I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1182 Superhero Celebrity Couples

"Su is still in the soul body now. There are two paths to choose from in the future. Either become a grass-headed god, and then you can only stay in Heaven Mountain. Or you can temporarily study in Heaven Mountain, become a Holy Spirit in the future, and go to the lower heaven or Silver City."

Harry explained the disadvantages of the grass-headed god and the great future of becoming the Holy Spirit, hoping that Su could make the right choice.

Su didn't hesitate at all and immediately made the most correct choice, "Of course I will stay in Heaven Mountain, the lower heaven and the place of the Holy Sound. I don't have any acquaintances, but here are all acquaintances.

Oh my god, I also met Luther’s mother and sister in ‘Paradise Mountain Town’! "

She turned to Ralph, "Honey, do you know what this means?"

The telescopic man said happily: "After Luther was imprisoned, his sister became the company manager. She also made an appearance at the lexnote4 series new product launch conference a week ago.

Therefore, Lena Luthor only came to Paradise Mountain in the past few days.

There is no sign of Luther being released from prison anytime soon, so Lena Luthor will go back soon.

Therefore, as long as you stay in Tiantang Mountain and be the Caotou God, Su, I will be able to visit you in the future. "

Then he turned to Harley, with a look of pleading and hope on his face, "Harley, I know you only hire superheroes to be superheroes. But trust me, Sue is an excellent administrator.

When she was in the Justice League, even if she didn't have any superpowers, she could still help a lot of people.

In Paradise Mountain, she can also be the person everyone needs. "

He could see that Harley might welcome Su to settle in Paradise Mountain - she could even accept the Luther mother and daughter, and there was no reason to reject Su, who was still a friend - but she was not willing to invest her faith in Su.

In addition, when Oliver revealed to him Harley's identity as "Hell Guard" before, he told him clearly: Harley doesn't like to make exceptions, make an exception for "him" today, and "they" will come for her tomorrow.

Therefore, even if the price he paid did not mean much to her, she must still follow the law of "all magic has a price".

He didn't show any emotion at this moment, nor did he ask for the identity of the Grass-headed God for his wife as a matter of course, but directly paid the price: Su had excellent administrative skills, and even the Justice League cared about her.

Harry smiled heartily and said, "I told you before, Su can choose between the two choices. As long as she is willing, she can change her job to a grass-headed god today."

"Thank you!" said Ralph sincerely.

"You and Su talk slowly, there is still a lot of time, but now I am just a projection." Harley pointed at herself, "I have to go to the Genesis Star tomorrow morning, so I'm leaving now.

By the way, today is your birthday, I will let Rich prepare the ingredients, and you can continue to finish tonight’s banquet in Paradise Mountain. "

She also saw that the telescopic man had similar abilities to her former little brother Plastic Man, but his brain was smarter and he could see her thoughts.

It would be a bit embarrassing to stay here as a lightbulb any longer, so it would be better to leave.

When Harry disappeared into thin air, Su Cai whispered: "Harry seems not to be happy to let me become a grass-headed god."

Well, it’s no wonder that Harley is not popular, no one wants to play with her outside of work.

In fact, he is too direct in daily life.

Ralph sighed: "I don't blame her for being stingy. I heard Bateman and Zatanna discuss that the power of faith required for a complete grass-headed god must rely on the existing 'Paradise Mountain Sect' church to collect 150 Year!

How many churches in the United States now have the "Shaojun Statue" or "Martial God Statue" installed?

At least two percent of the total number of churches.

So many churches, 150 years of faith. Even if there is only one more like you, it will have a huge impact on Paradise Mountain. "

"150 years is too exaggerated." Su smacked his tongue.

"Do you think it takes too long?" Ralph smiled bitterly: "Baitman still thinks that the efficiency of the grass-headed god is too high!

If all churches in the United States erected statues of Young Master, a perfect God of faith could be created in three years.

It's like a weakened version of Uncle Sam.

The statue of Shaojun is only placed in the side hall.

Obviously Jesus and Mary gathered more faith power.

If heaven were open to the creation of gods, with only the faith provided by the people on earth, an army of gods with more than 20 people could be created every year.

20 a year, what about a thousand years?

That's why Bateman is worried.

He felt that the power of the gods was terrifyingly powerful and that he should beware of it. "

"I don't need power. I am content to stay in Heaven Mountain and hear news from you all the time." Su Dao.

Ralph said excitedly: "I'm not satisfied! I also want to hug you and kiss you.

Moreover, if you often meet outsiders, you must need a body to protect your soul.

The reason why heaven does not allow the heroic spirits in the lower heaven to see outsiders is because they are spiritual bodies. Explained by Bateman's research, the structure of the spiritual body is not as stable as the material form, and the structure greatly affects the mental state of the soul.

Alas, the fall of Jim Corrigan is the most obvious example. "

Su hesitated and said: "No wonder Harry refused to randomly distribute the quota of grass-headed gods. It is too precious and I feel uneasy."

"Don't worry, we have already made an agreement with her. If you become the Caotou God, you will work for her."

Ralph lowered his head and looked down at the quiet and beautiful town below, "I think there are at least a hundred people on this mountain. People coming and going, there must be a place for you."

You also need a job to make your future life more meaningful and colorful.

I hope you can be happy."

At this point, he began to feel sad again and began to blame himself, "Su, I'm sorry, I failed to protect you."

"I'm fine now." Su Rou said comfortingly: "Do you see how beautiful and rich this place is? All kinds of trees grow out of the ground, and they are full of exotic flowers. They are very beautiful.

