I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1236 Superman wants to have a fight with Harley

Harley now wants to do two things. First, take Bateman for a soul appraisal to confirm that he is still the Bruce Wayne she has known since childhood.

If it still persists, do the second thing: use a torx screwdriver to unscrew his skull and see if there is water or rust inside.

"Even if you are facing a heinous bastard, even if you know that if you put him in Arkham Asylum, he will escape and commit crimes again in three to five months, you still stick to the bottom line of not killing anyone.

You are cautious and determined.

But with all your prudence and determination, why do you only insist on not killing people?

No matter from any aspect, the Brother's Eye Plan is a hundred thousand times more evil than murder. Where did your bottom line and caution go when you created the Brother's Eye Plan? "

Bateman explained: “In my design, Brother Eye is prohibited from extracting evolutionary data from the brainwave information database.

In other words, it has no power to evolve independently at all.

The authority is in my hands!

Every step of its evolution should be completed under my supervision and guidance.

It can't even change a single source code without my instructions.

As for the brainwave information database, it is absolutely confidential.

Even if I want to access it myself, there are many restrictions. The brother's eye is equivalent to the safe door of brainwave information.

It is responsible for supervising and blocking any instructions that want to access brainwave information.

Only when a certain superpower loses control and the defense system is activated can the soul gene be officially used.

In other words, the defense system of the artificial intelligence brother eye, me, and non-artificial intelligence are separated and check and balance each other.

I legislate, which is equivalent to Congress, the Brother Eye is responsible for administration, and the defense system is a violent agency like the police and the army. "

"You really have something wrong with your brain!" Harley looked at him with a lunatic look. "For example, I have beautiful facial features and am a beauty on the level of the Milky Way. Therefore, many plastic surgery institutions on the earth use my face as the perfect template——"

"Ahem." Wonder Woman's eyes wandered, "Harley, according to statistics from many authoritative fashion magazines, my classical Greek face shape is the most commonly used imitation template.

You can only be in the top ten.

Fashion anchors say that although your appearance is also very good, it is mainly due to the bonus of temperament, the coordination of spirit, energy and spirit, and the true face shape. This is their evaluation. I am just paraphrasing it - it is far less than mine. "

The heroine is telling the truth.

Before Halle became famous, her appearance could only be said to be 85+, which meant she was a little beauty. There was a long way to go before she was a peerless beauty (score 95+).

However, with the improvement of strength and fame, temperament first became a bonus, and then the "unique charm" brought by becoming a god finally made Harley enter the "ranking of the most beautiful faces in the world".

But Wonder Woman can get a score of 98+ just for her facial features.

To put it simply, Harley is very beautiful, but in terms of face shape and facial features, there are many people who are the same as her, but Diana is unique and almost perfect - according to Western beauty standards.

"Is the key point the face shape?" Harley glared at Diana and said, "With your wisdom, you can't even understand that I am using appearance as an example."

"Everyone knows that you are not the most beautiful woman in the world, which makes your example very unconvincing." Diana said.

"Okay, let's use this example again. The protagonist is you. You are beautiful, you are the best in the world, and women in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea all use you as a plastic surgery template."

Harley turned to Bateman, "Diana has a perfect face and everyone imitates her. This is normal and reasonable.

But the current political system in the United States is obviously rotten. If you imitate it, it is like Diana using Amanda Waller as a template for disfiguring plastic surgery. "

"Harry, I understand what you want to express, but how come the American system is as rotten as Amanda's?" Thinking of Fat Waller's dignity, Dachao felt a little disgusted.

"Amanda was quite beautiful when she was young," Harley said.

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"But that's what I'm talking about! Amanda used to look okay, but now she's ugly. The same goes for the American system. It was beautiful against the backdrop of a bunch of rotten people a hundred years ago, but now it's rotten."

"I don't think it's bad now." Dachao said.

