I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1213 Forbidden Life

"Zauliel is the archangel." After a long while, the voice of heaven did not directly say that God is partial, but only suppressed these words.

Harley's tone was stern, almost scolding: "All angels are God's servants, all humans are God's people, and all the undead and demons in hell are also God's erring children.

Under God, all living beings are equal.

God also treats all living beings equally. He will redeem princes, grandsons and princes, as well as traffickers and pawns.

He gave Zauliel a chance to repent, so he would naturally not be ruthless to other angels. "

"Voice of Heaven" cursed in his heart at this moment: "Everyone has the right to speak nonsense here, but you are not. You are the only one who has the invincibility of the 'god descending to earth' in the multiverse, even a 'god's relative like me'" Son'none.

God favors you above all men and above all angels.

You haven’t shamelessly shouted ‘all living beings are equal’.

All living beings are never equal. "

"Then you should redeem Terry. If you do not do well or make mistakes, the punishment of the Archangel Council will surely come to you." Tian Zhisheng said coldly.

After saying this, it withdrew.

Harley glared at Zha Kang and said through a message: "How did you get involved with these two people? In order to protect you and your two friends, I offended the Voice of Heaven very badly today. It wants to The angel council is summoned to punish me."

Zha Kang looked around and saw that the succubus Ellie was still struggling and wailing on the sofa, and a lot of blood was leaking from her lower body.

After Battle Angel Terry saw Harley, he immediately knelt on the ground and lowered his head.

When Ellie saw red before, he had a worried face and wanted to get up to take care of her, but was held down by two "angel confidants" beside Harley.

The corridor outside the door seemed to be bustling with people, and a lot of messy sounds entered the living room.

The balcony was completely gone, leaving a big hole.

Through the hole, you can still see the windows of the building opposite, and poke out the dark heads, each with a pair of big, curious eyes.

In addition to the head, there is also a camera lens.

Jacon already recognized the logos of several local London gossip newspapers.

Although I couldn't see the scene on the street downstairs, I could guess from the cluttered sounds that the street was crowded with people, a sea of ​​people, shoulder to shoulder.

There is also the noise of helicopter propellers turning in the sky.

"Tian Zhisheng's resentment can be put aside for a while. Now that the situation is like this, how will it end?" He asked dryly.

"Cooperate with me to finish this scene well."

Harley passed the newly written "script" to Zha Kang's mind through spiritual connection.

On the street outside Zha Kang's apartment.

"There are too many people, Louise. Please tell us your name and see if you can get the British guys to make way for us." Jimmy Olsen's body was squeezed out of shape and his voice was distorted. He carried him The camera on my shoulder was even more crooked, and I couldn't find a good lens.

Louise huddled behind him and used him as a shield to barely keep herself stable.

"Don't talk about me now. It's useless even if the Queen of England is here. Everyone wants to witness this religious event that is rare in ten thousand years - a story that is enough to leave an important chapter in the Bible. Everyone is going crazy." She said helplessly.

Jimmy said: "We can't squeeze into the upstairs opposite, so we can't shoot the scene in Constantine's apartment. The TV station is waiting-"

"I don't accept it!" A loud shout suddenly came from the apartment, and then an exclamation was heard from the building opposite.

"The evil black magician is resisting!"

"What, a fight started?" Louise became more and more anxious, "I should have brought a drone for emergency use."

"Ah, I will never surrender to the old God!" As Constantine shouted, magic arrays lit up in the apartment one after another. The colorful brilliance could even be seen by people on the street.

“Buzz buzz—” The building shook slightly, and the road surface also shook slightly.

Everyone was in shock and doubt, thinking that the war was about to begin, but they saw the bright holy light spreading in all directions, and the brilliance of the magic circle was torn apart layer by layer, and dimmed in an instant.

When the holy light dissipated, everyone saw the shouting person.

Sure enough, it was the "evil black magician Constantine". He was half-kneeling above the street, with a chain of holy light wrapped around his body. He was being held tightly by an angel, unable to struggle.

But he was still struggling hard and yelling: "This is my home. You have no right to break into my house and kidnap my friends."

The Heavenly God of War in silver holy light armor stepped on the void, stepped out step by step, and said coldly: "Even harboring criminals wanted by the police will be prosecuted by the procuratorate.

This time you not only violated the Earth's "Supernatural Incident Management Act" - 1. You are not allowed to collude with demons; 2. You need to report to the relevant departments before bringing dangerous demons into the world - you also committed blasphemy, openly and publicly Blasphemy against Christ.

Knowing that Heaven is hunting these two degenerates, you deliberately used a magic circle to cover up their presence.

After my arrival, I dared to activate the magic circle and violently resist arrest, which caused the incident that should have been handled secretly to be known to the public, and the Lord's high reputation was slightly flawed.

Even if I chop you with a sword now, you deserve it. "

"He is indeed an evil black magician. As I said before, many of the five-pointed stars representing the devil in his house were drawn with blood." A resident upstairs across the street exclaimed.

"Let me tell you, why is the matter such a big deal? It turns out that he violently resisted arrest." Louise also suddenly realized.

Now the logic makes sense.

"This Archmage Constantine looks very sloppy, but his ability to resist the arrest of Young Master Heaven is no small feat!" Jimmy Olson said.

