I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1203 The inside story of the ghost change

Harley was unable to make any comment on the behavior of the Seven.

No comfort was given, no criticism or advice was offered.

On the one hand, she felt that they had done nothing wrong and that their hard work had even contributed to their success.

On the other hand, she also understood that with their status as superheroes, if she encouraged them to continue doing it, she would be harming them.

It would be easy to keep doing it, but if something like "erasing Bateman's memory" happens again in the future, will they be responsible, or will she intercede on their behalf?

So, even when she finally asked them to leave and they asked what to do in the future, she just shook her head and let them figure it out.

She didn't know what was the best choice.

Later that day, when Bruce came to the manor to discuss marriage, she stared at his face and asked: "That day on Stryker Island, I went to visit Luther, and you were waiting for me outside.

He also said with a tangled expression that he had something to talk to me about, and it had nothing to do with Luther or Su.

Finally, because of a phone call from Dachao, you said we would wait until Su's case is over before we talk. What do you want to say to me now? "

Bruce also stared into her eyes, "Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"I suddenly remembered." Harley said.

He shook his head and said with a natural expression: "I did it on a whim at the time. Later, Jian Luolin's case was solved, and I figured out some things on my own."

"I'm curious, please tell me." Harley insisted.

He shrugged, "At that time, I was deeply disturbed by Su's death and Jane Rowling's attack, and I wanted to ask you if I could set up a set of 'special services for relatives and friends' through the watchdog."


Harley sneered inwardly.

However, he did seem to be prevaricating at the beginning, but in the end his eyes were full of expectation, "Is the family and friend service plan feasible?"

Harley looked at him deeply, and Oliver's words echoed in her mind again: No one is stupid, but they only believe what they want to believe and hear only what they want to hear.

"What 'specialized service' do you want?" she asked.

She didn't know how to evaluate the behavior of Oliver and others, and naturally she couldn't force Bruce to stop pretending to be stupid.

"Sue and Jane Rowling were killed one after another, and Louise received death threats. At that time, except for a few people who heard your reasoning, other heroes began to fear: Did the murderer know their identities? Knowing their identities, If they can attack their relatives, will it be their turn next?

What if we could provide everyone with a 'special service for relatives and friends', such as death insurance, so that even if they are killed by a super villain, their souls can still be saved?

I'm not saying let them go to heaven, that's not within your purview.

I mean, it would be nice to even carve out a place in hell and be free from pain and suffering. "

Harley mused that Bruce's "Specialized Service for Friends and Family" was mainly prepared for "Superhero Identity Crisis". He did know the behavior of the Seven Olivers and recognized the need to protect the hero's identity.

But he still doesn't agree with erasing memories to solve the "identity crisis."

If there were alternatives, such as special services for family and friends, maybe he would take action and have a showdown with Oliver?

"Oliver's father went to the 'Hall of Sages' in the first level of hell and spent 100,000 merits."

"One hundred thousand." Bruce pondered for a while and sighed: "For ordinary heroes, 100,000 meritorious deeds is almost an astronomical figure.

The method of obtaining merit in heaven is too simple. Even the most powerful demon hunter cannot find so many demons to hunt. "

Harley said: "I don't open hell, but I can indeed provide them with a free option - believe in me!

Good people go to Heaven Mountain, bad people. At present, I am not qualified to race in hell, but there are only so many family members of superheroes, so it is not a big problem for Yabi to pay attention to them.

Although faith doesn't do much for me, all miraculous power comes with a price.

You pay the price and you can gain peace of mind. "

"I believe in you." Bruce's expression was tangled. He was obviously a friend who grew up together, so why did he become the "God" that everyone believed in? The world is so magical.

"I will discuss it with them. At least for now, this is a way of relief." He sighed.

Half a month later, the former Gotham Cathedral is now the "Cathedral of the God of War in Heaven."

With the sound of soft music, Helena and Jonathan walked in from the door holding flowers. The girl was wearing a white princess dress and the boy was wearing a small suit. The two children were so cute.

Behind them are today's newcomers, Selena in a wedding dress and Bruce with a smile on his face.

Today, they are officially married.

Pope Van Helsing of the Shaojun Church served as the officiating priest, and Hallie acted as the girl's parent. She personally held Selina's arm and handed her over to Bruce. The boy's parent was Alfred.

The old butler was far more excited than anyone else, his eyes were red, and he wiped away tears three times in just ten minutes of the ceremony.

There are not many guests here today.

Everyone in Gotham knows that Bruce Wayne is withdrawn and rarely communicates with the outside world. He participates in social activities on weekdays, has a perfunctory attitude, and does not talk in depth with "outsiders."

Well, he once had a good friend, a high school classmate, Thomas Elliot, but he later became the super villain "Silent" and one of Batman's many fans.

Since then, he has completely lost ordinary friends.

In addition to superheroes dressed as normal people, many relatives of the Wayne family also came to the scene.

Like Bruce's uncle and cousin.

The wedding process was very peaceful, no villains came to make trouble, and the newlyweds did not cause any trouble. The superheroes rarely enjoyed a relaxed and leisurely party.

But just after "Identity Crisis" ended, they didn't show much joy.

