I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1185 Blood pressure soars

"It's better to be cautious, Zatanna, go to the Shadow Realm and see if Harley's blimp is nearby. In addition, Ray entered the quantum space and checked the surrounding space." Green Arrow said as he closed the door. ,Draw the curtains.

Zatara and Atom both completed the task obediently, even though they didn't feel it was necessary.

No Harley or anyone else was found.

The telescopic man sighed: "Actually, it doesn't matter if Harley stays. With her way of doing things, she won't necessarily oppose our plan."

There were a total of eight people in the room at this time, Elongated Man, Zatanna, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Hal, Barry, Hawkman, and Atom.

Green Arrow and Hal looked at each other and said, "Try not to let others know about that matter. This is our agreement, even for Su's reputation."

"The focus today is not on Harley, we all know that." Hawkman said solemnly.

"Yes, we all know that the point is Dr. Light!" Ralph gritted his teeth, "He almost completely destroyed my life. I simply can't imagine if Sue didn't happen to go to Heaven Mountain.

I can't show my face at this time. Everyone, please help me find him! "

"Of course. Before that, we can't ignore one thing." Hal reminded: "Harley's analysis is actually very reasonable. The murderer is very cautious, may have great ambitions, and is not satisfied with killing Su.

The eight of us are far more dangerous than the other heroes, and Dr. Light hates us far more than anyone else.

So, I have to ask you, have you settled all your family matters? "

Zatanna said first: "I'm alone, and he can't find my magic cabin at all."

"It's you, Ray, don't ignore Jane." She turned to the miniature Atom on Hal's shoulder.

"How could I ignore her? Although we are divorced, she is still the woman I care about most. Dr. Guang, don't worry. After Su's accident, I was the first to think of her, and now I have prepared several small props for her. ." Ray Palmer sighed.

Green Arrow's expression changed slightly, he turned to look at Black Canary, and said hesitantly: "Dina, you——"

"What am I? I am a woman, and Dr. Light is a notorious pervert, so I should stay in a safe place? You have to understand that I am also a superhero. What you say is an insult to me." Black Gold Canary said coldly.

Oliver smiled bitterly: "I didn't say anything -"

His expression suddenly changed, and he said in a low voice: "Harry, come out, I have discovered you."

"What, where is Harley?" Several people were shocked and quickly turned around to look for her.

For a while, Harley didn't appear. The scene was quiet, and everyone's eyes were full of suspicion and vigilance.

Oliver scratched the back of his head and chuckled, "It seems like she really left."

Black Canary was stunned for a moment, then reached out angrily and pinched his arm, "Harry is not here at all, you deliberately changed the topic!"

"No!" Oliver explained: "We are about to take action. In order not to cause trouble, I deliberately bluffed her. If she is eavesdropping, if I say this, she will definitely jump out - Oops!" "

Before he finished speaking, the expressionless Harley suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

It's like teleporting, but without any spatial fluctuations.

It's not magic, it doesn't have any magical aura.

"I bought it!" Other heroes also lost their composure and exclaimed.

"Harry, you are indeed spying on us. My spiritual sense is correct!" Oliver was the first to calm down and turned his back on defense with a straight face.

"You have the spiritual sense of a ghost. Do you know where I was before?" Harley said sarcastically.

"You're nearby, in Limbo, the Shadow Realm, or the gap in space." Oliver said.

"No, if Harley comes out of Limbo or the space gap, I will notice it in advance." Zatanna shook her head.

Then she thought again: "Harry should have used quantum displacement just now, which was to suddenly jump while running. It is not a spatial teleport, but it is stronger than teleport and can directly cross any obstacle."

Xiao Zha guessed it right.

Harley was separated from them by several walls and hundreds of meters.

She didn't stare at them at all, and no matter how sensitive Oliver was, he wouldn't be able to detect her.

However, since he dared to show off to her, Harley didn't mind jumping out and slapping him in the face.

Anyway, it's not something shameful. If it's really shameful, it should be sneaky people like them. What is she afraid of?

"But how did she hear our voices? Obviously, Harley jumped out when she heard what I said." Oliver wondered.

"Don't change the subject. What secrets are you hiding?"

Harley did not answer his question because she told them that they would be vigilant next time: Ralph, Zatanna, Hawkman, and Black Canary all carry mobile phones with them, and the Watchdog "security software" is installed on their mobile phones. system".

Even shopping software can eavesdrop on the conversations of mobile phone owners.

The guardian dogs created by quantum magic are much stronger than those apps.

But the main selling point of watchdogs is security - protecting the privacy of mobile phone owners from being stolen.

"We have only identified the murderer through some clues, and now we are planning to find him to settle the score. The reason why we have not made it public is because we may use special means." Oliver said seriously.

"I listened to your conversation from beginning to end." Harley said calmly: "So don't talk nonsense and be lenient if you confess."

"Oh, Oliver, talk to her." Hal said helplessly.

