I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1234 Who is behind the scenes?

"You think I'm not qualified to have a meeting with you?" Diana said angrily.

——You didn’t even realize that the “Will Distortion Incident” had set off huge waves among super criminals, so what’s the use of calling you over?

Harley shook her head and said, "It has nothing to do with qualifications. Even a newly minted E-class hero can speak freely here as long as he can help with this incident.

Even if he has no help in this incident, as long as he wants to know the specific situation, I don't feel the need to stop him. "

Finally, she emphasized: “Our meeting this time is to solve the problem, not to cover up the problem.

Anyway, I am an upright person, and I dare to do bad things openly, and I will never help you "cover up your flaws."

So, let alone three people, you can call all the heroes. "

Dachao said: "We have no intention of covering up the problem, nor do we intend to hide it from other people anymore - we can't hide it anymore.

We are looking for you because we hope to first understand the general situation clearly.

If you don't understand anything and you call everyone together, you won't be able to discuss how to solve the problem, and you can only focus on the contradictions and conflicts.

Alas, you must understand that after the twisting of will is made public, there will definitely be a big quarrel or even internal division.

But Blue Beetle is missing, Brother Eye is out of control, and a major crisis targeting superheroes is about to come. Now is really not the time to start a split. "

"Is Blue Beetle missing or dead?" Harley asked.

Dachao looked at her expectantly and said: "We were trying to confirm this with you, but we can't find anyone else right now. We contacted the grass-headed gods of Heaven Mountain through the guardian dogs, and they also said that Ted did not go to heaven. Mountain."

"Zatanna and Madam Xanadu, have you asked?" Harley asked again.

"You mean divination?" Dachao shook his head, "During the time demon crisis, Madam Xanadu was attacked for her divination and she almost lost her life.

Since then, she has expressed tactfully that she no longer wants to be involved with us.

She said we had too many things to do and too much trouble that she couldn't afford to cause.

At least don't look for her too often. She is willing to help us once every three to five years, and that's it.

As for Xiao Zha”

He sighed and said bitterly: "After Jane Rowling's case was over, she came to me and said that being a Justice League hero was too tiring and she wanted to leave the Justice League.

I didn't persuade her to stay, I just said she would give herself a break when she was tired, and after a period of rest, she would seriously think about whether to continue being a superhero.

So, Xiao Zha is on vacation.

And Xiao Zha is not good at divination either. "

Harley took out her phone and sent a text message to Carlisle.

At this time, he had obtained the Silver City household registration, coupled with the identity of the "General Manager of the Defense Mansion" which was only one level lower than her, he had obtained the authority to inquire some simple information in the Golden Hall.

After waiting for two minutes, Carlisle sent a message: Blue Beetle Ted Codd is a standard Christian, and it is now confirmed that there is no soul in God's land.

"It's good that the person is not dead." The three giants all breathed a sigh of relief to varying degrees.

"Did Ted tell you what he was doing?" Harley asked.

"He told me." Wonder Woman said: "A few days ago, his aircraft exploded in the street, causing heavy civilian casualties. Did you know?

I handled that matter personally, responsible for compensating the victims and cooperating with Sky Eye agents and local police detectives to investigate the cause of the accident.

When I brought Ted back to the watchtower, he told me what he was doing - tracking the Omac plan.

Although I did not participate in his next actions, I also agreed to be his backup and you could call me at any time if you were in trouble.

We formed a temporary team to target Omack.

The Justice League has a mature team collaboration system, so he will notify me when he goes on a mission and confirm his status with me regularly.

Our agreement is to update information every three hours.

Three hours later, when I didn't receive a call from him, I knew something was wrong with him. "

Harley nodded slightly, then turned to Bateman, "How out of control is your brother's eyes?"

Bateman raised his head and glanced at her, "Why don't you ask my brother how far his eyes can go?"

Harley curled her lips, at most it was "DC version of Ultron Crisis".

"The Brother Eye Satellite can evolve into another 'Mechanical Hunter' at most. Considering that you typed out the code for artificial intelligence, is it your first time to engage in AI research? Therefore, its estimated strength has to be lowered by another level."

Bateman silently turned on the Bat watch and projected a three-dimensional figure in mid-air.

It was a video, and it happened in a bar in Europe.

Several couples of men and women at the bar were chatting and laughing while holding wine glasses. Suddenly, the eyes of a middle-aged man wearing a brown cashmere coat glowed red, and then in the blink of an eye, his whole body was covered with a layer of starry sky blue fluid, forming a 360-degree combat suit with no blind spots.

It is very similar to Tony Stark's nanosuit in "Avengers 4", and 80% of it also uses very mature nanotechnology.

It's just that although Tony's suit is made of nanomaterials, it has a very strong metallic texture after wearing it. It looks like a metal shell, while the starry sky blue weirdo looks like he is wearing a skin of fluid material.

The image is also a bit strange. There are no facial features on the face, only a red light that looks like an eye lights up in the middle of the eyebrows, and an unusually conspicuous eye is used as a symbol at the connection between the neck and the chest.

Harley immediately thought of "brother eyes."

After completing the transformation, the weirdo walked straight to the bar without saying a word, picked up the superhero who was chatting with a French girl, and threw him out like a baseball.

The reason why he is determined to be a superhero is not because Harley recognizes him, but because he wears a hero's uniform.

"Boom!" A hole was knocked out of the wall, and bricks and stones were flying everywhere. The whole crowd exclaimed. The weirdo was as fast as lightning. The surveillance camera only saw a flash of blue shadow. He had already arrived outside the house, and his arms were stretched and transformed into a handle. With a straight blade, the hero was cut in half from the waist up and down with just one blow.

