I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1190 Deathstroke’s battle to become a god

That night, Deathstroke did not hide with Dr. Light.

The purpose of taking this mission was not to protect Dr. Guang at all. How about paying 1,500 US dollars to send him off as a beggar?

Hearing that Dr. Guang had a private property in Massachusetts, Deathstroke took him directly back there.

"The information that a calculator can find and is only worth $1,000 is easier for the Justice League. They will definitely find it. We will just wait there and wait." He told Dr. Guang.

If Dr. Fanguang had a normal mind, he would have been frightened and pissed when he heard this, but he was mentally retarded and had just taken "Tamalan High Powder", a knock-off product developed by Dr. Hugo, so he agreed with a silly smile on his face.

Deathstroke only planted two landmines on both sides of the door and hid one behind the door. Then he held a machete in his right hand and a metal stick in his left hand, and sat on the sofa in the living room smoking a cigar.

As expected, the superheroes "Big Eight" tracked down the house, and the Telescopic Man was eager for revenge. He first turned into a twenty-meter-long rubber and rushed straight into Dr. Light's home from across the street.

Then he triggered the mine behind the door, sending him away in a wave, and was blown into a noodle, lying across the road.

The other seven people immediately stopped and stood on guard on the street outside the door.

Deathstroke walked out openly, "I accepted Dr. Guang's commission, and his life will be protected by me. If you want to take him down, defeat me first."

Very direct, no twists and turns.

Then the Flash rushed over first, Deathstroke pressed the detonator, and the mines exploded on both sides of him. Barry walked around behind him, preparing to knock Deathstroke out with a fist.

Deathstroke predicted and even guided Barry's action. The katana in his hand had passed through his left armpit at some point. The Flash didn't notice it and hit the tip of the knife directly.

The Flash, crap.

The Flash was very fast and came behind Deathstroke almost in an instant. A moment later, he fell, but Deathstroke accelerated forward and came to Zatanna's side before the heroes were sure that the Flash was weakened.

Even so quickly, the genius mage reacted and used irony magic.

"! Imprisonment"

Deathstroke couldn't move his lower body. Due to inertia, his body almost fell forward, but he jumped forward, and with his right hand without the katana, he pointed under Zatanna's ribs, aiming for the liver.

"Wow~~" Zatanna was just a crispy mage, lying on the ground and vomiting.

The imprisoning magic was lifted, and he rolled forward, avoiding the attacks of Oliver and Hawkman.

Black Canary opened her mouth wide and did not dare to attack because her teammates and Deathstroke were too close.

The Atom flew towards Deathstroke in his atomic state, his fists clenched, but Deathstroke actually saw his movement with the naked eye, took out a "laser pen" and fired a laser at the atomic Atom.

The laser pointer is specially made and emits not light waves, but particle beams.

The Atom is also a particle at this time.

At this time, shooting him with a particle beam was like countless cannonballs as big as buckets hitting a person at the same time.

The Atom screamed and was swept away by the torrent of particles. He also subconsciously enlarged his body and released his atomic state. As his body became larger, the particle beam could not hurt him.

But the angle of the Deathstroke laser pointer was specially adjusted, and the laser's impact point was Hawkman's forehead.

Therefore, the Atom, which became the size of a normal human, hit Hawkman on the head at several times the speed of sound.

Eagle Man's flying eagle helmet was smashed off.

"Where's Hal, has he been watching the show?" Harley asked.

"No, but he was also caught. The two bombs that exploded before contained fear gas. The poison gas was hidden in the smoke. No one noticed it, and no one thought about it. After all, Deathstroke himself was standing in the center of the explosion, still talking.

At that time, Hal was floating in the air, taking several puffs, and his mind was filled with hallucinations.

You know, Green Lantern's strength is tied to his willpower. "Ralph sighed.

Harley said speechlessly: "This is simply the biggest joke in the world. Hal Jordan lacks willpower."

It's all Xiaolan's fault that the dignified 'incarnation of the will of the universe' has fallen to this. "

"Although Hal was affected by the fear gas, he was still able to fight, and it was because of him that he disrupted Deathstroke's rhythm, allowing Oliver to find a chance."

"What chance? Deathstroke escaped in the end."

"Hal and Oliver worked together very well. Hal controlled Deathstroke's hands, and Oliver pierced Deathstroke's right eye with an arrow."

Harley was speechless again, "Deathstroke is blind in his right eye. Oliver must know that. Why didn't he stab his left eye?"

"Yes, Deathstroke is blind in his right eye. If he pricks his left eye again, he will be completely disabled." Ralph said seriously.

"You dare not kill, don't you even have the courage to destroy a person?"

"It has nothing to do with courage, it's a matter of bottom line."

After a pause, the telescopic man added: "Deathstroke is just a mercenary, and sometimes he helps protect the earth.

He didn't kill him this time either.

It was just ordinary gunpowder that paralyzed me, not a high-intensity alien bomb.

Barry was stabbed in the shoulder blade instead of the heart.

Zatanna was hit in the ribs instead of the throat.

The Atom was shot by a laser pointer instead of a phaser gun that also shoots particle beams. We can't be inferior to him, right? "

Harley was stunned, the clown was actually herself.

She had to admit that she had only cared about "having the highest communication and talking and laughing in the divine realm" and had been separated from the people for too long. She was somewhat unsuited to the new era of "coexistence and co-prosperity" between superheroes and super criminals.

