Louise returned to Metropolis only a week later.

Although her mother-in-law brought Jonathan to the airport to pick her up, she did not go home immediately.

"Martha, I have to go to the newspaper office first. Although we have been quarantined for observation these past few days, my movements are not restricted. I have shot a lot of news materials and I have to process them quickly."

While talking, she also took out a small wooden box as big as a palm and a can filled with half a can of water.

"What is this?" Martha asked confused.

She drove over in a Lex electric car. Her grandson was in the passenger seat. Her daughter-in-law didn't even enter the car door. She just stuffed things into her arms and was about to leave.

Louise said quickly: "The bottle contains holy water from heaven, which comes from heaven. This is the kind of holy water we used during quarantine, and the effect is very good.

The magic in my body is not too serious, and there is still more than half of the bottle left. You can take it back and share it with Xiao Qiao. It can ward off disasters, ward off evil spirits, and refresh your mind.

Inside the box are two amulets given to me by Angel Martin. They belong to you and Xiao Qiao as well. "

"Are you really cured? Otherwise, you should use the holy water for yourself, as well as the amulet." Martha opened the box, and there were indeed two silver crosses as big as fingernails inside. The crosses were worn on an almost transparent thin chain, very simple. But very refined.

There seems to be a faint holy light emitting from it, which brings peace of mind.

"Why did Lord Angel give you the amulet?" Martha asked curiously.

"He and I are old acquaintances." Louise raised her chin, with a bit of pride and pride on her face, "When I went to Silver City to do the news about 'Tian Tian Jun's first entry into the garrison', I interviewed several angels. , including Battle Angel Martin, he and I get along very well."

Hearing that her daughter-in-law actually made friends with an angel, Martha immediately felt a sense of respect in her heart, "Keep Xiao Qiao's, I don't need it. You are often out running the news and need it."

She twisted a chain and handed it to her daughter-in-law.

Louise shook her head and said: "I have decided to convert to the Heavenly Mountain Church from now on, and will often go to Gotham to pray to Pope Van Helsing. This chain may ward off evil, but it is definitely not as good as the Heavenly Mountain Pope."

——The amulet sent by the angel is not as good as the Pope of Heaven Mountain, and the Pope is not as good as Heaven God of War himself. I will see her more when I have time in the future, and I guarantee that no evil spirit will dare to come near her.

She saw with her own eyes this time that when a succubus gave birth to a "forbidden child", the evil aura produced by it, if a normal person got a little bit of it, he would immediately become a demon, and even angels would look uncomfortable.

Father Carlisle even had a layer of demonic scales on his skin.

Only the God of War in Heaven remained unmoved. Not only was the evil aura unable to harm her, but many people who were later demonized were restored to their original state thanks to her.

"Why did you suddenly think of converting to the church?" Martha asked confused.

She understands that her daughter-in-law is too busy with work on weekdays and rarely attends family gatherings. She can only go to church twice a year. This is completely different from her, a "farm red neck" who feels uncomfortable without going to church every weekend. .

"I also believed in God before, but" Louise paused and sighed: "Now I understand that people must have faith. Only when you have faith, you will have something to rely on when encountering certain things.

Not all of the people who have been defiled by the power of the taboo are Christians. Christians use holy water for the best effect. Those without faith are still miserable and have not been cured yet.

Therefore, you must have faith and choose a god whose teachings fit your values ​​and have the strongest ability. "

Martha didn't quite understand her daughter-in-law's words, but she vaguely felt that she had experienced a lot in the past few days.

"Do you want to go home and rest for a day before going to work tomorrow?" she asked with concern.

Louise pursed her lips and said, "During my quarantine, the newspaper arranged for Clark and Lana Lang to go cover the 'Forbidden Love' story."

This time Martha completely understood what her daughter-in-law said: time was urgent, and she wanted to compete with Lana for the front page headlines.

Daily Planet, editorial conference room.

Louise was on the podium, talking to the PPT, "This 'forbidden love' incident should be divided into four stages. First, the acquaintance, love, and final betrayal of the battle angel Terry and the succubus Ellie. Their respective masters fled to the world."

Editor-in-chief Perry raised his hand and interrupted her: "The names of the parties involved, Ellie and Terry, are pseudonyms you gave them, or are they their real names?"

"Of course the real name."

"How do you know their names? The real names of demons and gods have power." Perry wondered.

Louise said proudly: "I talked with them. Terry and Ellie are real names, but they are only part of their real names."

"My dear, have you met them in person? Do you have interview records?" The whole audience was shocked, and even Lana Lang looked surprised.

"Aren't you in quarantine?" Perry was surprised and happy. So far, other media members are not sure about their appearance, identity, or title, let alone interviewing the person involved.

"Don't get excited, listen to me slowly." Louise smiled slightly and glanced at the colleagues who were looking up at her. "In the second stage, the mage Constantine took in the two 'fallen' and clashed with the God of War in Heaven. That is what happened that day.

In the third stage, the succubus gives birth to a child, and the aura emitted by the forbidden child turns mortals into demons and makes angels dim. "

At this point, the smile on her face disappeared and her expression became extremely solemn.

"Is there a more detailed and exciting video?" Perry rubbed his hands and looked very excited.


