I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1179 Old Quinn’s three choices

The Penitent Stick is not invincible, as Jerome the Clown in his early years proved.

Back then, even if Harley kept hitting him on the head with the confession stick, he could disguise his thoughts and emotions and appear tamed.

But Laughing Scar was exposed to the confession stick for the first time, and his soul had not yet developed "immune antibodies".

After banging hundreds of sticks, the guy revealed his and Thalia's plan.

Harley had to admit that their plan was really dangerous, and it had a chance of coming true - if the smile scar didn't cut her mouth into a clown face.

Not that she would be careless and be deceived by Laughing Scar disguised as "Cobot II".

But now, she no longer pays attention to Gotham Godfather selection.

The order and stability of Gotham Road is the responsibility of the new "King of Gotham" and has nothing to do with her.

When Bateman debuted, Copot came to her and said that he had almost guessed Bateman's identity, and now he asked Boss Harley for advice on how to treat him in the future.

Harley's answer was simple: whatever he wants to do, let him do it.

He asked for Arkham Asylum, and he got his wish; he asked for the Gotham Arsenal, which has been managed by the Hedo family (the Black State is only equivalent to security, not the arsenal belongs to the Black State), and he got his wish; he secretly investigated and prosecuted Brother An official of the Tan government with ties to the Black State, he got his wish

Before Bateman appeared, Cobot could decide which dock in Gotham and how much goods would be shipped on that night (Du Ping).

After Bateman appeared, what he said was almost ineffective. It wasn't that his younger brother didn't follow the boss's orders, or that the poisonous rice was disobedient, but that Bateman didn't cooperate with him.

As long as he knows which dock has Du Ping trading, Bateman will raid there.

Therefore, there is no Cobot II, only Bat I!

Bateman is gradually replacing Copperpot as the new King of Gotham.

Cobot saw this, so he has been shrinking his power in recent years. When he encountered the opportunity of Arkham Island real estate, he immediately invested all his wealth.

Unfortunately, Batman has not seen this through to this day, and Joker and Kagemusha have not seen it either.

Of course, Bateman is 80% unwilling to see through, or does not agree with this statement.

Judging from "Bat I's" current performance alone, he is still very qualified.

Without alerting or disturbing her, Thalia's plan was discovered by him early and he caught it all.

"Did Thalia from Shadow Warrior go to Blackgate Prison or Arkham Asylum?" Harley asked.

"No, let her escape."

Harley sneered, "Will she come again next time, will she continue to escape?"

Bateman pursed his lips and said, "I know it well."

He figured Thalia wouldn't come to Gotham again.

Because he told her clearly: all your actions that you think are secret are under my watch. Next time you come back, I will put you in Blackgate Prison. Then Witch Harley and Gotham Black State will know your arrival and plan to destroy Gotham. You must know what happened to the last person who wanted to destroy Gotham in Gotham. .

At that time, Thalia's pretty face turned pale, and a look of horror appeared in her eyes.

Bateman had to admit that even though he didn't agree with many of Harley's actions, she was indeed very intimidating.

The golden nuclear bomb is worthy of its name!

"Now that the smile scar has evolved into an ugly person, you still insist on being responsible for him?" Harley asked again.

Bateman said: "I'm not trying to help Xiao Scar get away with the crime. Those who break the law will be prosecuted, that's for sure.

But letting him serve time in prison and letting him put a bomb in his head as a death squad are two different concepts. "

"Serving a sentence in Gotham Prison is tantamount to breaking the law without being punished. Have you ever calculated that the criminals you put in prison were sentenced to decades or even life imprisonment, but how many days did they stay in prison in total?"

Bateman said solemnly: "I will work hard to improve the intensity of the prison and reduce the chance of their escape as much as possible. If the law changes due to their frequent escapes, for example, the death penalty is reinstated, I will fully accept it.

But now the law is such that it is less harmful to follow it than to disobey it. "

"Forget it, I don't want to argue with you about this today. If you can convince Waller, take the big ugly back."

Harley still vaguely remembers the plot of "The Dark Trilogy", but there is no way that kind of "bad" plot will appear in Gotham now.

The Joker's return to Gotham won't make much of a splash, because now she already knows he is the Joker.

After parting ways with Bateman, Harley unexpectedly met Green Arrow at the entrance.

Oliver is having a tit-for-tat and heated argument with Wo Fat.

After listening to a few words, Harley understood that, like Bateman, Oliver also had several famous "Green Arrow fans" who were caught by Wo Fat.

She listened from a distance, not even close.

There is something different between Oliver and Bateman, not because of a certain super criminal, but because they don't agree with the "Suicide Squad" plan at all.

"Harry, why would you approve such a project?" He and Wo Pang broke up on bad terms, and came over to complain to Harley.

"It was approved by the White House and the Pentagon, but I really don't object. Waller will definitely not abide by the law, but he will definitely arrange for the Suicide Squad to do a few good things. And the Justice League has acquiesced, so why are you too entangled?"

Oliver frowned and said, "What do they think?"

"You are also a veteran of Zhenglian, go and question them face to face."

