I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1229 Taixu Illusion

"Is this God descending to earth? Jehovah, that hypocritical bastard, actually gave you such supreme power!"

The Eclipse Lord didn't stop there and let the two of them mess around, or it started talking on its own.

Its mobility is very powerful.

After opening its mouth wide and biting it but getting shot in the head, it changed its attack method. A dozen snake heads opened their mouths wide and spit out black beams of light that were thicker than Da Chao's chest.

"Boom, boom!"

It's like striking an ant with a lightning bolt as thick as an arm's length. It's very spectacular.

But those light beams immediately became unstable when they came within ten meters of Harry.

Especially after Harley reached level 100, the defensive golden film that was originally close to the body expanded to several meters away from the body.

In this way, the energy column that had become loose and fragile under the God's force field immediately turned into water hitting the rocks: smoke-like magic splashed around, forming a transparent defensive ball around Harley.

"With such powerful power of God, no wonder you can defeat ghosts many times."

After several consecutive attacks with no effect, the Corruption Lord not only did not become furious, but quickly calmed down and stopped moving.

"Don't think that this is all I have. Today I must get the power in your body that drives 'God to come down to earth'. If you hand it over yourself, you may be able to save a small life."

It seemed to be the first time that it threatened others verbally. The words it said were not only ineffective, but also a bit childish.

"What the hell, do you really know who I am? Do you know what 'Witch Harley' means? How can you say such stupid words, even when you are facing me." Harley mocked rudely.

"Do you think I'm joking?" The surrounding sea of ​​black smoke rolled violently, showing the extremely restless heart of the Eclipse Lord.

——This guy seems to be a child, his words are childish, and he can't stand the challenge.

Harry's heart moved, and he slowed down and said, "Everyone knows the origin of God's descent to earth. Even if I am willing to give it to you, can you take it away? Is it used?"

"Don't worry, when it returns to my body, it will be like a swallow returning to its nest or a river flowing into the sea. It will never be more comfortable." The Eclipse Lord said proudly.

——Can it use the power of God? Is it something to do with God?

Harley was shocked and even more curious about the origin of the Eclipse Lord.

"Lord Eclipse, if you think about it carefully, I don't even know who you are, and naturally I don't understand your power or how terrifying you are.

Why not, first let me understand your identity and abilities, and then I will weigh the pros and cons, whether to struggle in vain or to obey you honestly and gain a possible chance of survival. "

"Humph, am I stupid? You can't even find out when you talk like this?"

Having said that, after snorting coldly, the Eclipse Lord still said: "I am the master of Limbo Hell. I can do everything the ghost can do, and I am better and stronger than him.

And I now have the power of the collective consciousness of the lower level Limbo, and can control all the emotions that the Phantom Man can represent. "

——Obviously it is the Lord of Eclipse, emphasizing the control of negative emotions and even the power of the mage to create a human being, which is the "right way". Why does it have to be compared with ghosts? Limbo's collective consciousness instead became a secondary "and."

Harry was confused and said: "Doesn't Limbo represent void, nothingness, emptiness, coldness, and silence? Why is there a master?

Can you tell us about your role in the multiverse?

A supreme being like you must represent a will of the universe. "

"You are very smart. I am indeed the Supreme. But you don't need to know my details. You only need to understand that my power is enough to kill you." Lord Eclipse said.

"To say the least, even if you are as powerful as a ghost, the ghost can't kill me!" Harley shouted.

"Ten thousand steps back?" The volume of Lord Eclipse increased with his anger, and the fourteen snake heads roared like thunder at the same time: "You think I'm not as good as a ghost?"

"Many supreme beings are actually not as powerful as ghosts. This is not a shame. After all, he represents a part of God, the wrath of God, and the spirit of vengeance." Harley said.

"He is just a fake spirit of vengeance. The real one -" the angry voice of the Eclipse Lord stopped suddenly, and his tone became extremely cold, "Very good, I am the incarnation of the subconscious mind, and I have always been the only one to control other people's consciousness. I entered a negative state, but I didn’t expect that you would arouse my anger today.”

Harry screamed "Oops" in his heart. He never imagined that this stupid g-spot was really a ghost that should be impossible to hit with a stick.

It seems to be particularly persistent in the "Spirit of Vengeance".

By the way, it said real shit. What it didn't finish saying shouldn't be "I am the real spirit of vengeance, right?"

How many vengeful spirits does God have?

