Etrigan's words were not only to resolve the misunderstanding with Harley during "The Ghost Change".

That guy still wants to kill his father. At least take revenge on the old man.

Now that Harley knows that Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, is hiding in the human world and wants to plot Zha Kang's life, as his friend, what will she do?

Well, she has already lent the "waist-cutting sword" to Zha Kang.

Zha Kang was looking for the Spear of Destiny before, saying it was to deal with a big devil. He didn't say it clearly at the time, but now Harley knows that the big devil is most likely Beelzebub.

Just like Etrigan's father used the hands of Harley or God to deal with the inner dragon, now Etrigan is seriously learning from his father and uses the hands of outsiders to deal with him.

"Wow, great, I'm moving to Wayne Manor to live with my dad."

On the second day of the wedding, the newlyweds did not go on their honeymoon immediately. They had to complete the official "living together" first.

Now that they are all married, naturally they can no longer live in two places.

Five-year-old little Helena was very excited, but after being excited for a while, she raised her head again, looked at Harley and said, "Mom Harley, will you go to Wayne Manor with us?"

"What am I going to do in Wayne Manor?" Harley smiled.

"Live with us, I want to live with dad, but I don't want to live with you, mom Ivy, Duoduo, Fathead, Loach, Mr. Red Law, Mr. Bunny, Sister Rachel, Cassandra Sister, fat Harry from the bottom of the mountain." Helena counted with her fleshy fingers, there were more than five, and she gradually lost count.

"I don't want to be separated from everyone."

Ivy touched her head and said, "Then it's better to ask your father to move here."

"Dad?" Helena's eyes lit up and she looked at her father expectantly.

Bruce smiled bitterly and said: "I miss my friend, I can ask Alfred to send you here."

He knew very well that even though Ivy was teasing little Helena like this now, if he really had the idea of ​​moving here, he would definitely receive a cold look and cold words from her.

Harley will also be "scented far away and smelly", and she will give him a look in a few days.

Plus, he has his own career and is much happier living in Wayne Manor.

Fat Tou comforted little Helena and said, "I will often go to Wayne Manor to look for you. If you want to come back, you can call me and I will pick you up right away."

"Thank you, Fat Head." Helena stood on tiptoe and kissed the ion shark's chin.

"Loach, starting today, you and Selina will change your surname to 'Wayne'. Well, you are her dowry." After saying something to the big black dog, Harley turned to the two animal men, "Red Fa, Little Rabbit , you are Helena’s companion and also go to Wayne Manor.”

Loach likes Bateman very much and often sneaks away to Wayne Manor to patrol Gotham with Bateman.

Now moved straight to Wayne Manor, excitement is evident on his canine face.

The Hedgehog and the Rabbit showed a bit of reluctance.

Wayne Manor is also very large, but its natural scenery and green area are far inferior to Indian Mountain. Well, it should be called ‘Lee Mountain’ now.

Indian Hill commemorates the bloody massacre and brutal plunder of Indians by white people.

Although the name is also very meaningful, for Harley now, the pattern is still too small.

Before the Wayne family left in their car, Halle pulled Selena aside and gave away one last piece of "trousseau."

"Is this a direct flight to heaven?"

Looking at the black card she handed over, Selina was surprised: "Why did you give me this? Where did it come from?"

"Infinite Paradise Direct Card. This is the only one left in today's world." Harley emphasized.

Then she added: "It's not easy to be a hero's wife, Jane Rowling and Sudibuni are examples.

Jian Luolin wanted to live her own small life well, but she was unable to balance her desires and identity, and was unable to live her own small life well.

Sue Dibny is smart and virtuous, and has the ability to live her own life well, but she still cannot live her own life safely.

This card cannot allow you to live a stable life, but it can be used as a trump card to help you live a more relaxed life. "

Selena held the card and said hesitantly: "Give it to Helena. I would rather go to hell than see Helena get hurt while I am safe and sound."

"Take it, you need it more than she does." Harley said.

"Why?" Selina asked curiously.

Harry sighed: "Because you would rather fall into hell than live alone when you and Helena are in danger.

So, when you two are in danger at the same time, you will work hard to protect her, and so will I, the Black Knight, and Bruce.

If you two fall into the water at the same time and can only save one, we will both save Helena, so you need this card even more. "

Selena's expression twisted and she said, "Although I won't correct your idea of ​​saving Helena first, this sounds very uncomfortable."

Harley said calmly: "Then what do you want me to do? I obey your wishes and leave the Paradise Card on Helena. When danger occurs, I try to rescue you. As a result, you survive and something happens to her. You are in pain and beat me hard. Her breasts, complaining to me, 'Why did she save me when she knew I cared more about her?'"

Selina was speechless.

"I can't live this life!"

On the third day, Selena held her daughter in her left hand and the big black dog in her right hand, and returned to her "parent's house" angrily.

