I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1177 The clown turns ugly

"Would the government allow such an organization that goes against humanity to appear openly?" Lawton was a little dazed.

He is not surprised by the US government's lack of integrity.

The point is that Harley's appearance means that the "Suicide Squad" will become a formal organization.

As long as it is a formal organization, it will be known to the public sooner or later.

"I'm not sure how Waller convinced the Pentagon. It probably benefited the military. If something happened, the 'temporary employee' Waller took the blame?

I personally have no objection to this plan at all.

The 'super criminals' have long since exhausted all their rights as human beings, so naturally they have no human rights. "

The biggest difference between super criminals and ordinary criminals is that super criminals are habitual criminals who commit serious crimes and are hopeless and irredeemable.

Harley would not object to the direct humane destruction of such people.

If she hadn't been a bad guy herself, she would have held high the banner of justice and demanded the death penalty for super criminals.

However, if a person does not intend to change his class, he cannot betray his class.

"Witch Harley" does not intend to be as ascetic as the main heroes, she can only "honestly do her duty" and never do anything she shouldn't do.

Well, even heroes of justice are not in a hurry. She is a big capitalist, a magic thief, a corrupt official, and a bully in the magic world, so why should she be excited?

Lawton lowered his head, his expression even more embarrassed.

Harley continued: "But although I am not opposed to this plan, I am not the person in charge of the plan.

I am only responsible for supervising the superhero affairs of the Sky Eye Society, and super criminals are Waller's newly developed side business.

She is responsible for her side business. If public dissatisfaction boils over, I can only open a case and investigate her. "

In front of super criminals, Waller, who can install remote-controlled bombs in their heads and decide their life and death future at will, can definitely be regarded as a boss.

But within the government, Wo Pang is still a worker who does the hardest work, bears the risk of retaliation from super criminals, and has to take the blame if an accident occurs.

Lawton was silent for a moment and said, "Thank you, Miss Quinn. But I can stop being a killer, but I can't promise not to kill people."

"Joining the suicide squad will kill people every day, but you may also be killed." Harley said.

"Well, the first day I shot someone, I had the consciousness of being killed."

Lawton also has his own considerations.

Of course he doesn't want to join the suicide squad, let alone be controlled by Waller.

But he understood that if he accepted Harley's kindness, she would use her credibility to guarantee him that he would be a good person in the future.

He didn't know how stressed she would be about this, but he would be stressed out.

From now on, he must work hard not to kill anyone or make mistakes, so that he can live up to her good intentions. But to transform from a super criminal to a good person who does not violate laws and disciplines, it will take several years, ten years, or decades of perseverance. It is too difficult for him.

If he doesn't endure it and betrays her good intentions, the friendship between the two will be gone, and he himself will have to go to jail, and he won't be targeted by Waller anymore. In this case, it is better to keep the friendship, and he himself To deal with Waller.

Harry might be able to guess what Lawton was thinking, but she didn't delve into it.

After chatting with him and getting a declined answer, she already had an idea - it wasn't that she was cold and indifferent, watching her former little brother being put into a bomb in his head without doing anything. She helped him, but he didn't accept it.

"Hey, this is..."

After walking out of Lawton's cell and taking two steps forward, Harry, who was about to go home directly, was suddenly stunned.

She saw the laugh scar.

Laughing Scar is also from Gotham, so it's not surprising that he lives next door to Lawton.

What was strange was his state.

Harley, who has been exorcising demons for many years and is now bound to the "Hell Gate Rights", noticed a gloomy aura about him at first glance.

This guy seems to be possessed by an evil spirit.

"Open the door and let me come in and take a look."

After observing from a distance for a moment, Harry's doubts not only remained unanswered, but actually increased.

On the surface, there were traces of ghost possession on Xiao Scar's body, but after all his thoughts were unified and he used his mental power to sense his soul, no obvious "impurities" were found.

If he were possessed by a normal undead, his soul would be extremely turbid.

It's like pouring a bucket of gasoline, vegetable oil, and animal oil into the original clear water.

"Harley Quinn?" Seeing Harley approaching with a curious look on her face, Smiling Scar, who had lowered his head and huddled in the corner and murmured, first showed a look of surprise, and then his eyes showed double pupils.

The eyes with the second pupils and his face were full of fear, his body was trembling, and his voice was trembling.

"No, don't come over. I, I - coward, what are you afraid of - idiot, you don't understand anything - ah~~~~"

It's like a certain acting master who separately recorded clips of various expressions such as fear, anger, resentment, madness, etc., and then superimposed and played the videos of these different situations together.

The words coming out of his mouth are also fragmentary and illogical.

Harley stood there, frowning and staring into his eyes, letting him change his face and mood at an Oscar level until he held his head and howled furiously.

"Whoosh~~" She flipped her right hand, pulled out the confession stick from the God of War's radiant seal, and hit it with a "bang".

"Ouch~~~ I regret it. I shouldn't have escaped from hell, and I shouldn't have returned to Gotham. I regret it!" Xiaoscar howled at the top of his voice.

