I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1233 Finally willing to know

"Harry, I, I have an official position, I got the Silver City household registration!" The old priest Carlisle smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his eyes. If he hadn't been mature and steady all his life, he would have jumped up excitedly at this moment.

"You sent me a dozen messages urgently, just because of this?"

"Isn't this a big deal? I am an official, an official in Silver City. After you, I become the second mortal in history to do this." Carlisle said excitedly.

Harley glanced at him strangely and asked, "Are you the chief manager of the Defense Mansion?"

"Hey, how did you know?" Carlisle was startled, then suddenly smiled and said: "I understand, Harry, thank you, you really helped me find the way through, thank you so much."

"Why go through the door?" Harley asked.

"Hey, I'm not a fool. Apart from helping you take care of the garrison, I haven't done anything to Heaven. How can I be rewarded for my merits?"

Carlisle said with a smile: "And the appointment letter came from Lord Zaulie. She quietly found me while the soldiers in the garrison were resting, pulled me aside, and announced the matter to me with an awkward expression."

"It turned out to be Lao Zha. I thought Tianzhi Sheng would personally notify you and explain the matter clearly! Such courage." Harley curled her lips and asked again: "What did Lao Zha say?"

"That means I officially become a member of Silver City and belong to the King of Heaven Mountain, which means my household registration is registered in Heaven Mountain." Carlisle didn't notice the abnormality in Harry's tone and burst out laughing again, "Although it's just a special 'nothing' Winged Angel', but based on this household registration alone, I enjoy 100% angelic power.

In addition to the household registration, I also received a rare official position in Silver City - the rank of Grand Steward second only to you and several angel commanders.

Omaika, Christ bless, Michael the King protects

Before meeting you, I never imagined that my life could reach such heights, Harley, thank you! "

"Don't thank me in a hurry." Harley waved her hand and told him bluntly: "The reason why you obtained Silver City household registration in one day and became an honorable civil servant was of course due to my recommendation.

But this recommendation is not without cost. You are the general manager of the Defense Mansion in name, but in fact, you have long been the general manager in reality. However, what Tianzhi Sheng and I mean is that you are actually the 'general manager who takes the blame'. "

"Take the blame?" Carlisle's smile faded and he asked in surprise, "What are you taking the blame for?"

"The pot of forbidden love that may appear in the future"

Harley recounted the conversation between herself and the Voice of Heaven that day, and sighed: "God cannot lie, the Great Lord cannot lie, the Voice of Heaven cannot lie, and the young Lord of Heaven does not know, in case the succubus Ellie cannot redeem herself And Taili, if we have to deal with Taili for the sake of the overall situation, if this matter is still exposed, you will need to take the blame."

"This" the joy that had been stirring in Carlisle's heart for many days suddenly disappeared.

"Is this your advice to the Voice of Heaven?"

Harry asked back: "Even if we don't give you a household registration and civil servant status, if something like that happens, will you be able to get it?"

Carlisle was silent for a moment and sighed: "You're right, if you encounter something like this that only involves losing your reputation but not your life, it's really up to me.

This ‘Harley Party’ was created by us for personal gain. You are the leader and I have always been the second in command.

All this while, as long as you could stand up straight, you never asked me to bend my knees anywhere.

If you are the boss of Gotham, who in Gotham would dare to show mercy to me?

When you are promoted to the garrison of Silver City, who among the angels with a lower level than you will not be respectful when they see me? Even if I am just a mortal without a household registration or official position. "

By the end of his speech, his face was filled with relief.

Harley patted his shoulder and smiled: "This is actually a good thing for you.

The biggest taboo of a mage is not to offend anyone, nor is it lack of magic power or clever spells, but getting benefits without knowing the price.

All miracles have a price.

Now that the price is clearly laid out in front of you, you can enjoy the benefits of Baiyincheng household registration and civil servant status with peace of mind.

Even I cannot collect debts from you because of this promotion. "

"You're right." Carlisle grinned again.

Although Carlisle had accomplished the great task of being "the second civil servant in the history of mortals in Paradise Mountain", it only took Harry half an hour to explain to him the reasons for his official position.

The Justice League on the other side seems to be just a small matter of missing third-tier superheroes. If the problem is really solved, even Harley will feel a headache.

Hall of Justice.

In the conference room, there were only three Zhenglian giants: Da Chao, Wonder Woman, and Bateman.

"Harry, where have you been these past few days? I have called you so many times and sent you so many urgent messages, but you haven't replied to any of them."

The anxiety and irritability in Dachao's heart were directly displayed on his face, and there was inevitably some complaint in his tone.

"I encountered an accident and went to Taixu Illusion. The 'Heaven Communication Network' can't reach there. I didn't receive any news from you. Didn't you say there was a meeting? Why are there only the three of you?"

Harley looked around. The door was closed tightly. It was obvious that no more heroes would come.

"Today's meeting is just the four of us."

Bateman leaned back on the chair, his back slightly arched, his head slightly lowered, and there was a touch of frustration in his voice.

"It's just the three of you, not even the seven giants of the Zhenglian Alliance." Harley's eyes moved from Bateman to Da Chao's face, and finally to Diana. The three giants were all in poor condition and depressed.

The confusion that rarely appears in heroes was felt by Harley in the brows of the three giants.

She was thoughtful at first, and then laughed happily, "Hahaha, you are finally going to know?"

Bateman's expression was dull and his body was motionless. Dachao raised his head and glanced at her, but hesitated to speak.

Wonder Woman frowned and said, "What do you know? There are two main things I'm looking for you for today. One is the disappeared Blue Beetle.

