I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1231 The Great Dark Harley?

"Harry, long time no see. I miss you so much!" Another Harley, who had black hair, black eyes, thick eye shadow, black lipstick and black nail polish, excitedly hugged the golden-haired and blue-eyed Harley, and held her hand. Bumping and jumping, very happy.

"Uh, little Heidou, why do you think it's so long?" Harry was a little uncomfortable with his enthusiasm, and she also didn't quite understand his sense of time.

The time she saved Richie, she found him for the first time in many years. Although Little Black Bean was happy, she didn't feel that a long time had passed.

Today is also our reunion after many years. Why have you changed your mind again?

"Six or seven years have passed. In your human terms, a hundred years of life pass by in a hurry. How many seven years can there be?" said Little Black Bean.

——Human’s statement is not human.

Harley looked around, a thoughtful look gradually appearing on her face.

This place is a sunless sea, but they are on a sunny beach.

The Sunless Sea has not changed, what has changed is their perception.

Under the God's force field, she could see through the essence: the surroundings were still dark, but the little black bean conveyed the feeling of being on the sunny beach to the three guests.

The little black bean is the embodiment of darkness and cannot create real light.

There is no concept of sunlight in the Aphotic Sea.

After putting himself in the customers' shoes, Xiao Heidou decided to adopt this method to make the guests feel comfortable.

When He said "Long time no see", it wasn't because He thought a long time had passed, but from Harley's perspective, seven years should be a long time.

Knowing how to think from other people's perspective and caring about other people's feelings, Little Black Bean is becoming more and more humane.

"You have grown a lot and matured a lot in the past few years." Harley said with emotion.

Little Heidou's black eyes flashed with realization, knowing that she had understood, and the smile on his face became brighter, "Even according to mortal time, more than ten years have passed since we first met.

If I was a newborn when we first met, I would be more than ten years old now, so I should be mature. "

Harley and Little Black Bean were chatting and laughing freely, but Zha Kang and Nightmare Nurse beside them were like bugs solidified in amber, with stiff bodies and single expressions, and time seemed to have stopped for them.

They were indeed separated from each other, not in the same time and space as Harley and Little Black Bean.

It's not that Xiao Heidou doesn't want to talk to them, it's that they are not qualified to see Him or be talked to.

At this time, they were in the Sunless Sea, and the little black bean in front of them was their true form.

Even the magical wizard, the moment he sees the true form of the little black bean, will turn into a magical force with the attributes of the little black bean and merge into the lightless sea.

But they could see and hear the exchange between Harley and Little Black Bean.

They are just separated by time and space, and are not isolated from each other.

Afterwards, Harley and Little Black Bean talked privately for a while.

She became more and more certain that He had indeed matured a lot.

But his character is still straightforward, but he has lost some of the naivety caused by his lack of knowledge in his early years.

After the two chatted about their current situation, Harley asked Little Heidou about the Eclipse Lord at the bottom of Starlight and the Taixu Illusion Realm with curiosity on his face.

"My knowledge of heaven and 'God' is not comprehensive. I cannot be omniscient and omnipotent about their information, and I cannot give a definite answer." The smile on Xiao Heidou's face faded and he sighed: "Not only heaven and God, even if I am not as omniscient as the 'God of Light' about hell, Limbo, and the material world."

"You are still young and growing." Harley comforted him.

She had long felt that although Xiao Heidou was powerful, he had power but no supernatural powers, and was far inferior to God in terms of "Tao Xing".

Xiao Heidou shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with maturity. As my thoughts gradually matured and my cognition became more comprehensive, I began to feel that I seemed incomplete.

It's like I'm part of a whole, so my abilities are incomplete."

Harley thought for a moment and said, "Your feeling may be right. Judging from your birth process, you are 80% less complete than Lucifer."

"Lucifer" said Little Black Bean with misty eyes, "I really want to see him."

Harley hurriedly advised: "No, you should never see him unless one day, I am strong enough to knock him over with one punch, and then I will accompany you to find him."

Little Heidou looked at her steadily and asked softly: "Are you worried that I will disappear?"

Harley did not answer the question directly. She only smiled bitterly and recounted in detail how she discovered the Nightmare Nurse's strange use of phantoms, followed her curiously to the bottom of the starlight, and finally saw the "Great Darkness" in the Taixu illusion.

"Do you know the 'Great Darkness'?" she asked.

Little Black Bean frowned and said, "I didn't know him at first, but after hearing you say this, my knowledge of the 'Great Darkness' was immediately sublimated and I gained a deeper understanding of it."

"What is 'cognitive sublimation'?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"That's right." Xiao Heidou thought for a while and explained with an example: "If I didn't know that basketball existed in the world, naturally there would be no concept of 'can I play basketball'.

But when you say the word 'basketball' to me, I immediately know what basketball is, what the game of basketball is, and I completely master the perfect basketball skills. "

"This is almost omniscient." Harley praised.

Although she sincerely praised this ability, she was not very surprised.

Little Heidou is the dark incarnation of God, but he doesn't even have this ability, which is weird.

"What kind of existence is the great darkness?" she asked again.

