“As we all know, the super criminal Mongo died on the way to the court for trial, and agents sent by the Pentagon used black magic to send his soul to hell.

How do you know that the super criminals who died before and after trial in recent years were not the masterminds of the White House and the Pentagon? "

Dr. Light is impassioned, not only has a loud voice, an angry expression, and dances, but also controls the light to form "super criminal suffering pictures" above his head - death pictures and videos of super criminals who have died in recent years.

The hall also specially played background music that suited the scene at this time.

Not to mention, the effect is very good.

After the neurologist entered the door, his attention was immediately attracted, and then he stood there quietly and listened.

"The military dares to attack us, and the Justice League is unscrupulous against us. The Eye of Heaven will not treat us as human beings. Why?

Because we can only be angry and unable to respond fiercely to these injustices.

Why can't we use revenge to make them restrain themselves, even repent and surrender?

Because we only fight alone, the Justice League is a powerful organization of heroes.

The Big Eight alone are enough to suppress any dissatisfaction, not to mention the many smaller giants under the Big Eight.

In addition to the Justice League, there are also the giants of the Justice Society, the Giants of the World Governance Society, the giants of the Freedom Fighters, and the smaller giants of the Young Watchmen. They are all united around the eight giants of the Zhenglian Alliance.

How can we, a group of stragglers, fight against this?

Not to mention superheroes, even soldiers in the military can overwhelm others with their power.

With a powerful military organization and an inexhaustible supply of cannon fodder soldiers, we can easily subdue any of us, even S-class superpowers.

So it's obvious what we should do. "

Dr. Guang punched hard, "Unite!"

"Yes, we must unite!" Dr. Neuro thought he spoke well and immediately clapped and cheered.

But after shouting a slogan, he found with embarrassment that there was only sparse applause around him. Many villains crossed their arms and looked at Dr. Guang with indifference.

"That's well said, but who will form the secret society? Who will be our leader?"

Deathstroke lay lazily on the sofa, with his legs folded on the table, and asked in a calm voice.

The Riddler's eyes flashed, "How about an election? Self-recommendation and recommendation go hand in hand. The candidates are determined first, and then each person, one vote, votes to decide."

Dr. Guang nodded and said: "You can give it a try. Today I am just conveying to everyone the idea that 'we need unity, unity is strength'. It is not about immediately recruiting people to rebuild the secret society."

Atomic Skull said: "I choose Luther, Luther is rich!"

"Luthor is not even allowed to be free." The flute player of the Rogue Gang said: "I choose Captain Cold. He has strong leadership and has made the Rogue Gang prosperous and has become the most feared gang of villains by the Sky Eye Society."

"Captain Cold doesn't even have superpowers." Gorilla Groot pointed at himself and said proudly: "Choose me, and I promise to lead you into the Hall of Justice!"

"Everyone can say nice things, and I even said that if you choose me, I will lead everyone to capture Quinn Manor." Leopard Girl said sarcastically.

Black Manta pointed at her and said: "As long as you dare to use this as a campaign slogan, I swear to vote for you."

"I vote for you too." Several super villains immediately echoed.

Leopard Girl sneered and said: "I just gave an example to prove that Groot is unreliable. He is not even a person."

"Boom!" The gorilla punched a hole in the table, "Slutty leopard, are you a human?"

Before the Leopard Girl could react, the Calculator's voice first sounded in the hall: "Groot destroyed the property of the stronghold and was fined 20,000 US dollars. If there is a fight, both parties will be expelled immediately and will not be allowed to enter the satellite stronghold again within a year."

"Humph!" The gorilla glared at the leopard girl, suppressed his anger and sat back down.

The leopard girl also bared her teeth and waved her sharp claws at it.

"Back to the topic, I choose Vandal Savage. He is an immortal. He has accumulated endless wealth, wisdom and secrets for countless years. He can bring us a wealth of successful experience." The blue cloak wizard said.

"I don't know much about Vandal Savage, he rarely causes trouble." The metal man looked at Deathstroke and said: "I choose Deathstroke, Deathstroke is brave and resourceful, and he is the only one among us who can challenge the heroes of the group alone.

On weekdays, when we encounter two or more heroes going on a mission, we will subconsciously run away.

But even when he faced terrifying combinations such as Hal Jordan, The Flash, Hawkman, and the magician Zatanna, he still dared to charge forward with a knife, without even thinking about forming gangs or calling friends. "

"Metal Man, thank you for your recommendation, but I'll forget it." Deathstroke waved his hand, "I'm a mercenary, can I accept the negotiator's employment, but let me be the negotiator myself without losing a lot of money?"

"There's no point in talking here. We can't represent everyone." Shadow Thief said.

Dr. Guang sniffed and rubbed the corners of his mouth. His sharp eyes became tired and dim, and his voice was not as loud as before.

"The candidates were selected, the news was spread, and the process was slowly brewing. We did not think of forming a club immediately."

"Hey, Edgar, come here!" He caught a glimpse of the neurologist on the edge of the crowd. His eyes lit up. He jumped off the table and waved, "Give me a Tamalan first. Hey Fei, Fuck, what's in your goods?" Isn’t it added with other ingredients? It’s not the same as others.”

Dr. Neuro immediately leaned over, reached into his arms and took out a few small plastic bags, and said with a smile: "With the same recipes and ingredients, of course the ones made by famous chefs are more delicious."

