I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1215 Holy Sound Tower


"I clearly used a magic circle to cover up my aura that day. How did you crack it?" Zha Kang asked curiously as he blew out a smoke ring.

This is the first time the two have met alone since "Judgment Day in Heaven".

Others have been present before.

"If a sword falls into the hands of swordsmen with different swordsmanship, it may be as thick as a stick, or it may cut through the world with one sword. The Battle Book of Heaven is also a weapon, and I am the top swordsman."

"I know you are great, but my question is, what makes you so great?"

"I'm so powerful. I don't understand why your magic circle is so powerful, and I don't understand what makes me so powerful," said Harley.

Zha Kang was speechless.

After a while, he explained: "A dog's ability to find targets depends on its sense of smell, and it can smell the smallest odor.

The reason why angels and demons can be found by their 'boss' is because they always exude a 'smell' that can be identified.

You can think of breath as a 'smell'. If an item has no smell, a dog with a keen nose will not be able to find it.

My magic circle can guide the breath to the origin wall, which is equivalent to hiding people outside the universe.

Aura does not exist and cannot be found.

So I was full of confidence and even eager to give it a try, hoping that Tian Zhi Sheng would fail. "

Harley said: "The War Book of Heaven is like a sword. You can block it with the Origin Wall, but the Origin Wall is ineffective against me. When I hold that sword, even if it didn't have the power to break the wall before, I can still break it with one sword." Open the source wall."

Zha Kang looked at her deeply and said, "If you didn't lie, you are now more terrifying than almost all demon kings and god kings.

Even the wall of origin cannot suppress you, the rules of this universe. By the way, tell me the truth, does the contract law work for you? "

Harley said seriously: "Of course it works, I can't break the oath in any way."

Zha Kang looked at her steadily for a while and then asked: "What about the price rule?"

"I can't even violate the contract rules, let alone the more basic price rules?" Harley's expression was still as serious as before.

Before Zha Kang could continue to inquire about her background, Harley asked, "What are you going to do with those three?"

"You are the God of War in Heaven, I am just a guilty person." Zha Kang said helplessly.

"If it weren't for you, they would have been burnt to ashes under the holy flames." Harley stared into his eyes and said coldly: "I gave you face, and I gave you dignity, and it was because of you that I made the matter bigger. , making the trouble known to everyone on earth.

Everyone knows that heaven will no longer be able to kill them brutally.

I've explained this before, and you must understand it, so don't act stupid, they are your responsibility. "

Zha Kang blew out his cigarette and watched the waves rolling in from the horizon and hitting the rocks in the distance.

The waves splashed like broken jade, and the white foam rose up and down messily, just like his mood at this time.

"Would you believe me if I said that I didn't know them at all before and that I was just helping them out of kindness?"

Harry said calmly: "You have been friends with them for many years, or you have just met them. It doesn't matter whether they are kind-hearted or have ulterior motives. I don't care. As long as you can deal with them, it won't matter."

"What did the voice of heaven say?" Zha Kang asked.

"The voice of the sky originally meant that my soul was shattered and everything was over. Now it tells me to do it well. If I can't do it, it will make me unlucky."

"At last night's banquet, you hinted to everyone that you wanted to build a demon-suppressing tower?" Zha Kang probed.

"To fool the old lady."

"You also told Louise, the famous memory of the universe, that God is merciful and kind. There was once an archangel who fell into love and was redeemed by Him personally." Zha Kang added.

Harley's tone was contemptuous, "What is Zauliel's identity, and what is Terry's identity?"

"You said that under God, all living beings are equal."

Harry nodded and said, "Yes, I said it, but I am also under God, and I am not qualified to treat everyone under God equally."

Zha Kang hesitated and said: "The angel Terry and the succubus Ellie are both extraordinary. They either have special destiny or strange talents. They should be of some value to you."

The indifference on Harley's face relaxed slightly, "What's the value?"

Zha Kang immediately observed his words: This guy is still the same as before. Neither morality nor relationships can convince her, only eternal interests.

"Ellie is a veteran in the romance industry, but she was moved by Terry's purity. This is unusual.

Terry was intoxicated by the erotic scene arranged by Ellie, and it was still pure and uncontaminated, which was very unusual.

Terry is such a pure heavenly warrior, and after being teased by Ellie, he loses control and fucks on the spot. Ellie's charm is extraordinary.

The child born to Terry and Ellie is so 'taboo'. Don't say you haven't seen other 'bastards', do they have that kind of momentum and aura? "

The "Angels Fucking the Big Devil's Belly Case" that is known to the general public seems to be only Terry and Ellie, but it is not uncommon for angels or demons to mess around over the years.

In Papa Midnight's bar, you can find all kinds of "bastards". There are few angels and demons, but many demons and humans. There are also goblins and humans, goblins and demons, angels and goblins.

Those bastards carry a more or less taboo aura, so they need to be managed uniformly by Gabriel.

But Harley has never seen a taboo aura as strong as the "little bastard".

The so-called "forbidden power" is the power that should not exist and blaspheme God.

For example, the Spear of Longylus.

It hurt the Son of the Lord, it was a perfect blasphemy, a great blasphemy.

The more blasphemous it is, the stronger the taboo becomes.