"I think it is very similar to me." Little Black Bean said in a complicated tone: "I once thought that I was darkness, and darkness was everything. I didn't even have a specific concept of 'light' and 'him'.

When I knew there was ‘him’ in the world, I became self-aware.

‘He’ differentiates ‘I’, ‘He’ makes ‘me’ meaningful.

It seems to be the same as me in the past. At present, it is just pure darkness, without the concept of 'I' being born. "

"But it saw me, not just me. Nightmare Nurse knows about Taixu Illusion, and knows that there is such a number one person in Taixu Illusion, which means that I am by no means the first person it has seen." Harley said.

Little Heidou said: "I just expressed my feelings. In addition, before the consciousness of 'my' was born, I had already 'seen' countless ancient demons.

The Sunless Sea is connected to the ninth level of hell, and the seal was added later. "

"That's right. Your original self was born only a few years ago, but the wizard group has been worshiping you for millions of years."

Harley thought again that the birth process of Little Black Bean's self-awareness seemed to be related to Lucifer.

Lucifer merged with it and left something behind, allowing it to grow rapidly and then awaken - this is what Little Black Bean told her at the beginning.

Think carefully about the "Giant Beast Incident" that year: Harley first deceived Lucifer three times in one night, making him a little weak for a while. In order to deal with the "Owl Evil God" who crossed the border, Lao Lu had to... At that time, she felt He had no choice but to deduce the reason from the old way of resigning and running away. Is he just following the trend?

In short, the brief moment of fusion between Lao Lu and Little Heidou was the direct reason why the "Giant Beast Incident" broke out completely and Little Heidou fully woke up.

In this way, if the great darkness is the same as the little black bean, then who does it need to "stimulate" or integrate it to give birth to self-awareness?

"I came to you directly after encountering danger in the Taixu Illusion Realm this time because I found that the Taixu Illusion Realm is very 'close' to the Sunless Sea, and I can even directly sense the position and status of your body through your hair.

Now you say that the ‘darkness’ of Taixu Illusion is similar to you.

You and it are darkness, but darkness is not you, then"

Several thoughts quickly circulated in Harley's mind, and she guessed: "Combined with the records in the Genesis chapter of the Old Testament of the Bible - in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was empty and chaotic, and the face of the abyss was dark; the Spirit of God , moving on the water. God said, let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and separated the light from the darkness.

Is the ‘water of the abyss’ on which God walks the sunless sea?

If the illusory realm of Taixu is the land on which houses are built, then the Sunless Sea is a puddle? lake?

The Spirit of God.”

The Spirit of God is not “God”. “God” in the Bible refers to God. The Spirit of God is not the soul of God.

If you ask a pastor "What is the Spirit of God," he will refer to the Bible and say, "The Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit, the operator and manifester of God's power and doctrine."

According to Harley's own understanding, Christian doctrine does not like to define "God" as an entity that can be seen by everyone. "The Spirit of God" should be the sum of the doctrines and influences that make mortals become the Holy Spirit. It is a kind of will.

So, can the reflection of the spirit of God walking on the "water" and the birth of the little black bean be understood as the projection of God's will on the "collective consciousness of the lightless sea"? superior?

Fusion? Or, instead, take the lead?

Little Black Bean not only has the magical power of "one click and everything", he is also very smart and immediately understands what Harley is saying and thinking.

"In terms of location, the Aphotic Sea is indeed on the same level as the Taixu Illusionary Realm. Well, the Aphotic Sea is a little lower than the Taixu Illusionary Realm." He stretched out his right hand and gestured, with his index finger and thumb close together, leaving only a little gap. It is emphasized that the "altitude difference" between the two is not large.

"So, the Sunless Sea can be considered a part of the Taiyuan Illusion Realm. Then, as the incarnation of the will of the Sunless Sea, it seems that I can also be considered a part of the 'dark existence' in the Taixian Illusion Realm?

I am already the biggest darkness in the universe. How big should the will of Taixu Illusion be bigger than me? "

There was a strange expression on Little Heidou's face, one couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or excited.

"Well, it's really big, so it's called the 'Great Darkness'. The 'Illusion Man Demon' of the Nightmare Nurse really knows how to name it. Both the Illusion Realm and the Great Darkness are quite appropriate."

Harley first nodded in agreement with His words, and then comforted him: "Even if you are part of the great darkness, you cannot deny your greatness and specialness.

The great darkness is like a piece of black land. What crops grow on the land is the most important.

You are the "dark side of God" planted by the "greater" God. You have the power and talent of God and the great darkness at the same time, making you more perfect and more potential. "

Although it was meant as comfort, she really thought so in her heart.

The great darkness is larger in size, and it is too difficult to give birth to self-awareness like the little black bean.

Even if it can be born, can the person who gives it will compare with God?

——Well, maybe when she is strong enough, at level 150, 200, or even 250, she can go back to the old path of God, and also go to the Taixu Illusion Realm, and project her own phantom into the great darkness. , and then a "greater dark Harley" is born?

Harley was whimsical for a while, and then thought that the DC multiverse was just a grain of sand in the omnipotent universe.

With so many multiverses, did God go around in a circle at the beginning of each universe, racing around and leaving seeds everywhere?

What's the point of doing this?

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