Today the Kent family held a dinner for moving into their new home. Colleagues from the newspaper office were here yesterday, and the ones coming today are the father-in-law’s family.

"The previous 'Sky Garden' was large and comfortable, and it was close to the newspaper office. Why move it to the other side of the river? We only cross the bridge every day, and it takes nearly an hour to go back and forth."

The two of you are workaholics. You waste an hour every day commuting, leaving less time with Xiao Qiao. "

The old mother-in-law was chattering in the kitchen, and old Martha also agreed: "I have advised them that although the environment of this kind of single-family villa facing the river is better, it is very inconvenient for them."

The two old mothers were busy cooking, Louise and her sister Lucy were discussing the furniture arrangement in the living room, and little Jonathan was riding a children's bicycle, circling on the cement floor at the door.

Clark and General Lane, two old men, sat on the sofa with their legs crossed and watched the news.

"I suggest you also change places." Clark whispered.

"Why?" Ryan didn't know why.

"The lower the altitude, the higher the safety factor - a warning from Harley Quinn." Clark still didn't tell him about the "Earth Armor".

He promised Harley.

And he knew his old father-in-law very well. Once he knew that the earth was covered with a two-meter-high shield, this matter would immediately become a "public secret" of the US military.

The reason why Harley asked him to keep it secret was because he was worried that if the news spread, humans would let their hands and feet go to death.

"What's the reason?" Ryan asked.

"She didn't say."

Just looking into his eyes, General Lane knew immediately that his son-in-law was lying.

"I will seriously consider it."

Both his son-in-law and daughter took practical actions. Even if he didn't know the reason, he believed that they didn't lie.

"What do you think of the Forbidden Son case?" General Lane raised his chin towards the TV and asked.

At this time, the Metropolitan Cable TV Station was broadcasting the "Forbidden Love Special" of the "Daily Planet" a few days ago.

Well, Planet Daily had already aired "Forbidden Love Finale - The Redemption of Love" by famous journalist Lana Lang, and it became a global sensation. Various media quoted the content of this news and invited experts, famous mouthpieces, and celebrities to Journalists and Internet celebrities are invited to comment and analyze.

At this time Metropolitan Cable was airing an interview with the Pope.

The pope did not release any breaking news. He agreed with the outcome of the trial and said he had a deeper understanding of God's mercy and the teachings of equality.

At the end, he also blessed the witch Ellie, hoping that she would understand God's painstaking efforts, convert to faith, and be pious and good.

Although the content is quite satisfactory, the pope's identity is different. His words are sincere and his emotions are sincere, which is very touching, and the ratings are very good.

"What do you mean?" Clark asked.

"every aspect."

Clark was about to speak when his sister-in-law interjected: "Dad, Clark, do you think the succubus Ellie can knock on the door of the Holy Sound Tower?"

She was arguing with Louise, and the two sisters didn't quite see eye to eye.

"that's not important--"

As soon as General Lane said something, he was interrupted by his youngest daughter, "I understand what you think and what you think is most important.

But now we are not in a Pentagon conference room, sitting in front of generals sitting with nothing to lose.

There is no need to discuss the penetration of faith into politics and the impact on government.

We are just a family gathering today. "

General Lane touched his nose and muttered: "Well, I think the nature of the succubus is hard to change, and in the end it can only be

Well, it’s not necessarily a tragedy. The Holy Sound Tower may exist for tens of millions of years, until human civilization comes to an end. We can’t wait for the result. "

Louise smiled and said: "I think so too. Succubi and angels are both immortal species, and their love may last for hundreds or thousands of years. When we die of old age, even if the Holy Sound Tower does not open the door, who can be sure about the succubus?" What if it fails?

Therefore, our generation can hardly wait for the answer to this question. "

Lucy shook her head and said: "Your thinking is limited to Ellie's identity as a succubus. Although she is a succubus, she is not an ordinary succubus.

Ordinary succubi are representatives of desire and original sin. They only show off their coquettishness and lure decent people into corruption, and this is the purpose of their existence. "

Lucy, an ordinary mortal, should not have such knowledge. However, the news of "forbidden love" has been so popular recently, and so many magic experts have come forward to give their own opinions. The nature of succubi has become common knowledge among people on earth.

“But Ellie’s corrupt desire was turned into love by the angel Terry, and it can be said that she has embarked on the road to redemption.

I think within 20 years, either she will knock on the Holy Sound Tower, or she will be defeated by desire and instinct and fall back into hell.

And once she falls, there is no turning back.

When the angel Terry in the Holy Sound Tower senses her change, he will probably give up worldly love in despair, understand God's teachings, and return to the embrace of God. "

General Lane gave a thumbs up and praised: "As expected of my daughter, she is knowledgeable. This is probably what Harley Quinn planned."

Lucy gave Louise a proud look.

Louise looked calm and asked: "How did you come up with this data for 20 years?"

“The trial of forbidden love is similar to many classical Chinese stories, and those stories will end when the next generation reaches adulthood.

Of course, 20 years is not an exact number, it just means that the ‘love story’ will not last long.

Because love doesn't last long.

Either love creates miracles, or love is consumed by cruel reality. "Lucy said.

Louise shook her head and said: "After all, I still use human thinking to judge the devil."

Clark said: "You don't need to argue, because you both have essentially the same idea - you are uncertain about Ellie's future. The only difference is when the answer comes."

"What about you? What do you think?" Lucy asked.

