"Don't leave in a hurry yet," Harley pressed her right hand down, making Blue Beetle sit down again after he stood up to say goodbye.

"Tell me your plan."

She saw determination in his eyes.

He would most likely not shrink back and learn the ways of the heroic giant, and then pretend that he knew nothing and heard nothing.

Sure enough, Blue Beetle said seriously: "I will continue to investigate, this matter is not over."

"If you guessed correctly that 'Omac' is a large-scale revenge plan by super villains against the Justice League, then it will be very dangerous if you continue to investigate. Or, do you have any other companions?"

Blue Beetle thought for a while and said: "I'm not very familiar with the Zhenglian giants, but we also have a small circle, me, Golden Pioneer Michael, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Fire Beatrice, and Red Rocket Mikoyan.

However, because of Su's incident, recently everyone has either returned to their families, gone into seclusion, or focused on the city where they are stationed, and has not been very active. "

The Golden Pioneer even chose to retire.

Otherwise, he would not be short of money and "borrow" a friend's credit card.

Well, Golden Pioneer has received many endorsements before. After taking off the uniform, the endorsement fees are gone and they have to pay liquidated damages.

At this point, Ted vaguely understood why giants like Dachao and Bateman chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Even Su's death and Jane's fall caused such huge trauma to the Justice League that they almost broke half of their spines.

The formation of the Zheng Lian depends on the glorious heroic concept of justice. If the incident that distorts the super villain's sanity is exposed, the impact will be even greater, and it may directly cause the Zhenglian to collapse from within.

But if he keeps dragging it on, everyone will know and pretend not to know, and the problem will not be solved. Alas, he has to solve the super villain's "Omac Project" first. At least it can create a better way for Zhenglian to solve its internal problems. Multiple buffer times.

"I will collect intelligence first, and when it comes time to fight, I will definitely call the Justice League," he said.

"Is there no danger in investigating intelligence? Ted, you have been targeted. Yesterday the Golden Pioneer was blown into the ICU by Luther's notebook. Tomorrow you may be blown to death." Harley said.

"But I can't do nothing, I can't pretend to know nothing." Blue Beetle said excitedly.

——You are just a little-known third-tier hero. You have neither superpowers nor peerless martial arts, and your technological equipment is not top-notch.

Although she was complaining like this in her heart, Harley actually quite admired this "tech man".

Smart enough to detect major crises that threaten the entire alliance from clues.

She was cautious enough and didn't act recklessly from the beginning. Instead, she first looked for the giant. If the giant's path failed, she then looked for the ultimate boss, which was her.

Passionate and courageous are the standard features of a superhero.

"You just said that the scarab of the first generation Blue Beetle was in your hands and gave you a revelation?" Harley asked.

Blue Beetle picked his head and said: "It was in my hands before. Mr. Garrett (the first generation Blue Beetle) gave it to me before he passed away, but now it is lost.

Yesterday it suddenly shone brightly, leading me to a mysterious place - a door lit up in the subway tunnel, which opened to enter the legendary Rock of Eternity.

It is also the residence of the god who gave Thunder Shazam his power. "

"Old Shazam? The Blue Beetle was also taken away by him?" Harley frowned.

"Well, last year there was a lot of news about Billy Bassant, and I got to know the god behind Shazam, and I knew that he was a kind and good god."

Harley curled her lips, but did not expose the beautiful fantasy in the tech man's heart.

"So I told the truth about my troubles and followed His advice to cast a spell on Blue Beetle.

Then Blue Beetle projected several images in mid-air, including ghosts, a scary woman with blue skin, and Luther. "

"What do those pictures mean?" Harley asked.

"I don't know, the picture flashed, the blue light exploded, I was teleported back to the city where I was, and the scarab was lost in the Rock of Eternity."

Harley stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll help you get the artifact back."

"Does Shazam have a deeper meaning? He wants to choose another master for the scarab? Not everyone is worthy of its power.

It's been with me for a few years and I never activated it, thinking it was broken.

Maybe it didn't belong to me in the first place. "Ted said unconfidently.

Harley turned her head and looked at him strangely, making him blush with embarrassment before asking, "Do you know what you just said?"

"What did I say?" Ted was confused, "I mean, I can't use Blue Beetle, so let's let Shazam choose another owner."

Harley said: "You are now the 'second generation Blue Beetle.' If a new Blue Beetle appears, it will still be the most authentic Blue Beetle, what does that mean?"

"What?" Ted didn't understand.

"If you don't do anything, you are probably going to die. If you don't die, how will the third generation of authentic Blue Beetle be born?"

At first, Harley was a bit joking, but as she continued, she vaguely revealed the secret: Blue Beetle Ted was about to suffer a catastrophe this time.

"What is this, a prophecy?" Ted felt that she was a bit distracted.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you to find old Shazam."

Harley felt that the old Yinbi would be able to prove what she had guessed.

"Hey, isn't this the Holy Sound Tower?"

Stepping out of the Archimedes airship, Ted saw a familiar yet unfamiliar tower.

Familiar because I've seen it on TV countless times.

It was strange because it had been several days since the tower was built, but he had never checked in.