"Su's death and Jane's fall have brought a greater blow to everyone than losing a battle with Darkseid." Clark sighed: "Many superheroes even temporarily terminated their heroic careers, such as the Golden Pioneer , he took off his uniform and chose to return to ordinary life.

Black Bolt also had the same idea. He told me that he wanted to return to his family and spend more time with his wife and children. His daughter was in high school and was at a critical moment in her growth.

And there's Ralph, who wants to quit the Justice League and move to Paradise Mountain to start his retirement early.

Zatanna also wanted to quit the Justice League, so Diana had a special talk with her, but the effect was not very good.

There are also Hal and Barry. They are not leaving the Justice League, but they want to give up the status of the "Big Eight", that is, the heroes committee of the Justice League, and just be simple superheroes. "

"Don't talk about them, even I want to take a break and think about the balance between heroes and family. I can feel that the relationship between me and Jonathan is far less than that between me and my dad.

After hearing about Jane Rowling and Ray, my mother also advised me to spend more time with my family. Superheroes are not everything in life. "He was holding a lot in his heart, and he said a lot today with a wry smile.

Harley asked: "A new secret society is forming, have you heard about it?"

The full name of the secret society is "Secret Society of Super Criminals".

Luthor was the first generation to gather super criminals from multiple universes during the Crisis on Infinite Earths to form a massive criminal alliance. They even shouted the slogan "Heroes are dead, villains are here to stay".

Well, at that time, the superheroes of the Hades universe had just formed a team to go on an expedition to the antimatter universe, but they were defeated by the anti-surveillance king.

"I've also received reports that super villains are about to make a move recently." Clark nodded.

Harley stared into his eyes and asked, "Then do you know the reason for their restlessness?"

Dr. Light tells everyone he has had his memory erased and his mind distorted, making everyone in the super villains feel insecure, fearing that they are also being targeted by the Justice League's "sweeping team", or that they have been targeted by them earlier.

No one wants to have their soul tampered with.

Clark's eyes flickered and he hesitated: "Still investigating."

Harley asked: "Did you use your super hearing to eavesdrop?"

"I didn't know where they were or when they were talking, so I couldn't eavesdrop."

After saying this, he said goodbye to Harley and went to Bruce's place with the wine glass in hand.

"Hey Harley, you look so beautiful today!"

Harley was looking at Clark's slightly embarrassed figure, feeling various emotions in her heart, when suddenly a middle-aged gentleman with a classic and elegant temperament came close to her.

His thick red hair was combed into a slicked back, with a tuft of white hair on his forehead. His face was tough and handsome, his eyes were soft and calm, and his politeness was almost written as a sign hanging under his neck.

King Arthur's knight and host of the demon prince Etrigan, Jason Blood.

Harley lowered her head and looked at herself. Today's protagonist is the bride Selena. In order not to steal her limelight, she specially changed into a darker blue dress. The color is not bright and the main theme is dignified and elegant.

She did not deny her natural beauty, but as an old acquaintance, Jason had no reason to praise her beauty on a day when she didn't dress up specially.

Harley mused, "Have you seen Etrigan recently?"

Although Jason Blood is Etrigan's host and can bring Etrigan up during battle, he rarely uses this move.

Unlike the glorious knight, Jason, who also lived from the time of King Arthur to the present, has become a powerful master of swordsmanship and magic after more than a thousand years of training.

Sometimes Jason wouldn't see Etrigan once for a hundred or two hundred years.

He himself didn't like the feeling of being filled with demonic power and having his will suppressed by the demonic soul.

"Did you see it?" Jason touched his nose and nodded: "Yes, it wants to see you."

"Why do you want to see me?" Harley asked.

"For the last ghost change."

Harry said calmly: "That incident has already happened, and he explained it at the time. What else did he say?"

"How about you guys chat?" Jason didn't want to talk about this embarrassing topic with her in the first place.

Harley hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's change places. This is Selena's wedding banquet."

Wayne Manor's ancient architecture and solemn atmosphere were not suitable for holding a festive banquet. After everyone left the cathedral, they took a bus directly to the seaside. At this time, they were on a luxury oil tanker.

Harley and Jason did not leave the ship, but walked from the deck where they were bathed in the sea breeze and sunshine to a guest room in the cabin.

After Jason shouted "Devil", a circle of hellfire rose up from his body, and his human body turned into a yellow-skinned demon with fins and ears.

"Harley, I think it is necessary to explain the truth about the 'Ghost Change' to you." Etrigan said directly without any greetings.

"Didn't the ghost change happen because of you?" Harley's voice was cold.

"It's me, but my goal is not earth, nor heaven, nor you."

Harley sarcastically said: "I understand, your methods are more sophisticated. The 'Satan Ghost' acts in your name. The bigger the trouble it causes in the world, the more hell origin you harvest. Your purpose is to gain an official position in hell." Enter the lordship.

We are just the setting board, the stepping stone.

It's a pity that your idea is very good, but you still fall into the trap of the inner dragon. "

Etrigan's pupilless red eyes flashed with fire, "This is exactly what I want to tell you. The truth is not that I was played by the inner dragon, but that I deceived the inner dragon."

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