Around the age of five, Jimmy was orphaned.

My mother was violently beaten to death by my father. My father was sent to a cell and I never saw him again.

He lost both his parents that day.

However, Jimmy was still young at the time and did not understand that he had experienced a "bad day" and that he had not changed from a purely rational person to a madman.

Of course, the reason why he was able to grow up safely without being molested by the priests at the orphanage or abused by the family that adopted him was because a few years later, he caught up with a good era - Harley became the mayor of Gotham and Gotham City. The rapid development of the Gotham Expressway has also become the "golden age" among the Gotham population with the lowest crime rate in the world, orphans receiving special attention from the government.

He even finished college with honors and entered Wayne Chemical Laboratory as an assistant.

Probably because his life as an orphan was quite happy, Jimmy still didn't lose his dream even after he entered the workforce as an adult.

During the years of living in the orphanage, Mayor Harley paid great attention to the growth of the children. Not only did he ensure that the orphans were not harmed, they had enough nutritious meals every day, and every child could receive a qualified education and have a bright future. the road.

She also paid special attention to their daily lives.

For example, Gotham's major drama troupes and dance troupes perform voluntary performances in orphanages every year.

Well, performances by art troupes can be exempted from part of the tax.

Even if Mayor Harley leaves office, this socially-recognized event will still remain.

In short, his childhood life in an orphanage gave Jimmy a dream - to become a comedian.

Jimmy entered Wayne Company, became a laboratory assistant, and married a beautiful blonde wife. Jimmy's life was already very happy, but he resolutely gave up his career as a chemical laboratory technician and joined Broadway to become a comedian.

Then his life became worse and worse day by day, going downhill every day.

The day before a “bad day.”

As usual, Jimmy opened the door with a decadent look on his face and saw the expectant eyes of his pregnant wife.

"Honey, how was your performance? They liked it, right?" she asked as she set the plates.

Jimmy lowered his head, silently took off his hat and windbreaker, and hung them on the rack.

"They. They said they would consider informing me." He turned his back to his wife, and his voice was very confident, "Well, I'm not sure. There was a prepared joke that I probably messed up, but they didn't laugh and it was quiet. .”

"Oh" the wife's eyes dimmed and she sighed softly.

Jimmy was inexplicably stabbed, and turned around and yelled at his wife: "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything." My wife explained gently.

"You have that 'oh' sound that's full of you."

His wife also became excited and interrupted him: "Jesus, I just have to give you a reaction."

"I understand your reaction." Jimmy walked to his wife and shouted with a distorted expression: "You want to say - oh, so you didn't get a job; oh, how can we raise children; oh, you really shouldn't Quitting your job as an assistant in Wayne's lab, although boring, at least has good benefits.

Frank, do you think I'm not worried?

Do you think I haven’t considered next month’s rent and the next month’s milk powder money?”

He saw the expression of shock and pity on his wife's face, and the anger in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Jimmy knelt down in front of his wife with a "pop" sound. Jimmy lay on her knees and said in frustration: "Oh my God, how could I...I'm sorry Jenny.

What a bastard I am!

It's hard enough for you to be married to a loser like me, and I'm still angry at you. "

His wife did not reject him.

She hugged his neck gently and patted his back gently, "I understand, it's okay."

"How could it not matter?" Jimmy said with a bitter smile: "I am a failed comedian. No one in the audience laughed. The theater will definitely not hire me, but I need money. I have to pay the rent and support you and the children."

Jenny comforted him and said: "The landlady is a good person. Let's discuss it with her. It's not a big problem to be in arrears with the rent for one or two months.

And the baby in my belly will have to wait until at least next month.

So, we still have a lot of time, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. "

"This is the lowest-grade apartment in Gotham. This kind of life is not worthy of you. I will definitely make enough money for you to move to a better neighborhood before giving birth." Jimmy said with firm eyes.

"Dear, you know, as long as you are by my side, I am very satisfied with my current life." Jenny said.

"I've accomplished nothing."

Jenny smiled slyly and raised his chin with her right hand, "You are very handsome, you are also good in bed, and you are also very good at making me laugh."

She is very satisfied with her husband. Not only is he handsome, he is also funny, strong, considerate, gentle, emotionally dedicated, and has ideals. His language talent is particularly powerful. He can make her laugh at any time if he wants.

That's why she encouraged him to pursue his dream of becoming a comedian.

She believed that her husband would be able to make a difference one day, even if he couldn't, it didn't matter. Anyway, her love for him had never been related to things like wealth and future.

Although his wife is gentle and considerate, Jimmy does not live a decadent life.

He worked harder to find a job and told jokes on stage. It was strange. Jenny would laugh out loud at every joke he made, and he also thought it was great. Why didn't they laugh?

