I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1206 Brother Eye No. 1

"Thalia sent her son to you now. Do you think the purpose is simple?"

Selina went back to her room to sulk, and Ivy followed her to comfort her. At this time, only Harley and Bruce were left in the living room.

"No matter what the purpose is, I am glad that she sent Damian here at this time." Bruce sighed: "This age is when the mind is forming, and I still have the opportunity to let him grow up normally.

What if I didn’t know he existed until ten years later.”

He shook his head and said bitterly: "I can't even imagine him becoming the 'Leixiao Ancient Second Generation'."

"Are you sure he's not a 'little Lei Xiaogu' now?" Harley asked.

Bruce said meaningfully: "It doesn't matter whether he is or not. I will bring him to see you often in the future. I hope you can do me a favor and let him join the Teen Titans training team and let him train with you."

"Tell me the reason." Harley neither refused nor agreed directly.

Bruce said seriously: "Even if Lei Xiaogu was once a god in his mind, Damian will wake up after seeing you."

Harley smiled, "Why?"

“One person worships another person just because the person being worshiped has some ability that is beyond ordinary people.

Lei Xiaogu's prestige in the Shadow Warrior Alliance is very high, relying on his unrivaled martial arts realm and extremely charming ideas.

But his martial arts are like a child's tricks in front of you.

When his ideas meet yours, they immediately become the biggest laughing stock in the world.

Even he himself suffered unprecedented humiliation at your hands.

If Damian realizes this and still believes in Shadow Warrior's tactics, then he is a huge fool. "

"Hehe." Harley smiled happily: "Are you talking about yourself too?"

Bruce was startled, "More or less."

He once admired Lei Xiaogu's strength and will, but then his mind was easily changed by Harley.

Harley suppressed her smile and said, "If Damian was just an ordinary boy from Shadow Warrior, there would be no problem sending him to me.

But he is your son, and what you need is not just someone who gives up the 'Lei Xiao Ancient Thoughts'.

You must have higher requirements for him, requirements that I cannot meet.

And you don’t need to underestimate yourself, you now crush Lei Xiaogu in terms of strength and will.

If he follows me, he may become "Lei Xiaogu + Witch". If he follows you, he may become "the second generation of Batman". I think you only want to see the "second generation of Batman". "

"Is it possible that I just left Damian at Quinn Manor and just ignored him? I can just relax and live a small life in Wayne Manor with Selina and Helena?"

"Is it possible that you plan to let him integrate into your current little family?" Harley imagined the scene for a moment. Selena transformed into a good wife and mother, greeting her "eldest son" Damian, and the family of four was enjoying themselves.

She shuddered. The picture was beautiful, but the characters were too distorted.

That's definitely not normal Selena.

Sure enough, after a frank exchange with Bruce, Selina chose to stay at Quinn Manor and did not return to Wayne Manor to be the matron.

"His attitude is very firm. Damian, Dick, and Jason are all his children. They and Helena are brothers and sisters. We are all one family. So my attitude is also very firm." That night, the three women of the manor After many years, the master once again lay on the same bed and had a lying talk.

Well, back then, when they lived in a boxing ring converted from a dock warehouse, they would often huddle together and talk until midnight, until people were confused.

Later, Indian Hill Manor was built, and the place was large enough. Even if you wanted to have a lying talk, there was a warm living room with a fireplace.

But now that there are more people in the family, not only Rachel and Cassandra, but also the two dogs, Duoduo and Loach, can understand human speech.

"You can show some generosity appropriately, not for others, only for yourself." Harley rested her arm on her arm, squinted her eyes, and dozed while talking.

It was past 12 o'clock. She was sleeping alone. Selena first came over with a pillow, and then Ivy came too.

She slept on one end, Selena and Ivy slept on the other end, and Duoduo lay at the door and eavesdropped.

Selina said angrily: "Why do I think you and Bruce are in the same group? You always speak for him."

"Sister, you have only been married for three days!" Harley raised her voice slightly, "Three days, not three years. More than half of the heroes and giants on the earth witnessed the wedding and gave you their blessings.

As a result, three days later, you were living in two places, and you were going to get divorced next?

Even if you don't care about face, have you ever thought about Helena?

During dinner, she only ate half a bowl of beef noodles. In the past, she could eat two bowls like a little pig!

Although the child is small, it does not mean that she has no brains and no emotions. "

Selena slowed down her tone, "I'm not Jane Rowling, and I won't use divorce as a way to vent my emotions.

My dissatisfaction is not about what he did more than ten years ago. Well, I just lied. I was very concerned about that matter. At that time, we had already established a relationship.

But I'm angry now mainly because of his attitude at this time.

He trusted Damian too much. "

Ivy wondered: "Damian is his son, why don't you trust him?"

"You do not understand--"

"If I don't understand, just explain."

Selina thought about the wording for a moment before saying, "Under normal circumstances, Bruce should be suspicious of Damian's purpose of choosing this time to come to Wayne Manor.

He should consider the worst possible outcome.

For example, did Damian take over the mission from his mother to kill me or even harm Helena?

And then plan for it so that if the worst happens, Helena and I are safe.

But he didn't.