"You should have the upper hand after that. A fully formed Oliver can be evenly matched with Deathstroke."

"It's not just Oliver, we are all battle-hardened superheroes. Deathstroke just took the initiative and didn't completely defeat us. Soon I recovered, Barry stood up, Zatanna spoke again, Atom took off, and Eagle Xia picked up his helmet and even though Deathstroke was struggling like crazy, we were still holding him down."

Harley thought thoughtfully, "The problem lies with Dr. Light?"

There were only two enemies on the scene, and Deathstroke had no chance of turning around. The accident could only come from Dr. Light.

"Yes, it's him!" the telescopic man said with a complex expression: "Seeing Deathstroke knocking us down one by one, he clapped his hands and laughed on the side. When Oliver pierced Deathstroke's eye with an arrow, the guy was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and even peed. pants.

Then he yelled words like 'magic potion', 'potion of immortality', 'memory powder' and the like, crazily stuffing pills and potions into his mouth without knowing what they were. "

The magic potion and potion of immortality are okay, but the memory powder can be used.

Harley thought that Dr. Hugo seemed to have developed an indignant drug called "Reminiscence Powder".

"Zatanna guessed that the scene where the eight of us besieged Deathstroke was very disturbing to Dr. Light, because we also dealt with him in the same way in the watchtower - Hawkman strangled Deathstroke's neck, Zatanna pulled his armed belt, and Dai Na and Hal pulled his arms, I wrapped them around his waist, and Barry and Oliver pulled his legs."

Harley simulated that scene in her mind. It was very vivid, but...

"Is it necessary to use this method?"

Too vulgar and too low!

Dr. Light was like this, and so was Deathstroke. Could it be that in places she didn't see, superheroes subdued super criminals like this?

"Death Knell has been injected with the 'Death Knell Serum' and his body is too strong." Telescopic Humanity said.

"But Zatanna is a female mage. Why does she pull off other people's clothes every time? The first time I saw her, she was like a mobile thunder cannon, saying 'Beep, Beep, Beep,' and the sky was filled with lightning and thunder. It was completely In line with her status as the first genius witch."

The telescopic man frowned and said, “This is how superheroes fight.

After years of practice, we have found that physical combat can minimize the negative impact on society.

Do not damage public facilities, do not disturb people at night, and avoid scaring nearby neighbors.

Think about it, if Zatanna is also "Bilibili" in the observation tower, Dr. Guang can defeat it, but what about the satellite? "

"If she can only do 'Bilibili' on a large scale, then she is not worthy of the title of the most powerful female mage. And for you super heroes, it is important to practice your powers until you can send and receive them with your heart and use your fingers like an arm. The destructive power will be lower than hand-to-hand combat." Harley said disapprovingly.

Ralph said: "We are used to it. At least it is difficult to kill people with fists. But when superheroes accidentally kill people, more than 90% of them are due to their superpowers being affected by emotions and losing control."

"Okay, you continue." Harley didn't want to argue with him.

Anyway, they were the ones acting like idiots, not her.

Telescopic Humanity said: "Atom Man also speculated that Dr. Light's changes were related to the drugs he swallowed. In short, Dr. Light awakened under multiple stimulations.

He roared angrily at us, saying he remembered and that we had twisted his mind.

Then powerful energy erupted from his body, and the light illuminated half of the city, like a nuclear explosion.

When the light dissipated and we regained our sight, Dr. Light and Deathstroke disappeared together, and Rip Man appeared above us. "

"Dachao has no suspicion?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Of course he is suspicious, but he easily trusts others. Oliver only said that we found Dr. Light to be suspicious. The reason why we did not call the Alliance was because we wanted to leave the opportunity for revenge to me.

I don’t have to say anything, I just need to keep my expression of gnashing my teeth in hatred, sit on the ground angrily, and lower my head.”

The telescopic man's face was full of shame and frustration, "Then Superman sighed and began to comfort me. I really don't want to lie to him. Really, I would rather lie to you than to lie to Superman."

But when facing you, I can easily say good or bad things, good or bad, but not to him..."

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched.

The telescopic man covered his face and continued to complain, "Oh, I really don't know what to do next. Dr. Guang will definitely not give up. If he exposes our atrocities of erasing his memory - this will happen sooner or later.

Damn it, how are you going to explain it to Superman and the others?

As for Su's murderer, all clues have been lost now.

The events that have happened one after another in the past few days are so terrible. I have never been so mentally and physically exhausted during Crisis on Infinite Earths. "

——That’s because during Crisis on Infinite Earths, I was exhausted mentally and physically, and all you had to do was work hard.

Harry complained in his mind and asked again: "I said last night that Dr. Guang is not the murderer - he is mentally retarded and can't do delicate work. You didn't listen and insisted on tossing it. Why do you believe it now?"

"Su's second autopsy report is out. It's from the Midnight Miracle Doctor. The burns are just a disguise."

Harley was speechless, "I thought you were superheroes, detectives, and crime experts. I didn't expect you to be so amateur and start looking for suspects before even getting the autopsy report.

It made me consider burning as the only method of murder. "

"The authorities are obsessed with it. I thought the murderer was Dr. Guang from the beginning." Ralph said awkwardly.

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