"Boom!" Tian Eclipse didn't give her time to think too much. The black smoke surrounding her and Zha Kang rotated rapidly, as if the coiled python's body was shrinking inwards.

"BOOOM!" A hole collapsed in the "ground".

Even if Harry uses all ten defense specialties, he can only protect himself and cannot prevent the nearby "time and space" from suddenly collapsing "downward".

Just like on land, the ground where they were standing suddenly fell into a huge pit thousands of meters deep.

It seems like a long time has passed, and it seems like the next moment has just arrived.

Harley shook her head and her vision became clear again.

There was no black smoke around, only gray clouds floating in the distance.

The aura of the Eclipse Lord disappeared without a trace, and Zha Kang was beside him, falling into a coma.

Farther away, there was the three-headed demon dragon Asa. It was stiff and hanging there, as if it had died.

"Another brand new dimension? Where is this?" Harley felt it carefully for a moment, her expression became suspicious and solemn.

If Limbo is similar to outer space in the material world, empty, dead, and cold, then the bottom dimension of Limbo contains more negative wills such as corruption and evil than Limbo.

But this place is more depraved, darker, more void, more empty, and colder than the "bottom dimension". The dissolution of existing matter is also stronger.

If Limbo dissolves matter and soul like stomach acid, then this is Aqua Regia.

If the corruption and darkness in the underlying dimension are like a black umbrella, then here is an entire dark sky.

"John, wake up!"

Harley activated all her defensive specialties, pulled Zha Kang aside, and slapped him hard on the ear, causing him to faintly wake up.

"Fake, it hurts so much, I'm bleeding. Shit, where is this place? My spiritual sense feels like a big vibrating egg has been stuffed into it, and it's vibrating like crazy." Zha Kang bared his teeth and wiped the corners of his mouth. Xue, who regained consciousness later, immediately covered his head and howled miserably.

"Perhaps we have come to a lower level of the 'lower dimension'. If Limbo is the ground, and the eight divine realms are the 'first floor', then the previous bottom dimension was the first floor, and now it is probably the second floor?" Harley guessed.

Zha Kang forced himself to calm down, and then noticed the three-headed dragon not far away.

"Harry, go check on Asa quickly. Is she decomposing and dissipating?" he exclaimed.

The Nightmare Nurse is indeed like a soap bubble falling into a clear pool, rapidly disintegrating and dissolving.

Harley dragged Zha Kang and floated over, covering his body with a defensive force field. The dissolution did not disappear, but the speed was reduced by 99%.

Zha Kang came to it, bit off his finger and drew a five-pointed star charm between the eyebrows of the three white snake heads. He recited a complex spell in his mouth, pressed the dragon's shoulders with both hands, and poured his meager amount into it. But extremely pure magic power.

After a lot of tossing, the dragon finally slowly opened its eyes.

Harley watched with cold eyes as Zha Kang tried to persuade her and made it clear that his real purpose in summoning her was not to trap her, but to clear up misunderstandings so that she would not be missed by the witch Harley in the future.

"Bang!" Just like the transformation technique in "Naruto", a burst of white smoke rose around the three-headed dragon, and its body transformed into a human form again, like Alice Winter.

However, Harley was activating various defensive force fields at this time, and the Nightmare Nurse's soul transformation technique was unstable, and the afterimage of the three-headed dragon appeared from time to time.

"Sorry, I was so excited" she said with a wincing look and lowered her head.

"Do you know where this is? It feels like leaving the multiverse, but also returning to the roots of the multiverse. It's a very contradictory feeling." Harley frowned.

That was the question, but she didn't have high hopes that Nightmare Nurse could answer such an "advanced" question.

The three-headed dragon gave her a surprise.

"This is the Taixu Illusion Realm. We are in the Taixu Illusion Realm vacated from the physical world."

"It's too imaginary." Harley was a little embarrassed. It was really awkward to say this word from the gringo demon's mouth, especially when she also used Chinese with raw rice - Chinese with non-standard pronunciation of gringos.

However, the following "attributive clause" about the illusion of Taixu immediately gave her a basic understanding of it.

"You mean, this is the 'foundation' of the multiverse?" Harley asked in surprise.

The most famous myth of the Celestial Dynasty - Pangu's creation of the sky, describes the birth of the world like this: The heaven and earth were chaotic like chicken eggs, and Pangu was born in it, and he was eighteen thousand years old;

That is to say, the universe was originally chaotic, like an egg. Pangu inside woke up and felt the oppressive darkness. He struck forward with an axe, and the clear air rose to become the sky, and the turbid air sank to become the earth.

