I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1181 Identity Crisis

Harley's first defensive specialty is food.

The only abnormality shown is that he can eat it.

In the DC universe where all kinds of strange abilities are everywhere, there is no mountain or water.

The second defensive specialty was cheeky, which showed almost no abnormality. Because the level was low at the time, her total willpower did not increase, and her qualitative change was not significant.

It also doesn’t show mountains or water.

Then the third defensive specialty is God's force field, which can be upgraded to level 10 at once. While causing a sensation in the multiverse, it does not give God a chance to react at all.

Just imagine, with the dog god's ability and greed, if Harley tried to activate the God's Power defense specialty after level 80.

Can God give her the opportunity to gain so much power from God and the origin of Satan?

At level 80, she has already activated defense specialties such as the power of connection, emotional spectrum, and antimatter. They are all eye-catching and difficult-to-explain bug-level abilities that everyone will doubt.

And God can not only doubt, but also investigate and study. At that time, she had no God's force field and could not avoid His prying eyes. Could He discover her secret?

If discovered, would it also give her the opportunity to activate the God's Power Defense Specialty?

Obviously not.

Only a fool wants his power to be defended.

Therefore, Harley is really glad at this time that she dared to use the body of an ant to wave the harvesting scythe at the strongest person in the DC universe-Lucifer Morningstar.

Lucifer's origin is her first pot of gold, and it is also the cornerstone of her smooth rise in the past, her fear of God's concern now, and her courage to arm-wrestle with God in the future.

Good job, Comrade Lao Lu!

Harry went to the Golden Hall to look up information. He was only delayed for a few minutes on the way and didn't waste much time.

But after communicating with Tianzhi Sheng, she stood alone in the golden hall and meditated, struggling for a long time.

When her mind returned to her true body and she opened her eyes, she saw dozens of pairs of bright eyes staring at her.

"Wow, why are you all here? Why are you looking at me like this and scaring me?"

The giants of Zhenglian are here, in addition to the superheroes who are friends with Ralph and his wife.

Even Louise stood aside with a serious expression.

"Harley, you've been gone for nearly an hour. Did something happen to you? Although we are worried, we don't dare to disturb you." Green Lantern said solemnly.

"There was indeed an accident, but..." Harley glanced at the telescopic man who was about to collapse into a puddle of plasticine. "Su is fine now. She is in heaven, but she probably won't be able to come back."

"Sure enough, we went to heaven." Oliver breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone also showed relaxed expressions.

The telescopic man first relaxed into a boneless man, then he cheered up, sat upright, and took a long breath, "Oh, this is good news."

"I just said, a person as good as Su must have gone to heaven." Selena even smiled.

Harry endured it for a while, but he still couldn't hold it back and slapped her in the face, "Su went to Heaven Mountain."

"Uh" Selena was stunned and said awkwardly: "Why not?"

She caught a glimpse of the crowd in the living room and quickly stopped talking.

Since Su failed to go to heaven, it only means that she has a dark history of not being able to go to heaven.

She was very curious, what kind of troubled past did Sister Su, who was so gentle, kind and considerate, have?

But you cannot ask in public.

——Well, I’ll ask Harley later.

Harley didn't have any scruples and said directly: "You want to ask her why she didn't go directly to heaven?

In fact, she was able to go to heaven, but the reason why she ended up in Limbo was all because of the tea party of your 'Superhero Wives Group'. "

The hero, who was a little embarrassed, and the telescopic man, who was a little embarrassed, both became confused.

"What happened to the tea party?"

Harley's eyes swept over Selena and Louise's faces, and said calmly: "You often discuss me behind my back, right?"

"No." The two women said in unison, shaking their heads.

Selena also raised her hands and swore: "You don't know me yet? How could I say bad things about you behind your back?"

"There are no bad words, but a lot of strange words. Because I have been promoted step by step and become a young king of heaven with a name in the Bible. You-" Harley pointed at Louise, "especially you, spread the word 'Heaven is an alien planet, God' They are powerful gods and demons, and Tianjun is just the mayor of an alien planet.

What's this?

It's blasphemy!

In the Middle Ages, if you had spoken such words, you would have been burned to death in the square by the priests as witches. "

Facing everyone's strange looks, Louise blushed and waved her hands repeatedly, "I didn't say anything."

Then she doubted: "How do you know this? Is there a document in heaven that records the events of our lives? Who murdered Su? Is it written on it?"

Harley shook her head and said: "There are so many people in the universe, and there are even more people in the multiverse, how can heaven record them?

Moreover, the world we live in is not dominated by God alone.

If heaven keeps an eye on every human being, it will surely offend other supreme beings who come into contact with humans.

For example, if you go to the dream dimension in a dream, if Heaven dares to project its vision there, it will definitely anger Morpheus.

However, when mortals recite the names of God, heaven, and angels, the words spoken are recorded.

Therefore, the information that can be found is fragmented and not of much use. "

Harley once regarded the Golden Hall as an information repository, but now she began to have doubts.

God already knows everything, so why would he need to record all this messy information?

Moreover, if we want to record life, why is it so fragmented?

