I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1218 How to open the Holy Sound Tower

"Dwarf, what did you feed him?" The villains stared at the neurologist suspiciously.

"You have all seen it, it's just a charm pill!" Dr. Neurology was a little panicked.

He glanced around in a panic and turned to the mage thugs for help. "You guys can help me reason. You guys just checked the pills with your own hands."

"It really has nothing to do with the dwarf." The blue-cloaked mage waved his hand and said: "At least he didn't sell fake medicine. On the contrary, the medicine he sold was too real and the effect was too good.

In just two hours, Dr. Light has completed the magical infusion and became a half-succubus.

The efficiency is so high that it surpasses most magic-impregnated arrays.

As for Dr. Guang's current appearance, it is completely normal. "

"But everything has changed below his neck, it's so weird!" Leopard Girl said in horror.

"Thankfully you have seen the news about 'Forbidden Love'!" The wizard did not hide the disdain in his eyes, "At that time, the magic power escaped and hundreds of people turned into monsters. Isn't it even weirder?

Compared with them, Dr. Guang has evolved perfectly, you see"

He pulled back Dr. Guang's tattered clothes, revealing most of his bumpy body, "Is every move full of charm?"

"Gudong." Regardless of gender, many villains couldn't help but swallow.

"If you don't look at the head, just look at it." Even Death Knell, who has developed 90% of his brain and can perfectly control his muscles and emotions, can't help but feel hot in his heart.

"Why doesn't his head stay the same?" Earl Dizzy didn't hide his disappointment in his tone.

"Dr. Light is an S-class superpower after all. He has his own power attributes and will not completely change like ordinary people." The wizard guessed.

"He seems to be unable to use light powers?" The Riddler asked.

As soon as this statement came out, many villains' eyes lit up, and some were ready to take action.

"Well, it's normal." The blue-cloaked wizard touched his chin and said slowly: "I have said before that power has attributes. If the attributes are different, the power will conflict.

This is why I didn't compete with Dr. Light for the Charm Pill. My power attributes are different from it. "

"Hey, why didn't you warn him?" Dr. Neuro began to blame the magic expert now, "If I had known earlier that the light power and the charm pill conflicted, I would never have sold the medicine to him.

A mere million or so is not worth risking my reputation. "

"You didn't pay my consulting fee, why should I take responsibility for you?" The wizard in blue cloak was also angry.

Another magical villain, "The Duke of Deception," said: "The magic of blood fusion is inherently very risky, and no one can predict the outcome 100%."

As he said that, he squatted down, supported Dr. Guang and said, "I'll take you to the bedroom. Oh, no, I'm going to the laboratory next door. Let me check your body carefully. There's no room for recovery."

"I'm with you. Although I don't understand magic, I can pray for him."

"Well, if you pray, count me in."

"I am coming too."

The next night, Jim Gordon, the "Hell Detective" in a dark gray turtleneck trench coat, and John Constantine, the "Hell Detective" in a brown turtleneck trench coat, came to Quinn Manor together.

"This is what you wanted." Zha Kang threw a stack of photos on the table, "Look at it, are you satisfied?"

Harley only glanced at him, then twisted his face and turned his head, "You two are really perverted."

"Am I a pervert?" Zha Kang pointed at his nose and said in disbelief: "Didn't you force me to do it?"

"I'm not forcing you. I just hope Dr. Light dies miserably." Harley said.

Zha Kang looked at Gordon, "You tell me."

Gordon said aggrievedly: "Although it was my suggestion, Harley you clearly agreed and clapped your hands and praised me for my flexible mind.

Moreover, I don’t want to use such vicious and perverted methods.

It was you who forced me to get rid of Dr. Guang. "

"I only asked you to kill him, but now he is much worse than death."

Gordon turned to Zha Kang, "Constantine did it all. His methods are amazing."

"The thing has been done, let's stop pretending to be pure and innocent!" Zha Kang looked directly at Harley and said: "That unlucky guy has become a half-succubus who cannot use light powers. Last night."

He first briefly recounted what happened to Dr. Guang last night with great interest, and said with emotion: "Can you believe it? This morning he ran to the police station wailing and called the police.

The fact that a dignified super villain went to the police shows how badly his mind has been damaged.

He is useless.

Alas, you American police are terrible.

Dr. Guang went to report the crime, but was horribly taken advantage of by a few gangster policemen. I exceeded your request. "

"Take away the succubus Ellie and her hybrid baby. Terry must accept punishment. The Holy Sound Tower is prepared for him." Harley said.

"OK, you can handle the Voice of Heaven and make it recognize this penalty, and we will be clean."

Zha Kang stood up and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

"Wait, you still have to complete one last thing." Harley pointed at Gordon and said: "He has high-quality magic power and a strong background, but he can't even handle a demon count.

You guide him and let him become a qualified black magician. At least he knows how to fake the power of a fox and use the situation to oppress others - this is what you are best at. "

Zha Kang glanced at Gordon and said, "I will stay in Gotham for a while, and you can follow me during this period."

The next morning, Gotham, Heaven Hill Cathedral.

Nowadays, under the Holy Sound Tower, which is praised by Christians as "the first religious miracle in the world".

"Angel Terry has been imprisoned in the Holy Sound Tower?" Lana Lang asked.

Harry looked up at the "iron tower" that stood as straight as a pencil and said: "A few days ago, when the tower was first built, he had been locked into the highest floor, under the golden clock.