"It's interesting, hehe"

Harley turned her head and said to Waller's secretary, who had a subtle expression next to her: "Go out first and close the door. Also, turn off the camera. Do you understand?"

"Understood." The female secretary was very obedient, closed the door, turned off the camera, and turned on two-way mute - in fact, she stopped the speaker hanging on the door.

Of course, the prison door made of aviation glass has also been changed to two-way opacity.

after an hour.

"Harcourt, why are you here?" Wo Pang asked strangely.

The blonde female secretary was leaning against the wall in boredom, emptying her mind and trying not to guess what was happening in the cell.

Hearing the BOSS's voice, she came back to her senses, stood up straight, and looked at Bateman, one of the giants of Zhenglian, in black uniform, black cloak, and bat-eared headband, who was following Fatty Hei in surprise.

"BOSS, I am responsible for receiving Congressman Quinn, your order." She said.

"She hasn't left yet?"

With a puzzled look on his face, Wo Pang glanced at Xiaoscar's cell door. There were two rows of cells around him, but it was the only one that was closed.

"I was planning to leave, but I found some abnormalities on Xiaoshou. I'm currently examining him." The female secretary is very talkative and has strong observation skills.

"What's abnormal?" Bateman asked hoarsely.

"I'm not a professional, so I don't quite understand." The female secretary explained cautiously, then turned to the communicator at the door and shouted: "Congressman Quinn, Bateman and President Waller are here. Two minutes later, I'll open the door."

Bateman frowned, but Waller gave the female secretary an appreciative look.

It's a pity that Harley failed to live up to their good intentions. The cell door opened, and it was a scene that would only appear in a slaughterhouse. Smiling Scar was paralyzed on the bed, with blood dripping from his body. No intact skin could be seen, and dense blood stains were spattered on the wall. and meat foam, and long rivers of blood flowed on the ground.

Harley is holding a silver baseball bat dyed red. A thin gold film appears on the surface of the body. There are also blood stains on the gold film slowly sliding off, but it is clean and free of dirt.

"Why are you here?" Seeing the stunned man, she still looked calm and swung the baseball bat hard, and with a "pop", all the blood on it fell on the wall.

Well, only the female secretary was dumbfounded, Bateman only frowned, and was a quarter surprised, and Wo Pang was also a quarter shocked. The three of them combined were only "1.5 people shocked."

"Why did you hit him?" Wo Pang asked confused.

Harley pointed at the smile scar that had little air in and out, "This guy's soul and the clown's soul merged into one, and a strange soul fusion occurred. I tried to separate them, but failed."

"Which clown?" All three people were confused.

"Jerome, the psychotic murderer who shocked Gotham in his early years."

"It's Jerome, but he's dead." Bateman said.

"Isn't it clear? Laughing Scar's soul merges with the undead. It is an undead. How can he become an undead if he is not dead?"

"Is it because hell has been lifted? Why did they merge?" Bateman asked.

Harley shrugged, "I'm doing research, it seems to be related to destiny, and their soul frequencies are very consistent.

You have studied high school physics. Sound waves with the same frequency can be superimposed into new sound waves. The frequency of the new sound wave remains unchanged and the intensity is the sum of the previous two. "

The female secretary didn't quite understand and murmured: "Is he dead or alive now, a human or a ghost?"

Harley shook the confession stick in her hand, "Do you recognize it?"

The female secretary stared at it for a while, and suddenly remembered Lois Lane's "The Legend of Harley" series, in which there was a section dedicated to introducing Harley's weapons.

"Oh, it's the stick of God that can't kill people, but can only kill evil spirits! Laughter Scar is not dead. But why weren't the clown's evil spirits killed? What's their state now?"

"I originally planned to beat the clown's soul to death, but the result was beyond my expectation. Now the two souls are completely integrated into one. After today, both the clown and Scarface will disappear, leaving an enhanced version."

Harley thought for a while and spit out a new name, "Big Chou, Pro Joker! From now on, he will be called Big Chou."

"You torture him like this." Bateman frowned, "What's the point?"

"Torture? No, I'm helping him get rid of torture." Harley said with a serious expression: "Even a super criminal has the right to see a doctor. Laughing Scar is possessed by an evil spirit. Since I saw it, of course I can't stand idly by."

"It's you, what are you doing here?"

Wo Pang said: "Baitman doesn't agree with the smile scar——"

"He is now called 'Big Ugly'." Harley coughed twice.

"Well, I plan to organize Big Ugly into the suicide squad. He doesn't agree and wants to take him back to Gotham." Wo Pang said.

"Why?" Harley looked at Bateman, "Don't say it's inhumane and unhumane to let criminals join the suicide squad. Floyd Lawton is right next door, but you didn't even look at him."

Bateman glanced at Wo Pang and the female secretary, and sighed: "Let's go out and talk."

The empty corridor outside Belle Reve Prison.

Bateman glanced at the camera in the distance, lowered his head, and without moving his lips, his voice came clearly into Harley's ears: "I am responsible for the smile scar."

"What responsibility?"

"The reason why he became crazy and violent was because he fell into a pool of chemical raw materials. I should be responsible for that accident."

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