Behind her, there were two animal men helping to drag the luggage.

"What's wrong?" Harley asked strangely.

"Hongfa, Xiaotu, take Helena back to the bedroom and help her tidy up the room."

After sending away her glum-looking daughter, Selina sat next to Harley, held her hand, and said aggrievedly: "Bruce is a bastard, he has a woman outside."

"Uh, that's not the case, is it? You just got married." Harley said doubtfully.

Ivy's eyes lit up, "Did he mess around before getting married, and now you discovered it?"

Selena nodded repeatedly, "I even got my son out."

"What, there is a son?" Ivy was startled, "Are you sure it's his son? That guy Bruce can't be like this, right?"

"One hundred percent sure, that child looks exactly the same as when he was a child. Even his temperament of keeping away from strangers seems to be carved from the same mold." Selina sighed.

"How old is he? Who is the mother?" Harley asked.

"Twelve or thirteen years old. It's the child Bruce had with Lei Xiaogu's daughter Thalia when he was an apprentice in Shadow Warrior."

"So, he is the grandson of Lei Xiaogu? Did he come here at this time?" Harley frowned and said, "Did he come here by himself, or did he get orders from someone, and for what purpose?"

"Talia knew most likely that Bruce and I were married. She was so angry that she arranged for her son to come over to punish me." Selina said excitedly.

"Since you know her purpose, why are you still so angry and coming back with your luggage?" Ivy seemed even more excited than Selena, "The more the enemy wants to do something, the less you can let her do it.

Now that you are running away in despair, Thalia's bastard must have her hands on her hips and laugh proudly. "

Selina shook her head and said: "Talia is a stranger to me. I don't care about her feelings. I only care about what Bruce did."

"You weren't together yet at that time." Harley reminded.

"Why are we not together?" Selena raised her voice and shouted: "When he left, I sent him off. We have already talked to each other, understood each other's intentions, and even tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, and handed over our respective first Second-rate.

We start with Double Cleanliness! "

Harley's expression was distorted, "Are you sure about Shuangjie?"

She rubbed her arms, as if they were covered in goosebumps, "Fake, how did you come up with such a bad word, and where did you hear it from?"

"But what I'm telling you is the truth. My relationship with him is so beautiful and innocent. How could he turn around and get married to another woman and have a baby?" Selena said angrily.

Harley said: "I remember when you were working as a pickpocket on the street, you met several male friends, and you still keep in touch today."

Selina raised her chest and raised her head, and said, "If you don't believe that we are a couple, you can ask Bruce. I know he is, and he also knows that I am."

"Don't mention that word." Harley looked disgusted, "I don't doubt your innocence, I just said that you had many ambiguous relationships at the time.

Moreover, whether she is clean or not has nothing to do with her body. Even if she is a skilled woman, as long as her thoughts are clean and her love is pure, she will be clean.

On the contrary, if love has a purpose, even if she is a Chu girl, she is still unclean. "

"Aren't I just talking about thoughts? If his thoughts were pure, how could he get along with Thalia?" Selina shouted.

"Perhaps it's because practicing is too hard, Thalia is too beautiful, and the scenery is too charming?" Harley said.

Selena glared at her and said, "Why do you specifically speak for him?"

Harley said helplessly: "You just got married, and it's not Bruce who's causing trouble this time, it's Thalia who's causing trouble.

Even Ivy advised you not to fall into that woman’s trap. What do you want me to say? "

Selena stared at her for a while and asked, "Did you already know this?"

"What do you know? His son?" Harley pointed at her face, "Isn't the shock above obvious enough?"

"Know about Thalia's existence." Selina said.

Harley was stunned and nodded: "I do know her. She has been in Gotham some time ago."

She explained Kagemusha's plan to cultivate "Gotham's subversives".

"Then did you know that Thalia and Bruce were having an affair?"

"Judging from the results of his release of Thalia, it's obvious that he had an affair." Harley continued to nod.

Selena said with a straight face: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't take that matter seriously at all. Just like I won't tell you specifically, Laughing Scar still joined the Suicide Squad. Just today, he will start his first suicide mission, and the target of the mission is the Charming Witch. "

"Why do you think this matter is not important? It is obviously very important to me." Selena said loudly.

"It doesn't matter to you either, as long as you don't care about Shuang Jie or what happened in the past.

It just depends on whether you still have feelings for Bruce and whether he treats you differently from other women.

'Love' is originally in the present continuous tense. Recalling the past and imagining the future are just its condiments and have little meaning. "

Harley shrugged, "That's what I think anyway."

Selena covered her face and slumped on the sofa.

"Hi, Harley, Selena, and Ivy, you are all here." Bruce walked in from the door with an awkward expression, "Damian was an accident, I didn't know he existed at all before.

Selina, if you can accept having Dick and Jason at home, just treat Damian like them. "

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