This made me feel uneasy - could Helena and I combined be worse than the son we just met? Is it because of Damian's mother that he still loves her?

I'm not targeting Damian.

I'm dissatisfied with Bruce's current reaction. "

Ivy frowned and said: "I haven't seen that boy Damian yet, but in the afternoon, didn't you say that he was exactly the same as Bruce when he was a child? Even his temperament is similar.

Could Bruce kill his young sister? I think your idea is too extreme. "

"Bang -" Selena kicked Harley's butt and said, "Ivy is an idiot and can't understand. Do you understand?"

"You're the idiot." Ivy pinched her angrily.

"Harley, you say it." Selena insisted.

Harley said lazily: "You want to say that although Bruce is a billionaire, he has a stingy personality and used to be frugal. This time he spent a lot of money to let Damian eat and drink. You are beginning to doubt that he has a lot of money." Your love with Helena?”

Selena thought about it carefully, and then said to Ivy, who looked confused: "Look, Harley understood it immediately.

Huh, you're stupid and you still don't admit it.

I think practicing the Green of All Things turns your body into a big tree and your head into wood. "

Ivy opened her mouth, but could no longer refute as confidently as before.

Her mood suddenly became a little low.

"Bang~~~" Harley kicked Selena's buttocks, causing her to say "ouch" and half of her body slid out of the bed.

"Don't mistake simplicity for stupidity. Ivy is much smarter than you. Think about how much time it takes for both of you to practice the same meditation technique."

"What's the relationship between talent in cultivation and shrewdness?" Selina said sternly.

"I don't want to offend you, so I use the simplest meditation method for comparison.

Ivy is a master of magic!

Do you know what a guru is?

Understand the rules of the world and understand your own laws. The wisdom in them is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. "

Selina glanced at Ivy and found that she was grinning happily, "Mages are at best scientists with research talents, but among scientists there are the most nerds."

In the United States, where happy education and anti-intellectualism are prevalent, the discriminatory nature of nerds almost exceeds that of negro.

Harley said calmly: "LeBron James went to the football field and probably played like shit. His teammates and the audience called him a stupid ass and thought he had no talent.

When Messi came to the NBA, he was no different from a paper man. In the fierce physical confrontation, he could not even hold the ball steadily. Then he was also called a stupid ass and had no talent.

Just by changing the playing field, they instantly went from being the most talented athletes to being dumbasses.

Just because the 'second female mage of the younger generation' is not good at the familiar 'filial piety' thing you are familiar with, being treated as a fool by you only shows that you are a stupid ass. "

"OK, in front of you, I'm just a stupid donkey." Selina raised her hands in surrender angrily.

Then the three women were silent for a while, but Selina couldn't help it and continued the previous topic, "Ivy, Bruce is almost mentally ill in terms of precautions.

The previous ‘Harley Defense Plan’, ‘Superman Defense Plan’, and ‘Batman Defense Plan’. Did I tell you about it?

He can't even fully trust Superman, Harley, or even himself.

Recently, he has gone too far. Let me tell you, he secretly came up with the "Brother Eye Project".

All superpowers in the world are treated as objects of protection and are under the surveillance of Brother Eyes.

In other words, now that Superman has returned home and is talking to Lois on the balcony, the images and sounds of their conversation are recorded into the brothers' Eye Master brain to analyze their criminal potential and probability.

This is only the primary function of Brother Eye. The more advanced one, I was discovered by it before I had a chance to explore - guess what, even 'Selina went to the Batcave to peek at secret information' was part of Bruce's defense plan.


Tell me, is there any problem with such a person giving 100% trust to Damian, who they have just met for less than a day? "

"When did the Brother Eye Project happen?" Harley suddenly asked.

"I just found out the day before yesterday, probably not long after it started, so I didn't have time to tell you." Selena thought Harley was blaming her for not reminding her.

Well, Harley had asked her to work undercover in her early years to go to the Batcave to learn about Batman's defense plan against her.

"What do you mean, Brother Eye has very high intelligence?" Harley asked again.

"Probably, I don't quite understand." Selena noticed that her tone became serious and asked doubtfully: "Is there any problem?"

"If Brother Eye is artificial intelligence and has the ability and power to monitor the dynamics of any superpower at any time, then..."

According to the usual behavior of the DC Universe, there is a high probability that another crisis is coming!

"What technology does Brother Eye use? Why can it monitor superpowers all over the world? And why does Bruce use it to defend against out-of-control superpowers?" Harley asked.

"You mean, Brother Eye is still a weapon?" Selina asked in surprise.

Harley is speechless, I'm asking you now.

"Carefully recall Bruce's past 'xx defense plans'. Each complete plan contains at least two parts - 1. Ability and personality analysis, 2. Weaknesses and coping methods.

Therefore, the upgraded version of Brother Eye must be a powerful weapon against S-class superpowers. "

"I don't know, but Brother Eye is just a spy satellite, how can it kill the enemy?" Selina said blankly.

"Satellite?" Harley was surprised, "Are you sure it's just a satellite? Or is the part you discovered just a satellite?"

"I am absolutely sure of this. The Brother Eye project is just a satellite called 'Brother Eye 1', and the second one has not even been launched yet."

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