I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1187 Good friend Luther

Metropolis, Stryker Island Prison.

"Damn, that feeling is getting stronger again."

After walking hundreds of times back and forth in the 15-square-meter "Luthor's exclusive luxury cell", Luther gritted his teeth, walked to the door, and patted the iron door hard.

"Bang bang."

A few seconds later, there was a whistling sound approaching the iron door, and then a voice said flatteringly: "Hello, Mr. Luther, I am Robert Amber, police number 1932, what services do you need?"

"Cell phone," Luther said irritably.

"Okay, the Paradise Mountain XR I just bought is equipped with a watch dog system." The prison guard seemed to have done this many times, and he took out his mobile phone very skillfully and inserted it through the door hole below.

Luther grabbed the phone, paused for a moment, and whispered: "At 12:30 tonight, someone will come in, as usual."

"Understood." The prison guard responded quickly.

Luther then left the cell door, walked to the bed, and lay on the duvet with a frown on his face.

I called my home phone first, but no one answered.

Then he dialed his sister's cell phone directly.

The "beep beep" call was not connected immediately, but a prompt tone appeared first: "Hello, this is the guardian dog Duoduo. The number you want to call is no longer in the earth circle. Do you want to enable cross-border connection?

In the physical universe, if the distance from the earth is no more than 100 light years, the fee is one thousand dollars per second; if the distance is more than 100 light years, if the distance is within a thousand light years, the fee is——"

Luther didn't listen to what it said and said directly: "Open the cross-border connection directly."

"Are you sure, cross-dimensional communication?"


“Does the person you are calling believe in God?”

The information channel of the household dog is the belief channel of heaven.

Everyone who believes in God will provide faith power to heaven. The channel that transmits faith power between believers and heaven is the faith channel.

If there is no faith channel, the watchdog cannot contact the target's phone signal at all.

Rich's quantum magic is not unable to open new signal channels, but the cost is too high.

The costs are different, and the charges are also different.


After receiving a positive answer, the guard dog stopped asking and kept beeping for about half a minute. Lena Luthor's voice came from the other end, "Who? Lex?"

"It's me, and you went to Heaven Mountain again?"

"I haven't seen my mother in more than a month."

"It's only been more than a month. Forget it, when you come back, go to Quinn Manor and ask Harley to come see me."

Lina said unhappily: "She just called you more than a month ago."

"It's been more than a month. Okay, I take back what I said before. More than a month is a long time. It's no problem for you to go to Heaven Mountain."

Lina said seriously: "I think as a friend, Sister Harley can help you to the limit. You must be content and know how to be grateful."

"You don't understand, if not-"

"The feeling of being watched has increased?" Lina interrupted him.

"Yes, the feeling of being maliciously monitored has been raised to a new level." Luther was embarrassed and helpless. "I also know that it is not good to ask her for help all the time. If possible, I don't want to ask anyone.

But this thing is so weird, I don’t know who else can help me except her. "

Lina said cautiously: "How about I help you find a doctor to check it carefully?"

"Do you think I'm mentally ill?" Luther raised his voice excitedly.

Lina sighed: "After you visited Sister Harley last time, in less than half a month, the exclusive cell designed by you was successfully built.

Although it is not luxurious, privacy and security are absolutely guaranteed, and it is impossible for outsiders to spy on you quietly - the security system is developed by you yourself. "

"I understand everything you said. Just because it's unreasonable, I--"

"Lex, if you don't want to see a doctor, you can try to convert to God. I have a Bible blessed by an angel, and I asked Lina to scan a set of e-books for you with her mobile phone." Another elderly woman said the man.

It's Luther's mother.

"You also think I have a mental problem?" Luther was a little annoyed.

And the e-books scanned by mobile phones are useless!

If you are really sincere, give him the original book blessed by the angel.

"Lex, I'll find you when I get back. That's it for today."

Lina opposite her quickly grabbed her mother's cell phone and ended the communication directly.

"Fuck!" Luther cursed and dialed his secretary Mercy's phone again, "Same old rules."

Macy said: "Boss, is this too frequent? This is the eighth time this month."

"The feeling of being watched increased again, and I felt a fire in my heart."

"Okay, who do you like this time?"

"Celebrities and stars who are under 30 years old, in good health, and considered beautiful by the public. It is best to have a diploma from an Ivy League school, or be a college student. But it cannot be too far away, and it will be delivered in time at 12:30 tonight."

Macy asked curiously: "Don't you have a style that you like? The public's aesthetics may not be to your liking."

"I don't care what she looks like, I'm just upset and want to vent, but I don't want to be too complacent and let some inferior goods take advantage of me.

Plus, when I do that, the feeling of being watched diminishes. "Luther said.

Macy pondered and said: "So, your search for a woman is not purely based on physical needs, but mainly because when you are with a woman, the non-existent person will look away?"