He had close contact with you before disappearing. In addition, he also revealed to me"

After a pause, Diana's expression became strange, "Ted praised you for a while, saying that you were not as cold as the outside world thought you were.

You just look cold and unapproachable, but in fact you have a warm, meticulous, considerate and sincere heart. "

Harley smiled and nodded, "Blue Beetle is an honest man."

The corners of Diana's mouth twitched and she said, "It's impossible for him to change his mind about you for no reason. What have you done?"

Harley didn't answer and asked: "This is just the first thing, it's bad news. What about the other one?"

Diana looked at Bruce with complicated eyes, "Baitman's brother's eye satellite is out of control."

"Oh, that's good news." Harry nodded lightly.

"good news?"

Several giants looked at her in surprise, including Bateman, who had his head lowered before.

"Do you know about the Brother Eye satellite? Do you know what it can do? Or, you didn't hear what I just said clearly? The satellite is out of control!" Wonder Woman became excited.

Harley said calmly: "When I first heard about the Brother Eye Project, I was like the 'sleeper' downstairs who heard the first shoe dropped upstairs.

Since that day, I have been waiting for the second shoe. Now that it has finally landed, I am at ease. Isn’t that good news? "

"Uh, you know-" Wonder Woman looked at Bateman with twinkling eyes.

Bateman frowned and said nothing.

Dachao touched his nose, lowered his eyes, and asked, "Did you guess that brother's eyes would lose control?"

Harley nodded slightly, "No need to guess, I'm 100% sure it will get out of control sooner or later."

"Why?" Bateman said in a hoarse voice.

"Because Murphy's Law will definitely happen to your heroic giants! It can be said that this is the established result of fate, or it can be said that it is an inevitable event in probability."

Bateman looked confused and didn't understand.

The other two giants had the same reaction.

But looking at Harley's expression, she was serious and didn't look like she was joking.

Without waiting for them to ask questions, she took the initiative to explain: "Destiny is too mysterious. You may not understand it even if I tell you it, and you will probably not be convinced even if you do understand it.

I am only talking about inevitable events in probability.

The more powerful and famous a hero is, the stronger and more numerous the super criminals who are his enemies will be.

Every supervillain has a fixated eye on his paired hero, like an ardent fan focusing on his or her idol.

It’s just that what fans want is their idol’s privacy.

The villain not only wants privacy and all secrets, but also makes defeating the paired hero his greatest wish in life.

It can be said that the motivation of villains is thousands of times more powerful than that of fans.

After watching for a long time, you will naturally begin to understand the hero's character and habits.

Therefore, any 'secret activities' a hero has may be discovered by his lifelong enemy.

Suppose Bateman has 100 lifelong enemies.

Even if he is cautious enough, the probability of each life-long enemy discovering his secret is only one in 10,000 during each activity, so the probability of his secret being exposed is 100% minus 99.99% raised to the power of 100, which is about 1%!

The probability of 1% is not low, because many secret activities are done more than once.

Take the Brother Eye Project, for example. In theory, Bateman expects it to exist forever.

Then, the probability of its exposure in one month is 1%, and it has to be doubled in the second month, and the probability of exposure in the third month continues to increase. By analogy, as long as the Brother Eye operation does not stop, discovery is inevitable.

If Bateman's lifelong enemies feel threatened and begin to form a group, their abilities will complement each other, their efficiency will be doubled, and the probability of discovering secrets will also increase.


Harley shrugged and looked at the three giants who were either thoughtful or with dull expressions. "As heroic giants, the best way to protect the earth is not to mess around."

"Your calculation process is not very scientific. It is said to be probability science, but in fact it contains a lot of idealistic and subjective assumptions," Dachao said hesitantly.

"Then let's talk with the facts. About Dr. Light's incident," Harley smiled strangely, "You three, answer me honestly first. Do you plan to know now?"

Wonder Woman frowned and said, "What does 'intend to know' mean?"

Harley looked at Da Chao, whose eyes were wandering, and Bateman, whose eyes were downcast, "Hey, you are still ashamed to speak up, how hypocritical you must be."

Dachao's face turned red instantly.

Bateman was stabbed, but he threw away the burden of his thoughts and said: "Yes, we already know about Dr. Guang."

"Dr. Light." Diana's eyes flickered a few times, and she nodded: "If this is what you are talking about, yes, I know it now.

Although twisting the villain's thoughts goes against the hero's concept of justice, I will not criticize Barry and Hal. "

"Are you qualified to criticize?" Harley sneered.

Diana looked at her with clear eyes, "As long as I don't think it's right, I won't do it."

If you think it's wrong and haven't done it, you are naturally qualified to criticize those who have done it.

Harley asked suspiciously: "When did you know about Dr. Light?"

"What happened after Ted's accident three days ago?"

——So slow to react?

Harley asked curiously: "Have you not heard similar news from your 'fan group' before?"

"They didn't say that to me."

"They are not fools. They take the initiative to tell you anything?" Harley rolled her eyes, "Didn't you hear it yourself?"

"If they don't tell me, how can I listen?" Looking at Diana's expression, she seemed quite confident.

Harley glared at her and said, "Is it possible that you didn't eavesdrop on their conversation? Even if it was just to find out information about a certain case."

Diana shook her head and said: "When necessary, I can also be a qualified detective. But in Boston, most of the time I just draw my sword to solve the problem."

Harley was speechless for a while.

"She doesn't know anything. Why did you two call her here? If you really want to force the Big Three together, you might as well call her Arthur."

"What do you mean?" Wonder Woman's cheeks puffed up with anger.

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