite light waves and red sun weapons, they will be no different from paper in front of Rip Man."

"That's it."

"It's enough for us," Minos said.

"Okay, I will package the soul genetic engineering technology and hand it over to you. Give me amnesty immediately. I want to go home for dinner tonight." Luther said.

"There's a third one."

Luther's expression changed slightly, "Do you treat me like a fat sheep?"

General Minos felt a chill go down his back when he saw his cold eyes.

"The third item has nothing to do with technology." He forced a smile and said: "We would like to invite you to join the 'Lann-Senagon Strategic Research Group' and become a consultant to the technical department."

"Well, okay." Luther's eyes lit up and he nodded slightly.

Before eight o'clock in the evening, the warden personally opened the cell door for Luther.

Then he got his wish and had a sumptuous dinner with his sister at Luther Manor.

"Tearman, tearman, you've been having a hard time lately!"

At midnight, Luther's bedroom, he stared at the red-cloaked figure on the computer screen, with a gloomy expression and gritted his teeth, "Why was it not me who put you in such embarrassment? Why didn't I find out about the six people before and couldn't expose it with my own hands? Your false cloak of glory?”

"Because you are an idiot." A very familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Who - you -" Luther suddenly turned his head, then his eyes widened and he stood blankly on the spot, "Fuck, which bastard cloned me?"

(ps: Luther's first Limbo satellite encountered the Doomsday invasion on launch day, and was hit by Doomsday falling from the sky. It exploded, causing Hank Shaw to become a mechanical superman)

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