Now every morning, noon and evening, he rings the church bells. "

"Ah, it turns out that Angel Terry is ringing the bell. No wonder everyone says that listening to the bells of the Holy Sound Tower gives you a feeling of your soul being cleansed." Lana Lang was really shocked. "Originally, because of the hundreds of thousands of angels, Blessed and forged from heaven, this tower has been regarded as the 'first wonder of the world' by believers.

Countless believers from all over the world come to Gotham every day to pay homage to it, if they know that the bells come from angels."

"It's not an angel, it's a fallen angel who committed a crime." Harley corrected with a serious expression.

——But that’s a serious angel. You can’t even see an angel feather in other churches except here.

With emotion in her heart, Lana Lang asked: "The believers already know your final judgment on the angel Terry. Now everyone is very curious about the demon Ellie and the 'Forbidden Son'. Is their ending considered secret? Can you tell me Say it?"

"The succubus Ellie was acquitted, and the forbidden son was given to a certain mage to raise."

"He was acquitted, I thought." Lana was shocked again. She thought the succubus would be burned to death - this is what magic experts who have emerged recently said. They even insisted that Terry had been burned to death and that the Holy Sound Tower was empty.

It seems that experts are really unreliable, both in the secular world and in magical circles.

"Why is the succubus Ellie considered innocent?" she asked curiously.

Harry said: "You also said that she is a succubus. Isn't it natural for succubi to use their charms to seduce mortals or angels to fall?

God is merciful and has mercy on all living beings, but He will not force sheep to eat meat or lions to eat grass.

God created all things in the world with different characteristics so that they can maintain their own characteristics and make the world colorful.

All creatures who persist in their true nature will not be blamed by God.

Of course, sticking to your true nature will not be rewarded by the Lord.

Man is born with original sin, and it can be said that ‘human nature is inherently evil’.

God wants us to follow His teachings and get rid of the evil in our nature, so as to be saved. "

Even though there was a voice recorder to record the conversation between the two, Lana Long still used a pen to quickly write down this passage in the interview notebook.

——As expected of the God of War in Heaven, this makes perfect sense. No wonder God gave her full responsibility for this case.

Lana Lang sighed in her heart.

Well, she didn't know that the Lord God of War was struggling to his death at this time, hoping to use human public opinion to force the voice of heaven to admit the legality and rationality of this trial.

Magic experts are actually right, burning the fallen is the only way in heaven to deal with such incidents.

"How long will Angel Terry be suppressed?" Lana Lang asked: "After the succubus Ellie regains his freedom, will he come to save him? Just like the ancient Chinese legend "Water Floods the Golden Mountain Temple", the snake demon wants to save his mortal husband.

It is said that Gotham is right by the sea, and it fully meets the conditions of "flooding Gotham". "

After a pause, she thought thoughtfully, "Or, wait for the forbidden son to grow up and rescue his father who is imprisoned in the 'Leifeng Tower'? Or, learn from Erlang Shen and chop peach mountains with an axe?"

"Whoever dares to hack my 'Holy Sound Tower', I will chop it first, no matter the succubus Ellie or the Forbidden Son." Harley said calmly.

"Those stories about the Celestial Dynasty are quite beautiful, and many people have been discussing them like this recently." Lana Lang said sarcastically.

Harley's expression became serious, "Succubus Ellie seduces angels, it's her nature.

But if you dare to break into the Holy Sound Tower, you are committing a crime, blaspheming the sacredness, and offending the majesty of God.

Of course, God's punishment is only a means of redemption, and Angel Terry's future is not cut off. "

She raised two fingers and said, "There are two paths for him to choose between the way of heaven and the way of humanity.

The way of heaven means repenting of mistakes, washing away sins, and returning to heaven.

Humanity is the way to the world.

The succubus Ellie doesn't need to flood Gotham City or chop down the Holy Sound Tower with an axe. She can open the door of the Holy Sound Tower with 'love'.

The Holy Sound Tower has been blessed by hundreds of thousands of angels and is unbreakable. 'Love' is the only key I have left.

If Terry cannot redeem himself in his confession and cannot walk through the "way of heaven", he will always retain his true love for Ellie, and Ellie's true love for him will still remain the same. The love between both parties is the key to the door. "

"It's a bit like "Peach Mountain Saves Mother". Yang Jian also melted stones with love and created the mountain axe." Lana said.

"A son will love his mother anytime, but how long can a lover's love last?" Harley said.

"If Ellie comes to the Holy Sound Tower now, can her love with Terry open the tower door?" Lana asked.

"Maybe, but she can't get close to the Holy Sound Tower at this time." A look of pride flashed across Harley's face quickly, "This tower has been blessed by hundreds of thousands of angels and has powerful holy power.

Whenever the bell rings, wherever the sound wave sweeps away, demons will escape and all evil will hardly arise.

Therefore, the devil can't get close to it at all. If you try to get close to it, it will only be burned to ashes. "

"Ah, what about Ellie?" Lana exclaimed.

Harry smiled lightly and said: "She can be reborn, cleanse the evil spirit, purify her soul, and get rid of evil.

If she sincerely converts to God, God is willing to redeem the devil.

Demons redeemed by God are no longer demons but saints.

God will not force others to believe in Him, and I do not ask her to be as holy as a saint in heaven. As long as she has the kindness and purity of a mortal, she can still get close to the Holy Sound Tower. "

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