"What did Terry and Ellie do to make the forbidden power so strong?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Probably because they didn't do anything." Zha Kang took out a Zippo lighter, lit a Silka cigarette, and said quietly: "Don't you think that the combination of Terry and Ellie is a reflection of the so-called light and darkness, good and evil in heaven? A slap in the face from the doctrine?

Terry and Ellie, one is a servant of the Lord and the other is a blasphemer, they are completely opposite existences.

But together they are so harmonious and beautiful.

Isn't that ironic?

But whoever dares to mock the old God deserves to be burned to death and the crystallization of their love will be taboo. "

Harley thought for a moment and said, "Let's make a deal. You help me get someone, and I'll help you get the Terry family."

Three days later, Gotham.

Downtown Manhattan, Heaven Hill Cathedral.

"Same as in London that day, when the news came out, citizens, reporters, various up owners, and Internet celebrity live broadcasts all gathered around." In the white marble square, Jimmy Olsen, carrying a camera, groaned in the crowded crowd. sigh.

"Today is different, we have an interview permit." Louise walked forward, taking out her makeup box and slowly touching up her makeup in front of the mirror.

She is not afraid of crowds, even if the news of the "Holy Sound Tower" spread yesterday, resulting in hundreds of thousands of people coming to the cathedral today.

The cathedral cannot accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, but the surrounding streets and squares are full of people.

People all over the world know about the "forbidden love" case and are paying attention to it.

Now that the case seems to have come to an end, of course they want to witness the "legend in the history of religion" with their own eyes.

"Louise, hurry up, Perry has urged us for the third time, the live broadcast must start immediately." Clark turned around and said.

Well, like an old scalper pulling a cart, he spreads his arms and easily pushes away people approaching, providing a loose space for his wife who is leisurely behind him.

"Okay, Jimmy, get ready to start." Louise put away the makeup box and walked to the camera with the microphone in hand, with only a faint professional smile on her dignified face.

"My dear viewers, I am Louise."

After a brief opening statement, Louise immediately got to the point, "Yesterday at noon, Paradise Hill Church posted a notice outside the door, announcing that it would build a 'Holy Sound Tower' at the location of the original bell tower to specifically imprison the fallen angel Terry.

That is to say, the ‘forbidden love case’ that has shocked the world and will continue to have a huge impact on Christians is about to usher in the first round of trials.

It’s not yet known what Ellie’s ending will be, but Terry seems to want to keep the Holy Sound Tower forever.

As you can see, the square is crowded with people, including citizens and clergy from the Vatican and cathedrals around the world. "

Jimmy immediately turned around, and the camera smoothly came to the front of the Cathedral of Paradise Hill, where there was a statue - an angel with wings spread and holding a sword.

Under the silver statue of heaven, more than three hundred clergymen wearing red, black, and white priest robes knelt down.

Judging from the clothing and prayer etiquette, they are definitely not from the same denomination or the same church.

But their expressions were all the same solemn and solemn, and they recited the Bible softly, turning a blind eye to the noisy crowds and reporters around them.

In just a few dozen seconds of filming, more than a dozen priests joined the prayer team.

When the people saw them approaching, they all gave up their seats honestly.

"Father, can I ask where you are from?" Louise pointed the microphone at an Asian priest.

The priest had not yet joined the prayer team, and was followed by a group of Asian priests.

"Oh, it turns out to be Reporter Ryan, you are so beautiful Smecta!" The middle-aged priest's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "I am from the Republic of Korea and I am the leader of the Heavenly Sect. Please call me 'Park Zhengjing'."

Louise frowned. This guy didn't look at her like a priest. He seemed a little lewd? Is she too sensitive, or...

"Master Park, what do you think of the 'forbidden love' case?" She took a slight step back.

Leader Park took a step forward and straightened his collar, his chubby face seemed to be glowing red, "I completely believe in the judgment of the God of War in Heaven. Whatever she says is what she says, and I will unswervingly support whatever she says.

She is the light of my faith!

Our Heavenly Cult has specially opened up the main deity for her, and I also compiled the "Hali Sutra" for her. Miss Lane, are you interested in knowing about it? this is my name card. "

When stuffing the business card, the fat man scratched Louise's palm.

Beside him, Clark's lips were pursed tightly, and his blue eyes behind his glasses were almost red.

Louise was used to the world. Although she was disgusted, she did not have an attack or show it.

But when the camera moved away, she turned off the microphone and whispered to her husband: "Check that Heaven Sect. I suspect it is a cult organization. You have to eliminate harm for the people."

Clark nodded slightly.

"Look over there, is that John Constantine?" Louise whispered.

Clark looked in the direction she pointed, and he saw a somewhat familiar figure, a brown Burberry classic windbreaker, with messy hair, his head lowered, leaning towards a family of four with their son and daughter in the crowd.

"Hey, it's Barbara Gordon." Clark looked at the other man in the trench coat thoughtfully, "how did they get together?"


The bell tower on the left side of the cathedral suddenly burst into flames and collapsed. The broken bricks and tiles did not scatter in all directions, but were still flying in the air before disappearing without a trace.

Everyone in the square was stunned and confused.

"What's going on?" Louise asked doubtfully.

Clark squinted his eyes and said slowly: "The bell tower was probably exploded. At the moment of the explosion, the space was pulled into the shadow world. The Holy Sound Tower is coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright holy light suddenly lit up where the bell tower had been.

A 30-meter-tall metal tower appeared in front of everyone, appearing in the material world.

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