I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1174 Police with guns

".This is the core condition for becoming a ghost host."

After returning to Earth, Harley repeated to everyone what the Spirit of Vengeance had said before, according to her own understanding.

“It can be simply understood that law enforcement officers must understand the law and respect the law 100%.

The ghost is powerful and represents God's power to take revenge on the victim. It has power and rights, but of course it also needs checks and balances.

The one who checks and balances the ghost is not God, nor a vengeful spirit, but the ghost's host.

Theoretically, anyone with a vengeful heart can combine with the spirit of vengeance. Revenge is the most important of God's teachings, but it does not in itself define good and evil.

Lucifer Desire is an example.

After he became a ghost, he did not violate the purpose of revenge. He sought revenge from the inner dragon, he sought revenge from me, he sought revenge from the earthlings who witnessed his ugliness, and he sought revenge from heaven by destroying the Garden of Eden on earth.

Pure revenge is scary.

A vengeful spirit needs a set of shackles, and that is the ghost's host. "

“A vengeful spirit that possesses a host should be called the ‘Wrath of God.’ Ghost is just an adjective describing the host’s state of becoming a ghost after death.

There is a difference between the wrath of God and the spirit of vengeance.

There is no good or evil in revenge, but the wrath of God comes from God, and there are concepts of good and evil, as well as standards for doing things.

The standard is the attitude of the host, and the host is safely selected according to God's teachings, so the standard is the good and evil, and the scale and boundaries set by God. "

"So that's it." Bateman thought thoughtfully, "Ghost, vengeful spirit, host, and the wrath of God do not mean the same thing. The difference between them is the meaning of their respective existences. 'Ghost' is really the same thing. A complete set of religious ideas.”

Harley looked at the stranger and asked, "You didn't tell us the truth before."

The stranger said, "I didn't lie."

"You didn't lie, but you only gave ambiguous surface information. The ghost host must have original sin, be good or bad, and stay angry——"

Diana interrupted Harley and said, "This is what Jim Corrigan said. By the way, he was originally a ghost host. The Stranger also said that his destiny was not over, so why is it inappropriate?"

"The stranger is lying." Harley said immediately.

"I'm not lying. When I introduced you to invite him, he was indeed destined to be the most suitable ghost host candidate." The stranger's eyes were calm but very powerful. He stared into Harley's eyes and said, "Why did he lose You know your qualifications better than I do."

"I don't know." Harley shook her head repeatedly.

"Because his obsession with revenge against you overwhelms his inner insistence on the principle of revenge, that's why he lost the qualification." Stranger said.

Harley said: "What does this have to do with me? I met him once in heaven, and everyone witnessed the content of our conversation.

Maybe my truth hurt his heart, but at that time he was still the Holy Spirit with bright light. "

Stranger said: "He is no longer the Holy Spirit. Because Lucifer Desire took away his divine essence, and also because Lucifer Desire used his fallen power to infiltrate his soul.

Moreover, because of his grudges with you, his heart is filled with negative emotions such as resentment, hatred, and unwillingness.

Eventually, Corrigan fell from spirit to ordinary soul.

Now that I'm back in Silver City, I can't enter the Holy Sound. The best ending is to go to the bottom heaven and become an ordinary undead.

If he can't repent and forget his hatred for you, I'm afraid he won't even be able to stay in the lower heaven. "

"Hahaha" Harley laughed heartily, "This is really good news."

"Corrigan is a great hero. It's not good for you to do this, Harley." Dachao said seriously.

Harley raised two fingers at him and said with a smile: "First of all, he brings it upon himself. He always likes to make a shocking appearance at critical moments, turn the tide and shock everyone.

The reason why he hates me is that he feels that Zauliel tipped me off and told me the news that he rejected us face to face, but quietly went to the gap between the material world and Limbo to pretend to be a big dick.

But in fact, not only did I make no mistake, but I became the victim of being slandered and slandered.

Of course, Lao Zha was also wronged.

Well, she deserves it. She has such a good relationship with me, but she didn't inform me. "

The heroes were speechless.

Harley continued to say confidently: "Secondly, Corrigan and I are 'incompatible with each other.' He said this himself, and he gave me the middle finger.

It can be said that there is hatred and grudge between me and him.

Revenge is the most important and sacred Christian doctrine.

The fact that Brother God split off a vengeful spirit alone is evidence of this.

I practice God’s teachings, taunt my enemies, verbally attack them, and add insult to injury. What’s wrong with me? "

The stranger frowned and said: "Everything has a cause and an effect. You humiliated the ghost and broke your oath to steal his power, so he hates you. Even if you make excuses with clever words, even if God helps you mediate the conflict, you can't completely erase this cause and effect. .”

Harley shrugged, "Then it depends on who can't bear the cause and effect first and collapses. Anyway, for me personally, Corrigan has only been an insignificant part of my life from beginning to end.

Apart from ruining my reputation and slandering me for breaking my oath, he has never substantially affected me. "

The stranger sighed and fell silent.

Dachao changed the subject and asked: "What is God's plan for hell? In just a few years, two full-scale hell invasions have broken out, causing heavy losses to the earth each time. Can't heaven solve the problem at once? "

"This invasion caused a lot of damage?" Harley frowned.

