I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 121 The best fighting arena in the world

One month later.

Greenwich Village, the pier off Twelfth Avenue.

It's hot in July, and the night breeze brings a little bit of coolness from the river.

Under the bright yellow street lights, Harley, wearing a cool suspender skirt, was saying goodbye to a tall and strong black girl with short hair.

"Amanda, you are really capable. Please stay and help me. If we work together, we can build a new empire in Gotham." Harley said sincerely.

Amanda Waller shook her head, her expression indifferent, and she was not touched by Sister Harley's "deep affection".

"If it weren't for Laurie's order, I wouldn't have come to Gotham at all, let alone waste my precious time and energy on dealing with Black State affairs."

Well, a month ago, after taking over Nicola's territory, Hallie was like big sister Laurie asking for help.

In fact, there is no shortage of people around her. The old godfather borrowed 10 gunmen to help her suppress the dissent. The Falcone family has specialized lawyers and accounting firms. She can choose several "strategists" who specialize in handling trivial matters.

After the news of Sister Hallie's "opening of the restaurant" spread, countless "reckless heroes" came to visit her.

Among them is old Gibbs, the "waiter" of the mercenary supermarket.

Well, something happened to him. He was fired from Mercenary Supermarket and became unemployed at home.

With these people, Harley can easily suppress the territory and little brother left by Nikola.

But among so many subordinates, none of them are truly trustworthy.

The big black girl Pulika is capable and familiar with her, so she is a good choice for the second boss, but Hallie is too embarrassed to pry into the boss of Sass.

Therefore, Harley asked Laurie for help, hoping to send a trustworthy and powerful agent to help her complete the initial team formation at least.

In addition to the lack of trustworthy talents, Harley is also expressing her attitude to Laurie: Although I accidentally became a black boss, I have not forgotten my identity.

A few months ago, her thoughts would have been relatively simple, but after being taught by the old godfather for two months, Harley's mentality and outlook have really "mature".

She became ambitious.

If while controlling the power of He Dao, she can also borrow the resources of the U.S. government to take both black and white, can she take off?

Not only the rise in wealth and power, but what Harley still values ​​​​more is personal strength.

For example, now, just half a month after the opening of the boxing ring, she has reached level 25 and has been promoted four levels.

The boxing ring is the safest, most reliable, stable and efficient source of experience points.

The skyrocketing wealth also allowed her to use unlimited amounts of delicacies from the mountains and seas to upgrade her food defense expertise to level four - able to digest high-level toxins.

It is difficult for proteins, heavy metals, and chemical toxins to harm her.

If there were no extraordinary objects, she could digest most of the poisons in the world as food.

In addition to the digestion of toxins, the physical strength and recovery speed brought by swallowing food are also greatly improved.

Harley has tested in her own exclusive exercise room. As long as sports drinks are provided uninterrupted, she can run on the treadmill at a speed of 10 meters per second for two days and two nights, or even longer.

She stopped only because she was mentally exhausted.

Then, the trouble comes, ordinary food can no longer improve the food defense feat.

She must eat "strange objects" to level up.

Recovering from the memories, Harley continued to persuade: "You also know that my 'Super Fighting Competition' plan will definitely attract a large number of super humans in the future.

In this way, wouldn’t it be possible for us to sit at home and have all kinds of information about extraordinary people delivered to our tables? "

Amanda shook her head: "It is precisely because Director Lowry and I both agree with your plan that I will come to help you for a month.

But that's all.

Today, almost all members of the 'Quinn Family' were selected by me through government databases.

Not to mention that everyone is "clean", at least your little brother is cleaner than other black families in Gotham.

The personnel are in order, the general framework of the gang has been established, and the rest is just a matter of accumulation.

Even if I stay, I will still play the role of a housekeeper. Just pick anyone with experience and you'll be able to do the job. "

"Okay, let's work together again if we have the chance." Harley sighed.

After watching Waller get into the taxi, she slowly walked back.