Louise smiled and said: "Of course, he is the first mage of the young generation."

She knows more about the inside story of the magic circle than Jimmy, and knows that Constantine even defiled the previous Virgin and ruined the "Advent of the Son" of the Holy Advent Crusade.

At this time, he is harboring repeat criminals in Paradise and deliberately confronts Paradise law enforcers, which is very consistent with his personality.

"Harry, we are friends after all." The "evil black magician" who was suppressed by the angel softened his tone and begged: "Terry and her are true love, please God for mercy and mercy."

It looked like he had a piece of shit in his mouth.

He always spits at heaven and gives God the middle finger.

Now, in front of countless people, I am begging God for mercy, and I feel ashamed.

From now on, if he pretends to be cool in front of others, no matter how dismissive he is of God and heaven, he will become very unconfident and may even be laughed at by everyone.

But this was her "script" and he had to read the lines.

"There is no doubt about God's mercy. There is no doubt about God's wisdom. Whether they are in true love or sinking into the original sin of desire, God will judge for himself."

The God of War in Heaven glanced down, frowning slightly, "Bring the sinner with you, let's——"

"Ah~~~" A sharp scream that could not be suppressed or blocked even by the broken magic circle came from the dilapidated red brick apartment, followed by purple and black magic full of blasphemy, centered on the screaming succubus , like a tsunami, spreading rapidly in all directions.

"No, this is a taboo power! It's so corrosive that even I can't resist it. Harley, don't let them spread among the crowd." Old Father Carlisle shouted anxiously.

Harley brought three attendants with her this time. At this time, Angel Martin was holding Terry, Angel Carl tied up Zha Kang with a chain of holy light, and the priest was responsible for guarding the succubus beside the sofa.

"Ah ah ah~~~" Even though the spiritual voice transmission used by the priest was extremely fast, when Harley reacted and used the power of the God of War accumulated from her "salary" to open a holy light barrier surrounding Zha Kang's living room, Someone has already been exposed to the forbidden power of purple and black.

There are Mr. Kang’s neighbors, there are reporters and onlookers who crowd into his neighbor’s house to watch the strange things, there are also people in the corridors and stairways, and there are reporters from the Sun newspaper who are close to the door of Mr. Kang’s house, peeping and eavesdropping.

From the perspective of Louise and others on the street, a miserable female voice came out, followed by a circle of purple-black light that spread from the apartment that had lost its balcony.

Then the Heavenly God of War quickly drew out the Holy Light Sword and inserted it into the void in front of him.

With the tip of the sword as the center, a spiderweb of holy light runes quickly formed. The runes formed a magic circle that covered the sky and the sun. The magic circle was erected above the street, like a dumpling, covering the red brick building and spreading. Wrapped in purple and black light.

At first, the power of the God of War in Heaven was completely unable to block the surging light. Harley urgently activated her defense expertise and twisted the force field from a three-dimensional to a wider "two-dimensional plane".

Then something surprising happened to her.

"You have discovered the alien energy that can evolve the tenth-level God's Defense Specialty. Do you want to absorb it?"

The evolutionary treasure in her mind sent her such a message.

"This power is actually brand new to God? But the power of the angel Terry and the succubus is not 'new'. Two old powers gave birth to 'new power'?"

Harry was filled with surprise and he didn't move slowly. He quietly opened his mouth and absorbed the burst of light.


"Save me, Christ save me."

"Young Master Tiantian, help me!!"

In the red brick building, the ordinary people affected by the ghostly light all rapidly undergo changes to varying degrees: tiny scales grow on their skin, bone spurs appear on the bones of their backs, their eyes become bloodshot and red, their teeth are sharp and curved, and their nails grow rapidly.

The abnormal changes in the body brought a huge burden to the soul. They frantically scratched at the mutated parts while wailing and pleading loudly.

"Shit, is it so corrosive?" It was like a zombie virus outbreak, making Harry's scalp numb.

She has seen many examples of being infiltrated by magic, but it was so fast and intense. This was the first time for her. Oh, it was the first time that the magic power belonging to Little Black Bean spread in the wizard group.

"Harry, it's because of the child that the succubus gave birth to a monster." Carlisle said with a trembling voice.

"Harley, do you need help?" Martian Manhunter's voice entered Harley's mind at the same time.

It was so lively here that even Louise from far away in the metropolis rushed over. Naturally, the heroes on the watchtower couldn't fail to notice.

"No, you are also unable to resist the invasion of the forbidden aura." Harley raised her head and glanced at the sky, flipped her right hand, and the Heaven Battle Book appeared in her palm.

A message was sent, and the next moment, a beam of holy light fell in front of her.

They are hundreds of angel warriors wearing strong armor.

"Your order is my honor, Your Excellency, Legion Commander!" They stared straight ahead and immediately knelt on one knee in the void, waiting for Harley's order.

"Wow, there are so many angels!" People on the street were stunned. "Admiral Galaxy is so powerful. Angels have to kneel down when they see her. I want to kneel down too."

Harley had no time to pay attention to the commotion on the street and quickly ordered: "Centering the outbreak point of the forbidden power, establish a three-layer three-dimensional defense barrier inside the apartment, outside the apartment building, and in the block 200 meters away."

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