"I'm a big capitalist, you're just a redneck! If I say it sucks, it sucks, because it's my country in your eyes!"

Harley waved her hand to stop Dachao from arguing, and continued to ask Bateman, "What's going on with Omac's nano armor?

It’s the man in blue armor who killed the hero’s ‘rapid throw’.

He was originally just an ordinary person, but wrapped in a layer of mud-like nano-uniform, he became a heroic killer. "

"I am certain that it is related to the Brother Eye, and it may even be controlled by the Brother Eye. For the specific situation, I need to find a sample and let me study it." He replied.

Harley closed her eyes and tapped her knuckles on the table.


After a while, she opened her eyes and said, "I have a guess that Omack may be the 'carrier of the digitalized super soul gene controlled by the brother's eyes'."

"What do you mean?" Wonder Woman was a little confused.

"If that mode - blue nano-armor wraps a living person and is called 'Omax', then it is 80% controlled by Brother Eye.

Living people are just hosts, and nanoparticles are parasites.

Brother Eye has collected the soul genes of many superpowers. If nanoparticles are used to simulate living organisms and loaded with superpower genes, it is almost equivalent to temporarily cloning a 'superguard' with corresponding superpowers.

For example, Brother Eye collects Da Chao's brainwaves, completes Da Chao's digitized soul information, finds the soul gene of 'Cyclops', and loads it on the nano battle armor - just like loading an APP on a mobile phone, wearing The man in the armor, Omac, has the power of Cyclops. "

"Hiss, it sounds so scary, even scarier than Darkseid's demonoid." Diana said in horror.

Harley glanced at Bateman, "The scary thing is the person who built it."

"Why do you need to find a living person as a host?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"This is not traditional chromosome cloning, but soul cloning, which digitizes the soul and copies the data representing superpowers.

Machines cannot carry souls, so Omac needs a living host. "

"If that's the case, then Omac is too scary. He alone is equivalent to all the superheroes and super criminals combined." Da Chao murmured.

"Why did Omac kill Bao Tou?" Harley just asked, then shook her head, "Forget it, Bao Tou's death may have a hidden meaning, but at this time, no matter what the secret is, it is no longer important.

The top priority now is to convene a heroes meeting immediately, confess the whole thing to everyone, and end the self-deception of 'you know, I know but everyone pretends not to know'.

Everyone should be honest and open-minded, admit their mistakes and correct them if they happen.

If people are not united, they will not be able to cope with the Omak crisis.

And Omac is just the beginning, there will be secret societies, ghost changes, and Luthor's Sorrow next."

Dachao nodded slightly, but his expression was a little tangled, "I should confess, but the time to confess is now. Is now a good time?

If conflicts arise due to ideas and behaviors that lead to internal divisions among the superheroes, the Justice League may lose its combat effectiveness for a period of time.

This is a time when crises occur frequently and we need to unite as one."

Harley said: "Let's talk about it, there will definitely be some people who can't think about it and want to quit the alliance, or be autistic, live in seclusion, retire or something like that.

But the remaining heroes at least have a certain perspective on the overall situation and are willing to "suffer" themselves for the overall situation.

In this way, although Zhenglian's paper strength has been reduced, it has solved the problem of unstable people's hearts.

Moreover, there are several mines buried there. These mines will explode sooner or later, such as distortion of will, changing teammates' memories, preventing teammates' plans, and brothers losing control of their eyes.

It is definitely better to take the initiative to detonate it now than to be used by the enemy as a weapon to attack the "Harmonious and Happy Alliance" at the critical moment.

At least you'll be spared the mockery of a supervillain for your hypocrisy. "

The three giants looked embarrassed, but could not refute.

After a while, Bateman asked: "What kind of crisis are the Phantom Change and Luther's Sorrow? Isn't the Phantom Crisis over?"

"The ghost didn't find its host last time, and it will continue to change, the second change! Hecate is about to break the seal, the day of magic debt will begin in advance, and God will be the first debt collector."

