I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1216 The men in trench coat join forces

Gordon also brought his family to Heaven Hill Cathedral to see the "miracle" today.

He was wearing a long dark gray trench coat with the collar turned up high and a wide-brimmed hat on his head, which almost shrouded his entire face in shadow.

His wife Xiao Lai, daughter Barbara, and son Jim Gordon Jr. were dressed in casual clothes like normal people, and they did not go out of their way to hide their identities.

"It's right there," Gordon pointed in the direction of the bell tower and said with a complicated expression: "The Holy Light Tower was built there, replacing the original bell tower. Xiao Lai, do you still remember it? The bell tower."

"I often come to the cathedral and the bell tower, why don't I remember?" Xiao Lai said inexplicably.

"There was a massacre here back then. I remember even the archbishop was called 'Marvin', right? Back then, I was a policeman and you were a forensic scientist. We conducted crime scene investigations on the bell tower."

"I remember." Xiao Lai understood, and looked as complicated as him, "Time flies so fast. We were all young people when we just joined the company, and now even my daughter is almost a young man."

"Time flies, and the world changes faster." Gordon sighed.

Xiao Lai nodded again with empathy, "If you were to travel back in time and find me checking the corpse on the clock tower and tell you about the 'future' at this time, I would definitely think you were crazy.

Still shouldn't have such a crazy dream. "

"Do you think Harley felt the same way we did when she replaced the bell tower with the Holy Sound Tower?" Gordon asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. Now that she has become a 'god', I can't guess her thoughts." Xiao Lai said.

"What are you talking about?" Little Gordon asked doubtfully.

Gordon frowned and thought: How to turn the B-level movie "Harley's Revenge" into a popular version of "Harley's Revenge" that references Disney's "The Lion King"?

"Hi, Gordon. Jim Gordon, right? There's been a big change." Suddenly, a man walked over and called out his name skillfully, and patted his shoulder skillfully.

"You -" Gordon turned around and seemed to see his own reflection. He was also wearing a long windbreaker with the collar raised high. He exuded a faint aura of black magic, but the similarity was just an illusion for a moment. The temperaments of the two were completely different. no the same.

"John Constantine? Are you looking for me?"

"Ah, Teacher Constantine." Barbara whispered.

Zha Kang lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "I'm a little embarrassed when I hear the word 'teacher'. It seems that I haven't given you a special lesson yet."

Barbara was Harley's priest, and her main job was to borrow divine power. Harley couldn't teach her, so he built a "Magic Master Group" for her and let her take online classes in the group.

There are all magic masters that Harley knows, including Zha Kang.

However, Zha Kang only answered her questions twice and did not teach her any useful knowledge.

"What do you want from me?" Gordon asked.

Zha Kang looked around and was keenly aware of a large reporter wearing glasses looking at him in the distance.

"Hallie hasn't told you? Dr. Light, Succubus." He said mentally.

"How do you know?" Gordon was surprised at first, and then suddenly said: "It's you! Are you the foreign aid that Harley mentioned?"

He also telepathizes.

"Let's chat somewhere else, or continue the spiritual communication?" Zha Kang asked.

Gordon glanced at his family, then looked up at the bell tower, and said, "Let's talk here."

Today was a rare family gathering time, and he didn't want to disappoint his family.

"You are the mastermind. I am just a magician who was innocently implicated. I have no idea what you are going to do. I only take money to do things and provide you with technical support. Is there any problem?" Zha Kang said.

Gordon's heart was filled with boredom, and he didn't show any signs of it on his face. He kept his mouth shut, and his voice reached the other party's consciousness: "I don't have any objection, anyway, I can't avoid this pot.

But Harley said you were the mastermind and I was just a poor thing being used by you. Only in this way can Harley be truly innocent. "

Zha Kang felt disgusted in his heart, and it showed on his face, "Fake, I am the mastermind, there must be a reason, right? I don't even know Dr. Guang."

"You go find Harley, I can't make the decision." Gordon said simply.

Cursing again in his mind, Zha Kang said: "Tell me about his situation, the more detailed the better."

Gordon carefully explained the information he had collected.

Zha Kang frowned and thought for a moment, then his expression suddenly became relaxed, "He likes to have fun? And is he willing to try various new medicines?"

"There are very few super villains who don't like to have fun, especially those with super powers. Their power comes too easily and they have no control over their desires." Gordon said with disdain.

Zha Kang smiled and asked, "Who does he often go to to buy medicine?"

"Dr. Neuro."


"Boston's 'Dwarfman', well, although he is in the circle of super villains, he has a reputation as a superhero, and the people at the bottom still like him very much." Gordon introduced the situation of the dwarf again.

Zha Kang thought thoughtfully, "Where did his medicine come from?"

"Almost all ordinary goods, common channels, and high-end goods come from Dr. Hugo."

Gordon introduced Dr. Hugo again.

Zha Kang smiled, "OK, the plan is done."

"what's the plan?"

"Boom~~~" The old bell tower collapsed and the new Holy Sound Tower took its place.

The one-piece dark gray all-metal tower body has seven floors in total, and a large golden bell hangs on the top floor.

The color of the Shengyin Tower is dark gray, which is no more conspicuous than the previous tower. However, when the sun falls on it, a little bit of golden and silver light reflects in all directions, hazy, dreamlike, like a thin layer of fog covering it. .

When ordinary people see it, they will naturally feel calm and calm, and stop being impetuous.