Clark said with a smile: "My colleagues in the newspaper office have also discussed this issue. Like most people, I firmly believe that Ellie will be redeemed by love. She will redeem herself first, and then Terry. There will definitely be a happy ending in the future.

I think the reason why God allowed this to happen was to prove to the world the greatness of love. "

The so-called "colleagues in the newspaper office" are just the vests of the Justice League superheroes. The heroes all believe in love.

The reporters from the Daily Planet were more realistic and felt that the succubus had a high chance of becoming corrupted.

"What if Ellie finally falls?" General Lane asked.

Clark's smile faded, "That can only be because she received too little help. We should encourage her through news reports and let her understand that she is not alone."

General Lane looked at him like he was looking at a strange flower.

"She is a demon and has probably harmed more people than you have ever seen."

"That was the past, we only talk about the present."

Louise smiled and said: "Clark's idea is very good. I would suggest that Perry open a special issue of "Come on, Ellie". It doesn't need to be too long, just a quarter of a page is enough.

Even after Ellie's story is finished, she can publish news related to love exclusively.

As long as Ellie subscribes to our newspaper, she can see our encouragement to her. "

Clark stood up and kissed his wife on the face with excitement, "Honey, this is a great idea!"

The corners of General Lane's mouth twitched, while Lucy showed envy.

Clark's pupils suddenly shrank, he let go of his wife in his arms, and said with a smile, "dinner is about to begin, I'll go get two bottles of red wine."

Only Louise noticed something strange about him, but she didn't care. Similar situations had happened many times.

Either there is a special incident in Metropolis and it is urgent to save Man, or the heroes of the Justice League are looking for him.

Kent's new home is not a building.

There is only one floor of the building on the surface, but there are two basements, and the wine cellar is on the second floor below.

Everyone in the living room saw him turn into the cellar, but as soon as he was out of everyone's sight, he left the house teleportingly and came to the backyard wall.

There, in the rose bush, squatted a big blue beetle.

"Tear Man, tear Man" the big beetle was still shouting in a low voice.

"Blue Beetle Ted Kord? What do you want from me?" At this time, Clark had even changed into Superboy's uniform.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to find you at your door."

Blue Beetle felt a little guilty when he saw Da Chao's serious and cold face.

He is just a third-rate hero. His strength and reputation are far inferior to those of the first-generation Blue Beetle, and he is not close to the giants of Zhenglian.

The first generation of Blue Beetle came from Earth 1. After fused with the artifact Scarab, it became very powerful and even qualified to serve as a support in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Ted Kord only relied on Earth's technology to create a Blue Beetle-shaped uniform, which can be regarded as a very simple and poor version of the second-generation Blue Beetle.

"You came to my house, there must be something very important." Dachao noticed his embarrassment and his tone was gentler.

Blue Beetle became more relaxed, "Let me introduce myself first. I run an Internet company with assets of over 100 million -"

"I know that basically every tech hero is a billionaire." Da Chao said.

"I'm not emphasizing my wealth." Blue Beetle shook his head and smiled bitterly: "In fact, I have gone bankrupt in recent days. Someone who hacked it should be more than just a hacker.

All in all, Cod Global was emptied of tens of millions of dollars.

Money is not the point, the mysterious man also cheated Wayne Technology once.

He transferred my company's money through Wayne Group. "

Dachao frowned and said, "You should go find Bateman."

"I searched for him, but he didn't want to talk to me in depth and just kicked me out of the Batcave. Then I had no choice but to investigate on my own and found out about the 'Omac Project'.

I doubt that Bateman is definitely not a bad guy, but the mysterious man’s ‘Omac Plan’ may be related to Bateman. "

Da Chao pressed his eyebrows and sighed: "Ted, you said it very clearly, but I can't understand it very well. At least tell me what Omack's plan is."

Blue Beetle said: "Let me tell you again. A mysterious person stole my company's cash through Wayne Technology. I traced the flow of the money and found that the money was used for the 'Omack Project'.

The mysterious man stealing money shows that he is not a good person.

Then his Omac plan must have nothing to do with justice and light.

Combined with the recent undercurrents in the supervillain circle, I believe that the mysterious man is a certain villain leader and Omac is the large-scale criminal plan they are preparing.

And Bateman has something to do with it.”

There was hesitation on his face, "Do you know about Dr. Guang?"

Dachao turned his head and glanced at the brightly lit living room, and said casually: "Ted, I can see that you are very tired. Go back and have a good sleep. If you have anything else, we can talk to you at the watchtower another day."

Blue Beetle wanted to argue, but in the end he felt inferior to his status and succumbed to the majesty of the giant. He nodded and watched Rip Man disappear before his eyes, and then vaguely heard his reply coming from the window.

"The Golden Pioneer is right, we are just third-rate heroes and have no weight among the big guys." He said with a wry smile.

Turning around and leaving "Kent Manor", Blue Beetle was about to follow the boss's advice and go back to have a good sleep, but when he looked at the time, it was only a quarter past eight in the evening.

"No, Tearman seems to be perfunctory like Batman, they."

Thinking of his experiences in the past few days, he gritted his teeth and said, "I've been rejected twice anyway, so I'm not afraid of being rejected again."

He got into a blue Beetle-like flying machine and sped all the way to Gotham.

Unfortunately, the Galaxy Admiral, Heavenly War God, and Silver City Young Master do not recognize Blue Beetle.

Fortunately, the slightly plump housekeeper Angela said: "Although I'm not familiar with you, I heard that you are a righteous superhero and you came all the way to find me. Miss Quinn is willing to give you a quarter of an hour."

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