I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1188 Criminal Base

The headquarters of superheroes is the watchtower. The supercriminals who oppose superheroes have also built their own "watchtower"-criminal stronghold in geosynchronous orbit.

Well, the super criminals didn't shy away from calling it a "criminal stronghold."

Of course, they are shady super criminals after all and cannot act openly.

This satellite was built by the Luthor Group and sold to a small country in Africa. It is national property and the Justice League cannot destroy or occupy it.

Although the Justice League finally found out that the actual controller of the small African country was the "Immortal" Vandal Savage, it was still a sovereign country in name.

If Zhenglian takes action against it, even the US government will be wary, and other countries will react even more strongly.

Therefore, even if this satellite was discovered by Zhenglian long ago, it still survives to this day.

However, the geosynchronous orbit has long been far away from national borders. If Zhenglian guards near the satellite or sneaks into the satellite to capture super criminals, any national sovereignty will be useless.

Therefore, super criminals do not often come here to meet. Even if they come, there will not be many people, and they are always ready to evacuate.

At this time, when Luther's 3D projection appeared in the corridor, the surroundings were empty except for a black figure standing by the half-height window, silently admiring the blue planet outside.

"Luthor?" Luther's appearance immediately alarmed the other party.

"it's me."

Luther's body is made of light blue light, and his words are heard from the speakers above the corridor.

He built the satellite, and he controls the satellite's main brain. Coupled with mature soul digitization technology, Luther can easily make a person sit in prison and his soul fly to the sky.

"Hello, Merlin."

Luthor also recognized the hooded man carrying a bow and quiver, Green Arrow's old enemy Merlin.

"Is Stryker Island Prison run by your family? I don't think you are in prison. You can be seen in various strongholds every now and then." Bald Merlin said half sarcastically and half enviously.

"You guessed it right. The cell I live in now was built by myself. Just three months ago, Luther Prison broke ground in Nevada.

Probably in the second half of next year, if you are imprisoned again, you can apply to go to my prison. "

Merlin's eyes widened and he was speechless for a long time.

Luther looked calm and continued walking past him.

Although the "Crime Base" is not as grand as the watchtower, it is also larger than an ordinary bar.

There are three large round tables in the center of the hall, each table can seat 15 people, and super criminals sit there in twos and threes, playing cards and drinking.

There is also a bar in the left corner, and a dart board hangs on the wall next to the bar.

Luther wasn't new, and it wasn't the first time he'd appeared in this way. They just looked at him and continued to do their own thing.

Luther was observing them carefully.

There weren't many people tonight, only seventeen or eight.

He doesn't like wasting time, so he needs to find the one that is most helpful to him.

Single Lens: A tech hero with abilities on various lenses, Eagle Man's old enemy, C-class super criminal, no connections and no abilities, Le Se!

Shadow Thief: A slut who transfers his body to the two-dimensional world, leaving only his shadow in the material world to achieve immortality. He is also the old enemy of Hawkman. He is suitable for sneaking, stealing and eavesdropping, and has some value.

Fear Woman: A psychic who is good at digging out the enemy's biggest fears. She likes to seduce male super criminals and then kill them. She is a poisonous widow, unpopular and worthless.

Dr. Moon, Signal Man, Gorilla Grodd, Sonar, Dr. Neuro.

Luther hesitated for a moment between Shadow Thief, Captain Boomerang and Deathstroke, and finally chose Deathstroke.

He's worked with Deathstroke a few times, and aside from the high price, he's pretty much perfect.

"When are you coming out?" Seeing Luther walking towards him, Deathstroke, who was alone and too lazy to talk to people around him, took the initiative to drag a chair for him.

This is out of respect for Luther's "money ability".

"Hurry, when the Limbo satellite is successfully launched, those greedy worms in the Pentagon will convince the President to forgive me."

"If you are willing to come up with this number," Deathstroke stretched out his palm and waved it in front of Luther, "I can help you get rid of our Mr. President."

"Fifty million?"

Deathstroke shook his head, "500 million."

"I can afford this money, but I can't give it, and I can't do anything. If I do it, I won't be able to get involved in politics or business." Luther sighed.

"Then what's your mission to find me this time?" Deathstroke asked.

Of course he would not be so naive as to think that Luther was looking for a chat with him.

"How did the telescopic man's wife die?" Luther asked directly.

"What attracted you to this matter?" Deathstroke asked curiously.

"I didn't care at first, but things seemed to be a bit big. Did you watch the news about today's funeral? I dare say that the superheroes are now taking action, scattering around to arrest the suspects."

Luther didn't reveal his true purpose.

"You guessed it right, superheroes are crazy. They are hunting people who are good at fire and space movement."

Then, Deathstroke told all the news he knew.

Luther was a little disappointed.

Deathstroke doesn't know who the murderer is, but he just excludes those who have been caught and interrogated by superheroes to determine who is still on the run.

At the same time, Luther also became really interested in Su's case.

"Murder in a secret room, leaving no trace, burning the body with flames. Do you have Sue Dibny's autopsy report?"

"I want to know too." Deathstroke's eyes flashed, "Do you think she wasn't burned to death?"

"Most likely not. A person who is so sophisticated that he no longer leaves any traces at the crime scene should not use his signature skills to kill people. But, there are too many mentally ill people in the world." Luther shrugged and did not continue.

