I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1251 A strange situation

Lana Lang was surprised: "You mean, superheroes are also divided into different professions? Traditional heroes who completely abide by the bottom line are equivalent to police officers and are only responsible for city protection.

Some superheroes are like spies, going deep into darker areas and doing things that ordinary heroes can't do, such as protecting the hero's identity.

There are also some heroes who are responsible for supervising the ‘agent heroes’.”

Harley nodded slightly, "Both the superheroes themselves and the public have too sanctified 'superheroes'.

They don't even think of superheroes as a profession, but as a great cause.

This is why superhero reform is in trouble.

But I think superheroing is a profession.

Aren’t the jobs of doctors and teachers sacred and great?

Placing superheroes above all living beings makes them neither holy nor great. "

Confirming the view that superheroing is also a profession, she continued: “As long as it is a profession, it must continue to ‘evolve’ with development.

Let me use you as an example. You are a reporter. How many types of reporters are there now? "

Lana Lang mused, "According to the nature of the work, there are text reporters, photo reporters, radio reporters, television reporters, and online reporters.

According to the content of the reports, they can be divided into political reporters, military reporters, economic reporters, cultural and educational reporters, science and technology reporters, sports reporters, etc.

In addition, there are regions where they are located, which are divided into local reporters, foreign reporters, and special correspondents.”

Harley asked again: "When reporters first appeared, were there so many categories?"

Lana Long shook her head and said: "At that time, a reporter could do all the work, even typesetting and printing."

Harley said: “This kind of career ‘evolution’ is even more obvious in the scientific field.

100 years ago, all those great scientists were all-rounders, knowledgeable in astronomy and geography.

Chemistry, physics, and nature are just one course for them - 'science'.

Now, 100 years later, high school begins with liberal arts and science subjects, and you have to choose a major as a freshman in college. By the end of your sophomore year, the basic courses are almost over, and you have to enter the laboratory.

Even students in the same major must continue to be divided into different research topics.

For example, a science student enters the Materials Department of the School of Chemistry in his freshman year.

In my sophomore year, I chose an energy tutor. In my junior year, I chose battery materials when I entered the laboratory. In my senior year, I chose one of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells to prepare my graduation thesis.

This is not the end, but a new beginning. When he is a graduate student or a doctoral student, when he starts working, he will stand at the end of the treetops. "

"Well, the development of a subject is like a tree. At the beginning it is a seedling, just a solitary trunk. As it continues to develop, the majors become more and more finely divided, just like a sapling spreading its branches and leaves.

Eventually, this subject evolved from a 'professional' to a 'college', and the saplings grew into towering trees. Researchers in this subject are like climbing a tree, climbing up from the roots, starting with the trunk, and then choosing a larger trunk. Then choose a slightly smaller trunk and finally reach the top of the tree. "

Lana Long understood exactly what she meant.

If superheroes are regarded as a "profession", as the profession develops, it must also be refined into different "subjects."

This is the law of nature and the general trend.

The only question is, if superheroes are so sacred and great, can they be equated to an "ordinary" profession?

"I'm afraid everyone won't agree with you. Superheroes represent a kind of spirit. To make them professional is an insult to them and a self-destruction." The female reporter sighed.

Harley shrugged, "I'm just the host of the hero conference, asking questions and giving a solution to the problem. In this way, I complete the task, and the rest is decided by the superheroes themselves."

After Lana Long's interview, Halle invited her to dinner.

She had previously sent an invitation letter to the "Star Wars Symposium" to the female reporter, and the two of them could go there in the car together for dinner.

But as soon as she arrived at the Sky Eye Meeting, before she could enter the conference room, "Lan's son-in-law" Adam Qixia happily told her the "good news": Lann's star had not exploded, and the large-scale interstellar war had stopped. The tens of millions of troops who were gathering at the front line withdrew again.

Harley asked strangely: "In other words, the Lann-Senagon War is over again? But the war was officially declared yesterday, and the news was notified to the entire universe."

She was just surprised, but the President of the United States, who was preparing to fight in Star Wars, was a little angry: "How come the first-class civilization in the universe treats war as a child's play?

Sometimes he started beating, and then he stopped again. This was so erratic, more than once. "

The other representatives from the White House and Pentagon also looked ugly.

Because Harley set the tone for the Lann-Senagon war: not talking about morals, only talking about interests, negotiating with both parties, and helping whoever offers the most benefits.

It is very in line with the taste of the US government.

And the Galaxy Admiral can give this "national policy", at least it means that there is no need to worry too much about the safety of the earth. Well, she will worry about it, they don't have to worry, it is the national policy she gave.

There are only benefits and no risks. Both Congress and the military are very excited.

They are highly motivated and ready to perform well and gain both benefits and high reputation.

From the time they received the news yesterday afternoon to now, they have been busy collecting intelligence, analyzing the situation, and discussing how to get the maximum benefit. It has been nearly 30 hours now, with almost no rest.

Even the PPT "The full power that the United States can invest in Star Wars" that was to be shown to Admiral Galaxy at the meeting was over 800 pages long - enough for her to watch for three days and three nights.

Now that the war has suddenly ended, wouldn't their efforts have been wasted?

Contrary to the dark faces of the government representatives, more than a dozen heroic giants who were originally worried breathed a long sigh of relief.

