Mortals have a saying that "fallen leaves return to their roots, ashes return to ashes, and soil returns to soil."

The earth is the source of life and vitality, and it is also the final destination of life and vitality.

The corpse is buried in the soil and becomes part of the earth. The decomposed nutrients are absorbed by plants, and the fruits of the plants are obtained by living creatures. The living creatures grow, age, die, and finally return to the earth. This forms a complete cycle.

But in the process of this cycle, some corpses cannot be completely dissolved into the soil, otherwise there would be no tomb robbing, archeology, or fossil research.

The soul, which corresponds to the body, has the same cycle.

The "earth" of the soul is Limbo.

In Limbo, there are also phenomena where the soul cannot be completely digested and some residue is left.

Richie and Gordon are both considered "residues."

When Richie's soul was found, it had been several months since his death. In order to help him repair his soul, Harley spent tens of millions of credits.

Gordon was found by Harley only hours after his death.

If she didn't go looking for them, how much of their souls would be left in the end?

Where will the remaining soul residue go?

"The collection of soul residues is the consciousness of Limbo and the Lord of Eclipse." Nightmare Nurse said.

——The Eclipse Lord is by no means a simple collection of consciousness.

"What about you?" Harley's eyes were sharp, as if he could see her soul through the illusory human appearance, "Constantine said before that you were not an ordinary demon, and I thought you came from some other dimension.

It's a demon from another dimension.

Now it seems that you are a native of the "Starlight Bottom" of Limbo Prison.

The aura on your body is very similar to that of the Eclipse Lord, and you are also an 'Eclipse Lord'. "

The Nightmare Nurse had never thought of hiding her identity, so she did not show any surprise or panic when she heard this.

She nodded naturally and admitted without any scruples: "Yes, I am also essentially a combination of collective consciousness at the bottom of the starlight.

In fact, every mage can be the Corruption Lord. As long as he can still control his own actions after being corroded by the illusion, he is the 'master of the corrosive power', that is, the Corruption Lord. "

"It's interesting." Harley glanced at her in surprise. This nightmare nurse had a lot of ideas, and she was indeed a friend whom Zha Kang valued.

Although that guy has the talent to deceive teammates and friends, the friends he finds are at least interesting.

"What's your relationship with Lord Eclipse?" Harley's tone softened.

With her current knowledge, without an extraordinary reserve of knowledge, she would never have been able to answer questions and chat with her for such a long time.

"There is no direct relationship. He and I are like the devil of hell and the little devil born in the devil's domain." Nightmare Nurse said.

"Not the earth star spirit Gaia and the city spirit?" Harley frowned.

The spirit of the city is part of the spirit of the planet, just like the second banyan tree cultivated through the roots of the big banyan tree. The relationship between the two parties is extremely close, like mother and child.

But the little devils in the Demon King's domain can only be considered the Demon King's subjects at best.

Nightmare Nurse carefully thought about the relationship between Gaia and the City Spirit, then shook her head and said: "The Eclipse Lord cannot order me, and has no authority over me."

"This is strange." Harley thought of the strange things about the Eclipse Lord again: it is eager for the power of God and is confident that it will be able to use the power of God; it seems to be particularly concerned about ghosts and likes to compare with ghosts; the spirit of revenge

The key is that the God's force field is extremely defensive against the Eclipse Lord's magic, which is stronger than the God's force field against the ordinary God King.

The combination of these weird things gave Harry an idea: the Eclipse Lord is related to heaven and God, and the source of its power is likely to come from God.

But this contradicts "the eclipse master is the sum of the collective consciousness at the bottom of the starlight".

Limbo is not a private garden in heaven, and not all the souls who die in Limbo are believers in God.

In fact, God does not spread faith everywhere. In the physical universe, only some people on earth truly believe in Him, and they only account for a very small part of the entire universe.

——Is it possible that the Eclipse Lord is "some little black hand of God", a fusion with the underlying consciousness of the starlight?

Is it equivalent to a certain "god in heaven" taking over Gaia in the material universe?

"John, do you know the spirit of the city?" Harley looked at Zha Kang and asked.

Zha Kang smashed his mouth and replied with a strange expression: "Those are a group of shameless sluts, and their lives are more corrupt than human beings.

But they can possess anyone in the city at will - even the most beautiful star in the city, which is really irresistible. "

The Nightmare Nurse asked curiously: "From what you're saying, it seems like you have been unable to refuse many times?"

"Not many times." Zha Kang glanced at Harley, but after all, he didn't let go and started talking.

Harley asked: "Is it possible that gods or mortals can merge with the city spirit and still remain the city spirit after the fusion?"

If you are not in the Taixu Illusion Realm at the moment, it is most convenient to ask the City Spirit directly.

"Of course." Zha Kang didn't think much about it, "The spirit of the city is the collection of city consciousness, and everyone in the city is a part of it.

In fact, many of the main characters of today's city spirits come from great human beings in the past - people who had a significant impact on the local area and left the deepest mark on the city. "

Having said this, a thoughtful look appeared on his face, "You ask this, do you suspect that the Eclipse Lord is also the fusion of a certain existence and the bottom consciousness of the starlight? Who do you suspect? Is it related to God?"

——This guy is really sharp.

Harley glanced at him and said, "Have you found a way to leave?"

Zha Kang was startled and asked, "Didn't you say you were thinking about it and asked us not to worry?"

"I did find at least three ways to get back."

"Three kinds?" Nurse Nightmare exclaimed, "At least? What method?"

