I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1252 Falling apart

Harley reminded: "Humans on Earth are a peace-loving civilization. After the 'Sun-Eating Beast Crisis', they publicly announced a foreign policy of non-alignment and non-hegemony. Is the policy going to change in just two or three years?"

"Didn't you say that we will support anyone who is 'just'?" Abao asked doubtfully.

Adam Qixia immediately said: "Obviously, the Lann civilization is the righteous party. Even if the main galaxy is destroyed, they still adhere to the concept of peaceful coexistence and take the initiative to resolve the war."

Harley glanced at him with a frown and said, "Adam, we need more detailed information. The situation is changing too fast. Making any decision too early is irresponsible to the civilization of the earth.

Otherwise, you go back to Lann Planet first, wait for the Lann people to find the real culprit of the destruction of the star system, wait for the Lann people to be 100% sure of the next strategy, and then we can discuss cooperation. "

"Okay." The excitement on Adam Qixia's face disappeared, and he bid farewell to everyone with a sad expression. Then he turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the solar system.

"Let's continue the meeting." Harley said.

"Well, you pushed Adam away on purpose. Is there anything you can't say to him?" Dachao was stunned.

"Do you know his identity?" Harley asked.


"No, he used to be an Earth archaeologist, but when he was selected by Zeta rays, his identity as an Earthling quickly faded away from him." Harley shook her head and said, "Now he is Sadas' son-in-law.

Who is Sardars? Chief Scientist of Lann!

The Lann people advocate technology and wisdom, and their spiritual leader is the chief scientist.

Now Adam Strange even gave birth to the granddaughter of the leader of Rann. By the way, his wife is also a great scientist.

It is also very possible that he will inherit his father's position as chief scientist in the future.

When the time comes, Adam Strange is ‘the husband of Leader Rann’. "

It is a fantasy to say that a middle-aged archaeologist, even on earth, his life is not very successful.

But overnight, his destiny changed drastically. He first controlled the Zeta Light Wave and became a superhero, and then married the top Bai Fumei in the universe. His career, love, life, and fame all reached their peak.

This is a plot that even Hollywood movies wouldn't dare to "make up", but it happened in reality.

"Well, I also think Dr. Strange's position is very problematic." General Lane sighed: "It's not surprising, his family are all on the planet Rann, but there are not many bonds left on the earth.

Even though he became a superhero, he did not stay on Earth permanently and spent most of his time in Rann. "

President Abao said sourly: "In other words, Dr. Strange is not as tall and handsome as me, nor is he as humorous as me. From the conversation just now, it seems that he is even very naive and a complete nerd.

What do the Lann people see in him?

Not only did he give him the most advanced weapons of Lann civilization, but he also asked him to marry the daughter of the spiritual leader. "

"Honesty is also a virtue." Harley said.

If you really give the Zeta ray to Po, it will appear in the Red Room Laboratory (the most advanced official alien weapons research center in the United States) the next day.

Dachao pressed his temples and said with a tired look: "Now that the Lann-Senagon war is over, let's break up the meeting."

More than a dozen heroic giants came to the scene, but they all looked preoccupied and didn't care much about the Rann-Senagon war. They didn't even say a few words from the beginning to now.

"Do you believe what Adam Qixia said that the Lann people are peace-loving and will not use Zeta rays as weapons at all?" Harley said lightly.

"So?" Dachao asked.

Harley saw not only fatigue on his face, but also numbness and sluggishness.

Then she glanced at the other giant heroes, and the eight giants in the main alliance were Super, Bateman and Martian Manhunter.

Bateman has almost unlocked his hidden talent and is so quiet that people subconsciously forget about him.

Martian Manhunter lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

The bosses of heroic organizations such as the Justice Society and the Freedom Fighters were obviously a few steps away from the four "sinner giants" of Zhenglian, and the expressions on their faces were slightly indifferent.

"There will be no peace between Rann and Senagan, and soon the two major civilizations will go into full-scale war. Therefore, today's meeting is still necessary.

