I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1186 Hero’s Crime

"To be honest, we were so angry that we almost killed Dr. Guang. If he was not a powerful superpower but an ordinary person, he might have died."

Hal Jordan recalled: "I still remember that Barry was the fastest and rushed out first to knock Dr. Light away. My green light energy iron fist followed closely behind and hit him on the head repeatedly.

Oliver's sharp arrows hit him in the shoulder and lower abdomen one after another, as well as Lei."

"Hitting with fists and shooting in the shoulder with arrows, is this called almost killing?"

Harley wanted to say: Think about the things you did when you were a Time Demon. At that time, you had never hit anyone with your fists.

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Hal glanced at the companions around him and found that like him, their eyes were still filled with anger.

"After knocking Dr. Guang down with a few moves, we temporarily stopped, but he didn't stop. He said to us triumphantly and with a smile on his face - 'I see, this is your weakness, your lover, I Why didn't I think of it before? But it's not too late, now I found out. Then you all know what's going to happen. Sooner or later I will be free again, and it won't take much effort to find her again, Sue Dibny, in the Yellow Pages' The D' letter column can even directly find her home phone number and address, followed by you.'"

"Can you bear this?" Harley couldn't help it, and her blood pressure soared again.

Hal said: "Of course we couldn't bear it, and we immediately pounced on him. I pulled his left arm, Dinah pulled his right arm, Hawkman twisted his head, Oliver held his waist, and Zara pulled his Cloak, use the cloak to tighten your neck

We were very angry at the time, and Dr. Guang was also extremely excited. He was like a drugged mad cow, so powerful! "

Harley was speechless. She really wanted to kill Dr. Light, so she needed to fight with him?

Zatanna's ironic magic - "explode the brain", such a simple thing.

The Green Arrow can also hit the vital point with an arrow. Hal had not yet lost his willpower "equivalent to the sum of the wills of all creatures in the universe" at that time. Not to mention a mere Doctor of Light, he could split open the watchtower with a sword in a thought.

And The Flash.

"Barry, were you hugging his leg?" Harley said sarcastically.

"I" Barry was extremely embarrassed, "I persuaded them to stop fighting."


She had underestimated him enough, but she didn't expect him to be even lower.

Barry quickly explained: "What I mean is, Su is still here. She needs us and needs treatment. Dr. Light used super bright light to blind her eyes, and when she struggled, he also beat her."

Harry suppressed the depression in his heart and asked, "What happens next? He said those words, you can't just pretend that you didn't hear anything."

She had a hunch that what happened next would be the highlight.

All of the above can be said to others, and there is no need to hide it from their Zhenglian companions.

Hal said: "After that, Ralph took Su Chuan to the hospital, and the seven of us stayed there to deal with Dr. Guang.

He is very arrogant. Not only does he show no fear or repentance, he continues to threaten us.

He said he would find Sue again, he swore.

He also said that he saw traces of a ring under the gloves of Barry's uniform. It must be a wedding ring - actually it was an engagement ring, and he was half right - so there was someone waiting for him at Barry's home.

The lewd smile on his face made us immediately understand his plan.

That beast is going to do it to all of us.

We cannot let what happened to Sue happen again.

Therefore, we looked at each other and made a tacit understanding not to immediately send him to the police station.

We were going to discuss a once and for all solution, and Xiao Zha's magic provided the solution. "

"You erased his memory?" Harley thought thoughtfully.

She thought about Cobot's amnesia and dementia.

Hal glanced at her in surprise and said, "Yes, Xiao Zha used magic to put him to sleep, and then she found today's memories in his brain and deleted them all."

Harley said calmly: "Just erase the memory?"

A man as shrewd as Cobot actually armed himself with a submachine gun and led a group of boys to ambush Bateman on the street.

Hal subconsciously looked at his companions. Their eyes flickered and their expressions were uncertain.

Eagle Man said: "I think erasing the memory is not enough. I first propose increasing the punishment.

If Dr. Guang's character does not change, the same thing will happen a second or third time. This has nothing to do with memory, but his cognition and three views. "

Harley nodded slightly, "Finally someone reliable."

The few people looked at each other again, their expressions relaxed.

——How are Harley, Bateman, and Tearman different? Things that they think are too much, things that Tearman finds unacceptable, may only pass by her.

"Harry, you don't know how bad Dr. Light's behavior and thoughts are."

Eagle Man was recognized and relaxed even more, saying excitedly: "Dr. Light's superpower is to control and absorb light. He can use optical principles to manifest the scenes in his mind.

In other words, with just his superpower, he can show clearer pictures than 3D projection anytime and anywhere.

That guy has been chained by Hal with green light energy, and in front of us——"

He glanced at the telescopic man and stopped hesitantly.

At that time, the telescopic man had already taken his wife to the hospital for emergency treatment. He did not experience what happened next, so he did not see the maddening scene.

"Is there anything else I don't know?" The telescopic man was surprised, "Eagle Man, tell me, I have experienced the most terrible things, and nothing can hit me."

