Superheroes were originally more powerful than supercriminals. Now superheroes have formed many organizations such as the Justice League and the Justice Society. They have also united around the Zhenglian, clenching their strength into a fist.

Why do super criminals stand up to them?

We can only learn the superhero model and continue to evolve, such as forming criminal gangs and establishing a loose but barely unified "criminal supermarket".

Similar to the "mercenary supermarket" in Gotham's underground bar, the crime supermarket provides public areas similar to "criminal strongholds" for all super criminals. There is a relatively neutral middleman in charge of the organization. Everyone comes to exchange information and introduce tasks.

Temporary groups (ps) can be formed if necessary.

Just like the current stronghold satellite, Dr. Guang suddenly broke in to ask for help. He did not fly up by himself, but was received and teleported here.

"The computerist sent me here, I want to hire bodyguards!" Dr. Guang lay on the ground, his face covered with tears and snot.

The Calculator is also a super criminal.

After the Justice League established a global superhero information exchange network with the Watchtower as the centerpiece, super criminals immediately developed a system that allows them to call for information help at any time.

The Calculator is a super computer hacker, and his skills are so powerful that it is difficult for the Justice League to track him. In the circle of super criminals, surviving without being arrested by superheroes is the best demonstration of one's abilities.

Regardless of whether the calculator has superpowers or not, he has steadily provided information services to everyone for several years. He rarely disconnects from the Internet and rarely fails to provide effective services after calling. This is enough, and everyone has a certain degree of trust in him. .

Therefore, after Dr. Guang reported the name of the calculator, the super criminal on the scene resumed his previous activities, drinking when he should, and playing darts when he should.

It's not that they didn't accept the mission, but Dr. Guang also said that he had a "huge sum" of 1,500 US dollars. It was not even enough to buy a magic pill from Datou.

"Please, I'm being hunted," Dr. Light begged as he walked up to the archer Merlin.

Merlin asked curiously: "Who is chasing you?"

"There's Green Arrow."

Old enemy Green Arrow?

Merlin was a little moved.

"Black Canary."

Merlin began to hesitate.

"Plastic Man."

Merlin looked blank.

"Green Lantern Hal Jordan."

"Fake." Merlin's face turned green.

But Dr. Light hadn't finished yet, "The Flash, the Atom, Hawkman, and the wizard Zatanna."

"Shit!" Merlin turned his head, not looking at the poor Dr. Light.

"Please." Dr. Guang pursed his lips and cried like a child.

Luther frowned, "A person with S-level talents actually asked for help from a B-level ability user, and he even cried loudly and even lost his face."

"He has been shameless for a long time. On several occasions, he was even arrested by the urban patrol police while robbing convenience stores. I can't figure out why the mathematician sent this guy here." Datou said with disdain.

"Dr. Light was not like this before," Luther thought, "I remember Crisis on Infinite Earths. There was also Dr. Light in other universes. She was a Japanese female scientist. She even participated in the first conquest of the Anti-Monitor. She is exactly the same person as our Dr. Zero Light on Earth."

"Wright, come here." Deathstroke put out his cigar and waved to Dr. Guang, who was ignored and his wails became more miserable. "I'll take over your job."

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

"Are you crazy? The presence of the telescopic man means that Dr. Light must be related to Sue Dibny's death. Look at who they are, the Flash, Hawkman, Zatanna, Hal Jordan. Falk, you Has the time restart affected your brain? Hal Jordan is a time demon, a time demon!" Big Head said excitedly.

"He is no longer there. I saw it with my own eyes when the hell was released. He had to torment even a demon marquis for a long time." The Riddler in the corner said.

"Even if it's the Demon Marquis Fuck, the Demon Marquis is a minor player? Do you have any knowledge about magic?" Big Head cursed, and then said scornfully: "No wonder, people in Gotham think that the strongest person in the world is only a hundred. Terman’s level.”

"Bang~~" Bain punched a hole in the bar counter and said angrily: "If you dare, say it again."

Datou saw the arm that was thicker than his own head, and saw the gorilla Groot next to him with an incomprehensible look, and decided that the hero would not suffer the immediate consequences.

"I apologize. There was a problem with my expression. But it's not my fault. The Riddler said that the Demon Marquis is nothing. Let's judge. Is the Demon Marquis nothing?"

The Riddler sneered: "When did I ever despise the Demon Marquis? The person we are talking about is Hal Jordan. Of course, we have to compare the Time Demon with the Demon Marquis."

The two people were arguing there, and Dr. Light and Deathstroke didn't stop watching the show.

Deathstroke originally came here to relax, and even took off his mask. Now he is fully armed, with a long promethium metal stick in his left hand, a machete in his right hand, and a flowing ribbon tied behind his head. He looks like he is about to rush to the battlefield. .

"Are you serious?" Luther asked.

Deathstroke laughed deeply and said: "If I face eight super criminals of equal strength, I will hesitate. If there is only one of them, I will also hesitate.

But the opponent was just a superhero, and eight of them came at once.

Hey, having more people is not necessarily an advantage sometimes, especially for a temporary team like them that is filled with anger and has no action plan at all. "

Luther thought thoughtfully, the other person is a superhero, at least he guarantees that Deathstroke will not die no matter what he does.

