I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1204 The Devil’s Trick

"Harley, tell me, who gained the greatest benefit from the Ghost Change, me or the inner dragon?" Etrigan asked.

"He ended up miserable because he met me. If it weren't for me -" At this point, Harley suddenly froze.

Judging from Neilong's performance, he seems to be planning ghost power.

First let Lucifer Desire and the Spirit of Vengeance merge; then, he possesses a certain superhero to seize the Spear of Destiny; finally, use the Spear of Destiny to separate Lucifer's Desire and the Spirit of Vengeance, enter the body of the ghost, and seize the Spear of Destiny Ghost power?

But even without her, Neilong would not get what he wanted.

The Spear of Destiny may be able to suppress the Spirit of Vengeance, but when the ghost host was finally selected, Harley was sure that the Spirit of Vengeance had changed and God's will came.

In front of Him, even she couldn't hold the spear of destiny in her hand, and Neilong Ti was definitely just a dish.

"Do you know that God's will will interfere with the selection of ghost hosts?" Harley asked.

If Etrigan knew this and deliberately tempted the inner dragon to plot the power of ghosts, then

"Yes, I know." Etrigan said with a proud smile on his face.

"What is the purpose of the inner dragon, to gain the power of ghosts? That's too stupid. The spirit of vengeance is a part of God, and it's only because of its brain that it wants to take advantage of Him."

Etrigan smiled strangely, "You guessed it right, the inner dragon wants the power of God.

But I know that God’s will will come, and He may not know it.

In other words, He had doubts before, but was deceived by Li Ling and was deceived by me. "

"Neilong is very shrewd, so shrewd that even if he knew what I was going to do, he would remain calm and just let me go ahead.

He will not officially take action until I personally prove that the power of ghosts can indeed be suppressed by the power of taboo. "

"So, everything is a conspiracy by you?" Harley did not hide the suspicion on her face, "I think you are bragging. You don't have such scheming intentions."

"Dragons have become very powerful in recent years, but don't forget that there were three Satans in hell. One left hell, and the other was sealed in the crystal ball by the Sandman. Where is the third one?" Etrigan said quietly.

"Is this the plan of your father, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies? Are you cooperating with him?" Harry was really shocked now, "But all the demons in hell know that you and your father have a very bad relationship.

Is it just a disguise in front of others, just to wait for today to trick others? "

Etrigan shook his head and said: "One thing I can't deny is that I am connected by blood with him. As he becomes stronger, I will also become stronger.

He got the authority of hell, and I drank the soup too.

If He becomes the only Satan in Hell, then I will be the Crown Prince of Hell, the true heir of Satan.

But I do hate Him. If one day I have the strength to kill Him, I don’t mind replacing Him and becoming Satan myself. "

Harley was startled again, "Now I'm a little interested in the 'truth about the ghost change'. Please tell me in detail."

“Dragon has caused trouble many times in recent years, and even the rebellion in Asmodo’s paradise was caused by him behind the scenes.

The more trouble he causes, the more powerful his hell authority becomes.

On the eve of the Ghost Transformation, He had already reached the level of ‘Half-Step Satan’ due to his strength - this is what my fly-headed father said personally. "

A sarcastic smile appeared on Etrigan's face, "The reason why that guy never returned to hell is not because he no longer wants to be Satan.

In fact, He dreams of conquering Hell and becoming the sole ruler of the Nine Hells.

But at first he was too timid, ambitious but not ambitious, and was afraid that he would be sealed by Duma and Remiel after his return.

Secondly, He has other plans in the human world.

Seeing the rapid rise of the inner dragon, showing a tendency to catch up with him, he became anxious and angry.

At that time, He finally thought of me as a ‘good son’. "

“My father was the first to notice the corruption of Remiel and Duma, because he is Satan who also holds the power of hell.

The inner dragon is the second to know that His authority is close to that of Satan. The more times like this, the more impulsive he becomes.

My dad has been waiting for the best time. Finally, news of the ghost's resignation came from heaven, and the plan gradually took shape.

I don't need to deliberately show my whereabouts. As long as I get close to the inner dragon's territory, with his strength and vigilance, he will definitely notice it.

But He won’t act immediately, He will wonder what I am going to do.

When I personally demonstrate to him how easy it is for the forbidden power to seize the power of ghosts, he will most likely become ambitious.

Even what a little guy like me can do is even easier for the 'Satan Inner Dragon' to do.

In this way, He fell into a trap.

He thought my goal was the power of ghosts. In fact, neither my father nor I cared about or thought about that thing. To win the first place in the race, you don't need to break the limit yourself, just kill the one before you.

Our goal has been Him from the beginning. "

Harley stared at his smug face for a long time and sighed: "I would never have imagined that you would plot against Neilong even if I killed him."

"My father said the same thing. In the past, I gave others the impression that I was a reckless man." Etrigan sneered.

"Why do you hate Him? Your dad." Harley asked curiously.

Etrigan lowered his head and glanced at his current body. It looked no different from his original body, but he knew that this was the "mortal body" of the human knight Jason.

"Jason Blood doesn't like to merge with me. He feels that the power of demons will tarnish his noble and holy knightly glory.

But I can't bear to have my soul bound. Although, after thousands of years, I hate him a little less.