Eagle Man said: "Dr. Guang controlled light and restored the scene of him strong and strong Su. He forced us to see the scene of Su crying and screaming."

"Bang!" The telescopic man smashed the coffee table in front of him with one punch.

"Beast!" He gritted his teeth, and the mouth on his rubber face was almost twisted to the corners of his eyes.

"Not only that." Eagle Man continued: "Dr. Guang saw our anger, and he also saw helplessness in our anger.

He laughed triumphantly - 'Great, you're putting me in jail? That's good, I will provide the most vivid material "Dr. Light and Sudibuni's Date in the Watchtower" for all the lonely prisoners who can only fight with their hands in front of the propaganda posters.

I can't stand it! "

In fact, the scene at that time was even more unbearable than what he said. Some of the expressions and attitudes could not be described in words.

For example, in the process of embodying the rape scene, Dr. Guang focused on the "details" and looked crazy. He flicked his long tongue obscenely and made obscene remarks about the "key points and details".

Even heroines with strong nerves like Zatanna and Black Canary could not bear to turn their heads away and couldn't look directly at the picture.

"Beast, beast, beast!" The telescopic man was so angry that his eyes were about to burst.

"Alas" Harley could only sigh.

At another time, in another scene, she would have ridiculed "the hero's weakness in not killing people" which would inevitably lead to something like this happening, and she deserved it!

But now.

She really regretted it.

Knowing this kind of thing would mean nothing to her, it would only make her disgusted and aggrieved.

If Sue and Ralph were ordinary people, she could still "take it upon herself" to seek justice for them. But they are superheroes who specialize in dealing with super criminals, and are experts in delivering justice. They are more professional and professional than her.

None of them were in a hurry, so why was she so excited?

"Ralph, we punished him in a way that went against the ideals of heroism." Hawkman patted the telescopic man on the shoulder.

"What did you do?" The telescopic man said in a hoarse voice.

Eagle Man said: "I suggest Zatanna use magic to 'clean up' his brain. I don't know what magic to use, but I know the effect I want.

After that day, Dr. Light turned into a slow-responsive, stupid, feeble-minded clown, and became the most despised super criminal in the Puppy Hero Forum. "

"You took away his mind? No wonder." The telescopic man was stunned, "I stared at him for a while after that, but he acted like a crappy E-class criminal, and he was a famous S-class criminal before.

Everyone said that he probably took drugs and his brain was damaged. "

"Is this the secret you are trying so hard to hide?" Harley said lightly.

Barry thought she was holding the responsibility accountable, and Hawkman kept emphasizing that it was his suggestion, and he meant to take the responsibility on his own initiative.

Then he said loyally: "Although it was Eagle Man's suggestion, we all agreed."

"Oh, it's not easy for you to make this decision, right?" Harley asked.

Hal stared at her face for a long time, unable to guess whether it was sarcasm or ridicule. He was ridiculing them for violating the concept of justice and being hypocritical, or he was ridiculing them for not even daring to kill people because of their little courage and blood.

It's all sarcasm anyway.

This is very Harley.

"We voted to decide." Zatanna said.

"How many to how many?" Harley asked.

"Three to three, myself, Hawkman, and Atom agreed, and the rest were opposed. In the end, Barry cast the key vote." Zatanna said honestly.

This result was somewhat beyond Harry's expectation.

It's not surprising that Hawkman and Zatanna agreed. The suggestion was made by Hawkman, and Zatanna comes from the cruel world of magic. Not to mention "brainless magic", sacrificing the soul of a living person to the devil is considered a "white magician" Routine operation.

Think Shazam the Wizard versus Thunder Shazam.

But old Shazam is the "righteous leader" and belongs to the kindest and most disciplined type of wizard.

Harley was surprised because Hal seemed to have more "courage" to break through the bottom line. She didn't expect Barry. Hey, no, Dr. Light had threatened Barry. When he saw the ring on his hand, he threatened to rape the "white girl" Ari. Sri Lanka.

The Atom also has a beautiful wife.

And Green Arrow and Black Canary are a couple. Hal has too many girlfriends. Don't you worry? Or is the faith stronger?

At that moment, in space that was emptier than the ocean, and with a watchtower bigger than a ship, far away from society and people. Between these seven heroes, no concept of justice stood aside, and their own vital interests determined their fate. s Choice.

Desire and interest dominated that vote.

Harley thought thoughtfully. If she must say that the "Seven Heroes" are guilty, their crime is not that they made Dr. Light a brain-dead person, but that they betrayed the ideals of heroes when they made choices?

Harley shook her head, screw your idea of ​​a hero!

At that time, I still insisted on the concept of heroism, but my brain was full of shit.

"Dr. Guang is probably not the murderer," she said.

Oliver said: "He can emit strong light, and the powerful beam can have the same effect as burning. In line with what you said, the murderer used a method to cover up his signature skills.

And, he had a motive.

We did what we did to him. If the magic were to loosen and allow him to regain his memory and mind, he would probably be patient with his minions and hide behind the scenes to plan secretly. "

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