I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1232 The disappeared blue beetle

After staying in the Sunless Sea for two days, Harley said goodbye to Little Black Bean, took Zha Kang and Nightmare Nurse through the gap in the "Devil King's Seal", first dived into the bottom of the River Styx, and then swam directly to the first level of hell.

Little Black Bean really wanted to keep her in the Sunless Sea for a few more days, and Harley was also willing to chat with him. Anyway, she didn't have much to do recently.

But Zha Kang and Nightmare Nurse cannot stay in the Sunless Sea for long.

Even if Little Black Bean doesn't want to infiltrate their bodies and souls with magic power, the power aura exuded by the Sea of ​​Light itself would be as harmful to them as if a mortal were directly exposed to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

If Harley insists on taking them to live in the Sunless Sea for three to five months, after three to five months, she will not even be able to find their silhouettes - they will all merge into the Sunless Sea and become part of Little Black Bean.

The reason why we walked to the bottom of the River Styx was because after the Little Black Bean Incident, the "Well of Hell" connecting the ninth level of hell and the Aphotic Sea was jointly sealed by the demon kings.

With Lucifer's power as the main force, the other two Satans, and even hundreds of thousands of First Fallen and ancient demons as supplements, Harley couldn't break it at all.

However, this trip to the bottom of the Styx proved a guess she had made in her early years - the bottom of the Styx is indeed connected to the Aphotic Sea, just like the Yangtze River on Earth, which inevitably leads to "all rivers returning to the sea".

Don't think that the River Styx is safer than the deep well in the ninth level of hell.

Without Harley's protection, Zha Kang and Nightmare Nurse would sink forever and become dead souls in the water as long as they touch the river water.

Quinn Manor, just returned to the present of the material universe.

Zha Kang shouted with a pale face: "Fake, so exciting!"

"Why are you so calm?" Seeing Harley browsing the news on her mobile phone with a relaxed look, he asked puzzledly: "The water of the Styx is definitely the filthiest 'water' in the multiverse.

Walking through it was like diving into a cesspool in a public toilet, and it almost made me sick.

There are also thousands of corpses inside, all white and swollen from soaking, their eyes flashing with the most depraved red light, dense like sardines, chasing behind, around, and in front of us - Fuck, I even bumped into them. "

"Do you think this is my first time entering the River Styx?" Harley said lightly.

She could also understand Zha Kang's reaction. When she entered the River Styx for the first time, she had goosebumps all over her body and almost vomited.

The River Styx is almost the "dirtiest" place in Hell.

"Oh, you're used to it." Zha Kang looked at Harley with a strange look, but also a bit of sympathy.

"Almost a week has passed? How come time flies by so fast? It's only a few hours." Nightmare nurse Asa was anxious and confused.

Harry continued to stare at the screen of his mobile phone, while flipping through the news of the past few days, he said slowly: "Whether it's the bottom of the starlight, the illusory realm, or the lightless sea - well, the lightless sea is also the illusory realm. a part of.

In short, wherever we went before, we had no concept of time.

There is no time and space, so matter cannot exist and will dissolve when it falls there. "

The watchdog is known as "connecting all realms", but starting from the bottom of the starlight, it is no longer within the "ten thousand realms" and cannot receive information.

Recently, she has been paying attention to Blue Beetle and the Omac Project, so she needs to have a general understanding of the news of the past few days.

She has seen a piece of breaking news: the blue beetle disappeared and was suspected to be dead.

"I have to find Alice Winter immediately!" Asa looked at her and said eagerly.

Harry raised his head and frowned: "Do you have to be possessed by a mortal to survive in the material world?"

Asa nodded hesitantly, "I am different from other demons. If there is no host, I will be pulled into the bottom of the starlight, or even fall into the illusory realm."

"What's so special about you?" Harley asked curiously.

Nightmare Nurse said with some uncertainty: "Probably because I was born from the group consciousness at the bottom of the starlight. Only the negative, corrupted, and dark soul remnants will fall into the bottom of the starlight.

