After listening to Harley's "gun police" explanation, Gordon became even more eager to become a ghost host.

Because he felt more and more that it was a higher realm of thought.

People should have higher pursuits. Even if they can't do it now, they still have to work hard in that direction.

Therefore, he became more determined to participate in the "ghost training class".

Before meeting the vengeful spirit, Harley would have ridiculed him a few words and then asked him to give up this crazy idea.

She prefers knights who kill decisively.

Even if Ivy was her friend, she would still say: Good job Gordon, it’s okay to kill that scumbag directly.

Even if Gordon killed the father of her life - if he was wearing a red hood and robbing a cash transport truck, she would have loudly applauded and would not avenge her dead father, let alone think that he had a reason for revenge.

But after hearing the words of the Spirit of Vengeance, Harley's thoughts changed.

It’s not that she believed in God’s teachings and was inspired by the spirit of revenge.

She just sees things from a different perspective.

As her God's spokesperson, everything Gordon does is consistent with her values.

It can be said that "Hell Detective" Gordon is Harley Quinn's little black hand.

Harley herself is not a hero, but she holds the concept of "drawing a sword to help when the road is rough, dealing with bad guys decisively, and the redemption of bad guys is to prevent them from doing bad things again."

Therefore, she appreciates and hopes that Gordon will be decisive.

Now the words of the Spirit of Vengeance made her realize a problem: behavioral norms should improve as a person's strength increases.

People with the same ideological standard but different strengths will have different behavioral standards.

Like Batman and The Flash.

They all have to be good people and heroes of justice. This is the same set of ideological standards.

They face the same thing: the clown carries a mind-controlled alien bomb and kidnaps a hundred hostages in the bank. As long as the president refuses to agree to his request - to take off his pants and urinate in public, every minute he will kill A hostage.

Now Batman has the opportunity to blow the Joker's head off with a sniper rifle, preventing him from detonating the alien bomb with his mind.

Then Batman should make a decisive decision, blow up the clown's head immediately, kill one person and save a hundred people. Not only is it worth it, but it is also something that should be done.

If Batman adheres to the principle of not killing and "plays games" with the Joker, resulting in the death of more than one person, then he is sick, derelict in his duties, and a garbage hero who deserves to be reviled by thousands of people.

If he were the Flash, he could come up behind the clown in an instant and knock him out. He could carry him to the Sahara Desert before the clown could react. He could...

At this time, if the Flash chooses to blow out the Joker's head with a sniper rifle, then he is not a good hero, or even a good person.

Harley's strength continues to improve, and the speed is very fast.

As her spokesperson, Gordon's power is bound to grow rapidly.

Gordon will one day evolve from the "incompetent" Batman into the all-powerful Flash, then he can't always insist on killing with determination that is only suitable for Batman.

His behavioral norms must "evolve" as his strength increases.

The stronger he is, the higher his requirements for himself should be.

The stronger the person, even if they just want to be an ordinary good person, their standards will be so high that ordinary people can't understand - just like ordinary people can't understand now, becoming a ghost and gaining the power of God is actually a punishment.

If one day Harley's strength reaches the level of God, Gordon will also ascend to heaven, and his strength will be no weaker than that of a ghost.

Then Harley is very likely to have "strange" high demands on the host of "Gordon's Spirit" just like God today.

In the next few days, Harley did not stay at home to resolve the crisis as she had done in the previous few times (in fact, she went out every day to go to work in Silver City or Genesis).

This time the underworld lifts the ban, it will have a greater impact on humanity than the last time Lucifer retired.

At that time, everyone was confused and didn't understand what happened. Now everyone knows.

Moreover, after the first release of the underworld, Harley promised the public: This is the only time in tens of billions of years, and there will be no such horrific incidents in the future.

Then a few years later, she was slapped in the face.

For her own reputation, and for the faith of God in the world - she also received a cleanup task from Tian Zhi Sheng. Tian Tian Shaojun is very busy these days.

She first attended two press conferences hosted by the White House and the Justice League, and then dressed as a holy priest and went to the areas most severely affected by demonic disasters to preside over collective funerals and bless the souls of the victims to return to heaven.

Finally, Harley was interviewed by many reporters at home and abroad, as well as from inside and outside the world.

It took less than half a month to calm the people's hearts and let everyone regain hope for heaven, faith, the future, the United States, and the earth.

Tian Zhi Sheng was very satisfied with her performance, "You have maintained the glory of God on earth and will be rewarded with 5 million for your merits in heaven.

In addition, you solved the crisis of out-of-control ghosts and protected the Garden of Eden and Paradise. You will be rewarded with 15 million merit points, for a total of 20 million merit points. "

"That's it? Not even promoted?" Harley was very dissatisfied.

"It's not impossible, but it's just not sure yet."

Harry heard hesitation in its indifferent voice, and couldn't help but be curious, "You are the voice of heaven. You promoted me from the fourth grade to the third grade. Isn't it just a matter of words?"

"You ignited the fire of hell." The voice of heaven said something incomprehensible.

Harley's expression changed and she said seriously: "Actually, it was Little Black Bean who was secretly helping me, not that I provided any original sin for the hell fire pit."