Bateman said solemnly: "The number of casualties in the United States does not exceed 2,000, but looking at the world, the crisis has just ended and the final statistics have not yet been compiled. I estimate that at least 30,000 people died, only a lot more.

Although the response measures we have taken are very efficient, communication in many areas is inconvenient, and even if they are invaded by demons, they are unable to contact the watchtower.

As for the property damage caused by the cracking of the earth, it is calculated in tens of trillions.

If it happens a few more times, the earth will really be unable to bear it. "

Harry said helplessly: "Don't say that I am just a guard of Silver City. I am afraid that even Speaker Raphael does not have the power to decide the fate of hell."

"Yabi?" She looked at Gouzi, who was lying with his head in the corner, "Are you okay? Is the wound healed?"

"I'm fine. Although I'm a little weak, my soul is like bathing in a basin of cold water. It's very cool and refreshing." Yebi said weakly.

Harley's mouth twitched a few times and said, "Who do you think the next Satan in hell will be?"

Yebi pondered and said: "Abba's every arrangement has deep meaning. I guess the missions of the two archangels Lemuel and Duma are not over yet."

"We don't care and have no ability to interfere with who is the master of hell, but hell can no longer be a beggar neighbor. Every time something happens, it is the earth that suffers!" Bateman said seriously.

"More demons died in hell, nearly a hundred thousand were killed just by tearing apart Man!" Yebi said.

Bateman said: "The robber was beaten to death by the police during the robbery. No matter how many people died, they all deserved it. The robber did not deserve to hurt a civilian."

"Oh, I can't make the decision. It's useless for you to complain to me." Yebi raised the dog's paw towards Harley, "Let Master Harley go to Raphael and find Abba. She is the young king, High position and authority.”

Harry said calmly: "You don't need to tell me, I will look for the voice of heaven when I get back."

"Harry, do you think I can pass the 'ghost training course' to compete for the position of ghost host?"

After returning to Gotham from the Hall of Justice, Gordon couldn't help but hesitantly asked.

"You want to be a ghost? You seemed reluctant before." Harley asked strangely.

Gordon said seriously: "It wasn't that I was unwilling before, it was because you said that the spirit of vengeance was evil, and I had concerns.

Now when I hear you describe Vengeful Spirit’s selection criteria for ghost hosts, I feel that although it looks a bit scary, the concept is great and fits my values ​​very well. "

"But you don't meet its requirements." Harley said.

"Oh, it's not the spirit of vengeance that's to blame, it's that I'm not good enough. Under its judgment, I see every wrong thing I've done in the past, but I can only reflect on myself. I don't have the awareness that I deserve revenge. I just want to "Revenge others" Gordon sighed sadly, feeling annoyed for his own inadequacies.

"What wrong did you commit? Give me an example." Harley asked.

Gordon said in frustration: "In order to get Copot's help, I followed his orders to collect debts, but ended up beating the debtor to death. While I was still investigating the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, I accidentally killed Ivy's father. "

"Do you think Ivy's father should take revenge on you?" Harley asked again.

"Of course." Gordon nodded.

"Think about it carefully and don't answer hastily."

Gordon thought about it seriously, frowned and said, "When Harvey and I went to Ivy's house to investigate, Ivy's father was a habitual criminal. Although he did not kill the Waynes, he had a guilty conscience and ran away when he saw the police.

We have a responsibility, so of course we have to pursue it.

Then Ivy's father drew a gun and attacked us. Harvey was almost killed. I shot him to save Harvey.

I think."

He hesitated.

Although he felt sorry for Ivy, he really didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

Since he was right, Ivy's father sought revenge from him. Ivy's father had reason to take revenge, but could he be willing to be avenged?

"God thinks I should be avenged by Ivy's father? Is this reasonable?" Gordon said confused.

Harley thought for a while and said: "In the world of ordinary people, police guns are a legally powerful force.

Some police use their guns to collect protection fees and kill innocent people who interfere with their dark interests. This is the most extreme abuse of power.

There are also police officers with a certain emotion who will try to shoot and kill as long as it is within the legal scope.

For example, there are frequent cases in the United States of white police shooting black people.

This is also an unreasonable use of force, legal but unreasonable.

There are police officers who abide by their duties and enforce the law strictly. When faced with threats, they do not hesitate to draw their guns to protect themselves.

Outsiders also felt that his actions were legal and reasonable.

But there is also a kind of police who are extremely cautious about the power in their hands and would rather be shot than draw their guns easily.

Even if they finally shoot, they will reflect on it afterwards - besides shooting, is there a more peaceful and harmless solution?

This kind of police officers are not even good police officers, because they are too cautious about the power in their hands and will definitely delay the best opportunity to save people and capture enemies. They are even more harmful to society than the emotional "white police officers".

But God needs such people because the power He gives to ghosts is so powerful.

It's like replacing a police gun with a nuclear bomb.

If you were God, among the above four people, who would you rather choose to be the policeman who wears a "nuclear bomb" and patrols the streets with a gun every day? "

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