"Hey, Deathstroke, Luther, I have a good thing here, do you want to try it?" At this moment, a big-headed dwarf holding a plastic bag in his hand came over and said mysteriously: "Magic element, justice." The strongest trump card of the Alliance Heroes. After eating it, you will have superhuman strength within an hour."

It's Harley's former little brother, the neurologist.

Luther sneered: "If you didn't mention superhuman strength, I would still be interested, because at least it might be real."

The big head said with a smile: "It is a power beyond human beings, referred to as 'Superman's power', not the tearing man. And, I made it clear, it is Shi Xia's magical element.

Time Man, the giant of the Justice Society, everyone knows his strength. He can bend steel plates with one punch, but he is far inferior to the Man of Steel. "

Deathstroke asked: "Where did you get your magic potion?"

"You eat pork and you don't care how the pig grew up? Do you want it? One grain is nine thousand eight, and it's good to eat." The big head handed the bag to the death knell.

Deathstroke shook his head and said: "The effect of magic hormone is good, but the side effects are too great, it damages the body, and it is addictive."

Datou hesitated for a moment, stuffed the small plastic bag back into his pocket, and took out another small brown bottle, "The 'potion of immortality' made from the raw material of Shadow Warrior Alliance LS Lu Zhiquan. If the deceased takes it, there is a chance of being resurrected and awakening superpowers." .

A bottle of 500,000 yuan will protect you from death. "

Deathstroke's one-eyed pupil shrank, "Where did this thing come from? The shadow warrior's own spring is almost drying up."

"I only sell medicine, not information. Do you want it? I also have 'Tamalan High Powder', an imported alien product. If you are old enough, it will make you happy for $300."

Luther asked strangely: "You have become a drug dealer now?"

"Alas, the world is difficult and we have to make ends meet." Datou sighed.

"Are you short of money? The ban on hell has been lifted, and you donated 3 million US dollars to rescue people affected by the disaster." Luther remembered this because he saw related news several times when he was watching videos in those days.

"So I'm short of money." Datou said.

"Why are you, a super criminal, donating to the victims?" Luther asked.

"I'm not a super criminal."

Deathstroke said in a mocking tone: "At least his label in the Hero Forum is not a super criminal, but a famous galactic hero, former watcher, and savior of the earth."

Big head raised his head and raised his chest with a proud look on his face, "Is this fake?"

"The story of you kidnapping wealthy businessmen and extorting money from Boston is not a lie." Deathstroke sneered.

"That's not extortion, it's robbing the rich to give to the poor. I only attack corrupt officials and profiteers, and all the money I get is distributed to the poor.

Go to Boston and see who has higher reputation in poor communities: me or Wonder Woman. "The big head said proudly.

"Stop it, the Patek Philippe limited edition on your wrist costs at least 5 million US dollars. Don't tell me it was earned through hard work." Deathstroke sneered.

Datou said seriously: "Yes, I earned it through hard work selling medicine."

Deathstroke was speechless.

"Selling illegal drugs and alien drugs is not what a superhero should do, right?" Luther said.

"I'm not a superhero."

"But you just said you weren't a super criminal."

"This is not a contradiction. I am a 'knight man'. As long as I don't harm poor people, I can do anything to bad guys. For example, selling drugs harmful to health to super criminals." Datou said confidently.

Luther was also speechless.

"How come this guy wasn't killed by you?" he asked the death knell beside him.

"Why beat him to death? He kidnapped, extorted, and resold illegal drugs. Isn't that what a super criminal does? If he was really a good person, he would have gone directly to the watchtower opposite.

It's a pity that superheroes ignore him and don't regard him as a good person.

But now he has become a hypocrite, completely hypocritical, fooling the public, good at talking about power, and has the temperament of a top super criminal. " Deathstroke said.

Luther was speechless again.

There is one more thing that Deathstroke didn't say. No matter behind the scenes or in front of the media, Big Head has always called that person "boss", and that person has never denied it publicly.

How would she react if she beat him to death for no reason?

That's not a superhero who's "afraid of killing."

She is the granddaddy of all super criminals!

Veteran criminals who have been in prison will never forget the fear of being dominated by "Harley's Game".

"Hey, do you want to buy medicine? I also have 'Reminiscence Powder' here, which is forged from the rare objects of the Dream Kingdom. It is said that it can help people find their true self." Big Tou took out another bottle and placed it in front of the two of them.

The reason why he stared at Luther and Deathstroke was because other criminals were poor, many of them couldn't even afford $500, but they were famous among super criminals for being rich and loving to spend money.

"Where did you get all these medicines?" Luther asked in surprise.

Seeing that Luther was thinking wildly in the direction of "Boss Harley", Big Head hesitated for a moment and said: "Dr. Hugo."

"Oh, it turns out it's him." Luther suddenly realized and felt relieved, "Except for the magic potion, take ten copies of each and send them to-"

"Bang~~~" There was a loud noise from the direction of the door. There seemed to be a sun behind the door, and the dazzling golden light made everyone in the hall cover their eyes.

"Help me, the mathematician sent me here, who is willing to accept my employment? I have money, I have fifteen hundred dollars!" The golden light gradually dissipated, and everyone saw a panic-stricken man sitting at the door. man.

"Dr. Guang, what are you doing?"

"They are hunting me, I need help." Dr. Guang cried out.

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