“My Lord, Lord, your glory fills this world!”

"I will offer you a freewill offering. I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good."

Christians who came from far away shouted excitedly. They raised their hands toward the "holy place" and kept praising Jehovah with their mouths.

"It feels very ordinary. What are they excited about?" Xiao Lai didn't see anything strange.

Barbara said solemnly: "I obviously sensed many divine blessings on it, and they probably sensed it too."

Xiao Lai was a little embarrassed. She didn't notice the strangeness. Could it be that she wasn't pious enough?

"Xiaoba, you have a good eye. At least you have entered the "Nine-Nine Gods List"." Zha Kang stared at the "iron tower" with squinted eyes and asked: "How many blessings can you see?"

"It feels better, thousands more," Barbara said uncertainly.

"At least 300,000 blessing marks, all from angels, what a great gesture!" Zha Kang sighed: "This is an absolute 'holy object from heaven' and can only come from heaven.

It can never be created on earth, and no one can command so many angels.

Even the foundation stone below is the ‘Eternal Rock’ which is a combination of Heaven Stone and Hell Stone. "

"Three hundred thousand angels," Gordon said in shock, "but it's just a cage."

"But building it is just a matter of words for her. It is dozens of times easier for the Heavenly Guard to summon hundreds of thousands of angels than it is for the President of the United States to send 300,000 troops to the Middle East.

As for the material for forging it, 80% of it is ‘fake paradise gold’ mined from the floating island of Paradise Mountain. "Zha Kang said with emotion.

Two days later at midnight, a luxury apartment in the suburbs of Boston.

Dr. Neuro carefully stuffed the leather bag the size of a pencil case under his arm, took out his mobile phone - lexnote4pro, and opened an APP called "Intimate Friend", "Computer? It's me, Edgar."

"Doctor Neuro? What do you need? Today's secret information sale, 50% off on everything."

"You still don't know me? I don't accept missions, and I don't need confidential information. Send me to the stronghold with the most people quickly."

"It's the rich people who make up the majority," Dr. Neuro emphasized.

"Fake, at this time, you still want to sell medicine?"

The big-headed dwarf asked strangely: "What time is it now? Why can't we sell medicine?"

The calculator fell silent.

"Say it."

"I suddenly remembered that you are not the same as us." Calculator said.

"Fuck, did you take drugs tonight?" the dwarf cursed.

"Once some secrets are told to you, you may turn around and reveal them to Harley Quinn." The mathematician said.

The dwarf chuckled.

"Are we worthy?" He said, half teasingly, half self-deprecatingly: "I don't know what you are fussing about lately, but Sister Hallie's sight has long gone beyond the material universe.

Even if all the super criminals formed an alliance to do something big to rule the earth, she probably wouldn't pay too much attention to it.

For example, what did Luther do when she wanted to rule the underworld? Did nothing. "

The calculator murmured: "You guessed it, someone is trying to form a 'secret society of second-generation super criminals'.

You know why.

If it happens, we're about to go head-to-head with the Justice League.

In order not to alert others, friends who recently wanted to join the club have reduced their daily crimes. Everyone is working hard and honing their skills in preparation for the next war. "

"That's it? Are you worried that I will bother Sister Harley with this kind of shabby news? Listen to me, we really don't deserve it."

The neurologist said loudly, while quietly putting his hand into his pants, touching the Paradise Mountain xsmax, loading the watchdog, and editing a message @"Sister Harley": Someone is reorganizing the secret society.

"You must have seen the recent news. Sister Hallie summoned 350,000 angels to build the Holy Sound Tower. Fuck, there is a new chapter in the Bible, and even the Pope went to worship under the tower.

I heard that several major Hollywood directors are preparing to make a trilogy of "Forbidden Love", "Heaven's Punishment" and "The Watch under the Tower of Holy Sound".

Look, this kind of multiverse-level event is Sister Harley’s daily job.”

"Okay, stop flattering her, she can't hear it." Calculator Niwai said: "Go to the balcony, turn on the positioning on your mobile phone, and I will send you to the 'criminal base' satellite. In addition, today's information fee is 5,000 US dollars. .”

"Must be in a spacious open-air environment? It's been several years, why haven't your teleportation technologies been updated to the 'watchtower level'?" Dr. Neuro complained.

"You go find Luther, Vandal Savage, and those tech monsters. I'm only responsible for intelligence work."

The neurologist sighed and climbed the stairs to the top floor of the villa.

Although it is open-air, the signal is not good.

He could only climb up the ladder to the top of the water tank.

"Beep beep beep" the lexnote mobile phone screen flashed with dazzling red and blue light, "Identity has been verified, coordinate integrity is 95%, higher than 80%, transmission can be started, do you want to transmit?"

"Teleport." Dr. Neuro said.

"Buzz~~" A silver halo like a hula hoop appeared around his waist out of thin air, and then with a flash of white light, the person disappeared on the spot.

When he opened his eyes again, he had arrived at the quiet and narrow metal corridor - the "criminal stronghold" satellite in geosynchronous orbit.

"We can't bear it any longer!" As soon as he opened the door, Dr. Neuro heard Dr. Guang's passionate and high-pitched speech.

He stood on the table, shook his fist at the drinking villains around him and shouted: "Zhenglian is brainwashing us and twisting our will and soul, we can't tolerate it!

The Sky Eye will capture us to fill the Suicide Squad and use us as cannon fodder, which is equally intolerable! "

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