Louise immediately opened an unblocked video.

The living hell was released again. There were hundreds of people, all wearing human clothes, but no one looked like a human.

Demonic scales grow on his skin, his eyes are crooked, his mouth is crooked, he loses consciousness, his teeth are sharp, and his nails are like scimitars. These are the most basic mutations. He also grows two heads, three hands, and his body expands into a giant.

"Shit, are they still human?" Perry got goosebumps.

"Just giving birth to a child has such serious consequences," Clark murmured.

Hans from Sports Magazine exclaimed: "No wonder Heaven wants to arrest them, indeed they should be arrested! They should not have combined in the first place, let alone escaped to the earth and harmed mankind.

If the Galaxy Admiral hadn't arrived in time and allowed the black magician to hide them, would London have turned into hell at this time? "

"I asked Constantine and he said that he had drawn dozens of magic circles and it was not a big problem." Louise said.

"His neighbors and the reporters outside his door will probably disagree," Kate said.

Louise frowned. The neighbors and reporters in the corridor outside were indeed the hardest hit areas infected by the power of blasphemy.

But Constantine also said that the magic circle was a complete set, and if the balcony was broken, the entire defense system was also invalid.

She continued: "The third phase, centered on that building, thousands of people were taken to the Royal Navy base for isolation and treatment. The fourth phase, the ending of Terry and Ellie.

Therefore, this series of news will also be divided into four stages. There is enough material in the first three stages at present, and we only need to pay attention to the follow-up. "

"Well, in the past week, the news has been all about the second phase." Perry nodded, "Tell us more about the first and third phases."

"Terry and Ellie began with desire and ended with love."

Louise Barabara tells a romantic love story in an emotional tone.

"Bah bang bang!" Many editors raised their hands to applaud, and even whistled, cheering "Wang Defu", "Goose Beauty Thief", "Really Touching" and the like.

Perry reprimanded with a straight face: "Are you smart? Because of their mess, hundreds of people were infected by evil magic. If Heaven hadn't responded promptly and the God of War had outstanding abilities, how many people would have died this time?"

"But they are true love. Damn it, I started to believe in love again." A female editor held her heart in her hands, her eyes blurred, "Even angels and demons can love each other. True love really exists. It transcends faith and life and death.

God, this is the most touching fairy tale I have ever heard in my life. It's like a fairy tale. "

"Do you believe what the Fallen said? Is it true love or lust? God knows everything, and it doesn't matter what they say." Perry said coldly.

"Don't be so serious, this love story is really great." Kate smiled.

"Idiots, I'm doing it for your own good, don't be ungrateful!" Perry said seriously: "Praising the degenerate, blaming God, and triggering such public opinion. Where do you plan to hang out after your death?"

"Uh" The room immediately became silent and dull.

"Louise, have you been deceived? Demons can demonize people by just emitting their breath. It's too easy for them to distort the thoughts and cognition of mortals." Perry said with sharp eyes.

"I'm not sure either. Let's wait for the results of the fourth phase and see how the God of War in Heaven judges them."

"It's been a week, and Miss Harquin hasn't finished the trial yet?" Clark asked doubtfully.

"She has not been idle, cleaning up the leaked blasphemous power, treating hundreds of infected people, and quarreling with the British royal family."

"There was a conflict with the British royal family? Why?" Perry asked strangely.

"It's not a conflict. They first invited the heavenly war gods and angel warriors to Buckingham Palace, saying that they would imitate the ancient tradition in the Bible - the king entertains the representatives of God who come to earth."

"Isn't this not good? Angels need to prevent the epidemic." Clark said.

He and Lana Lang also went to London. Although they were not able to enter the closed area, they knew that the angels were very busy with their super vision and hearing.

"Yes, Harley Quinn rejected them and the delicacies sent by their palace chef - the angels did not eat.

Then they volunteered and wanted to work with the angels.

And took the opportunity to ask the angels about heaven and how they can ascend to heaven after death."

"Huh, don't even think about those bad things exposed in the news." Perry sneered unceremoniously.

"So it's 'how to go to heaven', not 'can I go'? They want to have a relationship." Louise said.

"It's so unbelievable that the old lady didn't care about her children and grandchildren?" Perry said.

Louise hesitated and said, "It's not completely hopeless. You can't get into heaven through connections, but you can get the merit of going to heaven through connections."

"What merit?" Everyone asked curiously.

Louise said: "Before leaving, the old lady successfully entertained Miss Quinn and Father Carlisle.

I was also invited. During the dinner, we talked about the placement of fallen angels. Miss Quinn seemed to be planning to build a demon-suppressing tower in the human world to suppress fallen angels who had committed crimes.

The old lady immediately expressed that the royal family was willing to help out, land, and effort."

"So, the God of War in Heaven won't burn Terry and Ellie to death with sacred flames?" Kate said excitedly.

"Why burn to death?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"Recently, several experts in the magic world have come out for interviews, and they all said that the pair of degenerates are doomed. According to the rules of heaven, the family of three will be burned to ashes.

Not just one person, but all magic experts say so. " Clark said.

Louise said disapprovingly: "The God of War in Heaven is solely responsible for this trial. This is 100% certain. No expert is as useful as what she revealed."

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