I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1184 The Hero’s Secret

Central City, Cathedral of Mount Saint-Paradise.

This church of the "Paradise Mountain Sect", which was just built less than a year ago, ushered in a grand event that attracted the attention of people around the world. Although it was just a funeral, it was truly a gathering of stars.

Famous superheroes are here.

Celebrities, celebrities, and Internet celebrities who discovered the hot spots and came to enjoy the popularity also came.

The church hall, which can accommodate thousands of people for prayer, was full of people and the aisles were full of people.

The coffin was placed next to the podium, and the side of the coffin was filled with flowers.

The person closest to the deceased stood on the podium and spoke in a low voice about the process of the two getting to know each other and supporting each other until now.

"I am the city guardian of Opal City. It has been more than five years since Su and I became husband and wife and made our identities public.

Now that Su has gone to heaven, I have left the city that I have guarded for many years and arranged the funeral in Central City.

Su's hometown is not Central City either.

She comes from Vincent, New York, and was born into the famous local Bloom family.

The reason why I chose Central City to send her off on her last journey is because my fate with her began here.

Regarding my love affair with her, since we revealed our identities, Hollywood directors have come up with many romantic plots, and editors of gossip magazines have also racked their brains to write various stories in different ways.

But today I want to tell you the truth, you all guessed it wrong.

Su and I fell in love just because I noticed her that day. She not only noticed me, she also didn't notice him. "

A sweet smile appeared on the telescopic man's face, his arms stretched to more than three meters long, and his fingers stretched all the way to the Flash.

"This is Central City, and the center of Central City is the Speedster Flash. As long as he appears in Central City, no matter who else is there at the time, he will be the focus of everyone's attention and admiration."

Harley wanted to complain: Stop bragging, that’s because I wasn’t there.

"At the Flash's banquet, the charming Su only focused on me. I was not unknown at the time, but the Flash was right next to me.

You know, this is Central City.

Sue joined the Justice League as an executive. She had seen Batman's wisdom and composure. She also noticed Hawkman's sexy naked chest. She also looked into Superman's heart-melting light blue eyes. League There are many better men than me here, but Su Du only likes me. She is the woman I am destined for. "

Harry felt a little strange. The love between Telescope and Su was not very simple!

The happiness of telescopic people is a bit like a licking dog that gets a bone.

However, everyone's misfortune is often very similar, but everyone's happiness is often different.

With the character of telescopic people who reveal their identities and enjoy public attention, perhaps this kind of love is true love for them.

Every year on Telescopic Man's birthday, Su would prepare a surprise for him.

This incident was also known by the media and was even hailed as "the most romantic love story of the 21st century."

Every year on the day before Telescope's birthday, even media such as "Daily Planet" that specializes in serious news will devote a page to reporting on those "surprises."

Every day on this day, Puppy Video Network will also have many videos of up owners doing "stretchy people's surprises".

Both Su and Telescopic Man enjoyed this way of expressing their love.

Ralph continued to recall past "surprises" on the podium, and Harry's thoughts wandered a bit: If King Nie Ren had the ambition of domination and the strength of Emperor Shakti, would Yan Ying and him truly love each other forever?

Maybe the telescopic man was right, he and Su were destined to be lovers.

After Elongated Man stepped down, it was Green Arrow's turn, and after Oliver stepped down, it was Diana's turn. After that, heroes such as Hawkman, Hal Jordan, Superboy, Hawkman, and Zatanna all gave funeral speeches.

They all gave Su extremely high praise.

For example, The Flash said: "Superman and Batman are like the bricks of the Alliance, and Ralph and Sue make up the mortar."

For example, Wonder Woman said: "Sue is my best friend."

It was not until evening that the heroes gathered together and began to discuss the business: Who was the murderer of Su?

As Selina said before, it is one thing to kill a police officer, but it is another thing to break into a police officer's home and kill his closest people, which is absolutely intolerable.

There are so many heroes in the Justice League, but Ralph is not the only one with a "weak spot."

If Ralph's wife dies today, will Superman's wife be threatened tomorrow?

Harley originally had no interest in investigating the murderer, but seeing how serious everyone was, she also became somewhat curious about the case.

Zatanna opened the portal and took everyone directly to Opal City, Su and Ralph's single-family villa.

"The security system of the apartment uses Krypton, Mars, Senagon, Apokolips and other technologies. The technology comes from everyone's help, but the installation and testing are all completed by me. It is theoretically impeccable." Ralph said first.

Kryptonian technology comes from Super, Mars technology comes from Martian Manhunter, and Senagon's technology is 80% related to Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Those two people appear to be Earthlings, but in fact their souls come from Senagon.

Senagan's civilization is based on N metal, and the holder of N metal has the ability to break the rules of the universe. For example, the soul retains memory and is constantly reincarnated in the material world.

Hawkman has had the experience of being reincarnated as a Kryptonian.

The Prince of Egypt is just one part of Hawkman's life on Earth.

The Apokolips technology in the Mother Box may be related to Cyborg and Mister Miracle.

"I have completed the crime scene investigation and found no clues, no signs of forced entry, all the alarms were on, and there was no trace of any carpet fibers being stepped on near the alarms.

