I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 120 The first glimpse of success (please subscribe)

The conference room was quiet, and the other 12 bosses looked at Harry with interest.

Well, the big guys from other cities left with the old godfather first.

"Actually, among the assets left behind by Nikola, only the dozens of warehouses have some value. The loan sharks and underground spinach mainly rely on people, but those Russians don't listen to outsiders." Jimmy said slowly.

Like the old godfather, Jimmy had a slicked back hair, clean shaven cheeks and chin, and a typical Italian handsome face. Well, others might think he was stylish, but Harley always felt like he couldn't survive. Three episodes of Passerby.

It's not a prejudice, but an indescribable intuition, which can be felt from the other person's eyes and temperament.

For example, right now, he is obviously trying to lower the price, but his methods are so poor that even Harry wants to roll his eyes "Liu Mintao-style".

“Loan sharking and underground gambling depend not on people, but on the monopoly position under the power of the Falcone family.

To put it bluntly, they are like a business license, and the factory and workers are far less important than this qualification certificate. "She looked at him and said calmly.

Jimmy failed to scare her and was at a loss for words.

"What do you want?" asked Banion, the old Italian.

"I would like to ask all the old men and women, as well as Sister Yu, who is more valuable among the three: loan sharking, underground spinach, or underground boxing matches."

"Hmm" The veterans understand, this little girl wants to take control of Gotham's underground boxing ring.

Jimmy said slowly: "Nicholas's loan shark accounts for 40% of Gotham's share, and the Falcone family's underground boxing ring is only one-third of Gotham's, but the boxing ring's profits are relatively stable, and it can train fighters.

As for spinach, even if Gotham is unified, it will still be a small matter. The real spinach kingdom is in Las Vegas. "

"I'm not greedy, just two for one. In addition, I promise you that my venue welcomes anyone from the Falcone family to participate in training."

"Ron, what do you think?" Jimmy turned to a burly Latino man in his early 40s.

Others also looked at Ron.

The underground boxing ring is in the hands of Ron. Like Fish and Harley, he is a Gotham native.

"I don't want to change. Boxing is not only a business, but also a hobby for me." Ron frowned.

Jimmy almost considered himself the boss.

Hearing this, he looked at Harley again, "Are you raising your bet, or giving up? There is no way to force a change of venue."

The corners of Harley's mouth gradually raised to both sides, and she stared at Ron with strange eyes, "I'm sorry, I also love boxing. If you don't change, OK, I won't force you, but I will go to your boxing ring and beat you to death. All fighters! You know, I have the ability to do what I say.”

"How dare you!" Ron slammed the table and shouted angrily.

Sister Yu finally ended her sleepwalking state and looked at Harry seriously with inquiring eyes.

Jimmy and the other big guys were shocked for a moment, and looked at Harley strangely.

"I even slaughtered the cathedral, why wouldn't I dare?" Harry said in a low voice, with a slight smile on his face.

But Ron looked at her, subconsciously tilted his head, his momentum froze, and he swallowed back his furious curses in an instant.

He was silent.

With a weird smile on her face, Harley continued: "You don't really believe the nonsense on the news, that the cathedral massacre was due to a shit virus, and that the masked man in Bali Street was not me?

Hahaha, how about I show you another video to show you how I used the Vulcan Cannon to beat fifty or sixty elite church monks into two pieces, and how I seduced Archbishop Marvin into corruption? "

"Hehehehe" she laughed out loud, making their hair stand on end and sending shivers down their spines.

"I killed someone, and Marvin took the blame. Do you think it's wonderful? And in Bali Street, no one thought I couldn't escape, right? Hehehehe."

She laughed again, an eerie laugh that gave them goosebumps.

"I just think that killing the GCPD feels very good, a hundred times more exciting than flying high."

"Madman, you are a madman." Ron's face turned pale and his eyes were frightened.

Jimmy, Sister Yu and other big bosses were also restless, with nervous expressions and fear on their faces, and their bodies were subconsciously shrinking away from Harley.

Harley suppressed her smile and punched the conference table with all her strength.

"Boom!" It was like a detonator exploded in the room, and a shallow fist mark was dented on the solid wood tabletop. The fist mark was surrounded by large and small cracks.

Everyone was stunned and horrified.

"Boss Ron, who of your boxers can block this punch?" Harley said with a smile.

"Of course." Ron puffed out his chest, but his tone was weak.

"Boss Jimmy, I'll raise the bet." Harley looked at "Prince" Jimmy again.

"What?" Jimmy had not recovered from the series of shocks.

"The suggestion you just gave me, raise the bet or give up, I choose to raise the bet. I only want the management rights of the boxing ring, and the venue where the boxing match is held will still belong to Ron." Harley smiled.

Jimmy opened his mouth and wanted to ask: Isn't that what you meant just now? Want to trade all of Ron's territory just for the rights to operate loan sharks and underground gambling?

"Ron, what do you think?" He looked at the strong man Ron.

"This" Ron hesitated this time.

