I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1191 The Second Victim

Harley didn't stay in the Hall of Justice for long. After chatting with the Elongated Man, she went to Stryker Island.

After busying for more than five hours, towards evening, she hid a set of five magic circles around Luther's cell.

"Harry, thank you very much."

Luther didn't show any exaggerated emotion, but his expression was more serious than usual, "Thank you for really believing in me. Even my mother and sister think I'm crazy."

However, Harley did not take the opportunity to win people's hearts and directly stated her true thoughts: "If what you feel is true, it not only means that your personal safety is threatened, but it may also herald a new crisis on the earth or even the universe.

Even if it is only for the one in ten thousand possible world crisis, I have to be cautious. "

"Harley, thank you!" Luther became even more excited, "Not only do you believe in me, you also understand me. You are my confidant!"

Harley raised her hand to block his approach and said calmly: "If you think your safety determines the future of the earth or the universe, then I can only say that you are being pretentious and mistaken. That's not what I meant at all."

Luther's cheek muscles twitched slightly, and his mood returned to calm, saying: "If I can't affect the future of the earth and the universe, why does the person who created the crisis of the earth and the universe pay so much attention to me?"

"Honestly, have you done any particularly dangerous research recently?" Harley asked.

"Recently I have only been working hard on how to regain my freedom." Luther shook his head and sighed: "I am not the kind of Frankenstein who can still work wholeheartedly in a difficult and simple environment.

Flowers, wine and applause are the source of my inspiration. "

Harry's eyes flashed and he said: "I think it will be safer to stay in prison. If there is a supreme plan for you, you will have no way of guarding against it outside.

To put it bluntly, you may die without knowing how you died.

Although this place is not 100% safe, it must be very cautious about what it wants to do to you, because once it does it, we will find out. "

“What you say makes sense, but the question is, what if it just wants to drive me crazy and make human civilization lose the smartest brain in the universe?

Just like your science novel "The Three-Body Problem", the purpose of 'Sophon' is not to kill people, but to disrupt my thinking and bring the technological process of earth civilization to a standstill? "

Harley looked at Luther carefully and found that his expression and eyes were very serious, not joking at all.

"Why do you think so? Is there any theoretical basis? I asked you just now. You said it yourself, there are no great inventions that transcend the times recently."

Luther immediately took out a few bastard books from under the blanket, "Time Magazine named me the number one person in the technology world in 2018.

Look at their comments - Lex Luthor is one of the greatest innovative leaders in the United States, and his outstanding talents also made him the person who can change the world.

And this Galaxy Times - few people have had the impact on Earth that Luthor has, and that impact will be long-lasting.


Harry also read the article carefully, and it was not a brainless boast, because the mobile phones, tablets, and computers launched by the Lex Group in the past few years have all demonstrated technology that far exceeds that of its competitors.

"Without the watchdog system, your Heavenly Mountain Technology Company would probably go bankrupt and then be acquired by me." Luther said proudly.

Harley sneered: "If I were as shameless as you, I would copy all the alien technologies I handle and treat them as my own inventions and use them in my own company's electronic products.

Don't talk about acquiring your company, I can break out of the galaxy and go to the universe. "

"I admit that I have borrowed some alien technologies, but I have thoroughly understood each technology and turned it into my own accumulation, which is also the foundation of earth's technology -"

"Okay, I'm not the one being targeted anyway, so you can do whatever you want. All I have to ask is that you read more Bibles when you have time."

Harley didn't want to talk to him anymore, so she stood up and prepared to leave.

"Why are you reading the Bible?" Luther asked curiously.

"Try to become a believer in God, so that even if you are killed, your soul will have a chance to struggle back to hell. Then I can at least know that you are dead, and I can also find out a lot of useful information."


"Hey, why are you here?" As soon as he left the prison gate, he saw Bateman standing like a black shadow under the blood-red sunset, like a lifeless black stone statue.

"I'm waiting for you and want to talk to you." Hesitation and confusion flashed across his face, and he said in a low voice: "Something happened again with the Alliance, and Jane Rowling, the ex-wife of the Atom, became the second victim. By."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "It's interesting, the murderer actually missed it this time."

Bateman raised his eyebrows, "Why did you say you failed?"

"If she died, would Atom still have to rush into Luthor's cell to find me with a running nose and a cry?"

Bateman said seriously: "You shouldn't use this tone and words to make fun of this matter. If the Atom hadn't arrived in time, Jane Rowling would have been a corpse at this time."

"I don't have a close relationship with her, so I can't be heavy-hearted. I don't want to pretend to be myself when facing you."

Bateman was silent for a moment and said, "I'm here to come to you. Not only do I know about Jane Rowling's matter, I also know about Luther's situation. Since you are so solemn about it, it means that his matter is not trivial. Can you tell me about it?"

"Either he is mentally ill or a new crisis is coming."

"You are also a psychiatrist, can you tell that he is mentally ill?" Bateman asked.

"What do you think?" Harley asked.

——If she felt that Luther was mentally ill, she would only treat him in the same way as he is mentally ill, not like he is now.