But we all know that the murderer came in and murdered Sue.

So, the absence of any clue is also an important clue. "Baitman followed closely and stated the results of his investigation.

The third speaker is Mr. Miracle.

The escape master was embarrassed and said, "Sorry, I didn't find out how the murderer entered and escaped."

Atom said: "I even checked every fiber on the carpet, but there was no useful information."

After that, the light revealed the results of the spectrum analysis, the metal man revealed the results of the metal detection in the room, the elemental people were responsible for identifying items they were not responsible for, Zatanna did the magic smell detection, and the animal man captured the third-party smell in the air.

At the end, Bateman added: "Mrs. Xanadu only saw a blue-white chaos in the crystal ball."

Harley was dumbfounded. If you guys could work together so well, clearly divide the work, and collaborate organically every time there was a crisis on Earth, how could there be such a thing as a "Galaxy Admiral"?

"Harley, what do you have to say?" Finally, they asked "Galaxy Admiral" to give his analysis.

Harley sighed: "I have nothing to say. Everything I can think of and everything I can't think of has been thought of by you. You continue, I will listen. If you have different ideas, I will take the initiative to tell everyone."

Atomic Colonel Adam took out a tablet and concluded: "According to the autopsy report, Su died of severe burns, 42% of the body surface was burned, so we first consider super criminals who are good at flames.

I have created a document with a list of suspects and basic information.

For example, Heat Wave, Fire Strike Girl, Dr. Phosphorus, Scorch Girl, Firefly, Fire Gun, and Fire Fist.

Then, the murderer entered the room directly without opening the door or window, and the Senagang detector could record traces of passing through the wall. Zatanna was sure that there was no magic fluctuation, and I was once again sure that the murderer could teleport.

Such as Twisted Man, Lightning Assassin, Hide and Seek Woman, and Shadow Killer.”

Dachao said solemnly: "We will split up and look for the corresponding super criminals on the list based on our familiarity."

Harley frowned and said, "Are you sure you're not going in the wrong direction?"

"What's wrong with Adam's list of suspects?" Green Arrow asked.

"Shouldn't we first analyze the motive for committing the crime?" Harley said, "Although I'm not a detective, this is how detective movies and TV series act."

"The motive is very clear, take revenge on us! If it is not to take revenge on Ralph, or even the entire Zhenglian, by killing Sue, what is the benefit of killing her? And every super criminal has a reason to take revenge on us." The Flash said.

"If it's revenge, your investigation direction is even more wrong." Harley said.

The heroes looked at her in confusion.

Green Arrow glanced at Hal vaguely, and Hal was also looking at him vaguely.

Harley said: "You put yourself in the mind of the Avengers. Revenge is to take pleasure in your pain and regret.

Under normal circumstances, in order to achieve this goal, he will let the target of revenge know who committed the crime. After all, the hatred of the enemy is the source of his happiness.

Of course, it is also possible that he has lofty ideals and is not satisfied with just killing one Su.

Therefore, the murderer hides his identity, remains secretly happy for the time being, and continues to target the next target.

Judging from your crime scene analysis, the murderer was very careful and careful, trying not to leave any traces of the crime.

This seems to be in line with the style of the ideal and far-reaching Avenger?

Here comes the question, he has lofty ideals, he also keeps an eye on the families of other heroes, and he is very cautious. So why did he leave traces of his signature skills on the scene?

If it was Sue who was murdered by Heatwave, he should have used a freeze gun instead. "

"It seems to make sense." Dachao murmured.

Green Arrow's eyes flashed and he said: "What if the murderer uses his signature skill, flame, to convey ambiguous identity information to us?"

"Then he won't mind leaving a footprint on the carpet." Harley said.

"Many super criminals have mental problems, and their thoughts may not be rational." Hal said.

After speaking, he glanced at Barry vaguely.

Then Barry also said slowly: "Look for everyone on the list one by one. At least there will be no omissions. If they can exclude them all, they can further identify the murderer."

Harley stopped talking and just watched them allocate teams and leave the Telescopic Man's home one by one until she and Ralph were the only two left on the scene.

"Harley, you-" The telescopic man hesitated.

Harley said: "I'm still waiting for you to send me a mission."

"No, no, we all know you are very busy." The telescopic man said quickly.

"Okay, come to me if you need anything." Harley called to the blimp, which quickly disappeared.

The telescopic man stood at the door, his expression uncertain.

After a long time, a voice rang in his ears, "Harry is gone? I think she seems to have noticed something."

It's the Atom.

"Whoosh~" A red light flashed, and the Flash, who had left after accepting the mission, appeared next to the telescopic man again, "I feel the same way, she is the Witch Harley! Oh, I shouldn't have called her to the meeting."

Hal Jordan's figure turned from virtual to real, "If you don't call her, it will arouse more suspicion."

"! I'm here next to you!"

With a loud shout, Zatanna, a hot girl wearing briefs and fishnet stockings, also returned to the house with Green Arrow and Black Canary.

Eagle Man descended from the sky and said, "You don't have to think too much. Of course Harley is smart, but she will only use her intelligence where she is interested. We all know that she is not interested in catching super criminals."

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