Several generations of leaders and most of the "chess pieces" of the Shogi Club are Americans, but it does belong to the League of Nations and is an "irregular mission agent organization" recognized by several major rogue countries.

Before the formal formation of Zhenglian, a large number of superpowers had appeared in the public eye, including superheroes and supercriminals.

In order to deal with transnational criminal activities related to super powers, the Shogi Club was secretly established, so its history is actually longer than that of the Justice League.

As its name suggests, the Shogi Club's organizational structure is exactly modeled after that of chess: kingdom, queen, bishop, chariot, pawn, and knight.

It sounds like a child's play, but it can become an internationally recognized spy organization thanks to this almost child's play structure.

In any organization or department, there are generally first and second leaders in an absolute sense, that is, the big boss.

For example, within the U.S. government, the President is the nominal “big boss.”

In the management and decision-making of a listed company, the CEO or general manager also has absolute power.

In chess, there are no absolutely powerful pieces.

On the surface, the king and queen are the most noble and important chess pieces, but on the chessboard, they are not the strongest, and they cannot even be moved casually.

Each chess piece has its own operating rules and must be played according to these rules.

Each chess piece also has the possibility of being swallowed by other chess pieces.

Even the most inconspicuous pawn can kill the kingdom, the queen, or even any chess piece more "noble" than it.

In this way, a shogi club organized according to this rule will have no absolute authority within it. As long as the major powers on earth place their own "chess pieces" in it, they can have the effect of supervision and checks and balances.

Since the Shogi Club can be trusted and can still work for itself - even the king has to move and capture pieces. In the Shogi Club, the king and queen are also agents and have to go on missions frequently, and the mortality rate is extremely high - why not support it? This it?

Therefore, the Shogi Club has been a dynamic and powerful agent organization since its birth.

Even Harley trusts and relies on them. Every time a hero meeting is held, she will send an invitation letter to the king of the Shogi Club, and entrust the Shogi Club with important responsibilities when dealing with large-scale earth crises.

To a certain extent, the king of the shogi club can be considered equal to the giants of the Shogi Association.

And for a long time, the Shogi Club has lived up to the trust of the big guys.

As expected by countries around the world, "chess agents" work conscientiously, are not afraid of sacrifice, do not cause trouble but solve it, and become a moat and a shield between the government and superpowers (superheroes and supervillains), avoiding mortals. A direct conflict between the regime and the superhuman organization.

Harley spoke highly of this organization and felt that it was a "rare conscience" of the government - it did not harm the people and brought more benefits to society and the world than harm.

According to the rules of operation of the shogi club and the selection system of its members, in theory it can always maintain its original intention and never forget its mission.

It is very difficult to corrupt.

First, the elimination rate is too high.

The shogi club is basically composed of ordinary agents without special powers. They are all special forces kings and ace agents from all over the world.

They are very capable, all of them are Rambo, 007, and Mission Impossible.

However, now is a world full of superpowers. If you want to be a "policeman" who maintains world peace, you will inevitably face brutal and powerful superpowers frequently. It is conceivable that the death rate is high.

Therefore, most shogi club leaders will sacrifice their lives for their beliefs before forgetting their original intentions and have no chance of falling.

This is one of the reasons why Harley respects them.

Secondly, it is a "joint-stock company", and every country is its major shareholder. The shareholders certainly do not want to lose money, and of course they must always keep an eye on the "company's accounts and operations."

Even if a certain leader of the Shogi Club is lucky and strong, and survives for a long time, he has no chance of falling.

If he falls, the censors will find out and replace him.

In the final analysis, the kingdoms and queens of the shogi club are just chess pieces on the chess board, and the chess players are other people.

Maxwell Lord is the veteran Black King, but even if he wants to break the "perfect" system of the Shogi Club, he can only use brute force and violence - directly kill the White King and White King who oppose him and check him. The queen, the black queen who imprisons herself, uses Omac to clean up the disobedient "pieces".

This is too rough.

It is destined not to be hidden for too long.

Of course, he didn't intend to hide it forever.

When the peerless killer Omac "multiplies" to a sufficient number to crush the world, he will be the king.

At this point, after Harley leaves the Hall of Justice.

The shogi club headquarters is hidden in an ancient castle in Europe.

The palace of the Black King.

The giant eye on the screen asked: "Commander, what are your plans? How can I cooperate with you?"

"You don't need your cooperation, all it takes is one thought to defeat Tear Man." Maxwell said proudly.

"Help me find Clark Kent first," he ordered.

The giant eye image on the screen disappears and is replaced by rapidly flashing images of the city, including Rip Man wearing a red cape passing through the streets of the metropolis, and a Kent reporter wearing glasses holding a microphone to interview a socialite.

"I haven't found Ripman. Considering it's already 8:30 in the evening, Clark Kent will most likely be back home." Jueye said.

"Can your field of vision pass through the roof of his house?" asked the Black King.

"No, there are magic elements reacting around his house, so at least one protective circle should have been drawn."

"The mightiest hero on earth is so afraid of death." Lauder gritted his teeth and said sarcastically.

“Ripman wasn’t afraid of death, he was afraid of his family being harmed, especially after Sue Dibny was killed.

According to what I heard from the creator (Bruce Wayne), adding magic circles to home security systems has become a trend among superheroes. "Juyan said one by one according to his own analysis.

Lauder said: "Of course I know what Rip Man is afraid of, but I couldn't spy on his whereabouts as I wished, so I made fun of him to vent my emotions."

"Well, I understand, Commander."

The giant eye's tone was still indifferent, but the Black King understood that his words had made it evolve a small step further.