Like decaying life falling to the bottom of the sea.

The phantom is negative emotions and consciousness itself.

Therefore, it can be said that the bottom layer of Starlight is a "garbage dump for phantom beings." I was born in a garbage dump and am essentially a "phantom human." A pure phantom human cannot exist independently. "

"Nightmare Nurse - the pan-consciousness at the bottom of the starlight - pan-consciousness is composed of the residue of the soul that has not been completely dissolved. The residual consciousness that can be left behind is often extreme emotions." Harley tapped the armrest of the wooden chair with her fingers, thoughtfully Said: "Then, the nightmare turned into a demon - a demonic person - the incarnation of negative emotions. No wonder you called it 'Nightmare Nurse'. Sure enough, it was just the wrong name, not the wrong nickname."

"You can't look for Alice again." Her tone was unquestionable and her expression was serious, "You long for the prosperity of the world. I don't object, and I don't think you did anything wrong.

But Alice has her own will and asked me to exorcise the devil. I haven’t killed you yet—”

"Harry, Harley, are you back? Something happened!" Before she could finish her words, Jim Gordon rushed in from the door, "Great, you are finally back. You can go there these days." Where is it?

Alice was dying, she was dying, and Barbara's healing techniques were useless. "

He rushed through the door and saw another "Alice" - a three-headed dragon that transformed into Alice. He was stunned for a while, then his tone slowed down and his eyes became indescribably complicated.

"The doctor said that she had multiple congenital diseases and should have died immediately after birth. It was a miracle that she lived to be one year old at most. It was almost impossible to live to be 10. Now she died at the age of 22. She should be extremely grateful to God for his blessing. .”

"I can save her, using parasitism." Glancing at the expressionless Harley, the Nightmare Nurse immediately changed her words to, "Through the method of fusion and symbiosis, I save her, and she helps me stay away from the illusion. We are mutually beneficial and win-win, and each has his own way." .”

"Is she able to live for so long because of your manipulations?" Harley asked.

The Nightmare Nurse nodded lightly, "I became her housekeeper. From the moment Madam was pregnant with her, I carefully used herbs and the 'Bian Que Curse' to condition her body."

Bian Que Curse?

Harry was embarrassed, "You have been lurking in the Winter family for decades, and you are also waiting for Alice, waiting for a perfect host? Her body is particularly suitable for you?"

Nightmare Nurse hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly again, "Actually, her and I are in a similar state to 'Thunder Shazam', except that my influence on 'God's Favored One' is slightly greater."

"Huh, it's just a little bigger? Other gods can at most affect the character of the God's Favorite through their divinity. You completely wear Alice's body as clothes. The two are completely different." Harley sneered.

"Actually, Alice can also influence me. Our souls are intertwined, and the influence is mutual." Nightmare Nurse argued.

"She is a mortal who was raised by you since she was a child. How does it affect you?" Harley shook her head disapprovingly and ended the topic.

No matter how Asa tried to quibble, she would never believe it.

"What's going on with the Bian Que Curse?"

Asa didn't expect her to ask this suddenly, and was startled before saying: "Bian Que is an ancient man from the Celestial Dynasty. Although he is a mortal, his healing skills are no less than that of the God of Medicine.

I once transformed into a mortal and studied under many famous doctors throughout the ages, just like an ordinary mage would seek advice from many magic masters.

I was a student of Bian Que for 75 years until his death.

I completely inherited his medical skills and created a universal and exclusive magic spell that is effective for any difficult and complicated diseases - Bian Que Curse. "

"Are you sure it was 75 years? How many years did Bian Que live?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"A full 115 years old, died in the sword."

Asa could tell, Witch Harley seemed to be particularly interested in heavenly things.

At least more interested than her quibbles.

She kept up her efforts and said with emotion: "The world was too chaotic in that era, and the kings and lords were too bastards. No matter how brilliant Teacher Bian Que's medical skills were, he could not cure corrupt human nature."