There is a rectangular warehouse by the Hudson River, four stories high and 30 meters by 50 meters in size. In front of the door is the dock where ships dock, and behind the door is a cement parking lot.

A month ago, cargo ships from all over the world approached the dock, unloaded their goods, and stored them in the nearest warehouse. Then Gotham City's freight vehicles entered through the back door, loaded the goods and sent them to various parts of New York State.

A month later, the back door of the warehouse facing 14th Avenue was hung with a neon sign reading "The World's No. 1 Fighting Arena" and the front and back doors were filled with luxury cars of various styles.

Across the street, you can hear bursts of people in the warehouse, shouts, cheers, and DJ announcements.

"Sister Harley!"

Before Harley even got close to the back door, a capable black girl gunman with a huge "H" printed on the chest of her T-shirt greeted her respectfully.

"Stay vigilant and ensure the safety of every guest." Harley nodded and continued walking forward.

On the streets and parking lots within a hundred meters of the warehouse, there are 20 "guards" arranged by her. They are all gunmen with live ammunition. There are men and women, mostly young people under the age of 25. They all worship "Harry" sister".

Crime Alley was not originally called Crime Alley, but "Park Street".

After the death of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, that relatively prosperous and peaceful neighborhood became the notorious "Crime Alley."

In less than half a year, it became the most desolate and poor neighborhood in Gotham. The cabaret theater near the point of death of the Waynes and his wife was closed down.


People die every day in Gotham. Deaths are not uncommon, but the death of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne is a major event that shakes Gotham.

Even Mr. and Mrs. Wayne are dead, so other rich people are still willing to go near that neighborhood?

Without the wealthy people on the Upper East Side, who would be spending the money?

Therefore, protecting wealthy customers is the first rule observed by both black and white businesses in Gotham.

"Sister Hallie!" When they arrived at the back door, two sunny and handsome young men in neat suits bowed and helped Hallie open the glass door.

On their chests, there is also a golden brooch with the letter "H".

Harley didn't even look at these two people.

The gunman is still her little brother, but these waiters come from major colleges and universities in Gotham. They are educated, polite, and beautiful. They work part-time here to earn living expenses.

If a rich woman or rich man likes them, they can leave at any time as long as they say hello to the manager.

Entering the gate, the noise and neon lights rush towards you, eager to fill your eyes and ears.

The hall converted from a warehouse is more than 1,000 square meters, and the upper and lower stands are packed with people.

The fighting arena is on the pool in the center of the hall.

Warehouses and pools are not inconsistent.

Because the warehouse is by the river, a waterway is opened to the Hudson River, and small cargo ships can directly enter the warehouse.

Just like the Sihang Warehouse in the movie "Eight Hundred".

Harley covered the waterway with steel plates and carpets, and erected a ring half a meter above the ground in the large pool at the end of the waterway.

The spectators were blocked by a fence and watched the match through a two-meter-wide canal. The boxers had no fence and were often knocked away, hitting the railing in front of the spectators and falling into the pool in a panic.

Very exciting.

"Sister Harley, Ophina is gone?" As soon as he returned to the exclusive private room on the second floor, old Gibbs, wearing a red bow tie and a black tuxedo, came over with a smile on his face.

"Alas, she is a talented person, but it's a pity that she only wanted to make a quick buck and refused my offer to stay." Harley lay on the soft boss chair, and a bikini waitress immediately brought her a cup of iced macchiato coffee.

Looking down at the noisy boxing ring below, blowing on the air conditioner and taking a sip of iced coffee, Harley felt as if she had become a king.

"Ofina doesn't look like an ordinary person. It's okay to leave." Old Gibbs breathed a sigh of relief.

He has always regarded Amanda as his biggest competitor as "Sister Harley's number one confidant".

"What's going on these days?" Harley asked casually while enjoying the boxing match.

The governance structure of Hong Kong associations is generally: Zuiguan (boss), red stick (gunner), white paper fan (lawyer, military adviser, accountant), straw sandals (foreign affairs officer), and forty-nine (ordinary younger brothers).