Unlike Bateman who restricted the evolution process of his dead brother's eye, he completely opened up all permissions and allowed it to evolve freely and autonomously in the established direction.

Well, he doesn't care about anything except the general direction.

This is one of the reasons why Brother Eye betrayed his creator and chose him as his "commander".

"Connect Clark Kent's computer or TV through the network. I need to meet his eyes through the screen." The Black King changed his order.

"Trying to connect to the network. Connected, failed to enter Kent's LAN." Lines of code quickly appeared on the screen. Finally, with a "stab" sound, a grinning bully dog ​​jumped out.

"Keeping dog?" Black King was startled and asked nervously: "Did Harley Quinn come after her?"

"No, this household dog is just a dynamic image, not a real household dog.

I first controlled a main server of Luther Technology, and then used it to continuously control 24 hosts around the world. Finally, I tentatively sent a Trojan to the Kent family. After discovering the guard dog, I immediately cut off the data and gave up the invasion. "Juyan said.

"Keeping Dog" Heiwang's face was filled with uncertainty, "Can you swallow it?"

Juyan said: "It's not as intelligent as me. If it's a fair fight, I should be able to devour it and then take a big step forward in evolution."

But I know the ins and outs of the housekeeper dog.

The creators recorded detailed information about the household dogs.

At its root is a quantum magician named 'Richie', who can be joined by a host of Heavenly Mountain grass-headed gods when necessary.

I haven't set foot in the field of magic yet, and I can't resist the magical influence of the quantum mage Richie.

If an "information war" breaks out with the grass-headed gods on the Internet, they will definitely use quantum magic attacks that make me confused.

The final outcome will most likely be that I will be killed instantly, even if I am indeed more advanced and have more potential than it. "

After a pause, Juyan added: "In addition, the root server of the watch dog is in heaven. If I track it there, I am not sure how heaven will react."

If Harley hears this, she will definitely scold Bruce again: What a scam.

What the giant eye says are the true secrets of the household dog.

This is different from the explanation Harley gave to the US government, the Pentagon, and even most of the heroes. She lied to them.

She said that Guardian Dog’s root server is at Puppy Technology Company, and user data is always under the control of the government.

She also said that the Guardian Dog is a low-level artificial intelligence specially developed by Puppy Technology Company.

Now, all the secrets that Bruce knew were known to the brothers, and knowing the secrets to the brothers meant that the Shogi Club also knew everything.

The key is that no matter what she does, what plans she has, or what secrets she knows, most of the time she will not deliberately avoid Bruce.

This time he cheated himself, and also everyone who trusted him.

"Heaven." The Black King's face was filled with uncertainty. If he hadn't been worried about Blue Beetle's soul ascending to heaven and exposing his secrets, Blue Beetle would not be missing now, but would be dead.

"Batman may ask Harley Quinn to use the forces of heaven or hell to find you. Can you protect yourself?"

"If the protection you are talking about means fighting against them with strength, I can't do it, but if you just hide your whereabouts and avoid arrest, the success rate is 100%." ​​Juyan said.

"One hundred percent, are you sure? Harley Quinn commands an army of hundreds of thousands of angels, and hundreds of thousands of angels are searching for her in the shadow world. How can you hide it?" the Black King asked doubtfully.

"I will enter other divine realms or other dimensions, such as Apokolips."

The Black King was even more surprised, "I remember that you are a 'Shadow Realm Spy Satellite', and your scope of activity is limited to the Shadow Realm on the edge of hell."

Juyan said: “Every minute, I am evolving.

The creator once made a "Apocalypse Defense Plan", which not only contained detailed information about Apokolips, but also ways to deal with the new dark god.

Just in the early hours of yesterday, I had locked the coordinates of the Apokolips Star by tracking the Mother Box signal, and found the Genesis Star only half an hour later. Now I am looking for the opposite of the Dream Kingdom-the nightmare dimension.

It is also recorded by the creator that the nightmare dimension is a gathering place for outlaws. Evil mages who are wanted and hunted by major forces like to take refuge there.

Therefore, the nightmare dimension may be a hiding place for me. "

"Very good." The Black King not only did not feel alarmed, but showed an expression of satisfaction and joy, "The failure rate of Omac's plan is even lower."

"The longer time passes, the higher my level of evolution will be, the greater the number of Omics, and the higher the chance of success." Juyan said.

"So, if I want to take down Rip Man, it's best to kill Harley Quinn directly." The Black King stared at the screen and muttered: "You continue to stare at Bateman, Rip Man, and Wonder Woman. and Harley Quinn, try not to miss any of their action.”

"The three giants of the Zhenglian Alliance are okay, but Harley Quinn either stays in the manor or jumps directly from the manor to the destination through the Archimedes airship. I can't even understand the general scope of her activities and the status of her activities." Giant Eyes road.

"Start with the people around her, analyze their whereabouts and conversations, and then judge her movements." The Black King said.

The night passed quickly, and early the next morning, Clark Kent and his wife entered the Daily Planet office one after another as usual.

As a "famous person in the universe" recognized by everyone in the universe, Louise's treatment is very good, and she has a 35-square-meter office with a small balcony and a small lounge.

Clark is in a worse situation. He barely managed to meet the company's KPIs and barely kept his job from being laid off. He is still sitting in the lobby, sharing a table with several reporters on the same page.

"Clark, Clark"

After pressing the power button, Clark subconsciously turned his eyes to the computer screen. After the startup screen, the screen did not light up completely. A figure covered the desktop, and a soft voice floated into Clark's ears. His eyes gradually became blurred.

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