She originally thought that Tian Zhisheng would investigate her for "the crime of instigating heroes to insult God", so she deliberately asked Xiao Heidou to take the blame, but she didn't expect that Tian Zhisheng would admit it.

"Yes, you can ignite the hell fire pit, largely because of the closeness of the origin of hell to you.

And that intimacy comes from the ‘little black bean hair’ on the back of your head.

In fact, you don't need to do or say anything. You just need to bring it close to the fire pit of hell, and the fire pit will burn without fire.

The greatest sin in the world is not murder or blasphemy, but the "incarnation of depravity and darkness" itself. "

"So that's it." Harley touched the back of her head. Although she rarely used "Little Black Bean Hair" in recent years and had no contact with Little Black Bean, she did think of Little Black Bean during the Phantom Crisis.

She guessed that the ghost might be staring at the fire pit and still leading his teammates to "throw himself into the trap", so he meant to use the little black bean as his trump card.

Well, she hasn't played with Little Black Bean in recent years. It's not that she forgot her old friends when she made new friends.

In several previous exchanges with Little Black Bean, Harley found that His concept of time was very different from hers. For example, when she went to see Him after a few years, she felt that a long time had passed, but Little Black Bean said that he had just separated from her.

A few years is a long time to Harry, but it is just "just now" to Little Heidou.

"What does this have to do with my promotion and salary increase?"

The Voice of Heaven said: "You are absolutely right about one thing, there must never be a third time when hell is lifted.

Lucifer Morningstar used the Hell Key to stop the Nine Hells for the first time.

Lucifer Desire made the Nine Hells lose power again by draining the hellfire. After many days of discussion, the Angel Council concluded that there was a big problem with the distribution rules of hell's authority. "

Harley's expression was tangled, "You mean, you want me to go to hell and be Satan?"

Harley would definitely not do it if she were asked to be the Demon King, but Satan has enough power, but he also has enough restrictions and responsibilities.

The Voice of Heaven denied: "It's not Satan. Remiel and Duma are about to return to hell. They are still the managers of hell. They are equivalent to Satan.

The idea of ​​the Angel Council is to refer to the power division system of the earth, centralize the powers related to the gate of hell, and set up a separate yamen responsible for the gate of hell, leaving it to you to control.

No matter what happens in hell in the future, as long as you remain strong, hell will not stop or close its doors, and there will no longer be a group of demons attacking the material world. "

Harley asked in surprise: "Why me?"

"It is very difficult to consolidate the 'access rights' into one place. You are the master of the Holy Son of Hell and a friend of Little Black Bean, so you have a huge innate advantage in this regard.

This is the main reason.

Besides, you are lucky.

The two Lucifers wanted to close the gate of hell, and no one could stop it, but both Lucifers were defeated by you.

I think that you, who are not even afraid of Lucifer, will have nothing to be afraid of in hell from now on.

Finally, you have made great achievements this time, and you will be rewarded for your merits. However, you already have a high position in Silver City, and if you continue to rise, you may offend the Archangel. "

Every reason given by the Voice of Heaven made Harry want to complain. But there were so many flaws that she finally had nowhere to say anything.

"If you want me not to threaten the archangels, it's easy. Just stop messing around in heaven and hell. Or, after something happens in heaven and hell on earth, the angels can use more force so that I don't have the chance to use force."

Finally, she couldn't help but sneer.

"We have provided you with a choice, and the decision is yours." Tian Zhisheng said.

Harley did not refuse directly, "What obligations and benefits do I have?"

"You have a part of the 'Hell Gate Rights', you just need to keep this part of the power from outsiders. As for the benefits, maybe you can catch a few demons who broke the rules and escape from prison, and eat them legally and reasonably."

Harry was a little excited. Hell was a mixed bag of fish and dragons, with the largest number of "demons". If he could have a big meal every now and then, the key would be a long-term "meal ticket."

"Will I become a demon? I still have to go back to Silver City for duty."

"You can choose to become a devil and give up your position as a guard in Silver City——"

Harley quickly interrupted, "No, I won't leave God's glorious city."

Tian Zhi Sheng said: "You can also integrate authority into the utensils, such as your 'little black bean hair'."

"Well, just blend in with the vellus hair, okay?"

"If you can do it, it's up to you." Tianzhi said.

"Should I build a 'Young Master's Mansion' near the gate of hell? If the devil besieges me, how can I protect myself?" Harley asked.

"The reason why I gave you this position is for one purpose: Don't let Satan or anyone else in hell free the hell just based on your own thoughts.

You are like the safety catch, the second lock on the door.

Therefore, your strength will not increase much, and it will not cause the Demon King to have any extra fear.

So, you don’t need to do anything frivolous, just stay on earth as you are now. "

Harley said displeased: "How can I legally and reasonably eat an escaped demon like now?"

"You are responsible for your own safety, and it is up to you to decide whether you want to be a 'Hell Guard'. If you don't do it, then I will give you a half-level promotion, and you will be promoted from the third-and-a-half-level Silver City Guard."

Fake, from level 3 and a half. Will there be level 2.1 in the future? When the first-level officials are about to enter the "Angel Council", do they still have to "save gold coins" to exchange for 0.001-level members?

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