I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1202 The real world of heroes

"That night, Ralph, Zatanna, Barry, Hawkman, Atom, and Black Canary were on duty at the watchtower.

Hal received the warning of an attack on Beach City and rushed back from outer space.

But there was another person who unexpectedly showed up at the watchtower that night, Bateman."

Oliver lowered his head and said in a dry voice, "He was still surprised to see us besieging Dr. Light, but after he understood what the villain had done, Bruce became as angry as us.

He also rushed over and strangled Dr. Guang's waist - if we didn't interfere with him, he would probably give Dr. Guang a hug.

But then when we got Dr. Light out and discussed what to do with him, Bruce and we had serious differences.

Not to mention distorting Dr. Light's mind, he didn't even want Dr. Light's memory to be erased.

He said that the soul is the last dignity of a person, and distorting other people's thoughts at will is the greatest sin. "

Harley was shocked. He had heard this sentence before, just a few days ago, when she was preparing to let "Chicago" possess Jane Rowling and read her guilt directly from her memory.

He became extremely agitated, almost violent

By the way, she still remembered that Bruce had been acting weird since that afternoon.

On Stryker's Island, he said that neither Luther nor Jane Rowling was the focus of his visit to her, and that he wanted to talk to her.

Oliver said bitterly: "Perhaps this is why Batman is far greater than Green Arrow, both mortal heroes without powers.

He was just as angry as we were. No, I think he was far angrier than all of us at the time.

When everyone besieged Dr. Guang, he seemed to be crazy, with red eyes and a ferocious expression. He completely regarded Dr. Guang's flesh and blood as a sandbag.

When Dr. Light was locked by Hal with a green light energy chain, and when he was shaking his tongue and using his light powers to simulate the process of strengthening Su with a lewd expression, Bruce was the first to rush over and kicked him directly on the chin. I almost bit my tongue off.

But even though he was so angry and violent, he still refused to cross the hero's bottom line.

He told us that if we lose the bottom line, we will lose everything.

Because the other end of the bottom line is an endless abyss. Once you slip into it, you will never get up again.

But he was angry, and we were angry too.

We had disagreements when it came to distorting Dr. Light's mind; but when it came to erasing his memory, all seven of us agreed.

Finally, we held him down and let Zatanna cast memory-erasing magic on Dr. Light.

Bruce was probably so angry that he burst out with great strength, broke free from his restraints, and rushed towards Zatanna. Zatanna panicked and subconsciously used the magic beam on him."

Hawkman patted him on the shoulder, looked up at Harley and said, "We attacked our teammates and did extremely dishonorable things, but in everything there is a leader, or the culprit.

Did I propose to erase Dr. Light’s memory, did I insist on distorting Dr. Light’s consciousness, or did I ask Zatanna to complete the memory erasure magic on Bruce.

Oliver reacted very strongly and strongly disapproved of my bottomless behavior.

He and I got into a fight and we had an internal fight on the watchtower. "

Oliver shook his head and said: "Erasing Bruce's memory is the result of voting. We all bear the same responsibility."

Barry said sadly: "Looking back now, it was really crazy that night, I actually voted in favor. But I don't know how much I regret it.

Although the experience that night was like a nightmare, for Iris, I had no other choice. "

"For the people we love, for the people who love us, we all crossed the line that night." Hal sighed.

"You -" the telescopic man stared at them blankly, and finally sighed, "If I hadn't taken Su to the hospital, and if I were still there, I would probably be the same as you. However, you really shouldn't hide it from me."

"If possible, we want to hide it from everyone." Zatanna said bitterly: "If one more person knows, the heavy burden on the soul will not be shared, it will only increase like reproduction."

"Harry, now that you know, what are you going to do?" Black Canary asked.

"Are you sure this is the last secret?" Harley crossed her arms and said calmly.

Several people looked at each other with surprised and uncertain expressions.

With a slight cough, Oliver said cautiously: "It's the last secret on the watchtower."

"Where is it outside the watchtower?" Harley asked.

"Tell me, she probably knows. Do you still remember Copot?" Zatanna said dejectedly.

"Cobot" Oliver was stunned and sighed: "It turns out that Bruce is right, every hero should set a bottom line for himself.

Don't cross it. Behind it is a bottomless abyss. Once you fall in, you can never look back. You will only sink deeper and deeper.

Dr. Light is not the only villain who has been brainwashed and had his will twisted.

He just started.

After that we fought one battle after another.

It's the kind of super criminal gang that can't threaten the safety of the universe, but can cause social unrest.

You won't even pay attention.

But those villains are not easy to deal with, and some of them have amazing methods.

For example, Wiese, codenamed ‘Blue Cloak Wizard’.

In the wizarding world, and in your eyes, Harry, he may just be a low-level mage.

But he can use magic items to replace the soul of a super criminal into the body of a hero.

That is to say, the souls of both parties are exchanged.

Although he cannot have our memory, he can take off his mask or hood and look in the mirror to identify it carefully.