"You were absolutely certain yesterday that Lann's star turned into dust in a supernova explosion. Why did it suddenly take a big turn today?" Louise, the famous cosmic reporter, only cares about the news.

For this big news, she even gave up her afternoon interview with the Galaxy Admiral.

Well, that’s how she comforted herself: Lana Lang interviewed Harley in the afternoon, and she attended a “Star Wars” panel in the evening, each getting her own way.

"The Rann galaxy did explode. At first, like hundreds of millions of Rann people, I thought that the Rann star was destroyed."

Glancing around the crowd, after catching a glimpse of the suspicion in the eyes of the government representatives, Adam Qixia became excited, "You know that Alanna and Aaliyah are both on Lann Planet. It is impossible for me to make fun of my lover and daughter.

You all saw my state when I told you the news of Lann's destruction yesterday afternoon. Was that a disguise or a joke? "

Yesterday afternoon, he felt like he was mourning, his heart was filled with despair, and he was numb with pain. He was like a walking corpse. When I asked him something, he got no response for a long time, and he burst into tears from time to time.

That kind of pain and despair, even the people around him were infected, it couldn't be a joke.

"It would be abnormal if Planet Lann was destroyed in a stellar explosion. Adam, don't get excited. How did Planet Lann survive? Why did everyone think it was destroyed?" Harley said.

“Lann’s chief scientist Sardas and his research team invented an omega ray—well, it’s not the same thing as Darkseid’s omega ray.

Darkseid's rays come from the Omega effect. Sadas's Omega rays are actually an advanced version of Zeta rays - Zeta rays can teleport individuals to any location in the universe, while Omega rays can teleport to planets and send them to other places. The planet is hidden in the light waves and no one can detect it. "

Harley nodded slightly, "This is normal! How many supernova explosions have we encountered in recent years?

But every time the danger is saved, either by using the planet-level green light energy shield, or by pushing the planet away.

Lann Planet is a super civilization, and its methods should be better than ours. "

"However, it can teleport the entire planet." Her expression became solemn, "The Zeta ray is really a terrifying weapon."

"The Zeta ray is not a weapon, it is at best a means of transportation." Adam Qixia said.

General Lane said solemnly: "You think it is not a weapon just because you don't regard it as a weapon.

If nothing else, if it transports the earth into the interior of the sun, human civilization will come to an end in an instant. "

President Abao said in horror: "What is the weakness of Zeta rays, or what are the defense methods? At least, we have to invent an early warning device."

"Don't be too nervous, everyone. Sadas has never thought of using Zeta rays for war. Your worries are completely unnecessary." Adam Qixia said loudly.

Harry observed his expression carefully: he looked serious and without any reluctance.

"Besides the Omega rays, do you have any other information related to the Lann-Senagon War?" she asked.

Adam Qixia shook his head, "I personally went to Lann Planet and met my wife and daughter, so I rushed back to see everyone."

"Since the Lann planet did not explode, why didn't the Lann people be notified in time and allowed the interstellar war to develop to the point where it was about to break out? In these two days of conflict alone, tens of thousands of people died, right?" Louise asked.

Adam Qixia sighed: "Sardas deliberately hid Rann Star to make everyone think it was destroyed in order to lure out the murderer behind the scenes.

After all, the destruction of Rann Star was fake, but the Rann Galaxy really exploded.

Sardas was 100% certain that their star was far from ready to go supernova.

There is a mysterious force that has a black hand on Lann Star.

And the murderer might not even be a Senagan.

Based on Senagan's reaction in the past two days, they were also shocked and puzzled by the changes in Lann Planet. "

General Lane's eyes flashed, "Senagan may not be disguising, a few leaders have concealed the truth from the people and soldiers of Senagan.

Just like ordinary Rann people don't know the chief scientist's plan to "hide the Rann planet and wait for the murderer to reveal his flaws". "

"This is also possible, so Sadas has waited until now. Seeing that a war involving tens of millions of people is about to break out, and he can no longer hide it, he jumped out from the Lann Star to resolve the misunderstanding and return to peace."

After Adam Qixia said this, he stared at everyone with his eyes wide open.

Some fell into deep thought, while others didn't know what to ask and fell silent.

After a while, Harley asked: "Adam, you know the purpose of our gathering here at night, do you think it is still necessary?"

Adam Qixia smiled easily: "If we talk about dealing with the crisis of the Galaxy War, I don't think it is necessary.

When the Rann galaxy exploded, everyone in Rann calmed down and took the initiative to resolve the conflict.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, both sides should be able to usher in real peace.

However, after knowing the plan for tonight's meeting, Sardas asked me to convey a suggestion to you - in order to protect the peace of the galaxy, Lan is willing to establish a brotherly alliance with the earth. "

"The alliance of brothers should be an equal relationship and become allies with the super civilization of the universe." President Abao's face glowed red, "What is the specific treaty?"

Adam Qixia is also very interested in the plan of establishing an alliance between the two parties.

He said excitedly: "After the intention is confirmed, the treaty can be slowly negotiated. I can guarantee that both parties will have absolutely equal status, rights, and obligations in the alliance."

President Abao opened his mouth to agree, but seemed to suddenly remember something. He turned to look at Hallie and asked, "Haley, what do you think?"

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