"The Holy Sound Tower is a portal that leads to Shazam's Rock of Eternity." Harley left the Archimedes airship in the yard, pushed open the tower door, and walked in first.

"My dear, did you open the door?" Blue Beetle was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"What's the problem?" Harley turned around and said impatiently: "What are you doing just standing there, hurry up and catch up."

Blue Beetle walked a few steps quickly and trotted into the tower. He immediately turned his head and looked around curiously.

The rotunda on the first floor is very ordinary, with a gray-black rock floor and silver metal walls. It is about 15 meters in diameter. The ceiling is five meters above the ground. There are no stairs to the second floor.

"Isn't this door only the love of Terry and Ellie can open? Are you lying?" he asked doubtfully.

"It's Terry and Ellie. They can only open the door with love. But I built this tower. Is there something wrong with my mind that I set limits for myself?" Harley said while pressing her hand on the wall. .

"Uh" makes sense, but Ted can't refute it at all.

"Buzz~~" A golden door lit up, and the two of them took a step forward and came to a dark and ancient stone castle.

Beside the long stone walkway, squatting are seven demon gods of different shapes, the seven demons of original sin.

"It is really possible to reach the Eternal Castle directly. Are the Holy Sound Tower and the Eternal Castle in the same space?" Ted asked in surprise.

"Do you know the nature of the Eternal Castle?" Harley asked casually.

"I talked to Shazam and he said that the Fortress of Eternity is at the center of the multiverse."

Harley walked forward and said: "The Eternal Castle is built on the Rock of Eternity. The Rock of Eternity is placed in the center of the universe, but it is not the center of the universe.

In fact, the structure of the Rock of Eternity is very simple. It is formed by the merger of two rocks, the Stone of Heaven and the Stone of Hell.

There is a physical phenomenon called "levitation". The force of rising is equal to the force of sinking, and the object is suspended.

The Rock of Eternity is similar to the phenomenon of levitation. The Stone of Heaven and the Stone of Hell represent two extremes. They can achieve a balance that transcends all time, space and laws, and can hover in any space in any dimension for eternity.

The Holy Sound Tower is also built on the 'Eternal Rock', which is equivalent to an independent dimension. "

"Oh, the Holy Sound Tower and the Eternal Castle are made of the same material, so they can be connected to each other?" Blue Beetle suddenly realized.

"It has nothing to do with the material, the key is that the Eternal Castle hovers in a very special location - the center of the multiverse, which can connect most magical dimensions.

The Holy Sound Tower is a magical building built on the Rock of Eternity. It is equivalent to an independent dimension, so it can open the door to the Castle of Eternity. "

"It turns out that the magic of the Eternal Castle is not the castle itself, but the location," Blue Beetle said with emotion: "The magical world is really magical and magnificent."

"Old Shazam, come out to see me?"

The two of them were talking and had arrived in front of the seven thrones of the Eternal Castle, but it was empty and not even a ghost could be seen.

"Did you go out to visit friends?" Blue Beetle asked.

"He wishes I thought the same thing as you." Harley sneered and said, "I'll count to ten. If you don't come out, I will blow up your Eternal Castle.

10, 8, 4, 2——”

"Is there anyone who counts like you?"

A wry smile sounded from the throne in the hall. Shazam, holding the Thunder Scepter, seemed to have never disappeared and stayed there.

"Are you so shameless? You even lied to the younger generation's life-saving baby." Harley said sarcastically.

Old Shazam glanced at Blue Beetle with a stern expression, "Although I don't know where you are thinking, I assure you that you are definitely thinking wrong."

Harry crossed his arms and said calmly: "Although I don't know why you took away his scarab, I can assure him that if he loses the scarab, he will lose his destiny and will probably lose his life soon. Can you help?" Do I prove right or wrong?”

"Ted Kord." Old Shazam said hesitantly: "Can I send you back to the material world first, and let Harley talk to you later? Without you here, she and I can be more open and honest."

Ted looked at Harley.

Harry frowned and said, "Is there anything that is not suitable for him to know?"

"The scarab is not an ordinary artifact. Like Naboo's helmet, it represents a certain existence." Old Shazam said in a message.

Harley turned around and said, "Ted, you go to Quinn Manor and wait."


"Boom!" A blue electric light enveloped Ted and took him out of the Eternal Castle.

Old Shazam took out a blue beetle statue from the mage's robe, the size of a palm, and lifelike.

"Old man, do you want to come out and talk to Harley?"

The beetle made no reply.

Old Shazam said helplessly: "Harley is a ruthless character. She wants to stand up for that human kid. I can't stand up for you."

Beetle still didn't respond.

Old Shazam stopped persuading him and threw the beetle statue into Harley's hands.

"I didn't summon the scarab, it led the blue beetle to find my eternal castle." He continued to clarify the relationship.

Harry held the beetle statue and looked up and down, but could only sense an extremely weak magical aura.

No mental fluctuations at all.

"What does this beetle want?"

Old Shazam's eyes flickered and he said: "You guessed it right, the second generation Blue Beetle has reached the end of his destiny and will not live long. I have already seen his ending in "The Book of Reflection".

The end of death.

However, it wasn't the scarab that was going to trick him to death.

On the contrary, it also planned to give him one last warning before leaving. "

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