I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1220: Humanity is so sophisticated and life is helpless

Quinn Manor, a small living room next to the large living room.

"There has been an undercurrent in the supervillain circle recently, so I guessed that a villain stole my money and was running a large-scale criminal plan called 'Omac'. Wayne Company is involved, and Bateman seems to be related to it."

In front of Harley, the second generation Blue Beetle Ted repeated what he said outside "Kent Manor".

Then he clenched his hands into fists on his knees, and his eyes behind his insect glasses looked nervously at the thoughtful and beautiful woman opposite.

——Will she believe it? Will he be like Superman and tell me not to think too much? However, when you look at a real person up close, your temperament and appearance are even better.

"Ted, the cause of the matter is that tens of millions were stolen from your company, and there are two reasons why you take this matter particularly seriously.

First, there is an undercurrent in the supervillain circle; second, Wayne Co. is connected to the money theft case, and Bateman's reaction makes you more suspicious.

Is that correct? "

Ted nodded quickly, "Yes, the funds stolen from Code Global Technology's books are nothing, but where was that huge sum of money used?

Supervillain because of Dr. Light.”

He became hesitant again, "Do you know about Dr. Guang?"

"You know?" Harley asked.

Ted was relieved, she knew it and wasn't shy about admitting it.

"I heard it. Many people know it. Even the super villains know it. I heard it from them too."

Blue Beetle nodded at first, and then said doubtfully: "But I think many heroes in the Justice League don't know anything about it. I wanted to talk to Bateman, but before we even started, he asked me to leave the Batcave.

I also wanted to tell Tearman that he didn't seem to know and didn't care. "

Harley smiled strangely, "Did you design all this armor yourself?"

The topic changed a bit too quickly. Blue Beetle was stunned for a moment, then looked down at his uniform, and nodded: "Yes, all technologies come from my own inventions, and I have a full set of patents.

However, in terms of design ideas, the armor of the first generation Blue Beetle was referenced.

The uniform of the first-generation Blue Beetle was an exoskeleton armor with high technological content and even contained magical power.

Its unactivated initial form is a blue scarab, which can be called the pinnacle combination of technology and magic. "

——This is a pure tech guy, a bit like Ray Palmer. It seems like tech guys have low emotional intelligence?

"Cool!" Harley praised.

"Thank you." Blue Beetle scratched his head and grinned.

"Tell me what you heard." Harley said.

Blue Beetle's smile faded and he said seriously: "Dr. Guang's matter can be divided into two stages. In the first stage, after Jane Rowling's case, Dr. Guang spread news everywhere, saying that he was brainwashed and distorted by superheroes. Sanity, those superheroes include Bateman, Atom, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Black Canary, Elongated Man, Zatanna, The Flash, Green Lantern Hal.

He said that he had behaved like an idiot before, was laughed at by villains, and was even mentally retarded to the point of being arrested by the police, because his mind was distorted.

As this news spread, all the super villains were first frightened, then angry, and finally shared the same hatred. They began to be wary and guarded against superheroes, and now they even have a tendency to take revenge on us.

The news spread by Dr. Light is too shocking. Of course I have to verify it and keep an eye on Dr. Light. Alas, Bateman, Flash, and Hal Jordan are all Zhenglian giants!

There are also the Atom, Green Arrow, Telescopic Man, and Hawkman, who are also the second group of veterans. "

He held his head and shook his head in disbelief and intolerance.

"Is this just the first stage?" Harley didn't give him time to let his emotions continue to boil, nor did he offer any words of comfort or persuasion.

"I have been staring at Dr. Light, and then I found that he has changed again in recent days." Blue Beetle's expression was distorted. "He turned into a very charming 'half-demon', at least half of it."

Later, he was assaulted by his fellow villains, and he went to the police station crying and calling the police to the S-class superpower, which was shameless. "

"Do you suspect this is the revenge of some superheroes from the Justice League again?" Harley asked.

Blue Beetle nodded slightly, then shook his head quickly, "I shouldn't have doubted the heroes of Zhenglian, but the fact that the nine people distorted Dr. Light's mind has been confirmed.

Supervillains suspect that many of them are victims, not just Dr. Light.

I agree.

But after investigation, I found that this time Dr. Guang just took too many weird drugs, and his body underwent normal mutations. Many super villains witnessed the whole process with their own eyes. There was no conspiracy, and no superheroes were involved. "

"Did he tell you why Dr. Light's mind was distorted?" Harley asked again.

Blue Beetle gritted his teeth and said, "Because of Su! I never imagined that he could do something like that. What's even more disgusting is that he regarded it as a supreme achievement and publicized it everywhere. I almost couldn't help but kill him directly."

"Why don't you kill him?"

"Kill?" Blue Beetle was stunned.

After noticing her serious expression and sharp eyes, the anger on his face turned into shock and embarrassment.

"How can a superhero kill someone? This is against the rules, violates the code of conduct for superheroes, and violates the "Right to Do Good" signed that year - we only have the power to arrest criminals, and the right to trial belongs to the judiciary."

Harry sighed secretly in his heart, this was almost an endless cycle with no solution.

The government will never allow superheroes to have the power to take away the lives of prisoners, and the people will not allow it.

They are afraid.

I am afraid that one day I will become an "innocent" arrested, tried, and sentenced to death by a superhero.

The "ambitious people" within superheroes are also afraid.