"How about you tell me." Oliver smiled bitterly.

Hal said: "That was a few years ago, before I became a time demon. We were on the watchtower. You know, when there is no major crisis, the Justice League adopts a shift system.

It happened to be our turn that day—"

Barry interrupted him and said: "It was our turn that day without you. You are the Green Lantern and have to patrol sector 2814. We have never assigned you a shift."

"Well, they were working several shifts at that time, and I happened to be leaving Beach City. Hector -" Hal looked at Harley, "Do you know Hector Hammond? He was affected by the radiation from the meteorite and had water in his head. The tank is so big, but the body is like a thin child, very deformed.”

"I know, Dr. Giant, who is good at psychic powers, is your old enemy."

Harley also played the "who's brain is bigger" game with the guy, and was quite impressed by him.

His physique is so impressive.

Hal continued: "Hector made a big fuss in Beach City, and I was on my way back. Barry, Ralph and the others decided to support Beach City, which was originally their responsibility.

But that night, there was a big loophole in the security system of the watchtower. Dr. Guang sneaked into our headquarters quietly and planned to wreak havoc. "

"No, I think he wants to ambush us," said Ralph.

The Atom shook his head and said, "I guess he just wants to get his beam gun back from the trophies display room."

"Why take such a big risk for an outdated weapon that can be manufactured again?" Green Arrow retorted.

Harry frowned and said, "Is there any point in arguing about this?"

"Okay, let me get right to the point. Dr. Guang was wandering around in the watchtower and found Su. He" Hal gritted his teeth, his face full of resentment, "Dr. Guang is a bastard, he raped Su!"

Even though she had made some guesses, Harley still felt like she was beeping after hearing this answer.

A mediocre super criminal not only successfully infiltrated the superhero headquarters, but also

"Is there no warning device on the watchtower? Doesn't Su know how to call people?" She couldn't understand.

From the moment Hal started telling the secret, Ralph closed his eyes and his rubber face tightened.

When he heard Harley's question, he became filled with grief and anger. He opened his eyes and said excitedly, "That's where Dr. Guang is so vicious! Of course we have a security system. Su has clearly told him that she has pressed the alarm." button, she has called us and we will be there in a minute.

But he did it anyway, and he did it on purpose, and he wanted us to see what he was doing."

"Did you see it?" Harley said in disbelief.

"Su is just an ordinary person, how can he resist Dr. Light?" Hal sighed.

In fact, after they received Su's alarm, it didn't take them even a minute, and they returned to the watchtower in about half a minute.

But when he opened the door, he saw Su pressed against the console, with Dr. Guang moving behind her with a ferocious and proud face.

The scene was so impactful that they would never forget the humiliation and anger.

"I'm not saying that Dr. Light is still alive now, after you saw that scene."

Harley glanced at the people in disbelief, "Aren't you going to be furious?"

"Of course he was angry. We besieged him like crazy. Plus Hal, the eight of us beat him to death." Oliver said.

Harley said quietly: "But he's not dead."

They were silent.

——Superheroes cannot kill, everyone knows.

They were also slightly relieved. Harley wanted to kill Dr. Light, so she definitely didn't mind what they did to him.

Harley began to regret it.

"I shouldn't have come over to eavesdrop on your secret conversations after discovering your abnormality."

"Why?" Several people were stunned.

"My blood pressure soared, I had nowhere to vent, my thoughts were not flowing smoothly, and I couldn't sleep well for several nights." Harley sighed.

"We are planning to find Dr. Light." Hal said.

Harley shook her head and said: "So what if I find him? You don't even dare to kill anyone, and you certainly can't accept the torture.

Without killing that bastard a thousand times, I won't be able to understand my thoughts.

But there’s no way I’d fall out with you over such rubbish. "

She wanted to torture Dr. Guang thousands of times, but if they didn't let her, wouldn't there be a conflict between the two parties?

If he really had a conflict with them over that piece of trash, Harry would feel even more upset and confused.

So, she really wished she hadn't paid attention to it at all.

"If he really killed Su, I-"

Ralph's rubber face almost twisted into the word "kill", "I will make him pay with blood!"

Barry's expression changed slightly and he opened his mouth to persuade. He caught a glimpse of Harry who was angry next to him and closed his mouth again.

"You didn't kill all the doctors then, and you won't do it this time." Harley said with certainty.

Dr. Guang knew that the heroes would arrive within a minute, but he still held Su down on the console openly.

Is Su so attractive? Well, Su is not bad looking. She has the nobility of a socialite and the affinity of the girl next door, and has a great temperament.

But anyone in their right mind should have escaped within a minute.

Dr. Guang didn't run away, he even fucked her hard. It was obvious that he deliberately wanted them to see him fucking their women, and he knew that if a hero didn't kill someone, the most he would do would be to be put in jail again.

She could understand this not because she was smart, but because Dr. Guang did it too obviously, and these heroes also understood it at the time.

But they still let him live.

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