I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 119 Changing Territory

Falcone Estate.

Harley is also watching TV with the old godfather.

After hearing the results of the press conference, the old godfather left the sofa and stood alone in front of the French window, looking at the drizzle outside the window and falling into a long silence.

"What is Maroni doing?" His voice was still soft, but it was filled with heavy fatigue.

Harry didn't react for a moment, but Lisa was smart enough to walk outside the door and whisper a few words to the black suit.

Well, Lisa is a weak and quiet blond Italian girl, in her mid-twenties, with a sweet appearance, a soft temperament, and a kind of classical and simple beauty.

Not a classical lady, but a peasant woman with a classical temperament.

Very pure, very innocent, very hard-working, and very able to endure hardship.

She is old Kamai's new girlfriend.

At least that's what Harley thought.

The old godfather likes to raise chickens and often walks to the old streets to look for new breeds of chickens.

Passing by the park a few days ago, the first time I saw Lisa humming under the steps of the fountain, my full attention was drawn to her.

The next day, Lisa was hired back to be his personal nanny.

Lisa lived up to her trust and served the old godfather very well.

It's not about sex, but about daily life, food and clothing, which are the biggest weaknesses of old men who can't get hard.

Even Hallie likes her canapés.

Not long after, the man in a suit walked up behind the old godfather and whispered: "Sir, Maroni is celebrating."

"Oh, he has reason to celebrate, he won this round." This sentence was said to Harley.

Lisa was a very well-behaved person. Whenever business was discussed, she would withdraw from the conversation in the most inconspicuous way.

If it was before coming to Falcone Manor, Harley would have felt that the two of them were at least evenly matched in this round.

Now she understood that the old godfather had indeed lost.

Falcone is certainly not innocent, but his current industry is gradually being formalized and legalized.

To put it bluntly, now that he is rich, the old godfather wants to clear his name and go ashore.

According to the tacit understanding between him and Maroni, regular business belongs to Godfather, and even high-profit businesses like Du Ping belong to Maroni.

There is no doubt that the development of Arkham is a formal business. In theory, it is Falcone's food, but Maroni has successfully crossed the line and taken half of it.

"Harry, do you know why I lost?" the old godfather asked.

Harley's eyes flashed and she said slowly: "Because they don't want you to win."

The old godfather smiled, "Why don't you want me to win?"

"Because you have also crossed the line." Harley said solemnly.

"Tell me about it." The old godfather smiled slightly.

“A charcoal-grilled whole lamb, the ribs are the best, the thighs are second, and the lamb back is third.

BOSS, you are on the right track. From a wild dog that could only look for bones in garbage dumps, you have grown step by step from a dog to a servant, from a servant to entering the house and sitting on the dining table.

You are always growing, and you are always taking a long-term view. Whatever meat you eat in your mouth, your eyes are always staring at the fattier piece of meat.

Now, you are tired of eating lamb back meat and want to try lamb leg meat, but the problem is that both lamb legs and lamb ribs have their own owners.

More importantly, people who eat lamb legs and ribs are hereditary and have an independent small circle. "

The old godfather's eyes dimmed, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

Harley sighed: "Boss, you have climbed to the pinnacle of power outside the circle, and you can't go up."

"Harry, you are so smart. It took me decades to understand this truth. You have only been with me for a month, but you can see it so clearly. What a terrible future!" the old godfather said with a bitter smile.

"No, it's not that you couldn't understand it before, it's that you refused to understand it and you were unwilling to do so." Harley said quietly.

"Compared with the childishness when you first came to the manor, you seem to be a different person now, or you have a pair of sharp eyes that can see things clearly." The old man smiled again.

"Boss taught me well." Harley said with a sincere expression.

The old man waved his hand, "I have taught you more than just one person, there are many smarter than you, but they are not as thorough as you."

During dinner, the old man took a bottle of 92-year-old Tuscan red wine from the wine cellar, drank it and his face turned red, and then began to tell Harley stories about Gotham's past.

"You know, long before I became the Emperor of Gotham, someone said to me - Kamai, it would be great if you were my son. You would become the real emperor of Gotham. Unfortunately, you are not. In the future, you There will be a bright future, but you will eventually encounter that cut that you can never climb over."

"Hehehe, half a century ago, he predicted what happened to me today." He laughed drunkenly.

"Who said that?" Harley asked curiously.

"Thomas Wayne! He is not the father of your rumored boyfriend, but the head of the Wayne family from the previous generation.

At that time, he was the emperor of Gotham.

Alas, the previous Thomas could only be considered a family dog, not even a housekeeping dog. "

"That Thomas takes both black and white?" Harley asked with interest.

The old godfather counted on his fingers: "The Black State of Gotham is his little finger, the City Police Department is his ring finger, the Prosecutor's Office is his middle finger, and the State Assembly is his index finger.

The Wayne Group, which controls Gotham's economic lifeline, counts as his thumb.

In addition to these five fingers, he also holds two sharp weapons, the Anglican Church (Church) and the Cat——"

A taboo name appeared in his mind. The old man sobered up for a moment, paused, and then said: "Just imagine, who can withstand such a big palm that reaches the sky?"