Superheroes who have the power of investigation, arrest, and trial at the same time almost completely lose the restraint of the law in the process of law enforcement, and losing control is inevitable.

Losing control equals destruction, the destruction of heroes and the destruction of the world.

But the reason why they choose to be superheroes is not for power, money and fame, nor is it to destroy everything.

They sincerely hope that the world will become a better place because of their actions.

Therefore, they will never allow superheroes to have unlimited power and eventually lose control.

In this way, "Don't kill" is not only Bateman's "bottom line as a hero", but it has also become a superhero standard recognized by everyone.

Since superheroes no longer kill people, supervillains certainly dare to be as arrogant as they want.

They won’t die anyway, and the worst they can do is get beaten. Are they afraid of being beaten? hehe.

"You discovered that Bateman had twisted the super villain's mind, and you also knew that the super villain recently planned to take revenge on the hero because of this.

So you felt a sense of crisis when the Omac plan involved both the villain and Bateman? Harley concluded.

"Absolutely, but the matter is more complicated. Before I came to see Superman and you tonight, I had been investigating for several days. My company's warehouse was ransacked, and 100 pounds of kryptonite entrusted to Star Labs for processing were lost.

The scarab given to me by the first generation Blue Beetle woke up from the silence, started to shine, flashed some images, and gave me an unknown revelation.

Finally, a friend of mine, Golden Pioneer—do you know him? "

Without answering Harley, Blue Beetle enthusiastically introduced: "Michael is from the 25th century. He is a very talented rugby player. His future was ruined because he was obsessed with gambling and participated in gambling."

Of course he didn't introduce his friend like this to discredit him. The main reason was that Golden Pioneer's life experience was exactly the same as Harley's.

Can empathize.

A gambling man forced his son, a talented athlete, to match-fix, and his bright future was shattered.

"Not only does he gamble, he is also a thief. All his equipment was stolen." Harley said calmly.

Blue Beetle was very embarrassed, "He is a good person now, and the stolen equipment is used to do good things."

Just yesterday morning, Golden Pioneer stole his bank card and "borrowed" $3,000 for an emergency.

Then he added: "He comes from the future, and his hacking technology is hundreds of years ahead of ours, so he volunteered to help me track the fund flow of the 'Omack Project'.

As a result, before the target was tracked, a high-explosive bomb seemed to be installed in the computer. It exploded into flames and a corner of the house collapsed. The Golden Pioneer was almost killed by the explosion and was already in the ICU.

That’s why I firmly believe that Omack’s plan is not simple.

How can ordinary villains have such means? "

"Why did the computer explode? Was there a bomb inside, an attack from the outside, or a special power?" Harley asked.

"It should be a special hacking technology that transmits electromagnetic pulse energy to the computer through the network cable and detonates the computer battery." Blue Beetle said.

"Is it a Lexbook Pro notebook?"

"Uh, how do you know?" Blue Beetle said in surprise.

"His battery has the largest capacity and equivalent capacity." Harley gloated: "Even a superhero couldn't hold it and was almost blown to death. I wonder who will dare to buy Lex series electronic products in the future.

Well, this could become a trending search and increase my computer sales by a few percentage points this year. "

The tech man with low EQ said seriously: "It has nothing to do with Luther's computer. The battery of the Lex laptop uses a very stable silver-chromium compound, which is much safer than your Paradise Mountain lithium-ion battery."

Harley looked at him steadily, "Do you know why Bateman and Tearman ignored you?"

"Maybe you haven't heard the rumors about Dr. Guang?"

"Huh, Superman has super hearing. You can hear it, but he can't hear it? Bateman is a Zhenglian think tank, and you can investigate the 'secrets', but he doesn't know?"

"Then why?" Blue Beetle said blankly.

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "Because you have no eyesight and don't understand the ways of the world.

Is it necessary to twist Dr. Light's sanity?

If he hadn't done that at that time, Su's reputation would have been ruined long ago.

And he will find Su or other heroic wives a second time.

But twisting one's mind violates the hero's concept of justice. You must not do it openly, and you must not say it if you do it secretly. If you do it secretly, you must not say it. If you say it, you must not hear it. If you hear it, you must pretend not to know it. If you do know it, keep it in your heart.

The giants don't know what to do except keep it secret and pretend that everything is harmonious.

You ask Super Chao to fight Darkseid, he cheers up and takes the lead, but if you ask him to deal with the 'Doctors of Light', what is he going to do?

It's easier to kill directly, but killing is more egregious than erasing memory - at least for you superheroes.

I'm not afraid to tell you that Dr. Light is indeed not the first case. Many villains have had their memories erased and their minds twisted.

Therefore, you have lived a peaceful life in the past few years, and no villains have come after the families of famous heroes.

So, now that the villains are angry and provoked, your little life will be very difficult in the next few years. "

"This" Blue Beetle was so distraught that sweat broke out on his forehead and back.

——Why is it so complicated and dark? Shouldn’t the life of a superhero be simple and pure, completely bathed in sunshine and applause?

"What to do now?" He was confused.

"Be yourself, you are other people's superhero, you don't need a superhero to tell you what to do." Harley said.

Blue Beetle's eyes gradually became clearer, "Harry, thank you! Thank you for listening to my nagging carefully, thank you for believing in my words, and thank you for answering my many questions carefully.

Thank you even more for helping me get out of my confusion. Now I understand what to do next! "

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