The question is, where does the chaos like a chicken exist?

If the undivided universe is like an egg, the egg must have a place to place it, right?

The prehistoric universe needs a place for "chickens", and so does the DC multiverse.

It seems that now Harley and the others have fallen into the "desktop dimension" outside of the "chicken".

"Foundation?" Asa nodded, "Yes, if our multiverse were a house, the house would be built on the illusory realm."

"I obviously just escaped to the 'lower starlight level', why did I end up here?" She looked around in fear. After seeing the gray clouds around her, the expression on her face became more frightened, and her voice suddenly dropped a lot, as if she was afraid of waking up. A sleeping being.

"Who is here?" Harley asked in surprise after seeing her reaction.

"I don't know its name, but there is also a collection of consciousnesses here." Asa's eyes were full of desire for life and fear of the unknown existence, "Master Witch, you have great skills, you must have a way to get out of here, right?

Please, take me away quickly, you can't stay here, and I can't stay here. "

"This is a level of almost complete nothingness, but there is still consciousness?" Zha Kang was shocked and puzzled, "What is the basis for its existence?"

"I'm not a scholarly magic expert. All I know is what I've come across. I haven't studied your question and I can't answer it." Asa was dealing with Zha Kang, but his eyes kept looking at Harley.

The anxiety in his eyes was obvious.

She understands that Witch Harley is far more reliable than making friends at this time.

"Don't rush, there's no point in rushing. This is my first time here, and I'm still getting familiar with the environment and figuring out a way out. Before I find a way to leave, you need to speak clearly." Harley said calmly.

"What do you want to know? There is nothing good to be gained here, and there is no power." At the end of the sentence, the nightmare nurse stopped awkwardly.

"What do you mean? I want to know what this place has to do with the benefits?" Harley said with a straight face.

——You are the witch Harley. Even the little lemures have to squeeze out three dollars of magic power. Even the supreme being is always thinking about how to harm them. And your interested eyes have said it all.

Asa thought so in his heart, but the expression on his face was very honest, "Just ask."

"What is the origin of the previous Eclipse Lord?" Harley asked.

"The consciousness collection-integration at the bottom astral level" simply said, and she reminded: "The consciousness collection-integration in Taixu Illusion Realm is colder, darker, and hungrier.

The Lord of Eclipses deliberately made us

His target should be you, and sending you here must be to let you be swallowed up by the great darkness in the illusory realm. "

"Don't worry about me, I know it well." Harley raised her eyebrows and asked again: "'Astral Level' is a very interesting title, why do you say it like that?"

At least in the magic circle she knew, few mages knew that there was a lower level in Limbo, and no one had ever mentioned the "astral plane" in front of her.

"The name 'Starlight Level' refers to the starry sky in the material world, and is also to distinguish it from the illusory realm. Look at this place, it is so dark and cold." Nightmare Nurse looked around, rubbed her arms and said: "Compared to here, even if It is the dark and depraved bottom of Limbo, which is also comparable to the bright 'outer space'.

The illusion of Taixu is a black hole in the universe. "

Harry thought for a while and asked: "When the soul naturally dissolves in Limbo, there will be incomplete digestion. What does the residue of soul thoughts have to do with the consciousness of the Eclipse Lord?"

(ps: "Taixu Fantasy" may be a translation, but DC does have this setting.

The ethereal illusion, the astral plane, the nightmare nurse, and the dark nightmare curse are all settings in the comics. They are also interconnected with each other, barely forming a bug-ridden practice system.

To put it simply, Limbo is like an ocean, with many islands floating on the ocean, such as heaven and hell, heaven, dream kingdom, and even Darkseid's Apokolips, all "floating" in Limbo.

There are thick marine sediments on the seabed, including animal carcasses and plant debris.

There are also a lot of soul residues deposited at the bottom of Limbo Prison, and the main body of consciousness of those residues is Sky Eclipse.

And further down on the ground floor. Think of the DC multiverse as a building, and the black land on which the building is built is the illusory world.

The earth dissolves all things, and all things must return to the earth after death. Dust returns to dust, and earth returns to earth.

The consciousness of the Black Earth is the "Great Darkness".

Although the Great Darkness also has consciousness, its consciousness is different from that of humans.

Human consciousness has strong personal characteristics and exclusivity.

The Great Darkness is more like a force, a person, that can be possessed.

As for the relationship between the Great Darkness, Little Black Bean, and Darkseid, we will discuss it in detail later. )

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