The fruits on the tree can also be used as food, and you can pick them when you go out. The Garden of Eden in the legend is nothing more than that. "

"But you almost disappeared in Limbo." Thinking of this, Ralph was terrified.

"I will never let go of the murderer who hurt you." He gritted his teeth again.

"Limbo is indeed terrifying." Thinking of his previous experience, Su's whole body trembled and his face turned pale.

"How did you come to Paradise Mountain?" Although Ralph had heard Harley's guess, Su himself had not yet spoken about that experience.

"I'm not sure." Su looked confused. "When I realized that I was dead and still in Limbo, being swallowed by cold and nothingness, I shouted your name loudly.

Of course, I just panicked and had a knee-jerk reaction.

Soon I called God, but the situation did not change. Why? I am also very religious on weekdays and have never done anything bad. "

Ralph's rubber face twisted slightly, "Because you often interact with Louise and the others, do you think God is an alien and heaven is an alien planet?"

"Uh, this" Su said at a loss, "it's just easier to understand."

"Well, you definitely don't have faith in aliens. Then, you will naturally gradually lose faith in gods similar to aliens.

Even if you still go to church regularly, the faith deep in your heart has been lost. "Ralph sighed.

"At the family gathering of Louise, Selina and the others, I'm not the only one who said that." Su said worriedly.

While worried, she was also very regretful.

When you are alive, you will talk about your faith in confusion, but after death, you will be eager to look forward to God.

I'm afraid that the Hero Wives Group will be wiped out this time, especially Louise, who is the preacher of the idea that "heaven is an alien planet".

Well, actually Louise's ideas came from Harley

"They will definitely pay a heavy price, but they don't need you to worry about." Ralph said.

"A heavy price." Su thought of the feeling of disappearing silently in the cold again, and shuddered, and said urgently: "Ralph, when you go back, you must tell everyone that while you believe in God devoutly, you also need to add another insurance - —When you go to church to worship Christ, you also stop by the Shaojun Hall next door.

At that time, I called God to no avail, so I shouted "Galaxy Admiral" and "Harley help me." Then I felt that my soul was wrapped in a gentle force, and the coldness and emptiness of Limbo could no longer approach me. "

"Is that the pull of Paradise Mountain?" asked Ralph.

"No, I had an awareness somewhere, and that was my own power of faith. The more I called Harley, the more I expected her to save me, and the protective power in my body became stronger, and eventually it was strong enough to pull me to heaven.

At the gate of heaven, Archangel Zauliel received me.

She was also Harley's friend and was very gentle to me. After explaining my state clearly, she let me float to Heaven Mountain by myself.

I landed at the foot of the mountain and walked for a long time before I met an old man doing his morning jog - he was a living person.

They call him 'Mr. Falcone', Harley's former Big Brother.

I followed him to the town, chatted for a while, and then you guys came. "

Ralph thought thoughtfully, "Heaven Mountain has become the Kingdom of God. As long as you believe in Harley, no matter good or bad, you will be extradited to the Kingdom of God. When you arrive in the Kingdom of God, your soul will be judged for good and evil.

In this way, worshiping Shaojun is really a double insurance, because the Kingdom of Heaven Mountain is officially recognized by Heaven. "

In fact, he was wrong. Not both good and bad people can enter Paradise Mountain.

Harley's heavenly mountain grass-headed gods can exist mainly because those souls have been cleansed of sin according to Christian teachings.

Except for living people, if any soul wants to enter heaven, it must at least ensure that it is clean.

Su's death was a huge shock to the superheroes and to the United States, which has little big news nowadays.

Because she died of murder!

Because she is the wife of a famous superhero.

Because there has never been a similar incident before.

Well, there are many family members of heroes who died tragically as a result of revenge from super criminals, but they were either not very famous or died "invisibly".

For example, even if Superman's mother Martha was murdered, the media did not report it because they did not know that an ordinary old lady could hide such an awesome identity.

Sue is different from the Telescopic Man in that they reveal their identities.

Like Iron Man next door, the public knows the true identity of the Elongated Man - the guy took the initiative, and also knows the identity of his family.

And in the superhero circle, the identity of the telescopic man is not ordinary.

The Justice League was founded by the Seven, and one of the first six official members they recruited was Elastic Man.

The next day, Harley was not affected by Su's influence and went to the Genesis Star as usual.

On the third day, she received an invitation to attend Sue's funeral in Central City.

"Why so fast?"

Selena adjusted her black gauze skirt in front of the full-length mirror and said, "Because we haven't found the murderer yet, we can't close the case.

In order to prevent the media from making up random gossips that insult the deceased, it is the best choice to bury Su as soon as possible. The funeral will be held sooner or later anyway. "

"'We'? You also joined the 'Detective Team'?" Harley asked in surprise.

This guy hasn’t been a superhero in a while.

"Not only me, but also our little group of Teen Titans are helping to find the murderer, as well as the Justice League, the Justice Society, the Millennium Society, and almost all heroic organizations are taking action." Selina said.

"As for it?" Harley couldn't understand.

Ivy interjected: "Ralph and his wife are very famous. After their identities were made public, there were four unauthorized biographies.

There are three popular TV series, two movies, and countless fan novels based on the love and heroic experiences of the two people.

The number of times she has been in gossip columns is almost as high as that of the Kardashian sisters. "

Selina shook her head and said: "That's not the point. The point is that everyone feels the same way. Killing a 'policeman' is one thing, but breaking into their home and killing their family members is absolutely intolerable!"

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