I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1235 True Super Brother Eyes

Bateman's eyes flashed and he asked: "Are you doubting the White House and the Pentagon? Is there any evidence?"

Harley shook her head and said, "I just learned about this now. I don't know much about Brother Eyes and Omac. What evidence can I have?"

"Why do you think of them?" Bateman continued to ask.

"Using the elimination method, there are many people and forces in the world who are staring at you, and the number one one is naturally your super criminal fan group. Their infatuation is unparalleled.

The political power of the United States ranks second.

The motivation behind the fan base staring at you is love, and the motivation behind the political forces staring at you is interest - the interest of power and money. The 'source motivation' is slightly weaker than love, but it is definitely full of motivation.

In terms of what they know about you, the men in the White House and Pentagon immediately crush supervillains and rank first.

Let’s talk about capabilities. To take away your artificial intelligence, the enemy must also master mature artificial intelligence technology.

In addition to the supervillains on the technological side, the military comes second.

Finally, in terms of ability to cause trouble, superheroes ranked first, supervillains ranked second, and the US government was able to enter the top three. "

Harley rapped the table lightly with her knuckles and glanced back and forth on the faces of the Big Three. Bateman was thoughtful, Wonder Woman frowned slightly, and Chao seemed dissatisfied.

Catching a glimpse of her gaze, Dachao simply said: "Although I completely disagree with Bateman's Brother Eye plan, if he had discussed it with me in advance, I would have stopped it.

But the brother is out of control and cannot put all the blame on him. He does not want to strengthen the power of the superhero, but wants to limit the power of himself and Zheng Lian.

In a way, he's just a victim trying to do good. "

"To put it simply, you don't agree with the idea that superheroes are the first to cause trouble?" Harley asked.

Dachao nodded firmly without hesitation.

“It is meaningless to talk about responsibility, only the judge who sentences the criminal will consider responsibility.

For those of us who are dealing with the crisis and the civilians affected by the crisis, since the crisis has occurred, we can only talk about cause and effect.

At least in recent years, the destruction of Beach City, Zero Hour Crisis, the identity crisis caused by Jane Rowling, the New Secret Society, and Ormac were all caused by superheroes.

Crisis is the effect, superheroes are the cause.

You said that Bateman doesn't have to take the main responsibility for his brother's loss of control, but if he didn't mess around, there would be Omack? "

Dachao said: "According to you, nothing will go wrong unless you don't do it. In the future, superheroes will learn lessons from Bateman's incident - give up their ambition and sense of crisis, and be a soldier to block or defeat them if they fail to arrive." An idle 'fishing hero'?"

Harley said calmly: "Reality is so cruel. If the hero's plan succeeds, it is deserved, and the applause will still be there; if the hero fails, he will be criticized immediately.

Precisely because success is difficult and the responsibilities are heavy, superheroes are heroes.

Therefore, you who have the strongest comprehensive ability are the heroes.

While there are so many mortals in the world who envy you, don’t you want to be a hero yourself and be filled with glory?

They want it so much, but they can't do it.

lack of ability.

What motivates you to choose to become a hero is your heart of justice, but what really makes you a hero is your ability - not only the ability to defeat the enemy with your fists, but also the ability to judge and control yourself and the situation.

If you have no intention, you can at least make a 'second-generation golden nuclear bomb', but if you have no intention, it will be useless.

Since the foundation for you to become a hero is ability, then you should understand the most basic truth - you can be motivated, have a sense of crisis, have plans, and have plans, but you must limit them within the scope of your abilities. If your ability is limited, you will be unable to control it.

When ordinary people lose control of their lives or work, at best their whole family suffers.

Superheroes at least protect a city or a community. If they cannot control it, tens of millions of people will be affected.

Just like Bateman's Omack plan.

The purpose of this plan is to monitor all super-powered heroes and criminals to prevent them from abusing their powers.

The purpose is good.

The question is, where is the limit of Bateman’s capabilities? "

Harley looked into his eyes and asked: "As a martial artist, one of the most important qualities is to have a comprehensive understanding of your body, mind, spirit, and thoughts. Have you achieved this?

In your perception, where are your limits?

The more comprehensive you know yourself, the more cautious you will be, but this time you behave like a newbie. "

Bateman bent even further, covering his face with his hands and saying nothing.

Wonder Woman couldn't bear it when she saw it, and reminded: "We are talking about Omac now, and Ted Kord is waiting for our rescue!"

Harley glanced at Da Chao again. He was silent now. His face was no longer angry, but his brows were furrowed, as if he was stuck in some kind of ideological predicament.

She continued: "Regardless of other factors, the most likely perpetrators this time are the Secret Society of Super-Villains.

But the society has just been established, and it hasn’t even elected a leader yet - well, Luther has the loudest voice, but he is still squatting in a kiln on Stryker Island. I can’t guarantee that he will not join the secret society in the future, but he must think about lust. You have to get warm first.

Not to mention food and warmth, Luther has lacked a sense of security in recent months.

Therefore, I excluded secret societies and felt that a military organization was most likely to cause trouble.