In his heart, he wanted to take the opportunity to go downhill. Witch Harley was too crazy and too strong.

In the final analysis, the underground boxing ring is just a business. From a business perspective, he is not at a big loss. As for his hobbies, let alone Vulcan cannons, even though Witch Harley has been staring at him eagerly, he has no interest in it.

Isn’t Nicola a boss? Wasn't it also Tutu?

But if you just give up like this, it won’t look good on your face.

Harley smiled and asked Jimmy: "My bid should be very favorable, right? The underground spinach is almost free.

Even if it's not as good as an international gambling company, it's still a good business in Gotham with a million-year profit, right? "

"Yes." Jimmy wanted to end this matter as soon as possible. He looked at Ron and said seriously: "The boxing ring is just one of your many industries. If you switch to underground gambling and loan sharking, you will definitely make money."

"OK, I'll give you some face, Jimmy, in exchange." Ron's voice was loud and heroic, but he quietly observed Harry's expression from the corner of his eyes.

"Thank you, Boss Jimmy, and thank you, Boss Ron. I'm new here. Fortunately, the two bosses took care of me." Harley's voice was soft and her expression was sincere.

After these words, the dull and solemn atmosphere in the conference room dissipated.

The oxygen content in the air seems to be richer, and breathing becomes easier.

Just when the bosses thought that today's matter was over and were about to get up and leave, Harley looked at Fish with a smile and said: "Sister Yu, last time Maroni handed over Indian Mountain to the BOSS, as Penguin To compensate for the incident, BOSS later gave you the land, right?"

"You want Indian Mountain?" Sister Yu raised her eyebrows and said in surprise: "That land is very desolate, with a cemetery at the top and a swamp at the bottom. What do you want to do here?"

"Sigh, I also know that the land is not good, but Gotham's territory has long been divided up by various families. If you want to move, you will conflict with the surrounding bosses.

On the other hand, Arkham, which no one paid attention to before, is now listed as a key development project by the municipal government. It seems that it can bet on the future. "

This was quite candid. Sister Yu's face softened a little and she said, "Since you said so, why don't I keep the land for myself and wait for the value to increase?"

Harley shook her head and said with a smile: "Sister Yu, there is something wrong with your thinking this way. If the value of that piece of land can really increase if you wait, Maroni will not throw it away at all.

Going a step further, it never fell into Maroney's hands. Don't those plutocrats on the Upper East Side even have this vision?

If it can appreciate in value, it’s just because you chose a good development project and invested a lot of time, energy and money. "

"You think I don't know how to develop it?" Sister Yu narrowed her eyes, her peripheral vision as sharp as a blade.

"Sister Yu, your industry is not suitable for development there, such as opera and Broadway theatre." Harley said.

"I can develop other businesses." Fish said.

"Well, forget it, the dozens of warehouses Nicola left for me are enough." Harley shrugged, got up and walked out.

From then on until the end of the dinner, nothing major happened. Everyone talked and laughed and ended the meeting peacefully.

But beneath the calm, there are still ripples.

Jimmy was the last to leave Falcone Manor. He found the old godfather alone and recounted Harley's toughness and madness in the afternoon meeting room.

"Sir, she is a madman and a time bomb. I am afraid that she will cause a big accident in the future that will be difficult to end." Jimmy said worriedly.

The old godfather smiled warmly and glanced at him with contempt, "Harry is only 14 years old. He is young and has accomplished such a big career. It is normal for him to have a temper."

Fishbone Bar.

"Fish, why don't you trade with her? The warehouse must be worth more than the wasteland in Indian Hill." Big Butch asked doubtfully.

He is Fish's executioner, just like Victor Sass is to Falcone, and he is also the butler of the Fish family, just like Afu is to the young master.

Faced with his confidants, Fish did not hide his thoughts: "I think she feels uncomfortable."

"Uh, did she offend you?" Butch asked curiously.

Fish shook his head, "No, seeing her reminds me of myself back then, young and energetic, ambitious, smart, courageous, ruthless, and sophisticated."

"." Butch's big face was a little distorted, "You should like her more."

"Gotham only needs one queen!" Sister Yu pointed at her chest and gritted her teeth: "That's me, Fish Mooney.

I get the feeling that Harley Quinn's Splashman has big plans for Arkham Island, a grand blueprint.

I won't let her succeed.

As long as I am alive, her big plans will stay in my little mind. "

"Well" Butch understood. Just after they formally met, his boss was already afraid of the Witch Harley.

"Since she doesn't like her, it's okay to do it." A cruel look appeared on his fat face.

"She is very strong and cautious enough to be difficult to assassinate."

Fish gradually regained his composure, "Our focus now is old Kamai, he is really old.

Since I was destined to abdicate, why didn’t I take over?

At today's family gathering, I could sense that many people were not satisfied with the final outcome of the Arkham project.

Butch, help me make an appointment with Ron first. I have to convince those old guys one by one.

By the way, there are also the Russians under Nikolai.

Hahaha, are they very angry now? "

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