Harley pretended not to know what was left, and sighed: "It's true that I can cover the sky with one hand!"

"Yes!" the old godfather sighed, "It's a pity that his son Patrick is a bastard."

"Silver stick." Harley looked strange.

"Is it weird? I think Bruce Wayne will probably be a playboy in the future."

The old godfather glanced at her meaningfully and continued: "Patrick took a fancy to a girl from my neighborhood, a pure Italian girl.

Just like his father who casually ordered the black boss to do his business, he ordered me to send her to his bed.

You know I don’t take drugs, but do you know why?

It's not some kind of mental mysophobia.

I am an Italian immigrant, my neighbors are also from Italy, and almost all of my friends are children from my neighbors.

I can't say to their mother - Hey, I ruined your son for money.

So, you see, I do bad things, but I never do bad things that hurt my neighbors.

I want to reject Master Wayne, but I know how powerful his father is.

It rained heavily that night, and I stood outside the gate of Wayne Manor, waiting for the summons from Emperor Thomas.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the next day that he slowly walked up to me with a cigar in his mouth.

I stated my dilemma to him and offered to pay the price.

He said that he sent someone to inquire about my deeds last night, and that his son was also whipped into the hospital by his waistband. Then, he said what he said before. "

"He's right, I've only been involved in real estate in the last few years, and Arkham is Gotham's last virgin territory.

I thought it would be a good start, and then I would buy a bank, then buy a stake in a TV station or a newspaper?

Maybe I should try to become the majority shareholder of Wayne Group? hehe."

The old man had a sneer on his face, "Gotham was like this when we were born.

Every building and every street is branded with an ancient surname, representing an ancient family.

They are all the founders of Gotham, and their descendants are born princes.

If you complain about injustice, he will say confidently - you have only been working hard for a few decades, and my ancestors started.

But the problem is, your ancestors had a lot of opportunities to rise, but now what?

Even the door to advancement is closed, and they ridicule my ancestors for not being as hardworking as your ancestors.

You have the guts to compare your ancestors with mine!

Frank, if I go back to the time of their ancestors, I guarantee that I will make them lick my shoes."

After the Arkham incident, the old godfather became mentally lazy and his eyes were not as sharp as before.

He seemed to have lost his fighting spirit.

But Harley didn't look down on him either.

An old man who is almost eighty years old cannot say "Don't bully young people into poverty, thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river".

In June, when Harley's two-month internship expired, the old godfather held a family meeting.

Counting Harley and the old godfather himself, there were only 24 people.

Only half of them are big bosses in Gotham City or nearby, and the other half are from major cities in the United States.

For example, Chicago, Los Angeles, Central City, San Francisco, Las Vegas, etc.

"The Russian is dead, and I plan to let Harley take over his territory. Do you have any objections?" In the conference room, the old godfather said straight to the point.

Except for Harley and Sister Yu who dyed their hair, the other big guys are very traditional, neatly groomed, kind-hearted, wearing suits and ties or vests.

Much like a large company holding a shareholder meeting.

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged Jimmy, who was secretly elected as the prince by the old Italians, spoke first: "Everyone has read TV and newspapers. We have no doubt about Witch Harley's fighting ability and scheming methods.

She has been at the manor for two months and must be familiar with our business, but her qualifications”

"The so-called qualifications are nothing more than contribution to the family, right?" Harley's eyes were bright and her attitude was proactive.

Jimmy glanced at her in surprise, nodded and said, "That's not wrong."

Harley said with emotion: "I have a box of video tapes. You can understand how heavy they are by seeing how free I am now.

Now, I dedicate it all to the Falcone family. "

"Wow!" The expressions of the big bosses changed several times. They gestured to each other with their eyes or talked in low voices, and the venue became noisy.

The old godfather looked like he had eaten a fly and opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

Video tapes given to families are not books in a library that everyone can read and use casually.

Instead, they were all handed over to the old godfather for his personal keeping. Only when an incident occurred that affected the family's major interests would the godfather decide whether to use them.

In fact, the old godfather has saved a roomful of video tapes, all of which are used by Gotham politicians and the GCPD. For the Falcone family, they are enough.

Harley's video tape is more like a beautiful piece of encumbrance.

This time no one objected.

Even without the tape, Harley would have made it through.

After all, she got the ruby ​​ring two months ago.

If there was a big boss who was really opposed, he would have contacted the old godfather long ago.

Moreover, Nikola was an outsider recruited, and his territory was originally of the worst quality.

In this way, Harley officially became Gotham's second female boss and the youngest boss.

"BOSS, I'm not very interested in Nikola's original warehousing, loan sharking, underground gambling and other industries. Can we engage in industry optimization and asset restructuring within the family?" Harley asked before the old godfather announced the breakup of the meeting.

"You want to change territory with someone in the family?" the old godfather frowned.

Harley nodded.

"Theoretically, it's fine. I'll go to the chicken coop and have a look. You can chat as you like. Just tell me the results during the dinner."

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