The brother's eye was taken away because the benefits it represented were too huge, and those bastards were tempted.

By the way, Bateman, please tell me about its performance in detail.

At least it was created to protect against all superheroes, which is what the government has always wanted to do but couldn't.

This function alone is enough to make organizations hiding in the dark take risks. "

Bateman said in a low voice: "Brother Eye has at least three core technologies, the first is the Limbo satellite.

It's just a satellite, but it's out of control, and there's nothing we can do about it.

In other words, we can't do anything about it because we can't find it.

It can travel through the material universe and Limbo at will, and does not permanently exist in the material world. "

Harley asked with a dull face: "Did you steal Luther's technology, or is Wayne Technology doing research secretly? Why do you all want to steal my housekeeper dog business?"

Bateman shook his head and said, "I started research on Limbo communications earlier than Luther, and even earlier than your guard dog.

As early as when I first learned about the Mother Box and its ability to transmit information across dimensions, I thought of the 'Apocalypse Defense Plan', and then the Mother Box counterfeiting project was put on the agenda.

Unfortunately, the core technology of the Mother Box is too advanced and cannot be cracked even with the use of numerous alien technologies.

Later, when I saw Luther launching the Limbo satellite, I lowered my requirements and lowered the function from "Apocalypse Information Monitoring and Security" to "Higher Earth Satellite."

It's a spy satellite, not a communications satellite, and it won't take away your and Luther's business.

Ordinary spy satellites can monitor people and buildings on the ground. In addition to hacking into the city surveillance network, my brother's eye can also sneak into the shadow world and stand in the 'eye' of a higher dimension, ignoring the obstacles of buildings and taking pictures directly.

With this ability, I feel confident that it can monitor all super criminals and heroes.

Of course, it is not difficult for a mage to block out prying eyes from the Shadow Realm.

Simply build your own force field to distort the surrounding Shadow Realm space.

A mage with strong magic power, he naturally has a force field around his body.

Even those with powers who don't understand magic can create a force field as long as their power is in an excited state.

But these are only special cases. Most heroes and criminals can be monitored most of the time. "

If the topic at the moment wasn't criticizing him and his brothers, Harry would have given a thumbs up and said "amazing".

Dachao frowned and said, "Brother Eyes can monitor everyone at the same time?"

"No, the currently out-of-control Brother Eye is called 'Brother Eye No. 1'. I originally planned to launch a Starlink project. There will be as many satellites as there are A-level and above super criminals and superheroes in the world." Terman said.

"When you confessed to me before, you didn't say you wanted to create countless brotherly eyes."

At this time, Dachao was actually a little glad that Bateman's Brother Eye plan failed. He really succeeded. Even if Brother Eye didn't lose control, Bateman himself would lose control. Just like Harley said, it was beyond his ability.

"I think the name 'Brother Eyes' can explain everything. Since it is a 'brother', of course there are more than one." Bateman said.

Harley said: "There is not much difference between one satellite and ten thousand. Brother Eyes already has wisdom. More satellites will only increase its size and will not cause qualitative changes."

Then she asked, "What about the second technology?"

"Soul gene duplication and cloning based on soul digitization. This time, some of Luthor's technologies are used, such as brainwave data collection and super soul gene editing.

When Brother Eye monitors super heroes and criminals, they will also collect their brain waves and extract the 'soul gene' that represents his super powers.

All information is stored in Brother Eye's brain. Through big data analysis and comparison, the flaws of each set of soul genes representing superpowers can be found.

In other words, a defense plan is designed for each superpower and each superpower. "

"Fake." Harley cursed out the "fuck" in her heart, "Are you crazy?

I have warned you countless times that the risk of soul genetic engineering is too high, so don’t touch it.

Even the 'Grandmaster of Quantum Magic' was ordered by me not to continue this research.

Not only did you not listen, but you got it right in one step and got it done without skipping any taboo points. "

Bateman pursed his lips, "It is needed to build the intelligent AI of Brother Eye, and it is also needed to analyze and defend super heroes or criminals. A single spy satellite cannot stop any super person."

Harley put away the carelessness on her face, and her expression became serious.

She already felt the seriousness of the matter.

Brother Eye, or Omac, is definitely scarier than Marvel's Ultron next door.

"You're absolutely crazy." She shook her head and sighed.

"Yes, I am crazy. After discovering that my most trusted companion had distorted my memory, I was on the verge of madness."

Bateman raised his voice, with obvious anger in his tone. He didn't know whether it was anger at the six people or himself.

"Today, now, I don't want to discuss this with you anymore." Harley waved her hand and continued to ask: "Where is the third core technology?"

"Brother Eye Intelligent AI, it has the function of automatic evolution."

"that is it?"

This alone is definitely not comparable to the first two technologies, and it is not qualified to be placed at the end and appear as the finale.

Bateman pursed his lips, "I suspect it can extract the nutrients needed for evolution from the 'digitized brainwave information database'."

"Shit, you mean, it uses the 'super soul genes' of superheroes and super villains to keep evolving?"

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