His hard work doing odd jobs and his status as a former laboratory assistant at Wayne Chemical Plant attracted two criminals from the Red Hood Gang.

In a speakeasy in Brooklyn, three people got together.

"The poker company has a sum of money stored in the vault on the second floor. There is a wall between that building and the chemical plant. Therefore, you, who are familiar with the security measures of the chemical plant, can lead us safely to the vault."

Although he was from Gotham, Jimmy was still a little at a loss when he first received the invitation to commit crime.

"Your wife is pregnant, and now you don't have a stable job." The tall and thin man patted his shoulder, "You have to prove that you are qualified to be a qualified husband and father."

"I've never done anything I didn't have the talent for." The future crime king was reserved and nervous.

But it was undeniable that he was moved.

He needs money.

"Don't worry, we are experts and we will take you and protect you."

In order to relieve the pressure in his heart, Jimmy drank so hard that his head felt dizzy.

Then he agreed vaguely.

But the moment he nodded.

"Jimmy? We are the GCPD." Several Gotham police officers came over.

Jimmy almost peed.

He was lucky that the police were not here to arrest him for an attempted crime.

Unfortunately for him, the police came to him to report an accident: just a few hours earlier, his wife Jenny had been electrocuted while testing a bottle warmer, killing one and two others.

Jimmy slumped back in his chair, his mind blank.

But even if he lost the motivation to become a thief, the two gang members still didn't let him go, because they were just looking for a scapegoat.

They put him into the uniform of the "Red Hood Gang Leader": a red cape and a capsule-shaped red helmet.

When the money is stolen, the leader of the Red Hood Gang will be the main culprit and will bear all the responsibility for the crime.

Jimmy resisted weakly, "My wife died, I have to go to the hospital to see her, and I don't need the money now."

"Do you think it's so easy to quit the 'activities' on the road? Now you just lost your wife and child. If you insist on going to the hospital to stay with her, you will definitely lose your limbs later." They threatened him with a sinister smile.

Jimmy was distraught and followed them to the chemical plant.

Reality played another big joke on him. After he left the chemical plant, the security system was upgraded. Two companions were beaten to death by the security guards on the spot, and he was saved by Bateman, which was not considered a rescue.

Bateman has recently been investigating the Red Hood Gang, intending to bring the gang leader to justice.

Seeing Jimmy's outfit, and then looking at his amazing movement - the security guard and the robbers drew their guns and shot at each other after they met. The scene was filled with bullets, and both robbers were killed on the spot, but Jimmy screamed and avoided all the bullets.

The dodge talent is maxed out!

Such an obvious "big boss" temperament immediately convinced Bateman that he was the leader of the Red Hood gang.

As a result, the two started a parkour-style chase in the chemical plant. Jimmy was eventually defeated by Bateman and fell into the wastewater pool of the chemical plant.

His face, respiratory tract, and skin were all corroded by chemical substances, turning pale and wrinkled, horrifying.

At this time, Jimmy no longer understands pain like he did when he was a child.

——Life is a joke, everyone is a clown, as long as he encounters that one bad day.

Translated into Chinese dialect, adults often collapse in an instant.

"So, he is my responsibility." Bateman said in a hoarse voice: "I didn't investigate clearly and misunderstood him.

I shouldn't have chased him, when he was obviously begging and crying.

My factory was also responsible for that accident and the sewage treatment system had major safety hazards. "

Harley ate a big melon and was in a good mood, "How did you arrest him?"

Bateman hesitated for a moment and said: "In recent years, the power of the Shadow Warriors has penetrated Gotham again. They secretly spread martial arts secrets and black magic techniques, and cultivate agents in Gotham to disrupt and even destroy Gotham.

Laughter Scar was one of their chosen targets, and he was also the best one.

Because he has the best brains and his martial arts talent is almost as good as mine. "

Harley asked calmly: "How do they plan to destroy Gotham?"

"Do you know something?" Bateman asked, staring into her eyes.

"What do you think I know?" Harley asked.

"You know Thalia?"

Harley sneered, "Selena will know soon too."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Bateman's face.

"Talia is Lei Xiaogu's daughter. Even if she wants to avenge her father, she has a reason to destroy Gotham. But don't worry, I have been keeping an eye on the Shadow Warriors. Their plan will never succeed.

In fact, if Laughing Scar hadn't been involved with Talia, I might have been deceived by him into thinking that he just wanted to be the second Cobot. "

After a pause, he looked at her with burning eyes and said firmly: "You need Cobot, you think Gotham needs Cobot, but I will not let a second Cobot appear in Gotham.

There will be no more ‘Godfather’ in Gotham from now on! "

"I understand, because Gotham has you." Harley nodded.

Isn’t the role of the godfather to stabilize the Taoist forces?

Bateman is simply a beefed-up version of The Godfather.

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