"Why didn't you save him?" Harley asked.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Asa's face, and he groaned: "Although I am the teacher's student, we don't stay together all the time. When I came to the world, improving my medical skills was only a secondary purpose. I also have my own life. ."

——A corrupt private life?

Alas, Bian Que from the DC Universe died a bit unjustly.

Whatever Harry thinks in his mind reflects the expression on his face.

Bian Que's descendant saw him and said quickly: "Although the teacher died, Bian Que's name has not disappeared.

For the next thousand years, I have been active in the realm of heaven and earth, and I have always used the name of Bian Que to hang the pot to help the world.

I am not lying. When Master Bian Que was alive, he often asked me to pretend to be him to receive people seeking medical treatment.

I was also an old man at that time, and no one suspected me at all when they saw that I was a Wind Immortal. "

——You’re an old man with a strong sense of style, but you’re still singing every night?

Harry thought again of the old housekeeper of Winter Manor, who was also an elderly woman, but the Nightmare Nurse was still doing mischief every day, and even had sex with Kang.

——Fake, are these rotten people of all ages, regardless of race, gender, or age, all evolved from genitalia?

Well, the Nightmare Nurse was born from the bottom of the stars. She is a natural fantasy person, and she really evolved from the genitals (desire) of the soul.

Harley felt disgusted, and her attitude seemed very hesitant.

Alice may be able to extend her life due to "pseudosymbiosis and positive parasitism" and be able to perceive everything Asa perceives, but is she really willing to live like that?

Seeing that she was silent for a long time, Gordon reminded: "Alice is on her deathbed and may die at any time."

After hearing this, Nurse Nightmare immediately became anxious, "How about we ask Alice in person to see what she chooses? If she still refuses to live with me, I will never force her."

Harry remained calm and continued to ask: "When you fell into the illusory realm before, you shouted 'Apollo is on top'. Do you believe in the Olympus gods?"

Asa said quickly: "I only believe in Apollo and his grandson Asclepius. They are the gods of medicine and the 'gods' of all medical mages.

I swore to them that I would never turn away anyone who needed help.

Asclepius answered my prayer and gave me his 'rod of medicine'.

Although my oath was the same as the Hippocratic Oath of modern doctors, who could break it, my oath was magical and bound by the power of rules. "

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to talk to Alice face to face." Harley turned to her spokesperson and said, "Gordon, go and bring Alice here."

"She is about to die of illness and is being treated in the hospital for emergency treatment. How can she be taken care of?" Gordon hesitated.

"Bring her soul here."

"I'll go!" Asa volunteered. "I can bring her here completely. It only takes one breath."

True to her word, the Nightmare Nurse left the manor with a "swish", got into Alice's body, opened the portal, and jumped in front of Harley.

"I am willing to coexist with Asa." Alice couldn't wait to say after hearing the "symbiosis" option.

"You have been 'symbiotic' with her for a while, and you should understand the meaning of 'symbiosis' very well. From now on, although you are alive, your life will be completely dominated by her. Are you really willing?" Harley frowned. .

"I don't want to die!" Alice Winter howled desperately, then looked at her expectantly and begged: "Admiral of the Galaxy, can you save me?"

Harry shook his head, "Someone has already used holy healing to treat you, but it didn't work. However, I can keep you in hell -"

"What, I'm going to hell?" Alice exclaimed in horror: "I didn't do anything bad, why do I have to go to hell?"

"Your soul has been stained with the aura of fallen demons and has become no longer pure." Harley said.

In fact, without Asa, Alice would have gone to hell, the first level of hell, where children who died in infancy stayed.

Alice shook her head repeatedly, "No, I won't go to hell, Admiral Galaxy, I want to live with Asa."

"Okay, you two can live together."

Harley wasted no more time, Blue Beetle had lost contact, the Justice League had sent her dozens of messages, and the old priest Carlisle of Silver City also had seven or eight text messages, wanting to see her immediately.

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