For example, we have to seriously consider that omega rays are so powerful. If we think that the 'just' party is Senagan, will the Lann people use it against us?

What should we do if we think Rann is "just" and become allies of the Rann people, but the Rann people lose their sight in conventional wars and use omega rays to force us to be cannon fodder? "

"Isn't that true?" Dachao was confused by the question.

"Referring to Earth's 'Breaking Alliance', how does the United States treat those boys in Europe?" Harley asked.

President Abao was shocked. When it comes to this, he has the most say.

"It seems that this alliance of brothers can't do it. Europeans are human beings just like us, and they are all of the same ethnic group. We still use them as cannon fodder and fat sheep.

The feelings of the Lann people towards the people on Earth are definitely not as good as those of us in the United States towards the Europeans. "

Representatives from the White House and Pentagon looked approvingly and nodded in agreement.

"Why did the war have to happen? Didn't they return to peace now?" Old Flash asked doubtfully.

"What was the reason for the destruction of Lann's main galaxy?" Harley asked.

"A third-party black actor? It could also be Senagon." The old Flash said hesitantly.

Harley said: "If it was a third-party black hand, he would even explode the Rann Galaxy.

Is there anything that can't be done to start a war?

As long as he keeps doing this, the war will break out sooner or later, either Rann and Senagang, or Rann and Senagang vs. Blackhand.

Without the Black Hand, Senagang would have destroyed even Rann Prime. Do you think they would be willing to coexist peacefully with the Rann people? Especially after the Ranns were exposed to omega rays. "

Captain Atom was puzzled: "After Senagon knew that the Lann people had omega rays, shouldn't they be afraid and form a new peace under nuclear balance?"

General Lane explained: “If Senagan hadn’t exploded Rann Prime, and the two sides had not forged an irresolvable life-and-death feud, there would still be some hope of reaching a nuclear balance.

If the blood feud has been completed, even if the Lan people endure this and do not seek revenge from Senagan, Senagan will worry that sooner or later Lan will find the evidence, and then ask him to pay with his own blood, and use a sneak attack to blow up Senagan's main star.

Omega rays can do just that quietly.

With this kind of suspicion, Senagon will definitely take action against Lan again.

The analysis I am making now can be thought of by any politician who is not too stupid.

When the Lann people think about this, will they wait for the Senagon people's reaction?

They will also choose to strike first.

Therefore, Harley is right, the war will definitely break out, the only uncertainty is one thing - who exploded the Rann main system? "

"As long as the earth adheres to a neutral diplomatic strategy, even if an interstellar war breaks out, it will have little to do with us. Why must we support the 'just' side and gain benefits? Our earth is in trouble now. How can we have the energy to go to outer space? ?" Dachao said irritably.

Harley didn't look at him, but glanced at Bateman. He still had his mouth closed and his expression was dull.

“The civilizations that have clearly joined the Rann-Senagon camp now include the Korlu, Dominians, Throne World, and Kunde. Even the planet Tamaran has chosen to take sides.

To put it simply, those in the galaxy who were able to take sides have made their choice.

They don't necessarily want to get benefits, but they certainly don't want to be benefited from. "

"You mean, we can't be neutral even if we want to?" Da Chao frowned.

Harley sighed: "If the earth were an insignificant little force, we could still pretend to be dead and hide ourselves.

The problem is that we have been very ostentatious in recent years.

We want to take a leisurely look at the clouds and clouds, can they allow it?

Isn't the reason why today's meeting was held because Adam Qixia brought us the Lann people's alliance request yesterday?

Even if the Lann planet reappears today and the war has stopped, the leader of Lann still expressed his intention to conclude a 'brotherly alliance' through Adam Qixia.

What does Adam's old father-in-law mean?

If peace really comes, why ally with us? "

"Since we can't avoid it, we should turn from passivity into initiative and strive to maximize benefits. This is also the origin of 'the earth only supports justice policies'."

"Even if we interfere in the Rann-Senagon War, we will only preach peace and there is no need to take sides." Uncle Sam said solemnly.

Harley said calmly: "Do you want me to remind you of Adam's identity again?"