She felt that the Golden Hall recording content related to God and heaven was just its instinctive reaction.

It is not recording information, but collecting beliefs and strengthening the channel of belief - the "quantum data" route between heaven and earth.

Information is just the shadow of people's faith left in the golden hall, a by-product of the faith channel.

Well, Richie mistakenly entered the "tunnel" between the Holy Advent Crusade headquarters and heaven, and his quantum soul slipped directly into the golden hall.

"You just said that heaven is an alien planet, and you have to go to hell? That's not true, right?" Louise looked stern when her lie was exposed in public.

"Tell me, what are the criteria for going to heaven?"

"A Christian who does good things for others." Louise said.

"Oh, you also know that you want to be a Christian." Harley sneered: "You compared heaven to an alien planet, God became one of the many demons, and the young master of heaven was the mayor of the aliens.

It means that whatever your attitude is towards alien planets, alien demons, and alien mayors, you will have the same attitude towards heaven and God.

Is it possible that you worship alien planets so much and believe in alien demons devoutly?

If you don't worship aliens, it means that deep down in your heart you don't care about God. "

Louise opened her mouth and said dejectedly: "You were the first to say to me, 'Don't be nervous, just think of heaven as an alien planet and angels as aliens'."

"Did I say that?" Harley couldn't quite remember. "Even if I said it, I am extremely devoted to God in my heart. Wine and meat pass through my intestines, and Buddha remains in his heart. That's me."

The telescopic man shouted: "Harley, let's talk about Sue. Sue was murdered!"

Harry wanted to retaliate against him: Did I change the topic?

But his wife just died, so it’s hard to do anything to him.

"Don't worry, Su is very comfortable in Tiantian Mountain now."

"Did you bring her from hell to Heaven Mountain?" the telescopic man asked.

"No, even if Su regarded God as an alien, she still had no sins on her body. After her death, she first went to Limbo and then ran to Heaven Mountain. That's why I said that she could have gone straight to heaven."

"Run to Heaven Mountain by yourself? How?" Everyone was surprised.

"Su is very smart. After falling into Limbo, he immediately guessed his situation, shouted my name loudly, and was led to Heaven Mountain." Harry said.

"I can go to Heaven Mountain just by calling your name? What's the truth?" The heroes became more and more confused.

"Alas, I have been promoted to a noble title again." Harley said helplessly: "God insists on making me the divine king of heaven, calling me king and founding a country, and turning Heaven Mountain into a kingdom of God."

Then she explained the pulling power of the Kingdom of God on believers.

"So, you are now the God King?"

Still "forcibly", are you still unwilling?

Everyone suddenly discovered that they also needed the theory that "heaven is just an alien planet, God is an alien demon, and the God King Shaojun is just an alien governor" to keep themselves calm, peaceful and stable.

Especially when facing Harley who likes to show off.

"No, I refused." Harley immediately pretended to be a big boss again, calm, nonchalant, and even a little impatient, saying: "It's too troublesome, I am already the guardian of hell, the young king of heaven, The god of war in heaven and the instructor of the creation star have to take care of life on earth.

Although it is said that with great power comes great responsibility, I am only one person and I am too busy! "

Is this a pretense? But she even rejected the King of Gods.

If it wasn't a pretense but just her true thoughts, it would be even more pretense.

They didn't know what to say or what expression to make.

"Have you seen Su? Now that Su is safe, our main goal now is to find the murderer and avenge her." After a while, Da Chao said.

"I know that Ralph was waiting anxiously. After finding out the news, he immediately retracted his thoughts and didn't have time to go to Paradise Mountain."

Having said this, Harley turned her attention to the telescopic man, "I think you must want to meet Su in person right now, right?"

Ralph nodded repeatedly, "If I can, I can't wait for a moment."

Half an hour later, Paradise Mountain.

"I don't know who the murderer is." Su shook his head in confusion. "Tonight is your birthday, but according to custom, the party has to wait until midnight.

Because you are a superhero, and your friends are superheroes, and the public cannot afford to lose you all night.

So, I didn’t start preparing food and drinks until evening.

I was busy in the kitchen when I suddenly heard footsteps downstairs. I thought it was Oliver. I made an appointment with him and planned to arrange for him to be the guest performer tonight.

Then I put my head in and shouted Oliver's name. I only shouted once, my head felt heavy, I fell to the ground, and my consciousness was blurred.

I knew I was being attacked, but I didn’t see the murderer and I didn’t know how I died.”

Speaking of death, Su Ji shivered, with a look of extreme horror on his face.

"It's so scary. Limbo is so scary. There's nothing there, just the cold and the emptiness that keeps swallowing me up."

"Sue, don't be afraid, everything is over." Seeing his wife like this, Ralph felt pity for her. He wanted to hold her in his arms like before, but when he stretched out his arms, it was like walking through a phantom. , hugged an empty space.

"This" he looked at Harley in confusion, "I have hugged Wildcat and the others before."

"They are grass-headed gods, and the power of faith is their body, Su's words." Harley didn't want to waste her power on ordinary people.

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