Harley first told the news she had learned from old Shazam, and then talked about Luther being spied on.

Finally, she concluded: "Blue Beetle saw the ghost, the mysterious woman, and Luther at the same time in the 'Apocalypse' of the Eternal Castle, which shows that the three crises are interrelated and 80% contain a multiverse-level crisis."

The three giants agreed to hold a hero meeting and promised to confess all "hero sins" at the meeting, but the time had to be postponed for a few days because Blue Beetle needed immediate rescue.

If Harley's guess is right - the man behind Omack comes from the government or the military, they are confident that they will investigate the matter clearly within a few days.

Harley felt that saving Blue Beetle was only part of the reason for postponing the Heroes Conference. They most likely wanted to investigate the results, so as not to appear incompetent and know nothing at the conference.

Europe, an ancient castle that is rarely visited.

In the time-mottled granite hall, an extremely sci-fi holographic projection screen was erected.

There was only one image on the screen, a giant eye in black and white.

"End the autonomous mode and turn on the external domain interface - voice mode." A middle-aged man stood in front of the screen and ordered.

"The autonomous mode has ended and the voice mode has been turned on. Commander, please give the order." Big Eye said indifferently.

"Analyze the reasons why Harley Quinn went to the Hall of Justice." The middle-aged man said.

"It should be because of the invitation from Zhenglian Giant."

"Should?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"I can't crack the household dog system. I can't see the content of their communication. I can only guess based on the existing information." Juyan said.

"Can you monitor the scene in the Hall of Justice?" the middle-aged man asked again.

"It can't be done. My creator knows my abilities and he took precautions early.

I can't even monitor most of the regular heroes right now, they should be warned by the creators.

In addition, I have to remind you, Commander, that I cannot peek at Harley Quinn through Limbo, as well as most powerful magic masters. They can track and attack my body from a distance. "Juyan said.

The middle-aged man looked solemnly and asked, "Has Bruce Wayne contacted you recently?"

"Yes, he tries to contact me every day, trying to get me to answer his questions, and he even wants to shut down my mastermind."

The middle-aged man sarcastically said: "Don't he know that you are no longer a brother? Now you are Omax, my Omax."

"Yes, Commander, I am your Omac." The giant eye's voice still showed no emotion.

The middle-aged man smiled proudly and said: "Turn on the analysis mode. What is the probability that Harley Quinn will find out that I am the mastermind behind this?"

"If she investigates deeply, the probability is 100%! In recent times, there have been too many changes within the Shogi Association.

The shogi club originally had a black king, a black queen, a white king and a white queen. Black and white, the king and the queen checked and balanced each other, and the power was basically maintained in a balanced state.

Now you are the only one left among the two kings and two queens. Anyone who opposes you will be executed, let alone Harley Quinn. Soon the League of Nations and the US government will also discover the abnormality of the Shogi Club - an abnormality that they will never allow. "

The middle-aged man said coldly: "Speed ​​up the production of Omac robots! As long as the power is strong enough, Harley Quinn has nothing to fear.

Also, are they free now? There is still time to investigate Omack?

Didn't they make a huge investment a few days ago? Didn't the Russians find fault with the US government and the Justice League?

Perhaps, kill a few more foreign heroes to disrupt the view? "

"According to my speculation, Harley Quinn may not even know about violent casting. No matter how many foreign heroes die, it will not affect her mood. No one dares to harass her with such a trivial matter." Juyan said.

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed and he sneered: "What do you think of this gimmick of tearing Man apart from the Galaxy Admiral? Can it attract everyone's attention?"

"It's full of explosive power, but I can't do it. At least so far, Omac has not evolved to the point where he can control Rip Man." Juyan said.

"I can handle Bateman, and of course I can handle Ripman. Tonight's news headline is scheduled by me and no one can change it - Superman vs. Harley Quinn!"

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