Thoughts swirled in his mind, Bateman's expression became more solemn, "What's the plan?"

Harley raised two fingers, "First, from now on, superheroes must increase their vigilance to the level of 'prepare for war'.

Taking the state of the earth at this time as a reference, in the following days, if there is any change in this state, you must investigate deeply to understand the cause and result of the change, and record it on the file and give it to me for review.

Second, strive to improve your own strength. In addition to strengthening training, you must also think about tactics. "

"Shouldn't we keep an eye on Luther?"

"Staring at him makes him more nervous?" Harley shook her head and said, "Don't monitor him, our methods are not as good as that person. Monitoring Luther will only affect his spiritual sense and interfere with his judgment.

At least he'll be with us on this.

If you really encounter any problems, he will definitely contact me more actively than you. "

Bateman nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, I'm going back to Gotham. Do you want a ride?" Harley asked.

"Aren't you going to visit Jane Rowling?" Bateman frowned.

Harley sighed, "Okay, even if it's for Selena."

Both Sue before and Jane now are Selena's good sisters and members of the superhero wives team.

Bateman hesitated for a moment and said: "The murderer seems to be specifically targeting the hero's wife. Do you think Selina will be in danger?"

“Remember ‘Darth Vader’?”

"Kryptonian Commander Fiona?"

"No, he is actually the chief scientist of Krypton. I lied to Superman and you back then."

During the early Kryptonian invasion, Harley "picked up" a total of two Kryptonians. One was the Kryptonian commander Fiona who became a dead ghost. She is now the grass-headed god of Paradise Mountain and an important assistant to Richie. Quantum Warrior.

The other is the chief scientist who fell into a coma after the explosion of the Kryptonian mothership.

He is the mothership pilot.

Dachao wanted to send all living Kryptonian criminals into the phantom zone. Naturally, Harley was unwilling, so she secretly hid the chief scientist and pretended that he was dead and his body was just borrowed by Fiona.

"You haven't seen Darth Vader in several years, have you?" Harley said with a strange smile: "He has actually been working as Selena's bodyguard. Even if she is taking a shower, even if she goes to your bed, he still pricks up his ears. Monitor her status.

So, you don’t have to worry about Selena’s safety at all. "

"You are such a reliable good friend." Bateman's face exposed outside the mask was a little dark, but his expression relaxed, and his eyes gradually became strange to Harley.

"Of course, he has to divide his time and focus half of his attention on Helena."

There are five in her family: Selena, Ivy, Helena, Rachel, and Cassandra. Rachel and Ivy are both strong and not afraid of death.

It's hard to die.

Ivy's soul is connected to the Green of All Things, which is essentially like a branch branched off from the "big tree" of Green of All Things, and the big tree destroys the branches and throws them away. As long as the big tree is there, the branches can grow again.

It literally means 'growth'. If Ivy is missing an arm or a leg, she will sprout and grow like a big tree.

She is a tree spirit.

This is a restraint, a hidden danger in the future, but at least it can ensure her safety now.

Rachel's fate is even tougher. To kill her completely, she has to go through both Sandman Morpheus and God.

As for the female apprentice Cassandra.

Anyway, Harley's eldest apprentice, Zha Kang's niece Gemma, has never been targeted for so many years.

Perhaps Harley's enemies felt that kidnapping her would not make her grief-stricken, but would anger her and would be too cost-effective.

"Harry." Bateman looked at her steadily for a while, "I came here to find you today, both Luther and Jane Rowling were secondary reasons.

There is something I have been holding in my heart for a long time, and I want to talk to you about it. "

"What's the matter?" Harley thought he was even more strange.

"About Oliver, Barry—"

Halfway through his words, the watch on Bateman's hand suddenly rang.

"I've arrived, where are you?" It was Dachao.

"Right away." Turning off the communication, facing Harley's curious eyes, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Forget it, I'll talk to you again when this case is over."

Ivy City.

Jane Rowling's mansion was also the home of the Atom.

The couple actually divorced just a few months ago.

Harley and Batman are certainly not the first.

Oliver is checking the security system, Mister Miracle is testing the detector embedded in the wall, Zatanna is sensing magical aura everywhere, and Animal Man turns into a dog and sniffs everywhere with his nose.

Even Superman floats in the air, activates his super vision, and scans every trace and particle of dust inside and outside the house.

"Is there any video?" Bateman joined them enthusiastically.

"Who installs surveillance cameras in their home?" Green Arrow shook his head.

"You don't have to pretend at other times, but it's different now." Bateman said.

"It doesn't matter whether he is pretending or not," Mr. Miracle squatted on the floating disk and shook the two circuit boards in his hands. "The murderer completely avoided the security system and avoided all life detection chips that are more powerful than cameras. Kryptonian, Martian, Apokolips, Senagon.”

"Is it possible that the security systems of Krypton, Mars, Apokolips, and Senagang technology have become so widespread among the superhero community that every household in your family has one?" Harley asked.

Green Arrow said: "Although not everyone has it, it is available to those who need it. It is used to protect the hero's family and friends."

Harley could hear a lot of pride in his tone.

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