After successfully hiring Deathstroke, Dr. Light calmed down a little, "Doctor Neuro, Doctor"

"I don't want to be a mercenary." Big Head shook his head.

"I know, you're selling medicine, and there's going to be a war soon. I'd like some Tamaran fans." Dr. Guang sniffed and said with a crooked eye.

"Do you still have money?" Datou looked at him suspiciously, "At other times, with your reputation as 'Dr. Guang', I wouldn't mind giving you tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands on credit.

But you are about to face the ‘Eight Who Demanded Life’. Are you the one who murdered Sue Dibny? "

"It's not him. The night before yesterday, he and I, together with Leopard Girl, were at Srepi, the underground stronghold of Metropolis." Dr. Vertigo said with a smile.

"Just looking at the coward he looks like now, you know that he can't do a sophisticated job like secret room murder." The Riddler said scornfully.

Dr. Guang was not angry at being ridiculed. He just pulled his head and said: "I still have a house in the center of Roxbrae."

Big Head shouted to the metal dome: "Calculator, did Dr. Guang lie?"

"Information identification fee, 1,000 US dollars." A man's voice came from the speaker.

"Fake, I haven't even concluded any business deals yet."

Although he cursed, Datou still agreed to pay.

It is free for superheroes to obtain any information at the Watchtower.

Super criminals account for everything clearly.

Even if you drink a cup of coffee at the satellite base, you have to pay!

"Dr. Guang didn't lie. It was a 300-square-meter, two-story street-facing villa with a beautiful environment, close to the business district, and less than one kilometer away from a private middle school. It was worth more than 8 million U.S. dollars."

Big Tou immediately changed his expression, with a smile on his face, and his voice was so gentle that it dripped with tears, "Even if there is death knell to protect you, use your smart brain to think about it, can he defeat those eight ruthless people by himself?

Therefore, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone else. I have an enhanced version of the magical element that can turn you into a superman in an instant, I have the ‘Immortal Water’ to help you resurrect, and I have a memory powder that is not afraid of mental attacks.”

As if by magic, he took out more than 20 kinds of medicines at once, with various functions, including aphrodisiacs. Dr. Guang was dazzled by them.

"Brother, life or death is uncertain now. Money and everything else are all external things. But as long as you are alive, with your S-level talent, you can make tens of millions in a day even if you rob a bank." Datou advised.

"Okay, I want all of it." Dr. Guang eagerly picked up the Tamalan powder, "Let me take a sip first."

"Calculator, did you hear that? Help me prepare a sales contract with Dr. Guang."

The calculator only charged a handling fee of two thousand dollars, and it took ten seconds for the two parties to reach a contract.

Deathstroke lowered his head and looked at the crumpled 1,500 US dollars in his hand, feeling very uncomfortable.

Although Deathstroke only received $1,500 in commission, he won pot tonight.

Early the next morning, the Gotham Morning News published a sensational news on the front page: The God of Death has arrived, and Deathstroke fights the Big Eight alone.

When I opened the puppy video, I immediately got several hot videos: "You have no shame, these superheroes", "Time Demon, what's wrong with you", "It's unreasonable, Deathstroke is just one of Green Arrow's old enemies" "One", "Zatanna, my goddess, were you here last night?"

All are well-known up owners’ analysis and comments on last night’s “shattering battle”.

"Master, do you know that Deathstroke was amazing last night?" said the female apprentice Cassandra while eating breakfast while scrolling through videos on her phone. "Deathstroke single-handedly challenged a group of heroes, and he escaped unharmed."

"Who are they?" Rachel asked curiously.

"Green Lantern Hal, The Flash, The Atom, Hawkman—"

"Impossible." Before she could finish speaking, everyone in the room shouted, except Harry.

Well, not only people, but Duoduo next to Harry's chair and the loach next to Duoduo also screamed.

Duoduo can speak human language, but Loach can understand human speech but can only "wow".

"I find it incredible, but the news has spread, and there were police officers who saw part of the battle. And, so far, Deathstroke has not been arrested and imprisoned."

Cassandra looked at Harley expectantly, "Green Lantern's light ring will automatically record the battle. Master, such a big thing happened, you must go to the Hall of Justice today, right? Can you bring the video back to me?" Let me see."

After Harley finished breakfast, she actually went to the Metropolis.

It's not that the defeat of the Eight Heroes had a great impact, but that they failed to complete the task of quietly arresting Dr. Light and their actions were exposed. Harley guessed that the superheroes were suspicious of them.

Of course, she also had to draw a complete set of defense and security circles for Luther's prison to fulfill her promise to Luther last night.

But when she arrived at the Hall of Justice, Harley was surprised to find that everyone was as usual. There was no depressing low pressure in the air, there were no negative emotions such as gloom, entanglement, or anger on the faces of the superheroes, and there were no two groups opposing each other.

"What's going on?" She found Telescopic Man in the medical room. He was the only one lying on the bed. The other seven of the "Shameful Eight" were not even in the Hall of Justice.

"What about the rest?"

"Harley, it's over. Dr. Light has restored his memory and consciousness." Ralph lamented.

(ps: In the comics, super criminals have indeed established a relatively complete system of information exchange, employment, and group formation. They are not stragglers, and often join forces to fight against evil.)

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