Oliver glanced at her, then turned around and glanced around, asking: "You have been standing here for a while, but you don't care much about the suicide squad plan. Are you waiting for me or someone else?"

"I was just waiting for you. Now we have a little clue about your father's affairs."

"What to do?" Oliver was shocked and immediately put the "Suicide Squad" thing behind him. "As long as I can redeem my father, I am willing to pay any price!"

This is not the first time that hell has been lifted. The last time Lucifer resigned, Oliver had neither been to hell nor seen heaven with his own eyes, and had no intuitive understanding of the destination of people after death.

This time the hell was lifted, he went to heaven, purgatory and hell in succession and saw various fates of the undead.

Especially after his trip to purgatory, the shrill and desperate pleas of those fallen heroes often appeared in his sleep.

But in the dream, the person begging was his father.

So, a few days ago, Oliver came to Harley and asked about how to save old Quinn.

"The devils like to hear this, but if you agree to any deal with them, you will lose both your life and wealth. Dad will not be able to save you, and he will involve himself in it," Harley said.

"I know you're not a devil." After a pause, Oliver smiled bitterly and said, "Even if you are a devil, I might not be able to help but want to give it a try."

Harley sighed: "Your father has now become a 'human tree' in the forest of suicides, and is also suffering from various tortures at the same time.

However, although Lemuel and Duma's reforms failed, they are still changing hell.

Well, their reform is to reduce the meaningless torture of the undead.

Overall, your father's condition is better than before. "

"You understand, this is not what I want." Oliver frowned.

"Listen to me, I've prepared a few options for you."

Harley explained: "Although it is painful to stay in the forest of suicides, it can also be regarded as a road to redemption. So, option one, he continues to stay there, and Yebi will pay special attention to him.

For example, arrange for sages to explain Christian doctrine to him, and use principles to help him eliminate the emptiness and pain in his soul.

It is equivalent to an enhanced version of the ascetic life.

There is an advantage to doing this. Your father will hopefully become the Holy Spirit in the future and ascend to heaven by himself. "

"How many undead people currently ascend to heaven through self-enlightenment?" Oliver asked.

"Well, your dad is expected to strive for first place, which is also a big benefit. 'First' often has a special meaning in Christianity."

Oliver's expression was dull, "My dad probably doesn't have the talent to compete for first place."

"Yerby's attention is extraordinary."

Harry gave him a wink and emphasized: "Think about the deeds of the previous Son of God, Jebi was also a legitimate Son of God.

Especially the last time I stabbed him in the waist with a sword in hell, it seemed to have completed some kind of ritual.

You see, I have been traveling by airship recently because Yebi is in retreat in hell.

I have a hunch that when it comes out of seclusion, it will definitely improve its magical skills! "

Oliver still didn't quite understand, "So?"

"Jesus had twelve disciples, and James will definitely recruit disciples in hell, so your father is expected to be the first disciple."

"Oh" Oliver was suddenly surprised. This benefit is indeed great, as great as a mirror, like a devil's temptation.

But Harley will definitely not lie to him!

He was excited and grateful, but also very uneasy, "Even if you exclude the crime of suicide, my father is not a purely good person. How can he become Saint Peter?"

"Anyone who can go to hell is not a good person, and the apprentices recruited by Yebi are all villains."

Oliver thought about it again and said, "You said this is only option one?"

"After the Ghost Change, Yebi's hell authority has increased a lot. I can let it forgive your father's hard labor and become an idle undead using the back door in the Hall of Sages on the first floor of hell.

It does not mean that you will suffer if you go to hell.

Life in the first level of hell is actually very comfortable. Children who died in infancy and sages who believe in the truth all enjoy peace there. "

"What is the essential difference between being a sage and being a saint?" Oliver felt that the two options were almost the same.

"The difference is huge. The saints started from scratch, worked hard, and went through many hardships to become giants. The 'idlers' get government subsidies to get by, but they don't have to work hard and don't bear the risk of business failure."

"It seems very good, but the future is not as bright as the saints." Oliver asked expectantly: "Can I be a sage now and a saint in the future?"

Harley asked back: "Can I just take the subsidy and sit at home doing nothing, and then suddenly become a business giant one day in the future?"

"Sages are not really idle. They can study God's teachings. I just hope that my father will no longer be tortured." Oliver said with a smile.

Harry shook his head and said: "The torture in your eyes is part of God's teachings.

I was recently promoted in heaven and became a guardian of hell. I have certain access rights to hell and can let your father "go out".

That is to say, leave hell and come to the world to be a lonely ghost. This is the third option. "

"Leave hell?" Oliver was surprised at first, but then wondered: "Why did you come to the human world? The best place to go is heaven, right?"

"Didn't you hear clearly? Because I became the guardian of hell, I was able to secretly let your father out.

It is equivalent to the warden releasing prisoners privately.

Even if the prisoner is freed, he cannot live an upright life. He can only hide in the world and become a ghost, just like the demons and undead wandering the world. "

(PS: Next is "Identity Crisis". If there are readers who have read the comics, please do not reveal the identity of the murderer.)

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