But at the beginning, merging with Knight Jason was definitely not my intention. "

Harry said: "I have heard that the legendary mage Merlin cast a spell on you.

In order to fight against her second sister, the Witch Queen Morgana, Merlin needs strength, and you are the Demon Lord, you have enough strength, and you happen to be his half-brother. "

Merlin's situation is very similar to Rachel's, in that both demon kings and mortal women combine to give birth to highly gifted offspring.

"Nimue." Etrigan said with a sarcastic expression, "Of course she knows!

When Knight Jason couldn't stand the pain of hell's magic infiltrating his body and soul, and let out a heart-rending howl in the magic laboratory, the couple were making love to each other in the living room outside the door.

We could all hear the sound of Old Merlin chewing the forest fairy's feet clearly through a thick wooden door. "

Although Xanadu is actually older than Merlin, she was still a forest nymph at that time and looked like a young girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. Merlin was just like those shown on TV and movies, a hunched white girl with wrinkled skin. bearded old man

They didn't fall in love as teenagers. Merlin was already in his seventies when they met.

What's even more ridiculous is that generally when a young wife stays with her husband, it's because the young wife is coveting the old husband's money or power.

But Xanadu became old Merlin's lover, not greedy for anything, purely for love - Xanadu himself said that she admired Merlin's talent and agreed to be his lover for ten nights. After the two had been together for ten times, they never saw each other again. .

Just like Xanadu had made countless lovers in the past.

Having sex ten times doesn't mean they only got along for ten days. They've been together for several years, but they didn't have sex every time.

He didn't even care about Old Merlin, but Old Merlin had an ulterior motive when he approached the Forest Fairy.

He wanted to defraud the formula of Xanadu Qingchun potion.

Taking Qingchun medicine regularly will not only keep you young forever, but also make you immortal.

If it hadn't been for Stranger's warning, Xanadu would have almost lost both his life and property, and was killed by Old Merlin for his money.

Well, when a stranger shows up, he must trick someone.

In the first meeting with Xanadu, although he tricked her into losing all her magic power and turning her into a skilled maiden, his target was actually old Merlin. Merlin was almost tricked to death - forever sealed in the thorn bush.

Etrigen said bitterly: "As a blood relative, Merlin deceived me into the human world and immediately tied me up with a magic circle.

He needs my power to change his destiny, deal with the witch Morgana, and change the fate of the kingdom of Camelot.

In the magic laboratory, I was tortured by him like a lowly lemure.

This is a huge humiliation.

But he put it in a beautiful name - using the noble moral character of a knight to influence me and make me a better person.


Harry said: "I have heard about the bad things between you and Merlin. What does this have to do with your father?"

"He is my Father and of course I turn to Him for help. I knelt under His throne and asked Him to lift the spell from me and Jason Blood.

Not only did the idiot refuse to help me, he also laughed at me in public for my stupidity and incompetence.

And praised his half-human son for being smart, wise, brave, and a true prince of the devil."

As he spoke, Etrigan began to gnash his teeth with a ferocious expression.

"Alas, devils are so petty. If you are humiliated just once, you will remember it for the rest of your life."

Etrigan gave her a strange look, "Why do you think I borrowed Jason Blood's body to chat with you here?"

"What do you mean?" Harley asked, squinting her eyes.

——What else could it mean? You are more narrow-minded than the devil. If I don't explain things clearly to you this time, you will most likely be jealous for the rest of your life.

But even the Demon Prince had to be careful when he saw Harley's expression, and carefully considered his words, saying: "First of all, we are friends, and I hope to explain things clearly to you and eliminate misunderstandings.

The last ghost change was not aimed at you, nor was it a deliberate attack on the earth you protect by not giving you face.

I want to plan the inner dragon, but he is too powerful.

Even if I face you, I have to hide my true thoughts. "

Harley said nothing, her expression became slightly better.

Etrigan also felt relieved a little, "Secondly, I care about what you think of me. I don't want to be treated as a clown played by the inner dragon. Finally."

He winked at her.

Harley was stunned for a moment, and then took the initiative to activate the God's force field, covering the two of them.

"My damn dad has set his sights on your good friend John Constantine. His plan is to take his head and complete the demonic law of 'punishment for shame' that the two previous Satans failed to complete.

Do you remember?

A few years ago, John Constantine humiliated three Satans simultaneously.

Even if His Majesty Lucifer leaves hell, the demonic laws he established are still the supreme laws of demons in hell.

Whoever completes the punishment prescribed in the code will gain the recognition of all demons.

The approval of the demons is the approval of the origin of hell.

In addition, His completion of his "punishment for shame" means that His Majesty Lucifer and Belial, the King of Lies, will forever lose the opportunity to take revenge on Constantine and cleanse themselves of the humiliation.

Therefore, He has been lurking in the world in the past few years, not simply avoiding Remiel and Duma.

While staring at hell, suppressing the powerful inner dragon, he practiced his inner strength diligently, preparing to take down John Constantine and stage the drama of the return of the king. "

Harry sighed: "I have to admit, I looked down on your father a little before, and I looked down on you even more."

"Hey hey hey"

Etrigan understood that she understood his intention, and a simple and honest smile appeared on his rough yellow face.

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