In that battle, the earth did not explode, the river of time was turbulent, the universe was not restarted, but the Justice League was on the verge of disintegration.

What can we do? "

"We can only go back to our old ways." Hal took over and said helplessly: "Every villain who is at large may be as cunning and as evil as Dr. Light.

When the blue-cloaked wizard called out Barry's name with a proud look on his face - he just called 'Barry' instead of The Flash - I knew we had no other choice.

Maybe they can't do anything to us, but they can definitely deal with our lovers and relatives easily.

I know a lot of heroes who have been deliberately vengeful by super criminals who murdered their families. "

"There are often newspapers or puppy video uploaders discussing in a relaxed tone with surprise - why the front-line superheroes can always keep their identities secret. They have so many enemies and are so powerful. Don't any of them be smart? Do criminals find them?"

Oliver's voice deepened, "That's because we made a choice.

Many people have been sacrificed and we don’t want the same thing to happen again.

To this end, we have worked tirelessly and even regarded ‘cleaning up the finishing touches’ as our mission. Even if the process is very dark.

Cobot the Penguin is an intelligent villain who guesses the identities of many heroes.

The super criminal 'Brainwave' has powerful mind control. He once controlled Barry and invaded Barry's brain, but he never remembered Barry's identity.

Gotham's Dr. Destiny is good at invading other people's dreams. Many of us have been spied on by him, but he has no memory of doing anything like that.

There is also Phoenix Faust. He was a good guy for a few days, but most of the time he was just a bastard pursuing personal interests. He even used magic to steal Superman's identity and wanted to blackmail him.

You could work with Superman to defeat the Trinidad, so he was thinking that by forcing Superman to be a thug, he could at least kill gods and demons.

But he never put his plan into action.

There are many times when people who can become super villains are not simple. They either rely on their brains to make a living, or they are very capable and have at least one unique skill. "

Oliver poked his chest with his finger excitedly, "In these years, the identity crisis has never broken out. It's all because of us, and I dare to say it to anyone now - we have a clear conscience!"

Harley sighed and asked: "What do Bateman and Ripman say about the actions of the blue-cloaked wizard, Dr. Destiny, and Faust?"

Hal smiled bitterly and said: "The crises on the earth are always one after another. Each crisis requires wise men to plan, spiritual leaders to boost everyone's morale, and the most powerful heroes to take the lead in charging into battle.

In a mature team, different members have different divisions of labor.

When they turn their attention to the next crisis, we automatically take on the work of wrapping up the last crisis. "

"How many of you are there every time?" Harley asked.

Oliver said: "We are familiar with the business and have sufficient abilities. Hal, Barry, Ray, Hawkman, and Zatanna are all top-notch experts.

When we join forces and use dark means, none of the individual supervillains can escape. "

After a pause, he added: "And after all, it is disgraceful to say such things. Every time we do it, the pressure on our hearts becomes heavier. We don't want to drag other companions into the water."

"But you've done it so many times over the years, don't they know anything? You didn't even think about telling them?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Oliver's expression became strange, "We are not stupid, but we only believe what they want to believe and hear what they want to hear."

Superman has super hearing. He has heard countless secrets, but he has never heard of the dark deeds of the "Seven."

Bateman is a thoughtful person and the brains of the Justice League. He has the ability to see the whole case through subtle flaws, but he has never discovered the dark deeds of the Seven.

They only believe what they want to believe and hear only what they want to hear

Harley fell silent with a complicated expression.

From the beginning, she knew that the world of superheroes was far from being as simple as described in superhero movies, but she had to admit that she underestimated them. They not only had the determination to implement the concept of justice, but also had the ability to penetrate into the darkness and protect the light. courage.

The seven people may have thought that she would judge them, but after listening to their words, Harley began to admire them.

At the same time, she also recognized Bruce a little more.

His insistence on the bottom line of superheroes seems to make some sense.

Even if Harley admires the Seven, she cannot deny that they have crossed the line too far, and have become increasingly bottomless, and have even begun to take it for granted.

Oliver said, "Every time I do it, I feel a little more stressed," but Harley clearly remembered that the first time he did it to Dr. Light, he voted against it, and he was also the main force in the opposition.

Now he is 100% convinced of this idea and has changed from an opponent to a die-hard supporter.

Of course, Harley won't think he's wrong because of this. At least they haven't made a big mistake so far. Instead, they have been doing a lot of good work for the Justice League!

The problem is that life doesn't just have a past, they also have a long future.

If you didn’t make mistakes in the past, will you never make mistakes in the future?

Even their teammate Batman can erase his memory. Who else worries them more than Batman?


As long as you stick to the bottom line, you can really avoid making big mistakes.

Once the bottom line is crossed, the probability of making a big mistake will continue to increase. Maybe you will never make a mistake in your life, or maybe you will soon be in danger.

Sorry, dear readers, there were a lot of modifications today, which delayed the release time.

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