Harley said: "The simplest thing is the Mother River of Time, which is the foundation of the multiverse. Even if I am in an illusory realm, I can sense it.

It is like an underground river buried deep under the 'foundation', and all water for ground buildings comes from it.

If I just jumped in, I should be able to get out of here easily, but"

"Boom!" Before he finished speaking, the gray clouds in the distance suddenly collapsed in one place, first gathered into a ball, and then transformed into a giant giant.

"Apollo above, the great darkness of Taixu Illusion has been awakened." Nightmare Nurse Asa said in horror.

It is somewhat similar to the Eclipse Lord at the bottom of Starlight. They both have a huge body with more than a dozen heads.


The four heads on the front roared at the three people at the same time, and the air they exhaled formed a cloud-like wind.

They were like three little ants sitting on a violently rolling dark cloud.

"Ahhhh~~" Zha Kang and Asa screamed pitifully, covering their temples.

Their bodies were like statues made of lime, corroded by the hurricane, and fine "dust" floated from their surfaces.

"Fake, what the hell is this? I can't focus all my thoughts." Zha Kang cursed loudly while casting various protective spells. "Fake, Fake, I can't even concentrate."

You don't need a spell to cast magic, but you must have high mental power.

He couldn't even concentrate, so naturally he couldn't cast any protective spell.

"Harley, take us into the river of time!" In desperation, he could only ask Harley for help.

Harley looked at the giant in the distance with an unusually solemn expression.

She was also affected. Every stream of air blown by the giant would take away an idea, a feeling, and an experience from her when it passed by her body. As Asa said before, it was very hungry and greedy.

Thousands of times more greedy than the Eclipse Lord.

It wants to drain them of everything they have, not even a thought or emotion.

"I can't enter the river of time. You know, the master of time is looking for me." Harley said.

With her ten major skills fully activated, she could barely protect her soul - the damage she suffered was like standing naked in a sandstorm and having her skin scratched by the wind.

But she opened her mouth, took a breath, and tried to squeeze the energy of Taixu Illusion's collective consciousness from the air, but failed miserably.

The eighth-level food defense feat, which can digest the cosmic egg, has no effect on the "Hungry Wind".

If you can't digest pure energy, you won't be able to activate your defensive expertise.

But Harley also discovered a huge secret: the giant opposite is just a natural phenomenon, and it does not have an independent will.

Because she was injured but had no experience.

It is obviously the collective consciousness of Taixu Illusion, why does it have no independent will?

Regardless of Gaia, City Spirit, or the previous Eclipse Lord, as long as they attack her, they will provide a corresponding amount of experience points.

According to the formula of "experience equals attack multiplied by malice", Taixu Illusion hurt her, but did not provide experience, which can only mean that its malice is zero.

But it was obviously full of malice toward her.

This can only explain one thing: is it a "natural phenomenon" with consciousness, or some kind of force?

"Don't you have at least three ways to get out of here? If jumping into the mother river of time is not feasible, just find another way." Zha Kang shouted urgently.

"I still want to study that thing." Harley said hesitantly.

Zha Kang shouted excitedly: "Are you crazy? Although you are not injured now, its strength and size are expanding rapidly.

At this time, it is just a part of the huge will of life.

It is like a drop in the ocean to the whole.

Can you imagine its complete strength?

In the future, you may be qualified to explore the secrets of Taixu Illusion, but now you are not strong enough, so don't play with fire and burn yourself. At least don't drag us down. "

Harley's expression changed several times, but she finally sighed and followed Zha Kang's suggestion: wait until she is strong enough before coming to the Taixu Illusion Realm.

With a thought in his mind, the pencil-thick tail on the back of his head lifted up, circled around, and came to her.

It is the vellus hair of the small black bean.

The little black bean was given to her back then to use it to escape from the devil.

"Little Black Bean, Little Black Bean, can you hear me? Use your power to summon me." Harley shouted.

Her real name is Xiao Heidou, and she is also a demon, so of course she can be summoned.

However, it is extremely difficult to summon her here and now, and the power of ordinary mages cannot break through the constraints of the "Tai Xu Illusion Realm".

The reason why she called Little Black Bean was because she felt that Little Black Bean was closer to her than ever before.

"Little Heidou? This is not hell. What's the use of summoning Him?" Zha Kang asked in surprise: "He might not be able to hear it, even if he hears it -"

"Whoosh." The vellus hair suddenly moved, like a living snake, quickly coiling into a five-pointed star formation, suspended above Harry's head.

Its tail end was still connected to the back of her head, like a suspended crown.

"Buzz." The "space" around Harley collapsed again, just like they were standing on the dirt, the dirt suddenly turned into quicksand, and a hand stretched out from the quicksand, grabbing their feet and pulling them down. A pull.

"Roar~~~" The giant giant made of clouds let out an unwilling roar. The three figures sat on the elevator and suddenly disappeared "below".


Nothing but black.

There is no space, no time, no laws and no matter except black.

"Is this the Sunless Sea?" Harry wanted to look around, but there was no left or right at all.

"It feels a bit like the Taixu illusion just now."

"Crashing~~" The sound of the waves came from far away, and the light also fell on them through the darkness.

They could finally see and feel.

They saw that they were standing on the beach with warm and fine sand, the bright sun above their heads, and the endless blue sea in front of them. The ocean was coming slowly, bringing seagulls and spraying foam on the waves.

"Where are we?" Asa asked blankly.

"This is the Sunless Sea." A black light fell from the sky, and another Harley appeared next to Harley.

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