I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1183 Zha Kang’s request for help

The "three Arkham sisters" all went to Central City.

After arriving, Harley truly realized what Ivy said, "Mr. and Mrs. Ralph are famous."

The giants of Zheng Lian and Zheng Xie were all present, and all five Green Lanterns from Earth were here.

Even Harley saw such a neat lineup of the Green Lantern Team for the first time.

By the way, including the old Green Lantern's daughter "Green Jade", there should be six Lanterns.

Jade and Kyle stand together as a green light couple.

There are also Doctor Destiny Kent, the new gods of Apokolips, Big Barda and Mister Miracle, and the new gods of Creation Star, Orion and Light.

Well, Ray is the new God from Genesis who joined the Justice League after Harley signed a peace agreement with Darkseid.

Harley also saw Thunderbolts' villain, Billy Bassant.

He's out of jail.

During the period when hell was lifted, he not only saved Philadelphia, but also became famous abroad, saving Madrid and Paris.

In addition, he had not committed a major crime in the first place, and his sentence was not long. He had already served more than half a year, and he was still a juvenile offender. All these factors combined did not require a pardon from the president. Only a congressman in Philadelphia allowed him to be released on early bail. prison.

At this time, Lei Lei was not a fool at all. He looked like a mature and experienced little adult, standing in the corner, very low-key and silent.

"Are you still going to be his mentor now?" Harley touched Da Chao and asked softly.

Dachao glanced at Thunder Shazam, nodded slightly and said, "I asked him to come here. After the funeral is over, I will take him to get familiar with the circle of heroes."

"His early release from prison also affected you?" Harley asked.

When she initially accused Belgium, she specifically hinted to the clairvoyance society: try not to commute Billy's sentence. It would be best to stay in prison for three years until he reaches adulthood.

The Sky Eye Association conveyed this "will" to the Philadelphia Prosecutor's Office.

Therefore, Billy has been in prison for a year and has been performing well, but has never received a commutation of his sentence.

"I did not interfere in the judicial process. When reporters asked about Thunder Shazam, I praised Billy a few times in public, saying that he had reformed and that everyone could trust him as much as they trust me," Dachao said.

Then he added: “Actually, Billy’s release was in compliance with public opinion.

Thunder Shazam is a superhero whose strength is not mine.

The people of Philadelphia have experienced the unchaining of hell and understand the benefits of a powerful hero serving as the city's guardian.

The Spaniards also want to invite Thunder Shazam to stay in Madrid and canonize him as 'Royal Thunder Shazam'!

On Twitter, football stars Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi liked the message at the same time, which had a great impact. "

"Hi, Harley." They were both big guys, standing at the front of the guests. No one came to disturb them, but at this moment, someone suddenly squeezed in from behind.

Burberry's classic trench coat, a cigarette in his mouth, his hair as messy as a chicken coop, and his British accent.

"Hi, Tear Man, and everyone." He exhaled smoke and greeted the people around him with a smile, and the heroes nodded in response.

"John, are you here too?" Harley was surprised that Zha Kang also appeared at the funeral.

What's the matter, his sister celebrated her 40th birthday two months ago, and even Harry sent her a gift, but there was no news from him.

"I also stayed in Zhenglian for a few months in my early years." Zha Kang explained simply.

Su is not a Zhenglian hero, but she belongs to the Justice League and is an administrative member of the League. She is responsible for daily affairs and logistics management, and is equivalent to the neighborhood committee grandma.

A neighborhood committee aunt who suffers from social angst, is pretty and gentle, so one can imagine her power.

Therefore, the heroes who have been in Zhenglian all have a good relationship with her.

"When your dad passed away, he asked me to call everywhere to look for you." Harley complained.

Zha Kang raised his chin to the outside of the guests, "If my damn dad can put up such a big fight and make it known to the whole world, I promise to rush to his coffin in time and be a dutiful son."

Even the heroes came. More than 200 people came, and even more reporters and melon-eating citizens crowded the square outside the church.

Many of them simply came to see superheroes and galactic admirals.

The Central City Police Department even dispatched a team of 150 people to take charge of order at the scene.

Even if Mr. President is killed by aliens now, the treatment he can enjoy is probably at this level.

"There are so many reporters, and you still squeeze in front of the stage. This doesn't seem to be your style?" Harley asked strangely.

"If I don't squeeze to the front of the stage, how can I find you?"

"What evil have you done and want to ask me for help?"

"My Spear of Destiny was lost by you." From this sentence, Zha Kang changed to spiritual transmission.

"Your Spear of Destiny? Do you want to lose face?"

"Whatever I picked up belongs to me."

"You go find the ghost, it took the spear away." Harley said.

Zha Kang cursed and said: "You think I haven't looked for it? But that bastard threw it away again, throwing it in a corner of the universe, waiting for the next 'destiny' that needs it to appear."

Harley stared into his eyes, "That thing only has miraculous effects on angels in heaven and demons in hell. Who are you going to use it against?"

Zha Kang glanced at her chest, "How did you survive last time? The Spear of Destiny may only have additional effects on angels and demons, but killing gods and souls is its basic function."

"God bless me." Harley said piously.

The God Force Field is one thing, the other reason is the Life Force Defense feat and the Immortality of the Presence Field.

On the surface, her heart was pierced by the Spear of Destiny. In fact, her heart automatically split open, allowing the Spear of Destiny to penetrate, and then she took the initiative to inactivate most of the cells in her body.

Just like she makes the hair and blood stains that fall off the body inactive and cannot be cloned.