Dr. Guang picked up the powder and was about to use it when he suddenly caught a glimpse of some unseen pills in the dwarf's hand, "Any new ones?"

"Hey, I have new products here every day. Even old products will be constantly updated and improved in quality."

Dr. Guang raised his nose and said with misty eyes: "What kind of medicine are there? Let me tell you."

"Miracle 1.02, the effect is 15% higher than before. Do you want to buy two just in case? It can be used when you meet a superhero or a wild and untamable filly."

Dr. Guang shook his head and said: "It's no use meeting superheroes, but it's useless when meeting women. My strong body is enough to handle any woman, so there's no need for it."

After a pause, he asked again: "Are there any new medicines that I haven't used before?"

"There really is one, it's called 'Charming Pill', but" the neurologist looked hesitant.

"Afraid I have no money?" Dr. Guang said coldly.

"The price is indeed very expensive, US$150,000 per pill, but what worries me more is the efficacy of the medicine, which is too strong."

Dr. Guang immediately became energetic and said, "Try it for me, I like the stronger ones."

"Charming Pill is not a high-alcohol powder, of course. It is more high-altitude than high-alcohol powder, but it is a functional drug. It is mainly used to help mages evolve their bloodlines and increase their magic power." The big-headed dwarf explained.

His words immediately attracted several villainous mages nearby, "Show me the charm pill."

The dwarf took out a small plastic bag containing red pills the size of pigeon eggs.

After checking it carefully, the blue-cloaked wizard said in surprise: "What a pure demonic power. The power is very high, at least the Duke level. Who made it?"

"Hehe." The neurologist smiled but said nothing.

Dr. Guang sniffed his nose and felt that the pill exuded an irresistible fragrance, which made him want to swallow it immediately.

"Can it turn me into a magician?"

The blue-cloaked wizard said: "You must have seen the 'forbidden love' news that has been grabbing headlines in recent days.

That day in London, after the succubus gave birth to a child, the terrifying corrupted magic escaped in all directions.

Many mortals were infiltrated by the power and turned into demon-like monsters on the spot.

In a way, that's not an absolute bad thing.

Wizards like me even long for that opportunity.

Being immersed in high-level magic is the fastest way to increase the quantity and quality of magic.

The effect of this pill is similar to that of the devil's flesh and blood magic circle, which is equivalent to integrating the devil's blood into one's own body. "

He looked at the red pill and licked his lips, "If I hadn't already fused the devil's blood three times, I would really want to try it myself."

"After three fusions, it can no longer be fused?" Dr. Neuro asked curiously.

He is a person with supernatural powers and does not know much about the ways of magicians.

The blue-cloaked wizard said: "Of course it can be fused, but there are strict attribute requirements for demon flesh and blood.

Your charm pill seems to come from a high-level succubus?

It can greatly enhance personal charm. The name of "Charm Pill" is foreign, but it definitely lives up to its name.

Unfortunately, I'm not good at charm magic.

But the price of 150,000 US dollars is very affordable. I would like to collect a few of them. I will take them all if you have them. "

"Wait a minute!" Dr. Guang stopped the dwarf who was excitedly taking out his bag, "Can a pure angel fall with just one look after increasing his charm?"

"It's definitely not possible to seduce angels. Not all succubi are as sexy as the 'Ellie' in the news, but if you seduce mortal men and women casually, there is almost no disadvantage," said the blue cloak mage.

"I bought one, 200,000 yuan each, and bought it all."

Dr. Guang was originally attracted by the strange smell emanating from the charm pill and couldn't control himself. Now that he heard that its function was so buggy and fit his attributes so well, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Are you planning to change your profession to become a charm wizard?"

The blue-cloaked wizard didn't argue with him. His attributes did conflict with charm.

"Charming wizard? I like it. I want to go to Hollywood to kill everyone, hahaha"

Dr. Guang swallowed the pill eagerly, his eyes even more misty, "Fake, it feels so good, so high, so exciting."

He immediately swallowed another one, "It feels so good, it's so strong."

Five minutes later, he took his seventh pill.

One after another.

"Is he okay?" Deathstroke frowned.

At this time, Doctor Guang's face was flushed, and his eyes could hardly see consciousness.

His hands were still scratching and groping at his body unconsciously, which was very obscene.

And there was a "click-click" sound inside his body, as if a pair of invisible hands were shaping his body.

The exposed skin oozed traces of dirty blood.

There was also an uncomfortable purple-black magic mist surrounding him.

"I don't know, I'm just a medicine seller." Dr. Neuro said.

The blue-cloaked wizard stared at the mutated Dr. Light with interest, and said casually: "Don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon. If it is silent and unremarkable, it can only mean that the dwarf is selling fake medicine."

"Everyone knows that I never sell fake medicine!" the dwarf said seriously.

Two hours later.

"Ahhhh~~" Dr. Guang held the two lumps on his chest and howled sharply: "What happened? How did I become like this?"

"It hasn't changed much. At least your face is still the same." The dwarf swallowed and said with difficulty.

"Dwarf, you are harming me!" Dr. Guang's eyes were red, and his two delicate hands radiated bright light.

"Ouch~~~" As soon as the light was lit, the fair and delicate skin made a "sizzling" burning sound. Dr. Guang almost collapsed on the ground in pain, "It hurts so much, ah, my power, how could it hurt me?" Own?"

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