Old Gibbs had a wide network of contacts and was well-informed. He was responsible for contacting internal and external affairs and was equivalent to a "straw shoe".

However, his "straw sandals" are closer to BOSS, and his status is higher.

But he has no personnel or financial power at all.

Old Gibbs stood on the side with his hands down, thinking: "Our other 12 boxing gyms in Gotham are all running well, and there are no big troubles. As for Gotham?"

"The case of the missing street children was finally investigated by the GCPD, uh, Detective Jim Gordon. A man and a woman, in the name of a charity, trapped young men and women in large numbers."

"For human organs, or for sex karma?" Harley asked with a frown.

"I don't know." Old Gibbs handed a newspaper to Harley.

"The GCPD didn't investigate clearly, but I can guess that there was a big force behind the man and woman. Then, with the intervention of the big shots in the police department, the criminal was regarded as mentally ill and sent to Arkham Asylum, and the case was hastily closed."

Harley's movement of flipping through the newspaper froze. She saw a black and white photo, a group photo of a group of rescued orphans. One of them had a round face, which seemed to be Selena.

Gibbs Sr. continued, “Another cross-dressing hero appeared a few days ago, and everyone calls him ‘Balloon Man’.

Balloon Man is different from previous cross-dressing heroes.

He is not interested in bank robbers, and specializes in Gotham's notorious rich and powerful who have escaped legal sanctions.

There have been three victims so far, including a wealthy Upper East Side businessman, a police sergeant who collected protection fees from street shops, and a parish priest who sexually assaulted boys.

They were hung by balloon men from weather balloons and died without a burial.

BOSS, I think you should be careful lately and don't go out alone.

The balloon man came and went without a trace, and the victims were hung on the balloon without noticing. "

"What do you mean? I'm a serious businessman, why should I be careful about cross-dressing heroes?" Harley threw away the newspaper and said with a dull face.

"Well, Sister Harley, I'm not targeting you. In fact, based on my experience of living for decades, cross-dressing heroes always like to take action on the popular hey road boss." The old man said sarcastically.

"Stop talking nonsense and go find Selina Kyle for me." Harley shouted.

"No need to look for it, I'm here." The waitress outside opened the door, and Selena walked in in a gorgeous blue dress with rhinestones.

Seeing that her hair had been specially styled, and she looked like a green tea bitch from the Upper East Side, Harry couldn't help but asked curiously: "Are you married to a rich man, or are you planning to become a sugar daddy?"

Selena unexpectedly fell silent, with a gloomy look on her face, "The second generation of rich people failed."

Harley glanced at Old Gibbs and did not delve into the topic for the time being. Instead, she asked: "What's going on with the kidnapping case of the waif? Why don't you come to me?"

“When I need you, it’s too late to look for you; when I don’t need help, there’s no need to look for you.

I don’t know if the other party is a cult or a human trafficking organization. They have been abducting homeless children on the streets for the past six months.

I'm not that stupid to let those guys have their way.

It's just that people make mistakes. When I was stealing something, I happened to be caught by the GCPD, that Jim Gordon.

He took me to the police station and then arranged for me to go to the North State Orphanage with other street children.

And guess what? "

Selina said in disbelief: "GCPD has simply set a new lower limit of incompetence!

When the traffickers came to the police station in a yellow school bus, they thought we were visitors from the orphanage and packed us inside, just as eagerly and perfunctorily as throwing garbage into a garbage truck.

I have suffered a terrible disaster.

Fortunately, I am agile and clever. I not only escaped by myself, but also exposed the traffickers' lair to the GCPD.

Unfortunately, even if 'Heroic Detective' Jim Gordon personally leads the team, the GCPD will always be the GCPD.

It was clear that a well-organized criminal gang even controlled an independent dock, but the police detectives only caught the female trafficker who went to the streets to defraud street children in person, and had no idea of ​​following the clues.

The prosecutor's office went even further. They thought the woman was mentally ill and simply sent her to Arkham to close the case.

They don't care at all about where the homeless children who disappeared in the past six months have gone or how to rescue them. "

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