"The Earthling son-in-law of Lann Planet" President Abao finally reacted and shouted with an ugly face: "Shit, we have been sided with."

"Star Wars with tens of millions of people, what can we do?" Captain Atom murmured.

——You are just a walking nuclear bomb. You really can't do much in an interstellar war, but...

Harley's eyes fell on Chao, and then turned to Old Flash and Old Green Lantern. These two people were all capable of changing a war.

A war can determine the fate of a civilization. It would be strange for the Lann people not to stare at the earth.

Harley waved her hand, "Forget it, you go back. Don't worry about Lan Senagon's affairs, concentrate on resolving the conflicts within your superheroes.

Nowadays, fighting spirit is lost, people are divided, and the organization is collapsed. Not to mention dealing with the galactic crisis, even the secret society may not be able to handle it. "

The heroes and giants looked at each other silently and left the Sky Eye Club in silence.

When the Galaxy Master also left, Po frowned and said, "Harley, is your 'superhero agent' plan serious?"

Harley asked: "Why do you object? Is it possible that in the Omac crisis caused by the superhero's messing around, not only did you not suffer any losses, but you also gained a lot of benefits?"

Abao sighed and said frankly: "The government also suffered heavy losses, and the Shogi Association was killed by Omack to the point where not even a chicken was left.

Countless government secret files were stolen by brothers.

Only 87 nuclear bombs were lost in the nuclear bomb silos of the United States. Thanks to you and other heroes, if one falls on the American soil, we are all finished.

There are also citizen casualties, damage to city buildings, network paralysis, and information leakage. The damage Omac has brought to the earth even exceeds the multiverse-level Crisis on Infinite Earths.

The problem is, no matter how big the loss is, the responsibility lies with the superheroes. People will only rebuke and insult them. Almost no one blames me - they put the blame on me for the Shogi Club, so I refuted it on Twitter. My approval rating went up instead. "

Harley's mouth twitched, "You're too honest."

Abao chuckled, "You are the Galaxy Admiral, I will not deceive you in any way."

After a smile, he said with a serious expression: "If superheroes are allowed to cross the line, a 'Justice League Dark' will be created.

The power of the government and our personal safety will be greatly threatened.

If this proposal is passed, I am afraid that I will be abandoned by the party (Republican Party), Congress and the people at the same time. At the very least, I will have no hope of re-election.

Therefore, I can only oppose your proposal on behalf of the government and the American people who are afraid of being twisted by dark heroes and having their necks broken. "

"Then if you object, you can tweet @me and generously state the reasons for your objection. If you say it well, I will also give you a like." Harley said.

"Really?" Abao was surprised and doubtful.

Harry nodded and said, "The truth always becomes clearer with more arguments."

Lana Long's interview with Harley became the front-page headline of the Daily Planet the next day, and the news also took turns to broadcast this information throughout the day.

People all over the world know about Harley's attitude.

Then Po, with a mixture of anxiety and excitement, criticized Harley on Twitter and @Galaxy Admiral.

Three minutes later, Harley really liked him and replied: Although you are against me, I have to admit that your idea makes sense.

"Hahahaha." Seeing the rapid increase in the number of fans following him, Abao laughed loudly, and then sent eight tweets in a row, targeting the eight giants of Zhenglian.

"Baitman should be responsible for the victims of the Omac crisis!"

"Wonder Woman is a murderer, @Justice - prosecute her."

"A murderer is no longer qualified to be a hero."

"Superman is so disappointing. As the leader of the Zhenglian, it was his incompetence in leadership that caused this series of things to happen."

"The six people plus Cyborg are all super criminals wearing hero skins. They committed a crime."

The above public opinions were not expressed by Abao himself. At most, he allowed all the people who opposed and criticized Zhenglian as a "sinner" to unify their voices and find the right direction.

Three days later, Wonder Woman, who was only scolded and received no support from any teammates or other heroes, used her mobile phone to send a message "Return to the mountains and forests" to each of her friends, and quietly returned to Paradise Island.

Her departure marked the beginning of the disintegration of the Justice League.

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