"Who is this unlucky man who took off his mask in public and drank and flirted with women?" Harley asked, pointing to the body.

Well, the victim not only drank and looked for women, but also took off his mask.

Obviously, this is another third-rate hero who revealed his true identity.

But even if he revealed his identity, Harley still didn't recognize him.

"He's a 'Swashbuckler', a Slavic superhero who has a very high reputation in his country."

Bateman dragged the video to enlarge the figure of the blue monster, "It is the derivative of Brother Eye - Omac."

"Your Brother Eye Project is mixed up with the Omac Project that Blue Beetle is investigating?"

Blue Beetle disappeared during the investigation of Omac, and then the brothers lost control of their eyes. It is reasonable that the two things are related to each other, but Harley still feels that there is a small problem.

Bruce may have had the Brother Eye plan for a long time, but it was after the Jane Rowling incident that it really became a reality.

But the "Secret Society" was reorganized after the Jane Rowling incident.

After Jane Rowling entered Arkham and Dr. Light spread the "atrocities" of the Zhenglian everywhere, and everyone in the super villains was in danger, they came up with the idea of ​​reorganizing the "Secret Society of Super Villains".

After the secret society is established, the villains will begin to take revenge on the Zhenglian giants. The method of revenge is the "Omack Plan" - this was her previous idea.

"Brother's eyes are out of control and Omack's plan probably has nothing to do with the villains." She guessed.

"Didn't Blue Beetle say that the 'New Secret Society' is working on the Omac plan to deal with us?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"Blue Beetle probably guessed wrong."

"The secret society is real. I heard it with my own ears and saw it with my own eyes." Dachao said seriously.

Harley glanced at him and couldn't help but ask: "Did you hear when Green Arrow said, 'He only wants to hear what he wants to hear, and only wants to believe what he wants to believe'?" See?"

Da Chao's tough Chinese face turned red again, his eyes wandered, and he didn't dare to look into her bright blue eyes.

"Are you extremely embarrassed? Do you feel ashamed, remorseful, or embarrassed? You are a good boy who works hard to be praised by everyone, but in the end he secretly did a bad thing and was discovered by others. How do you feel when you face me now? ?" Harley asked curiously.

Dachao's face turned even redder, turning purple, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead and face.

It was like a high-pressure steam cooker that was placed on a high fire but had its vents blocked. It wouldn't be surprising if it exploded on the spot the next moment.

"Ahem, Blue Beetle is still waiting for us to save him, and Brother Eye also needs to be dealt with immediately." Bateman coughed twice and came to Dachao's rescue.

Harley turned to him again and looked directly into his eyes, "Green Arrow also said, 'With his caution and carefulness, he can discover the truth through any clues, but he only wants to detect what he is willing to detect.' Have you noticed?"

Oh, you are not the same as Tear Man.

You need to be aware of two secrets: first, have you noticed that the six people are distorting the minds of the villains; second, have you noticed that part of your memory has been erased. "

Bateman's tough Chinese face turned red, and his head under the tightly sealed leather hood seemed to be smoking hot.

"Harry, there are priorities." Diana reminded tactfully.

Harley turned to her again.

When Diana's eyes first met hers, she actually flinched, but soon she thought that she was different from the other two teammates - she was completely innocent.

She straightened her back again, raised her chin slightly, and stared provocatively into the scrutinizing eyes.

Harley looked away.

A smile appeared on Diana's lips: Humph, you want to destroy my heart, no way!

She usually doesn't do anything bad and is not afraid of the witch knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

"I wanted to say something to you, but you didn't notice the 'New Secret Society' that everyone in the circle knows about." Harley shook her head and sighed, "I can't have too high demands on you!"

The faint smile on Diana's face solidified: an upright giant and the most powerful superhero, not even worthy of "high demands"? Besides, what kind of tall order is "detecting that the Six twist the will of the villains"?

But she couldn't refute it. She did not notice the actions of the six-person group, nor did she notice that Dr. Guang was "spreading rumors" everywhere.

——Is she really not worthy?

Diana's handsome and handsome cheeks turned red and white.

After stabbing the three Zhenglian giants in the heart one by one, Hareton felt refreshed.

She took the initiative to return to the original topic and said: "It's not that the information that the secret society was quietly established is wrong, but that Blue Beetle's guess that the Omac plan came from the secret society is wrong.

The reason is simple, I believe in Bateman. "

Bateman looked shocked, "Do you still believe me now?"

"Don't worry, I don't believe that you are mature and 100% trustworthy." Harley waved her hand and said seriously: "I believe in your ability.

You have launched countless "anti-xxx plans" in your life, but the brother eye plan is the most sophisticated, and it is almost the master of the "anti-xxx plan".

So, I believe it must be very strong.

It was impossible for such a powerful thing to be taken away by the secret society so quickly.

The person who takes it away must have been watching you for a long time and knows you very well, but he is not your 'fan' - your fan cannot suppress the desire to take action against you. "

"Perhaps there is strength in numbers, and by uniting many super villains, the secret society has the strength to quickly take away the brothers' eyes?" Da Chao said.

Harley nodded, "We don't rule out this possibility, but what we are discussing now is the 'highest possibility'.

The chance of quickly taking away your brother's eyes is already very low.

After taking away the brother's eyes, he immediately developed a 'blue nanoman' - the blue man who killed the hero in half, with a lower chance. "

"Who do you think is most likely?" Bateman asked.

Harley said weirdly: "It's probably the government or the military. You can start from this aspect."

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