This kind of physical inactivation is exactly the same as death.

As for the soul being scattered, it's not all a disguise, but it only annihilates a part of the mental power. Afterwards, through the immortality of the existence field, the shattered thoughts can be restored again.

Harley didn't know how Neilong pretended to be dead and deceived the ghost. Anyway, her skill at pretending to be dead had improved a lot compared to her early years. It would be strange to look at her with old eyes and not be deceived.

However, cheating death to deceive the inner dragon is just a matter of convenience.

The tricks of the inner dragon to change shape and "seize" Batman's body were really amazing, and Harley was completely caught off guard.

If she didn't pretend to be dead, she would be injured.

Instead of struggling to fight fiercely, it is better to pretend to be dead and kill the opponent with one move, saving time and effort.

"You're right, I need the Spear of Destiny to deal with a powerful demon. If not, I wouldn't go all the way to the Mexican wilderness to find it with just a few clues," said Zha Kang.

Harley asked strangely: "Didn't the Spear of Destiny get thrown into outer space? How did you find it in Mexico?"

"Perhaps it fell, or maybe it was picked up and brought back to Earth by others. The point is, I need an artifact specifically designed to deal with the demon cubs from hell.

I once had the Spear of Destiny, but after I lent it to you, you lost it, and you happened to have another 'Sword of Harley'. "

Harley's eyes narrowed, "You want the waist-cutting sword?"

"Waist-cutting sword? The name is really ugly." Zha Kang muttered, "I'm not asking for it, I'm borrowing it, and I'll give it back to you when I'm done with it."

"How did you find the Spear of Destiny in the first place?" Harley asked.

After Zha Kang found the Spear of Destiny, he did not take it with him, but placed it in a secret "Constantine Treasure Room" in Gotham.

When he learned that the wizards and green lanterns were looking for the Spear of Destiny in outer space, he immediately called Harley and planned to donate the thing.

As a result, the call was connected, and before he finished speaking, the ghost who had been staring at the earth and listening for information about the Spear of Destiny was alerted.

The reason why the ghost pinched him so hard was to ask for the location of the Spear of Destiny.

Zha Kang was also a ruthless person. Even though he was pinched until he screamed and almost burst like a fish bubble, he still insisted on not saying anything.

But he didn't last long. Within ten seconds, Harley's magic weapon descended from the sky.

"Think of the wishful compass, the prototype of Captain Jack Sparrow's compass in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean." Well, the movie is based on a European legend, but the story is true, and the compass is also real."

"Bring it to me and see." Harley asked curiously.

"There's only a dial. You don't know divination magic, so you can't use it."

Zha Kang fumbled in his pocket for a while before taking out an antique compass.

Just one dial, no hands.

"The magic power is not strong." Harley said.

Zha Kang put the box away and said, "But it's really powerful. I've used it to find hundreds of magic artifacts."

"Then keep looking."

"What do you think I was doing during the more than a month after the release of hell?"

"You don't need to recuperate?"

"How could I send you a weapon if you wanted to nurse your injury for more than a month?"

After Lucifer killed the ghost with one move, he did indeed save Zha Kang along the way, just as Harley thought.

So he can still return to Gotham, take out the Spear of Destiny and give it to Bateman.

"How long do you want to borrow it for?" Harry relaxed.

"A few months, half a year? Probably no more than a year."

"Want to help?" Harley asked.

The demon that needs to be dealt with with the Spear of Destiny is at least a demon king, and 80% of the time it is probably a certain demon king.

To ordinary mages, the "mere" Duke of Hell is equivalent to a god.

The Demon King and the Demon King are almost invincible.

"Don't worry about me, I heard now that you have entered the terminal transformation again? Hehe, I came from behind and have entered the fifth terminal transformation." Zha Kang said with a proud smile.

"I'm worried that if you die, I won't be able to take my sword back." After complaining, Harley asked in surprise: "Are you sure about the five times? What types of transformations are they?"

More than ten years ago, everyone was a magic apprentice looking for "taoist friends" online.

Harley first initiates her deathbed transformation.

However, during the second transformation, Zha Kang took the lead.

But every time Harley completes one transformation, she starts the next one soon. Now that the third transformation has not been completed, Kang has already done it five times?

And after three transformations, his soul strength and magic realm have become equivalent to the wizard god.

What does five times mean?

"First there is a change in mind and cognition, then there is a change in magic power, then the spirit world comes and the bloodline evolves. Finally, the nightmare like you becomes demonized."

"All passed?" Harley asked.

Zha Kang shook his head, "No, except for the changes in mind and cognition, the rest is not over yet."

Then he asked curiously: "Why can you end a transformation neatly every time?"

Harley stared at him with a strange expression, as if she were looking at a patient suffering from seven or eight types of terminal cancer.

"I'm also curious. Four kinds of transformations have been added to your body. How come you haven't gone crazy?"

"The essence of dying transformation is evolution. In theory, evolution can have no end. This is considered a normal phenomenon in the magic world - you have been stuck in transformation for decades or hundreds of years, but you are not normal." Zha Kang said seriously.

Dachao touched Harley and reminded: "Su's coffin is here."

"I'll give you the sword later." This was Harry's last mental message.

Then she and everyone else watched the coffin being carried in with a solemn expression.

The four pallbearers were Sue's maternal uncle, Barry the Flash, Hal the Arrow, and Hawkman.

In the Doomsday incident, Harley, who faked her own death, did not enjoy this kind of pomp.

The coffin bearers at that time were only American soldiers.

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