"A person who doesn't exist? Do you think I'm crazy too?" Luther became angry again.

Macy did not dwell on his mental issues, but suggested: "Since 'he' can't even see men and women, maybe you can try a more harsh way to make 'him' feel sick and even look at you. nausea.

In this way, 'he' probably won't spy on you anymore. "

"It seems to make sense." Luther's eyes lit up.

"Then do you want to try it?" Maisie asked.

"You can try it."

"Shall I help you find a stripper? Or do you directly bribe the prison guard?" Maisie asked.

"No, I'm not interested in men."

Maisie said doubtfully: "You obviously care so much about Tear Man."

"Find a beautiful socialite who can take things easy."

After Luther said this, he hung up the phone.

After staring at the phone screen for a long time, he gritted his teeth and shamelessly dialed Harley's number.

Harley had just left the Telescopic Man's home.

Although she was depressed by Dr. Guang's story, she still pressed the answer button.

"Harry, please listen to me carefully. Just tonight, about half an hour ago, the feeling of being maliciously monitored has more than doubled.

If I'm not crazy, if what I feel is true and there is a real man watching me, then the time is coming for him to make a move on me. "

"What is it going to do to you?" Harley asked.

"I don't know. I called you because you are well-informed and know all the gods and demons in the sky. You are the only one who can help me." Luther said sincerely.

"How do you want me to help you?" Harley sighed.

"have no idea."

"Why is it that only you can sense peeping, but none of us feel it?"

"have no idea."

For a while, Luther didn't hear Harley's voice.

Just when he thought she had left her cell phone on, she spoke again.

"Let me ask you seriously, how sure are you of your feelings?"

"I also tell you seriously, it is 100% not an illusion." Luther said solemnly.

"Okay, now I believe someone is watching you. So, based on this, we can do two things.

First, find the source of your feelings.

Secondly, whatever its purpose, protect your personal safety first.

Do you have any comments? "

Luther said quickly: "Harry, you are right, you must ensure my safety no matter what."

"Let's talk about the source first. Is it using technological means to monitor you, or is it a supernatural power?"

Luther thought for a moment and said, "It should be extraordinary."

"Can your spiritual sense determine its attitude? Kindness, malice, contempt, arrogance."

"Probably malicious."

"I want a 100% sure answer." Harley said.

"Malicious, 100% certain."

Harley said slowly: "That person is in a high dimension and peeks at you from a high-dimensional perspective.

It also possesses at least part of the supreme power to be able to do so without any fireworks.

You can sense it so clearly, either you have a keen sense of spirituality, or you have some kind of close physical or soul connection with it.

Your sense of consciousness is not very sensitive. When you were monitored by the Justice League, you didn't notice anything strange.

Have it? "

"Maybe a little, at least a little bit, but definitely not that strong." Luther said.

"So, it is certain that a supreme being who is related to you has some intentions towards you. Who are you thinking of?"

"Who can you think of?" Luther couldn't even think of a suspect.

"Well, will it be your future son or grandson, or simply you in the future, who finally realizes his dream of defeating Superman and becoming a human being?

Being able to defeat Superman means that you have the supreme power and can stand at the end of the river of time and monitor your past. "

Luthor smiled happily, "Harley, I like this future very much. I swear, it will definitely become a reality - well, I mean, I finally defeated Superman."

"Why not your descendants?" Harley asked.

Luthor gritted his teeth and said, "Only I can defeat Superman!"

"Then why do you in the future hate you now?" Harley asked again.

"Probably spurned." Luther sighed dejectedly, "Not to mention the future me, the present me spurns this life rotting in prison!"

"Okay, your problem is solved." Harley said.

"Uh, is this really me in the future?" Luther felt like he was being deceived.

"You said that only you can defeat Superman."

Luther was speechless.

However, after hanging up the phone, he did feel a lot more relaxed.

Although it sounds absurd, Harley's analysis is very logical, and he himself participated in logical reasoning.

And Harley not only gave an analysis, but also promised to ensure his safety in prison: she will go to Stryker Island tomorrow and draw a prison array near his cell.

Even if the enemy is supreme, he can at least block him for a moment and send her a message so that she can come to rescue him in time.

"Harry is such a good friend - eh"

After solving his worries, Luther lay comfortably on the bed and started to browse the news on his mobile phone. Then he saw the front page headline: the photo of Halle appearing at Sue Dibny's funeral with solemn makeup.

"She has always helped me, but I haven't repaid her much in return. Since she cares about Mrs. Dibny, then..."

He turned sideways and groped inside the pillow for a while, and took out two white "Bluetooth headsets."

He put the earplugs into his ears and connected to the mobile phone signal. In the next moment, his consciousness sank, and he separated from the body on the bed, and then moved up quickly.

He appeared at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers, the secret headquarters of super criminals.

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